Novel. There is

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Novel. There is

Novel. There is this novel I'v been editing for publication, and I wanted to post it on here. Its basically a Humans vs animals story, but its nothing like kyngdom. Most of what I will be writing will be already editing. Just the last few chapters won't be edited at the end of the book.

Its called the begining of Spot Valley.

the beginning of spot valley 

book one of A series 




Chapter 1: A Fall Walk Is A Good Time To Meet Animals

Once upon a time, there lived animals that had bigger eyes than any other animal. Some eyes were glittery; some were plain. They didn't hunt each other even if there was a cat versus a mouse. These huge-eyed animals lived on an giant island where there were lots of trees and bushes.  The island was very big, suited to house thousands of animals. The animals had more than enough space and could take 100 more animals if that situation occurred, ever. 

There was another island there. Not much was know about it. There were rumors that it was crazy weather there and strange animals roamed the island. No animals had been able to reach it that lived on the other island. The water never froze, around the island because it was unnaturally warm and choppy. 

No-one knew how the animals on the island got there. It was a mystery. There was a rumor that a freak fire had raged through the other island and a bunch of animals had arrived to this island on a raft.    

There is a group of big-eyes that lives in an abandoned cabin on the first island, [the first island to be mentioned]   You may wonder who lived in the cabin before them. Monsters lived in the cabin before them. The monsters had two legs and walked with them. They had hands that could grasp things unlike many animals. Worst of all they had no hair except for the top of there head. 

The monsters got sick, and died from illness. They had been on there way back home when the disease stroke them. They didn’t last long.  

I want to walk, anyone want to come”  exclaimed Muffin the she-cat.  Muffin was a white she-cat with a black saddle. Pink covers her ear  and a little bit around it. The tip of her tail is also  pink and  her eyes are glittery pink.

“I’ll go with you,” offered Blacky, another she-cat. She had a tuxedo pelt. The inside of her ears were pink and her eyes were pink. 

“I’ll go with you, too,” purred Stripe the he-tiger. His pelt was a normal tiger pelt except for the fact the tip of his tail was green.  His eyes were green, too.

Blacky walked up to Fetch the he-dog and leader of the group.  Fetch was a Dalmatian. The inside of his of ears were blue and his eyes were blue, too. “Please can we go out, Fetch? By tomorrow, it will be too cold,” pleaded [asked] Blacky.

“When you start to get cold come back,” replied Fetch. Fetch had been decided leader at the beginning of the group. When he, muffin, blacky, were the only ones he had started to give order without even thinking about it, and blacky and muffin listened to him. So naturally it was decided he should rule.

“We will!,” Stripe and the two cats promised.

“Then you can go outside.”

“And before you go, let me use my magic to help keep you warm and strong,” neighed Magic the she-unicorn. She used her magical horn to keep the old cabin warm. It was a instinct habitat for her to keep the cabin warm. She loved her peers. 

The only reason she joined this group was partly because they needed a medicine animal. The other half was because she had no friends and she was lonely. 

 The only reason she hadn’t fled when she saw Stripe,who in a regular hunting ecostyme would of eaten her, was because  Big-eyes were bound by a code that has been passed down for traditions: Respect one another. We are all kin. Kin don’t hunt each other. 

Stripe, Muffin, and Blacky quickly made a single-file line. I wonder how it is to hold so much power in a horn, wondered Blacky. Finally, it was her turn. She bent her head and Magic touched her horn on Blacky’s head. Suddenly, warmth and strength spread throughout Blacky’s body.

“You may join your friends now.” Magic as you already know is a unicorn. Her pelt is pink and her hoves are purple. Her horn is  purple and  her mane, too.                       

Blacky ran off to her friends. They streamed joyfully out of the hole where the door used to hang. The reason the door was not there was unknown, but they guessed a storm had blown it off its hinges. Then decomposed into the earth.  A chilly breeze hit Blacky's face, but it didn’t make her shiver. She was still warm from  the touch of magic’s horn.

“I wonder if there are any animals of our kind at the lake right now?,” Stripe meowed, hoping to make a friend. There was a lake at one of the edges of the island. 

“Let’s find out!,” exclaimed Muffin and Blacky together. They both had the same idea as stripe. 

They walked for a long time, but finally muffin saw something.

 “Hey, look to your right,” meowed Muffin after a few long minutes.  

They looked. There was two cheetahs! One of them had a pink pelt with dark purple, yellow, and white spots. A fish hung from her mouth. The other one  had a sky-blue pelt with green spots. Although they knew most of the animals that lived here they had never seen theses two. They were standing on the frozen lake, the overcast sky above them. Icicle cold though it was, there was no snow on the ground yet. It had yet to come.

“There . . . Wait they’re  big eyes too! We should go say hi. ” suggested Blacky, seeing it as a new oppunity to  make new friends 

“Yeah,” agreed Stripe.

“Lets do it!,” agreed Muffin excitedly. They bounded through the trees to the lake’s bank.

“Hello,” greeted Blacky.

The cheetahs looked up. Their glittery eyes were filled with hostility and fear. “Hi,” hissed the two cheetahs, scared of the strangers.

“They don’t sound very friendly,” Stripe whispered into Muffin’s ear.

“Shh!” hissed Muffin at Stripe, hoping the two cheetahs did not hear Stripe. She wanted to make good impression and she didn’t feel Stripe’s comment would help her cause.

“What’re your names?,” asked Muffin,  hoping to appear friendly. 

“Aren’t you going to hurt us for stealing your prey? We got it from here,” hissed the one that had a sky-blue pelt and green spots. She pointed her paw at a small hole where water moved gently around the ice.

“We don’t own any prey. Every animal is welcome to take prey from anywhere around the lake. As long as, you know, you're not eating Big-eyes” explained Stripe.

The two cheetahs sighed in relief. Finally seeing these animals were not here to attack them. 

“What are your names?,” asked Blacky again. 

The cheetahs bounded up to them,  slowly since they were still wary. “I’m Sophia,” chirped the one with the pink pelt. “And this is my sister,” she added, pointing her tail at the other cheetah. Sophia was the friendlier of the two cheetahs.  

“I’m Leona,” chirped the one with a sky-blue pelt, still getting use to the the tiger and the two cats. 

“What are your names?,” chirped Sophia.

“I’m Blacky.” “I’m Stripe.”

“I’m Muffin.

“Where have you been staying?’’ asked Muff, curious. 

Sophia and Leona remained silent. Finally they explained how they  had been alone  and lost for so long ever sense there mother and sister died. They had been worried about the harsh snow that would soon fall. They came from far away-beyond the lake where snow was never seen. They told them about the horrible monsters they had to fight. How they had tried to capture them, and put them in cages. 

When they finished their story ever thing went silent. The big-eyes from the cabin were shocked. They had been through such turmoil and they were still alive! Now that they a looked at them closer they looked half-starved. Their ribs were showing and there pelt was shaggy.  Stripe felt sorry for them.

“You know what? You can join us, Fetch will let you stay till winter!” meowed Stripe. 

 “Who’s Fetch?” asked Sophia, starting to feel hopeful. Leona looked at her sister, relief in her eyes. Hope soared inside her.

“He’s our leader.” answered Muffin, excited that she could help the cheetahs, who were in such need of help. 

With that, they turned tail and started toward their home. 

Finally they reached the abandon cabin. Leona and Sophia looked unsure.

“Fetch,” howled Muffin nonchalantly.

Slowly, Fetch appeared out of the shadows. “What is it Muffin?”

While Muffin was telling the leader the story, Blacky and Stripe gently nudged the two cheetahs towards the door-less entrance. 

“I thought this island was safe!”  chirped Leona, anxiously.

Stripe and Blacky looked at the cheetahs quizzically. “Of course it is”

“But Monsters!” chirped Sophia, eyes big. 

“That are no monsters here” laughed Stripe. “Sorry to disappoint you, but there are only big eyes” roared Stripe with a wink.  

Leona looked relieved as she sniffed at the cabin. It smell all right. But sophia was worried. “And your friends You’re sure they’ll take us in?” The cabin smelled clean to her, and she could feel the warmth. 

“Sis, I’m sure there’s nothing to be afraid of,” Leona tried to reassure her. But it didn’t work. Finally they were where the door used to be and waited, shiver from the cold-and their memories.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” neighed a voice. Sophia and Leona turned around. There, in front of them, was Magic.

 “It’s a unicorn!,” gasped Sophia. The bottom of her jaw hung down in utter disbelief.  


More later 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 23, 2017 - 7:35 pm)