Character Design

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Character Design

Character Design

No, this isn't a role play. No, it's not an art contest. This thread is exactly what it sounds like; it's for designing and sharing characters. You can fill out charrie sheets, write sentences, paragraphs, or even full stories to develop a character. You can use this thread as a place to show others little sketches of your OC(s), or to mess around with art until you make an OC (original character)! You can do picturings here of anyone you choose!

Basically, this thread is for making up cool stuff using your imagination, and then sharing it with friends. Allons-y! 

PS- please try and top this, if you're the first one to comment. Thank you :) 

submitted by Rae
(August 7, 2017 - 3:27 pm)


submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 7, 2017 - 4:36 pm)

I didn't bottom it. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 11, 2017 - 4:40 pm)

'PS- please try and top this, if you're the first one to comment. Thank you :)'

XD Rae, you shouldn't have! 

submitted by AliceOfTheElements
(August 12, 2017 - 10:14 am)

You realize you bottomed it, MJs Friend... I'm going to start by filling out a typical charrie sheet, then I'll post a comic-style one, like pro artists use to come up with their characters. I'm thinking of making a story with her- I've figured out a lot of the plot, but I can't decide between prose and graphic-novel style comics. Leaning towards comics...

Name: Sparrow Wing

Human Name: Kaitlin Jade

Age: Around 7, but that's like 12 in catperson years.

Gender: Female, I suppose.

Personality: Caring to people or animals in need.Scatterbrained. Fierce and distrustful of humans, but peacefully happy, kind of like young Leafpool in Warrior Cats, among cats- eventually learns to be that way with humans too.

Species: Part cat, part girl.

I'll post the story and the drawings of her later. 


submitted by Lightning
(August 9, 2017 - 12:39 pm)

Awesome! I made a little bubble/squid thing character, I'll post some pictures.

submitted by Rae
(August 11, 2017 - 9:57 am)

And here it is with a little present box.

submitted by Rae
(August 11, 2017 - 9:58 am)
submitted by That's so cute!!
(August 11, 2017 - 11:46 am)

First page!!!

submitted by Tip top
(August 17, 2017 - 6:37 am)

Hmm, I'm having problems with my BATIM OC, maybe I can get help here. I've been trying to make her more "Original" per se.

Name: Brackets

Age: I dunno, I guess she was 18 when her first concept drawings were made...

Personality: Short-tempered, reserved in a mean way, somewhat unpredictable, rebellious, Strong-willed

Appearance: See picture plz, Even though it's her "Slightly human" form-thing, I just dicided to draw her different.  You can see the legitimate Brackets at the bottom sayint that's not her.

Bio: Created by another animation company to counter Bendy's creation.

Other: She is evil and her weapon is a pipe 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(August 12, 2017 - 12:45 am)

Here's Sparrow Wing's art charrie sheet. I decided to make it a graphic novel called either Two Worlds or Star Children. Along with Sparrow Wing, there's Calamari, T'shuk, and a unnamed dingoboy.

submitted by Lightning
(August 12, 2017 - 6:38 pm)

I made a new character...

Name: Two of Diamonds

Age: 14

Preferred Pronouns: he/him

Personality: (still figuring this out) rebellious, wild, obnoxious maybe? IDK...

Appearance: I'll post a picture soon...

Other: He's part of a group of four people (I call them the league of cards) who have names of cards, each of a different font.  He's the fourth.  If you want me to, I can draw them all and post it.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(August 12, 2017 - 10:46 pm)

Name: Capo

Gender: male

Age: ???

Species: devil of unspecified variety

Appearance: Purple skin, a shock of white hair kept back in a tiny ponytail, large nose, yellow-green eyes with no pupil or sclera. Stands about 3'9" tall. Clawed hands and feet, lower body structure similar to a dog or a dragon's hind legs (stands on "tiptoe," joint analogous to the human ankle could be mistaken for a backward-facing knee if he's crouching and his actual knees aren't obvious). Long, prehensile tail with an arrowhead on the end. Frequently does without clothing, only wearing it in human company to avoid offending anyone.

Personality: The polar opposite of his twin sister Coda, which is to say he's nerdy, self-conscious, and able to sit still for more than about 0.3 seconds. He enjoys school quite a lot, since he learns by hearing and watching rather than by doing, and is an excellent writer, mathematician, and magical theorist. Once you get him started talking on a subject, it is very difficult to get him to stop again. He's been known to expound on the theory of magical undeath for a full half an hour before he realizes no one's listening anymore. Unlike Coda, he's terrible at all things music- and athletics-related: tone-deaf, can't keep a rhythm, has two left feet and zero stamina, knows only the barest minimum of self-defense. Surprisingly organized and socially tactful for such an utter geek. Loves his sister more than anything else in the world.

submitted by Curio
(August 14, 2017 - 3:53 pm)

I had this awesome idea for a sort of superhero that I never developed much, so here it goes.

name: Sky Hunter

superhero name: The Shade

powers: manipulates shadows

appearance: long, jet-black hair and ice blue eyes, typically wears navy blue, black, or gray.Has bangs cut on a diagonal line that have silver tips, which fall into her eyes slightly.

personality: Intraverted but caring and loyal.  I haven't really developed her much in this area.

submitted by Shade, age 12, The Lost Cities
(August 16, 2017 - 8:11 am)
submitted by Tooooooop, age Nudge, Poke
(August 16, 2017 - 9:04 am)

Name: Ashley (can someone give me a good last name?)

Age: 14

Appearence: shoulder blade lengh blonde hair, the bottoem half dyed aqua blue,  saphire blue eyes, palish skin with light freckles dotting over her nose, she has her ears peirced but only ever wore her sliver angel wing earings.  she has a small birth mark just below her ear, and barly seeable, it's looks as if it always changes shape, (EI monday it'll look like a heart, and friday it looks like a horse.)

Personality: a stubborn girl who tries really hard to be an outrovert and to live up to everyone's perfect expectation of the female gender. she's really hard on herself, and makes almost no decisans without consulting in her friend first, she overly worried about what people think about her, because she was the target of teasing in her elementary school, and she just wants to be normal for once in her life. she's one of the people that will 'smile through the pain' she'll walk around after gettign told how awful she looks, how nerdy she is, how she'll never fit in or be normal, she'll laugh them off, tell them their wrong, but then she goes home, locks her self in her room and crys, looking over at pictures, but if people dared to anyof this to her friends or a younger person, she would stand up and punch them out, or come very close to doing so.

Backstory: her parents died in a house fire, at least that's all everyone tells her, and it's strangly the exact same response from everyone she meets, word for word, 'your parents and I were good friends, but all I can tell you is that they died in the tragic fire, such a shame, I'm terribly sorry for your loss' and then they'd change the subject. not that it really mattered, they died when Ashley was only two, it's not like she remembers them that well. she lives with her older brother Jayden (age 26) he works for the police.


submitted by Annabeth c
(August 19, 2017 - 10:37 pm)