Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hamilton RP
Name: Alex, the "Feral Tomcat"
Appearance: Gray fur, green eyes. Right ear torn off. Fat and fluffy, period.
Personality: Greedy, feral, always hungry, sassy.
Romance: Thinks that Hamilton dog needs some lessons on how to be a cat so they can live happily ever after. (He did say that his dog speaks more eloquently in Farmer Refuted)
You can now do either:
Burr, Hamilton, Laurens, Mulligan, Lafayette, Eliza, Peggy, Maria Reynolds, James Reynolds Phillip Hamilton, Theodosia, Theodosia Jr, Phillip Schuyler, Samuel Seabury, Thomas Jefferson, Madison, King George, George Ecer, George Washington, Charles Lee, Angelica, Hamilton's dog, and I think that's it.
We can start whenever we have a charrie that RPs the next part.
Ex: if we have a Hamilton and an Aaron Burr, but nobody else, we can still start on Aaron Burr, Sir.
We're starting on Aaron Burr, Sir.
For my charrie and the dog, maybe the dog could start RPing, starting from Farmer Refuted, and me from A Winters Ball? XD I have the weirdest ideas.
I copied and pasted this from Random's previous one.
(August 21, 2017 - 1:22 pm)
I claim Samuel Seabury.
Question: Does their appearance have to be their actual appearance or can we make something up?
Also, can we have multiple charries?
And a suggestion: I think we shouldn't be limited to the storyline. We were discussing diverging like this on the old Hamilton RP, about including extra things that aren't in the musical. Speaking of which, what if someone is Angelica's husband, you know, "I am sailing off to London, I am accompanied by someone who always pays, I have found a wealthy husband, who will keep me in comfort for all of my days, he's not a lot of fun but no one can match you for turn of phrase..."
Sorry, I kinda went off on a whim.
(August 22, 2017 - 1:22 pm)
Yeah! I was thinking it would be like an actual RP! And you can make up to appearance, as long as it makes sense (we don't want Seabury looking like he's from 2017). And, I totally rocketed off with the dog & cat idea, didn't I?
(August 22, 2017 - 5:36 pm)
(August 22, 2017 - 1:31 pm)
I AM CLAIMING ELIZA. Sorry, I dnot have time to write out the sheet right now
(August 23, 2017 - 7:50 am)
Here is Samuel Seabury's sheet:
Name: Samuel Seabury
Appearance: Short blondish brown hair; farming clothes - dirty white shirt, those pants that go down to just below the knee; tall; loud voice
Personality: Loyalist, argues with Hamilton, writes speeches, isn't afraid to stand in front of a crowd that doesn't agree with him
Romance: Um, I don't know
(August 23, 2017 - 11:39 am)
John Baker Church is Angelica's wife.
Name: John Baker Church
Personality: Rich, serious, not a lot of fun, works in Parliament
Appearance: Handsome, striking blue eyes, brown hair, pale skin
Romance: Angelica Schuyler: they eloped
(August 24, 2017 - 11:00 am)
(August 28, 2017 - 1:20 pm)