Welcome to GSD!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Welcome to GSD!

Welcome to GSD!


No catagory of classes are more important than the other, and you will all be doing the same general activities. 


If you got mostly A's on your survey, read this letter (please). 

Hey students! 

Congratulations on getting into GSD, and welcome to Aim! This letter is proof that you have mad skills, a tolerance for weirdness, and (hopefully, because you're going to need it) an excessive amount of energy.

In Aim (the class led by yours truly), we ask the big questions, like; "Is fire a hazard or a tool?" "Are the cupcakes poisoned?" "Is it possible to split an arrow down the middle with a second arrow?" And "Who is more important, Snape or Buckbeak?"

For class, please remember to wear flexible (preferrably nonflammable) clothing, and bring a whole lot of enthusiasm. 

Can't wait to meet you!

Winston (GSD head trainer of Aim, etc., etc., etc.,)

P.S. The cupcakes are most certainly poisoned.  


If you received a majority of "B"s on your survey, please read this letter.  

Dear student,

  You have been accepted into the Griffinfeather School for the Determined. This letter alone is proof that you are strong, ambitious, and extremely bright. However, I accept nothing but the best from my students, and therefor expect all of you to keep up with our rigorous classes and extensive training. 

When attending class, please remember to follow rules that will be set for your own safety. Inflammable attire is a wise choice. Also, please take precautions against electrical shock when working in the robotics lab. 

You may have realized by now that you have very special talents that most people at your age do not even dream about practicing, let alone perfecting. Since you were accepted into "Build", that means that you are, to some degree, a strategist. You have the power to plan and create and take action. Even at your age, you can save, protect, and summon armies of creativity beyond your wildest dreams. It all starts in this school. You are the earth's future in more ways than you understand.

I look forward to seeing you in class. 


Sasha Night, Headmistriss of Griffinfeather School and leader of the "Build" training. 

P.S. When attending class, please remember to follow rules that will be set for your own safety. Inflammable attire is a wise choice. Also, please take precautions against electrical shock when working in the robotics lab. 


If you received mostly "C"s on your survey, please glance this way.

Hello students!

Congratulations on making it in to GSD, and more importantly, on being selected for the "Cabriole" training group. Here, we treat life as a dance; it escalates into tension, elongates into beauty, and falls back into patterns that are forever changing. You were chosen because you are a dreamer. You are a prodigious thinker and are full of art. You are more than welcome at this school and in these classes. The only rules are; no fudgeling, no smickering, and no coprolalia.

I await your arrival with eager anticipation.


Miss Brunn, librarian and head of "Cabriole" training agglomeration.  



submitted by Rose bud
(July 13, 2017 - 1:59 pm)

HA! I was right! It was Griffenfeather! But, um, what is he doing? Presumably there's backstory that you might tell us? Please?

submitted by Kitten
(September 10, 2017 - 9:56 pm)

Yup. I'll go into flashback mode next post.

submitted by Rose bud
(September 11, 2017 - 2:54 pm)

I'm working on writing a lot of little backstories (is anyone of the opinion that I have to many characters? If so, there's no limit. You can have more). 

I know this is the samey old excusith, but I do have a large amount of homework. Any Geometry masters out there? I need some serious help with my proofs. I miss Somebody, our math expert! 

Okay, back to the subject at hand, which is...I forgot. So, yeah, backstories coming soon for everyone. Feel free to post your own texts on the text page! I'll try to upload that. I came up with some more hilarious ideas with Elizabeth.  

submitted by Rose bud, age 15
(September 18, 2017 - 9:05 am)
submitted by Top, age Nudge, Poke
(September 18, 2017 - 8:37 am)

What grade are you in (as in what math do you need help with)?

submitted by Kitten
(September 21, 2017 - 10:26 am)

9nth grade. Geometry. Proofs. *Sigh.* 

I need Adrian and Mrya to come numberize my innumerized life :) 

submitted by Rose bud, age 15
(September 21, 2017 - 8:18 pm)

Myra is much smarter than me. :(.

submitted by Kitten
(September 22, 2017 - 8:24 am)

Is it too late too join? This RP looks AWESOME!!! I read it all, just so you know, Rose bud.


I fall back onto my dorm bed, brushing my  light brown-streaked blond side bangs out of my face, the afternoon's events whirling through my head. The letter. The snowstorm place that they called Narnia after the book series. The "malfunction". I pull the letter out of my pocket and read it over again. I kind of wish I'd gotten into Aim instead of Cabriole. Miss Brunn is so overwhelming to my introverted self. My mirror gleams from where I left it in my suitcase. On a sudden impulse, I pick up the mirror and glance in the reflection. A fair-skinned but not pale face greets me, the light brown-streaked blond hair falling into my face. Gray-blue eyes with gold rings around the pupils stare back at me. I sigh, and slip the mirror back into the suitcase. It's been a long day. Lights out should be soon, thankfully.~~~~~~~

Sorry for the short post! I didn't have much to write about, really. 


submitted by Shade, age age 12
(September 22, 2017 - 10:53 pm)

And Farren is a girl, FYI. 

submitted by Shade
(September 23, 2017 - 7:43 am)

Hi Shade! Great job introducing your character—that's exactly how I wanted the exercise to work! You can check out the GSD text messages (if you haven't already) too, and post their as well. Welcome to our fantasical world! 

submitted by Rose bud
(September 23, 2017 - 3:36 pm)

Sorry, not the big flashback scene. Blame RWBY. I've been watching it instead of writing :P 


I walk to supper shivering.

Somehow I manage to direct everyone to their seats. To moniter the noise level. To choke down a few mouthfuls of something sweet and sticky.

I notice frosting on my fingers.

Oh, so it was a cupcake. Am I supposed to laugh?

The students head out for recreational activities. I can hear them laughing and chattering and yelling something about blindfolds from behind the gym (which is also the classroom for Aim, of course).

I lean back against the wall and close my eyes, trying not to think.

Not to think

Not to think at all


Wind rustles a few small strands of my hair.  

I feel the uneven bricks under my fingers. The dining hall. Right. I'm outside the dining hall on the opposite side of the auditorium.  

Now that it's over, it feels so much scarier. I shouldn't be afriad. I am afraid. I shouldn't be. These kids who think that the world will come to them after they learn and progress to adulthood have it all wrong because we never learn enough. We never stop fearing. I find myself walking. One high heel wobbles on the sidewalk. The one I caught in the crack earlier today; trying to get away.



I find myself in my office. The leather chair folds beneath my weight. I sit for a moment and stare at the ornate gold pen.

My phone buzzes. A text from Winston, saying; "I am one with the force and the force is with me." Of course. The blindfolds. It was only yesterday we were the ones laughing and chattering on the first day of school. Everyone said; Winston and Sasha; what a team. Everyone said; I wish I could have friends like that. Everyone said; They'll always be friends. He was funny and smart.

I was cold and brilliant.

What happened? What changed? I know the obvious answer; but it still feels wrong. Winston and Adrian. Adrian and Winston. Everyone says: what a team. Everyone says: I wish I could have friends like that. Everyone says: they'll always be friends. 

We put so much value in the word friends. And we tease and we joke.

Some things shape us.

Some things scar us~


Sorry y'all. I'm kind of tired. This is more like a poem than an actuall post :P  

submitted by Rose bud
(September 24, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

Okaaay, somehow I didn't count right on the quiz before, cause I got 2 a's, 2 c's, and 1 b. So do I just get to choose between Aim and Cabriole, Rose bud? I'll go with Aim if that's okay, so forget what I wrote earlier about being in Cabriole.


I wake up with a start, wondering where I am for a second. And then the previous afternoon rushes back to me. I slip out of bed. Everyone else is also climbing out of bed. One girl who's already dressed starts walking toward me. With a slight smile, she comes up to me. "Hi. I'm Carly. What's your name?" She asks, her smile broadening a bit. "Oh, um, I'm Farren," I reply, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Why, oh why can't I act normally in front of new people? "Nice to meet you. See you in class, then," Carly calls as she leaves the dormitory to head down to breakfast.~~~~~~~~~~~

after breakfast~~~~~~~~~

I fiddle with a strand of my bangs as I jog nervously down the hall to the gym. A boy(a side charrie) smirks at me as he walks past. I shoot him a fierce glare and try to calm myself before I walk into the gym. Everyone else is already there. Awwwwkwarrrd...~~~~~~~~~

Sorry I didn't write more, but I couldn't come up with anything else. @Rose bud, how do you find and use that avatar creator thing that you used to do pictures of Sasha and Lizzy? 

submitted by Shade
(September 26, 2017 - 4:43 pm)

Yes! If you get a tie between classes, you get to decide. And I found the avatar creator by searching: mega anime avatar creator. I have to do one for Adrian sometime! 


Also, has anyone noticed that Winston doesn't like to get up in the mornings and he occasionally appears lazy and sloppy? Ever wonder why on earth this goofball became a teacher? I'm going to reveal it in the next text messages (which you are all welcome to join!). I'm also working on Sasha's flashback post that tells the story of her and Winston's friendship when they were kids and their experiance at GSD.  

submitted by Rose bud
(September 26, 2017 - 5:13 pm)


so sorry this took so long to finally get to~


I don't have to go, and yet I'm here.

Up two floors...three floors...roof level. I push open the door to the roof and the night air rushes against my face. A full moon. I always loved full moons. The Stone Element maze shares the flat roof; looming up beside me. I look out over the edge at the sprawling campus. The auditorium is lit up inside. I guess they got the projecter working. 

Soft foosteps echo across the rooftop

"My top student."  John walks up to stand beside me, arm extended in mock presentation. 

"I'm a teacher now."

"No. You're still the same frightened girl you were when the school fell." I screw my eyes shut as his voice hits home. 

"Just tell me what you want and GO AWAY." 

"This isn't necessarily about me." 

I open my eyes just in time for him to lock his gaze on mine. I feel a sickening twist deep inside my thoughts before I can turn away. 


Too late.

"You should never have chosen Skills over Powers...that's the second mistake I mean to correct...and the first is your convoluted perception of your new community. You don't have friends, Sasha. Remember?" His voice drags me away...far away...I try to resist the pull, but end up falling back through time and space anyway. 

How could I forget he was a Thought Twister too?



The memories replay like a dream in which I hover over the scene, but can still feel what my 12-year-old self feels, staring up at the gates of Griffinfeather School for the first time. Past Sasha didn't feel excited or grateful, instead, all I felt was a cold, dark pride.

And then frusteration as the moment was ruined...

I take a step through the open gate. Griffinfeather School. Finally. It took me a whole 10 page application to get this far. They should have excepted me after the examination. This John Griffinfeather is picky...but one can never be too picky. Adjusting the straps on my satchel, I prepare myself to dominate a new world of challenges, but—

"Watch out! That ball's going to hit—"

"HEY!"  Something hard strikes my face and bounces off into the bushes. Blinking furiously, I reach up as if to wipe away the sudden pain. 

"Sorry!" Calls a voice. Looking down, I see a short, red-headed girl with two pig tail braids sticking out to either side in a rather unnatractive and immature-looking way. 

"You aren't supposed to be here," is the first thing that comes to my mind...and out of my mouth. The girl laughs. 

"No! But my brother is!" Turning around towards the bushes where the ball landed, my eyes are barraged with at least 6 more redheaded children. 

"Tell your brother to throw the ball somewhere else." I say, turning towards the gates again. I force myself not to let out an exasperated sigh. Some children think they can do anything and get away with it. 

"Where, exactly?" Says a voice beside me. 

"What?" One of the boys from the group of children popped up in front of me, blocking my path. He was bouncing a tennis ball from hand to hand with casual confidence. 

"If not here, where do you want me to throw it?" He asks. Okay...strange child...WHY can't he just go somehwere else? 

"What about that window?" He presses, pointing somewhere in the air. 

"Yeah. Wherever," I answer. He lifts the ball, aiming towards a tall building with a flat roof further onto the campus. In a blur of motion, the tennis ball rockets from his fingers, hitting the highest window. Before I can stop myself with a logical excuse, I allow my eyes to click into their architect mode. My brain begins translating the buildings into 3D images, as well as estimating distances between them. 

"That's 114 feet away," I state. 

"Yes. It is," the boy says proudly.

"You were excepted into this school?" I ask, trying not to let my voice sound impressed. 

"Yes. I'm Winston. What's your name?" 





submitted by Rose bud
(October 3, 2017 - 9:20 pm)


Flashback scene part 2! Sorry sorry sorry more dramatic stuff full of italizis and elipses coming up next! Also I MESSED UP THE TIMELINE Sasha was supposed to be 14 in the first memory (which would make Winston about 10). 


I can feel another, slightly painful, pinch inside my head, and I can feel time moving forward. My control memories are forced to a stop on another painfully familiar scene, four years after I had started attending GSD. Four years Griffinfeather had first gained my respect. The thought disgusted me.

Winston lies hanging upside down from an abandoned lunch table, staring across at me lazily, head dangling over the floor. 

"You can stay here if you want to; I'm going into town with my friends."  

"I thought we were going to practice for our project," he mumbles dejectedly. 

"We have practiced. Over and over again. You just don't want me to leave." 

"But I thought I was your friend!" He whines. 

"Yes, you are, but I need friends my age. Some girlfriends that I can hang out with and talk with."

"I can talk. Look: lalalalalalalala...I'm TALKING!" Winston sings.

"Yeah. You're like the little brother I never wanted. And it's not MY fault you made yourself a social outcast. Go make some friends. Talk to the boy who's dad does the landscaping around here. He's about your age. And I think he likes gadgets." Winston slides off the table and turns right-side up. 

"Adrian likes books and stupid movies. All he wants to talk about is Harry Potter. Go with your friends. But I'm staying here. I'm NOT talking to Mr. Bookworm," he relies , "And I don't care if he likes gadgets. He doesn't like football. Or basketball. Or archery. He doesn't even know how to fold and throw a paper airplane."

I turned to leave the empty cafeteria with a defiant: 

"Well, neither do I. I don't consider that a skill worth learning." As I turn to face where I'm going, I stop short before almost running into the headmaster. 

"Mr. Griffinfeather!" I acknowledge.

"Winston, Sasha, can I see you in my office for a moment? I want to talk about your abilities." 


The scene switches quickly. I try to shut my eyes, but I can't shut off the faucet of thoughts being forcibly pushed around by a stranger in my own head. So I have to sit and watch and relive all over again.

"I'm sure you are aware that you have some very special Skills," Griffinfeather says as he paces his office, "So I wanted to put those to use today in a special way." 

"What exactly—" Winston begins, but Griffinfeather cuts him off. 

"I wouldn't ask this of any but my top students," he begins. I lean forward excitedly. 

"However, I think I can trust you. I need to borrow parts of your abilities for a special project that I believe is the future of mankind."

"Of course!" I offer immediately, "this is what we've been trained for." 

"Well then, Sasha, if you don't mind facing me. That's it. Don't worry, it won't hurt. I'm just going to transfer your abilities in a special—"

"Don't listen to him!" Winston yells suddenly. Starting, I look over at him with a "shut up, shut up, shut up now!" Look on my face.

"Don't you see? He's a Power, Sasha! He's a Transfer!" 

Quick as lightning, Griffinfeather turns to face Winston, who's eyes suddenly widen, then his gaze settles, glassy and still. I gasp and jump away. 

"You are a Power!"

"Yes. I have two Powers, actually. Which should give someone somewhere the authority to lock me up forever. But that's not fair, is it? So that's going to change. With this project of mine. And you're going to help me." 

Sorry y'all, it's getting late. I'll post the exciting conclusion tomorrow and we can get back to regular roleplaying!  

submitted by Rose bud
(October 4, 2017 - 8:59 pm)