Hi I'm new!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hi I'm new!

Hi I'm new!

I am Blue Smoke, woman of many names. I also post as Epic Shish Kabob. I enjoy wring reviews of books, movies, and other things. I also like rain and most other forms of percipitation, plants, fungi, silence, podcasts, books, fiction, and cooking. I am a huge nerd who loves the Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Doctor Who and many more such things. I reside in a pocket of anti-matter that exist outside all of space and time I call Rivendell. 


submitted by Blue Smoke, age 13, Rivendell
(August 29, 2017 - 5:56 pm)

Hi, Blue Smoke! Nice to meet you. I love Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Skipping ropes, climbing trees and koalas.

submitted by Dragonfruit , age 11, Australia
(September 1, 2017 - 5:34 pm)

Hey, Blue Smoke! Cool name! I am an avid fan of Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Warriors, Avatar:The Last Airbender(IT's a show that I recently finished watching and ZUKO IS OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING!!!!! He's my FAVORITE character in the show) I also love wolves, cats, dogs, horses, pegasi, dragons, fantasy, chocolate, READING, and did I mention fantasy books? And fantasy? Lol I repeated myself but it was on purpose! You sound really cool and I would highly recommend that you join the Harry Potter RP I made, or the Dragon Hunters one that Leeli made. RP is short for role play game. It's where a bunch of CBers join up and create a story by writing from the point of view of their character ( we call them charries here ). They cooperate to work out details about the plot line, character relationships, etc. They are super fun!!! The Darkstars RP, he Medieval RP, and the Midnight City RP are all still lacking a few people to join them, and are also very good. Nice meeting you!!!

submitted by Shade, age 13, I wish
(September 1, 2017 - 9:38 pm)

I forgot to mention Sherlock Holmes... I especially like the the BBC's adaption, Sherlock.

submitted by Blue Smoke, age 13, Rivendell
(September 4, 2017 - 9:36 am)

Hey Blue Smoke! welcome to our (not so) humble internet home! as you can see from my name I'm a HUGE fan of the PJ fandom but I also LOVE harry potter the hunger games divergent and a lot of others, you are no doubt going to have a LOT of fun here, and if you want to get your writing out, it's easer if you join an RP (or role play) first, you can interact with peope and they can like you and your writing, and just incase you didn't alreday know...here's a little vocab of the CB

RP-role play

Ski lodge-you make a charictar, but only one person writes it


AE-alternit ego, someone you want to be/be friends with

okay I feel like I'm missing some but those are kinda the basics

anyway, hope to see you around!

---Annabeth C 

submitted by Annabeth c
(September 2, 2017 - 11:11 pm)

Thanks so much for all your nice comments and tips! Smile

submitted by Blue Smoke, age 13, Rivendell
(September 4, 2017 - 9:34 am)

Welcome, Blue Smoke! Sorry I'm late to this thread (it happens a lot) I'm Silverwaxwing or Silver. I enjoy books, crafting, nature, animals, hockey, cars, music, philosophy and a lot more! I love Star Treck, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I also love botany and cooking. AND I have a cat named Percipitation (Sippa for short). We seem to have a lot in common!
Anywho, welcome to the CB!

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(September 4, 2017 - 1:12 pm)