
Chatterbox: Inkwell




I really like podcasts. In case you weren't aware, podcasts are audio files that you can listen to for free (usually). You can find podcasts on almost anything. There are podcasts about music, science, movies, politics, and nerd culture. I personally think that there are too many true crime podcasts. I personally don't really like most of the true crime I've listened to.


I think there should be more ficiton podcasts. There are a whole lot of podcasts that are just a bunch of people talking about whatever. I like fiction more than non-fiction as a general rule, and there aren't a whole lot of fiction podcasts. 


You can listen to most of these online.


I'm sorry, Blue Smoke, but we don't post specific names or recommendations for any other sites over which we have no control.


submitted by Blue Smoke, age 13, Rivendell
(September 4, 2017 - 12:43 pm)

I was listening to an animation podcast when I was cleaning my room last month!  Can't wait untill the next one comes out, I've already listened to all five of the series I'm listening to.

Elena says kmap.  No, it's not okay that the Maps RP never got anywhere! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(September 5, 2017 - 10:09 pm)
submitted by Top!
(September 6, 2017 - 5:02 pm)

Was the problem that I mentioned specific podcasts, or something else? I have mentioned plenty of books and there's never been a problem. Just trying to be helpful.


Yes, we don't post the names of any websites or specific things on them because we don't have control over the sites or time to check them out. We do allow mention of books and trust you all to list only appropriate ones. We check them out if in doubt.


submitted by Blue Smoke, age 13, Rivendell
(September 7, 2017 - 4:31 pm)

I do listen to podcasts, mostly in the car, although I used to listen to them to fall asleep. I prefer nonfiction to fiction, mostly for the same reason I don't like movies (don't judge). The podcasts I listen to include: a writing podcast, a car podcast, a word podcast, and one that talks about things that we don't usually notice.

submitted by Kitten
(September 9, 2017 - 1:59 pm)