I sit at

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I sit at

I sit at my desk, doodling, when I get a knock on the door.  Before I can invite the person in, the door slams open, making me jump.  

"How are you?!" Sketch asks.

I glare at her.  "Don't do that again," I say before noticing that she's staring at me.  "What?" I ask.

"Do you realize that your eye is glowing?" she asks.

"Depends on what you mean by 'glowing.'" I respond bluntly.  "Is it like Sans or like a lightbulb or what?"

"Like Sans.  Like me, when I'm in battle mode."

I nod, sure she is messing with me.  

"Look, come out here, let me show you," she grabs my arm and tugs me out of my chair.  

"Wait, what!?" I cry, dragged behind her as she speeds away.  She stops in front of a mirror.  

"Look," Sketch orders.

I look at myself.  I am surprised to see that my left eye is glowing green.  "What the . . ."

"I know." Sketch replies.  "It was like that when I first learned I was part monster."

"Does that mean I'm part monster, too?  Oh, well, just another thing to add to the list."  I shrug.  Not a bug deal.

"You have a list?" Sketch says.

"Yes.  Fairy, elf, human (duh), Emmilvienian, Earth-U, all that fun stuff," I say, crossing my arms.


Emmilvienian means from Emmilvien. Earth-U means I'm from, well, Earth-U. (That's what universe-travellers call this universe.) 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 16, 2017 - 12:24 am)

Is this... a story? Or a solo write? Or a RP? Or, well, what is it? It sounds interesting. 

submitted by Kitten
(July 16, 2017 - 11:41 am)

I was sorta thinking that it would be like a CB-RP where we RP as ourselves, with our AEs and CAPTCHA.  But really, it was just the beginning of an idea that I had when I was actually doodling.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 16, 2017 - 5:01 pm)

coolio! We all need backstories! Is this yours?

submitted by unsuspectingstrytllr
(July 16, 2017 - 5:22 pm)

I guess it would be part of it.  So I guess I'll post the rest of it here...?

So when I was seven, I fell into an open manhole that was actually a portal to Emmilvien.  I met my friend Darren (Who's a fairy-elf mix, FYI) shortly after I arrived.  He took me to a mind-reader 9I had no idea how this worked, really) who told me I was part fairy and part elf.  I spent about 2 years there, which is why I call myself an Emmilvienian.  After that, I found a portal back to Earth-U in a cave.  I continued to hop back and forth from Emmilvien and Earth-U until I thought I had taught myself how to make a portal to there.  I thought that Emmilvien was the only other universe.  Then I accidentally knocked myself into a dystopia.  I had to call on sketch to get me out.  Then I made her teach me how to universe-travel properly.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 17, 2017 - 2:33 am)