Humans vs animals.
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Humans vs animals.
Humans vs animals. Novel. I'v been editing a novel for publication. Most of it is already edited except the last few chapters at the end of the book. I wanted to post it on here. Its basically Humans vs animals, but nothing like kyndom. We focous on a group and their adventures.
Its called the begining of Spot Valley. The first chapter may sound boring, but its a intersting chapter, actually. Hope you guys like it.
Okay here we go- gingy. My captcha says giny. Whose giny? Okay lets try again here we go...
Chapter 1: A Fall Walk Is A Good Time To Meet Animals
Once upon a time, there lived animals that had bigger eyes than any other animal. Some eyes were glittery; some were plain. They didn't hunt each other even if there was a cat versus a mouse. These huge-eyed animals lived on an giant island where there were lots of trees and bushes. The island was very big, suited to house thousands of animals. The animals had more than enough space and could take 100 more animals if that situation occurred, ever.
There was another island there. Not much was know about it. There were rumors that it was crazy weather there and strange animals roamed the island. No animals had been able to reach it that lived on the other island. The water never froze, around the island because it was unnaturally warm and choppy.
No-one knew how the animals on the island got there. It was a mystery. There was a rumor that a freak fire had ragged through the other island and a bunch of animals had arrived to this island on a raft.
There is a group of big-eyes that lives in an abandoned cabin on the first island, [the first island to be mentioned] You may wonder who lived in the cabin before them. Monsters lived in the cabin before them. The monsters had two legs and walked with them. They had hands that could grasp things unlike many animals. Worst of all they had no hair except for the top of there head.
The monsters got sick, and died from illness. They had been on there way back home when the disease stroke them. They didn’t last long.
I want to walk, anyone want to come” exclaimed Muffin the she-cat. Muffin was a white she-cat with a black saddle. Pink covers her ear and a little bit around it. The tip of her tail is also pink and her eyes are glittery pink.
“I’ll go with you,” offered Blacky, another she-cat. She had a tuxedo pelt. The inside of her ears were pink and her eyes were pink.
“I’ll go with you, too,” purred Stripe the he-tiger. His pelt was a normal tiger pelt except for the fact the tip of his tail was green. He’s eyes were green, too.
Blacky walked up to Fetch the he-dog and leader of the group. Fetch was a Dalmatian. The inside of his of ears were blue and his eyes were blue, too. “Please can we go out, Fetch? By tomorrow, it will be too cold,” pleaded [asked] Blacky.
“When you start to get cold come back,” replied Fetch. Fetch had been decided leader at the beginning of the group. When he, muffin, blacky, were the only ones he had started to give order without even thinking about it, and blacky and muffin listened to him. So naturally it was decided he should rule.
“We will!,” Stripe and the two cats promised.
“Then you can go outside.”
“And before you go, let me use my magic to help keep you warm and strong,” neighed Magic the she-unicorn. She used her magical horn to keep the old cabin warm. It was a instinct habitat for her to keep the cabin warm. She loved her peers.
The only reason she joined this group was partly because they needed a medicine animal. The other half was because she had no friends and she was lonely.
The only reason she hadn’t fled when she saw Stripe,who in a regular hunting ecostyme would of eaten her, was because Big-eyes were bound by a code that has been passed down for traditions: Respect one another. We are all kin. Kin don’t hunt each other.
Stripe, Muffin, and Blacky quickly made a single-file line. I wonder how it is to hold so much power in a horn, wondered Blacky. Finally, it was her turn. She bent her head and Magic touched her horn on Blacky’s head. Suddenly, warmth and strength spread throughout Blacky’s body.
“You may join your friends now.” Magic as you already know is a unicorn. Her pelt is pink and her hoves are purple. Her horn is purple and her mane, too.
Blacky ran off to her friends. They streamed joyfully out of the hole where the door used to hang. The reason the door was not there was unknown, but they guessed a storm had blown it off it’s hinges. Then decomposed into the earth. A chilly breeze hit Blacky's face, but it didn’t make her shiver. She was still warm from the touch of magic’s horn.
“I wonder if there are any animals of our kind at the lake right now?,” Stripe meowed, hoping to make a friend. There was a lake at one of the edges of the island.
“ Let’s find out!,” exclaimed Muffin and Blacky together. They both had the same idea as stripe.
They walked for a long time, but finally muffin saw something.
“Hey, look to your right,” meowed Muffin after a few long minutes.
They looked. There was two cheetahs! One of them had a pink pelt with dark purple, yellow, and white spots. A fish hung from her mouth. T he other one had a sky-blue pelt with green spots. Although they knew most of the animals that lived here they had never seen theses two. They were standing on the frozen lake, the overcast sky above them. Icicle cold though it was, there was no snow on the ground yet. It had yet to come.
“There . . . Wait they’r big eyes too! We should go say hi. ” suggested Blacky, seeing it as a new oppunity to make new friends
“Yeah,” agreed Stripe.
“Lets do it!,” agreed Muffin excitedly. They bounded through the trees to the lake’s bank
“Hello,” greeted Blacky.
The cheetahs looked up. Their glittery eyes were filled with hostility and fear. “Hi,” hissed the two cheetahs, scared of the strangers.
“They don’t sound very friendly,” Stripe whispered into Muffin’s ear.
“Shh!” hissed Muffin at Stripe, hoping the two cheetahs did not hear Stripe. She wanted to make good impression and she didn’t feel Stripe’s comment would help her cause.
“What’re your names?,” asked Muffin, hoping to appear friendly.
“Aren’t you going to hurt us for stealing your prey? We got it from here,” hissed the one that had a sky-blue pelt and green spots. She pointed her paw at a small hole where water moved gently around the ice.
“We don’t own any prey. Every animal is welcome to take prey from anywhere around the lake. As long as, you know, your not eating Big-eyes” explained Stripe.
The two cheetahs sighed in relief. Finally seeing these animals were not here to attack them.
“What are your names?,” asked Blacky again.
The cheetahs bounded up to them, slowly since they were still wary. “I’m Sophia,” chirped the one with the pink pelt. “And this is my sister,” she added, pointing her tail at the other cheetah. Sophia was the friendlier of the two cheetahs.
“I’m Leona,” chirped the one with a sky-blue pelt, still getting use to the the tiger and the two cats.
“What are your names?,” chirped Sophia.
“I’m Blacky.” “I’m Stripe.”
“I’m Muffin.
“Where have you been staying?’’ asked Muff, curious.
Sophia and Leona remained silent. Finally they explained how they had been alone and lost for so long ever sense there mother and sister died. They had been worried about the harsh snow that would soon fall. They came from far away-beyond the lake where snow was never seen. They told them about the horrible monsters they had to fight. How they had tried to capture them, and put them in cages.
When they finished their story ever thing went silent. The big-eyes from the cabin were shocked. They had been through such turmoil and they were still alive! Now that they a looked at them closer they looked half-starved. Their ribs were showing and there pelt was shaggy. Stripe felt sorry for them.
“You know what? You can join us, Fetch will let you stay till winter!” meowed Stripe.
“Who’s Fetch?” asked Sophia, starting to feel hopeful. Leona looked at her sister, relief in her eyes. Hope soared inside her.
“He’s our leader.” answered Muffin, excited that she could help the cheetahs, who were in such need of help.
With that, they turned tail and started toward their home.
Finally they reached the abandon cabin. Leona and Sophia looked unsure.
“Fetch,” howled Muffin nonchalantly.
Slowly, Fetch appeared out of the shadows. “What is it Muffin?”
While Muffin was telling the leader the story, Blacky and Stripe gently nudged the two cheetahs towards the door-less entrance.
“I thought this island was safe!” chirped Leona, anxiously.
Stripe and Blacky looked at the cheetahs quizzically. “Of course it is”
“But Monsters!” chirped Sophia, eyes big.
“That are no monsters here” laughed Stripe. “Sorry to disappoint you, but there are only big eyes” roared Stripe with a wink.
Leona looked relieved as she sniffed at the cabin. It smell all right. But sophia was worried. “And you’r friends You’r sure they’ll take us in?” The cabin smelled clean to her, and she could feel the warmth.
“Sis, I’m sure there’s nothing to be afraid of,” Leona tried to reassure her. But it didn’t work. Finally they were where the door used to be and waited, shiver from the cold-and their memories.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” neighed a voice. Sophia and Leona turned around. There, in front of them, was Magic.
“It’s a unicorn!,” gasped Sophia. The bottom of her jaw hung down in utter disbelief.
“This is so cool! I always thought unicorns were just fairy tales a mother tells her cubs!,” exclaimed Leona.
“What’s your name,” squeaked Sophia in utter amazement.
“My name is Magic, and you don’t need to introduce yourself. I heard Muffin’s story. Fetch told me to tell you that you are welcome to live with us until your last dying breath!”
Leona and Sophia gave a little joyful jump.They were dazed and confused; a new home! Friends! Unicorns were real!
They barely heard as Fetch gathered the household and introduced the cheetahs.
A while later leona asked“Where do we sleep?”
“Anywhere you like,” yipped Fetch.
Sophia and Leona trotted happily off.They found a place in a cozy corner . They both closed their eyes and drifted peacefully off into the realm of happy dreams.
Chapter 2: Hopson and Slick
Hopson is a bunny. He has a tawny pelt and plain pink eyes. The inside of Hopson’s ears are plain light pink. (Plain colors are not a thing to be ashamed of; a lot of big-eyed animals are plain colored.) His paws are light pink and so is his nose. Hopson and his family live underneath a huge maple tree on a hill. The hole they use as a door is on the east side of the tree.
“Do we have enough roots and leaves for winter?,” asked Hopson.
“No, son, we do not. If you want, you can go collect some more,” answered his mother, Cottontail. She was a cream colored bunny with blue eyes.
“Okay. After I bring it back, I’m going straight back outside to play,” chipped Hopson.
“Can I go too?,” asked Flora, his sister. She was a black bunny with white eyes.
“Sure,” answered his father, Peter. Peter was a big brown bunny with green eyes.
Hopson snorted with anger. Why does my annoying sister have to hop along?, wondered Hopson.
They hopped out. Wow! The snow is so awesome! Isn’t it, Hopson?” It was Flora and Hopson's first time seeing the forest and the snow. Winter had started last night, and, with it, the first year’s snow.
“It sure is pretty. I wonder how we are going to find food?,” chipped Hopson in amazement.
“I don’t know, but we have to try. I’ll race you to the Huckleberry forest” chided Flora, excitedly. The Huckleberry forest occupied a large part of the island. Although they literally lived in forest all the time this part of the forest was special. Huckleberry’s were only found in the Huckleberry forest. I bet I win,” added Flora joyfully. The hopping race began. The frosty white landscape blurred around them as they raced. With a giant leap, Flora won. “I told you, I told you,” teased Flora.
“I know! But first is the worst and second is the best,” Hopson teased back.
“Liar! First is the best, not second.”
“I was only playing around!” Why couldn’t Flora see that was a joke? She always took thing so personally, thought Hopson, irritated.
“You still lied, playing around or not!,” chipped Flora angrily.
“I didn’t lie,” argued Hopson.
“You did lie.”
“Okay, sis, I’m not going to have this fight with you. So let’s get what we set out to get.”
“Okay, but we should split up because I don’t want to be around a lying brother,” snapped Flora, irritated.
“Mom will get mad!,” retorted Hopson.
“I don’t care. She’ll understand once she knows the problem. You’ll be going to bed with no supper, not me, Hopson!”
“Fine! Have it your way!,” Hopson stomped off. A trailing bramble thicket tripped him. “Stupid bramble!” Hopson was not in a very good mood. He didn’t want to harvest Huckleberry’s. He was to mad. All he wanted to do was go slap his sister in the face but he couldn’t. So he walked, instead.
Hopson spotted paw prints in the white snow. Who could it be?, he wondered. He swung his giant ears forward. Hopson picked up the sound of gentle paws hitting the powdery snow. He followed the sound. Suddenly, he spotted a red tail with a white tip. It disappeared in a juniper bush. Curious, Hopson followed. He stopped at the lilac bush and swung his ears back, hiding them against his head. Hopson peered though a tiny crack in the bush. A russet-colored animal with a pointed snout and black paws stood in the foliage. It had glittery pink eyes; the fur on its underbelly and muzzle was white. It’s a big-eye, realized Hopson.
The animal raised its head and sniffed with its snout “Come out of there, bunny. I know you’re there. You can’t hide from me.”
Hopson stepped out. “Please don’t eat me. I’m a big-eye,” pleaded Hopson, seeing the bloodthirsty look in her eyes.
The animal’s eyes softened when she saw Hopson’s eyes. “Sorry, fella. I thought you were another type of bunny.”
“Who are you? asked Hopson curiously.
“Well, my name’s Slick and I’m a she-vixen. I thought you bunnies would know that I’m a fox since I eat bunnies—bunnies with smaller eyes, that is,” answered Slick.
It was not uncommon for a small-eyed fox to eat a big-eye bunny. After all they were of both a different race and henceforth, were not bound by the same code. There is also on other thing you should know. Small-eyes would eat other small-eyes. Small-eyes were the equlevant of non big-eyes if you were to compare them to earth’s animals and they were not bound by a code. The big-eyes had to eat and the small-eyes had to eat, somehow. That was why they hunted each other and separate races.
“It’s nice to meet you, Slick. This is my first time out in the wild. My name’s Hopson.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Hopson. Shouldn’t you have someone who’s been in the forest before with you?,” asked Slick.
“I guess my mom has confidence in me. After all she wouldn’t of sent me out here with my little sister otherwise. My sister hasn’t been outside before either,” explained Hopson.
“Where’s your sister right now, Hopson the big brother?”
“We had a big fight and we split up- because she wanted to. Anyway, what does she-vixen mean?,” asked Hopson.
“It means she-fox, silly.” laughed Slick.
“Okay, let’s play,” suggested Hopson. He had forgotten all about harvesting with his new discovery. He would probably get in trouble when he got home, but he wasn’t thinking about that right now. He also thought playing with Slick would get he’s mind of Flora.
Slick pawed Hopson gently on the ear. “You’re it!,” she yipped—and took off.
“You’re in for a bouncing bunny!” They raced and raced. It seemed like Slick could fly. A nut hit Hopson in the head, making him dizzy. Hopson looked up. A gray squirrel was chucking nuts at him. The gray squirrel chirped, “Slow poke! Slow poke!”
“Stop it, Willow!,” yipped Slick from somewhere up ahead. Hopson stuck his tongue at the gray she squirrel.
Finally, Hopson caught up to Slick, and with a giant leap he tagged her roughly. As she was falling, Slick pulled Hopson down with her. They went tumbling forward down a hill and butted into apple tree. It stopped them from rolling any farther.
“That was fun, wasn't it?,” barked Slick.
“It was fun, but I’m dizzy,” chipped Hopson.
“Lay down then.”
Hopson laid down. The snow felt good on his pelt.
Slick smelled the air; alarm lit in her eyes “Run!,” she yipped urgently.
“Why run? Nothing bad is going to happen right now.”
“You know what! I thought you had better hearing than this—” Slick’s words were drowned by the yipping and yowling of a fox!
(August 23, 2017 - 8:43 pm)
This is a really cool story, MJ'S FRIEND. Good writing! Are the big eyes by any chance based off of Ty Beanie Boos? ;-)
(August 24, 2017 - 4:41 pm)
***blushes*** yes the Big-eyes are based off Ty Beanie Boos
(August 25, 2017 - 9:41 am)
XD I knew it! Don't feel bad. I am a bit of a Beanie Boo connoisseur myself; right now I have about...100 or so. Last time I counted it was about 98, but I've gotten a bunch more since then. So I know a lot of the names, and when the descriptions also fit, I knew it had to be. It was a really cool idea to use them as characters!
(August 25, 2017 - 1:02 pm)
(August 25, 2017 - 7:30 pm)
(August 25, 2017 - 9:17 am)
I really love your style!!!
(September 3, 2017 - 7:27 am)
Thanks. This is what i think of some the Beanie Boo charactetistics.
She is very inquivative, cat. She loves to ask question, and learn. she is always very kind, and loving. She takes care of overyone, not actually like Magic. She is a follower, and wouldn't take the place of a leader.
Fetch is a true leader. He always concerned about the wellfare of his pack, and dose what a leader dose which is alwayas makes sure their safe. He is clever. He is demaniding when it is very imporatant, and dose not tolrate trisckers. He is very solemn, but he dose have a fun side.
She could be a leader. She is loyal, and strong. She had endure a lot, and that had made her tougher. She is kind. She has a love life, but is later in the story, and it is comprise. She loves to tease Stripe.
She is a Leona sister, and although they share some things in common they are differnt. She is kind, and playful. She cares very much about her peers, and she loves to cause minor misheif. She has a crush, but something happens to her. She wants to be a leader and she could do it. Magic wanted her for a apprentince for medicine animal.
Very strong, and will do anyhting for Leona. He is quick to anger, and in part of the book he almost attacks someone. He is a warrior, but he falls prey to a group of attackers. He is friecely loyal to Leona, somewhat loyal to the others.
She is the medicine animal. She is kind, and empathic. Although she is a minor character she dose do something heroic, and accepts someone. She will do anyhting to save someone life, friend or foe.
What do you guys think of the beanie boos personalities? What is your veiw of these charcartes personality?
(September 4, 2017 - 12:52 pm)
plz answer.
(September 5, 2017 - 3:02 am)
I think they're fitting.
(September 5, 2017 - 11:46 am)
(September 5, 2017 - 7:54 pm)
This looks cool whats it about... I got the beany boo memo. I have about 50 myself... THERE JUST SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!1
(September 8, 2017 - 2:41 pm)
Totally. I'm not going to post the full novel on here. Sorry. My dad told me not to and hes a aauthor. But i will post something from wayyyyy later in the story. In part of the story there is a fiction between Leona and Stripe, because Stripe has been changed in his appearnce, drmitcaly.
This is a scence were their having one of their two "talks"
Magic walked forward, and Fetch and Leona followed. Stripe looked at Leona, walking away and ran up behind her. The other followed. He wanted to talk, see if they could fix their love? “Leona…I need- we need to talk.
Leona turned around, icles running up her back. How should she talk to him? Should she act normal? Was this a different Stripe than she had known before the monsters changed him? “Hay…what do you want?’’
Stripe swallowed, nervously. She was so cold, so distant? Would Leona unhide her true self that he had know to him again? Or would she keep hiding it? Would he have to embrace this new Leona? “We need to fix this?” Stripe roared.
Leona stopped, caught off guard. She knew what he was talking about. But she was afeard to fix it. If they did would…he be differnt. Would he hurt her? “What do you mean?” she chipped, starting to walk again.
Stripe snorted, hurt. Did she not want to fix this? She doesn’t trust me he thought, miserable and angry. “You, know perfectly what I mean”
leona gritted her teeth. She had not been a good enough actor. “No I don’t” she growled defiant.
‘’Don’t you want to have what we had?”
Leona didn’t want to. She was afeard of being hurt. she had already bee hurt enough. She didn’t want to lose Stripe, not after she already lost Sophia…Had she lost the old Strip? “No I don’t” She growled.
Pain swelled his Stripe’s chest, and tears fell down his cheeks. He wanted to curl into a ball. He had lost Leona. His Leona. “I’m not differnt, by the way. If you should be afeard of anyone it the monsters, but fine” he croaked.
Leona winced, guilty. She had hurt Stripe, her Stripe. “I-‘’
“I don’t want to hear it” Stripe growled, dropping behind Hopson. Leona looked back. She smiled at Stripe, he glare at her. She was so conflicted…
“Were on the other side of the gate” called Magic, excitdly.
One by one they came out of the hole. Black dirt was smeared between grass. It smelled acidey. Alpha monsters zoomed by them, covering them in dirt.
“We don’t have to cross this right?” asked Blacky, eyes big.
Fetch looked at the group, solemn. “We do”
“How!” chipped Leona, looking at the Aplha monsters. Crossing this only meant death.
‘’When their is a gap i when call cross. Run to the other side, as quick as you can. You’r life depends on” laughed Hope, grimnacing.
My we all survive thought, Stripe, looking over at Leona, scared. please don’t die leona.
‘’Cross!!!!” yelled Hope.
Leona ran. As she glanced over at Stripe she thought Please don’t die, Stripe. I love you. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’m so confused.
(September 9, 2017 - 12:00 am)
What did you think of this scence?
(September 10, 2017 - 6:55 pm)
Okay that most of been really vague scence, so i'll give ypu some back round to explain the converstation. So basic leona and Stripe are in a relationship like in love, but then a monster expriments on Stripe qand gives him wings and a flaimg tipped tail.
And Leona like wHow should I act around him? Did the monster changed his personality? So she's acting really distant from Stripe and won't go near him.
And stripe's like I want my Leona back. I want to have are there back, so he tries to get there love back , and thats the why they had that consveration. did you like there converstation\scence?
(September 24, 2017 - 3:18 pm)
(October 1, 2017 - 12:23 pm)