Spirit Animals So

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Spirit Animals So

Spirit Animals Solo Write


You are a young child in the world of Erdas, only 11 years old. The Bile is poisoning the bond between humans and spirit animals, and only the Greencloaks can stop it. Conquerors are taking over the world to ultimately rule it. This world consits of five continents, Zhong (China), Nilo (Africa), Eura (Europe), Amaya (America), and Antartica. Nobody knows that there is a fifth continent, Stetriol (a.k.a. Australia), and the Devourerer, head of the conquerors live there.

Tomorrow, it is your Nectar ceremony, where you will summon an animal to be your lifelong partner, your spirit animal. You might be even asked to join he Greencloaks.


Feel free to ask questions. In this SW, spirit animals are animals that you summon, once you drink the nectar. You can summon it with the bile, but that's dangerous. If you summon it without either, you have bonding sickness. 




Preferred Weapon:

Preferred Spirit Animal:



Greatest Fear:


Main Charrie:


Lesser Charrie:

Background Charrie:

Where You Are From:



For the:

Main Charrie:


Lesser Charrie:

Background Charrie:

part, put a slash mark in which one you want to be. There are four main charries, one villain, 5 lesser charries, and background charries can join whenever they want.



We are doing this in medieval-ish times. The only modern thing is a prime minister.

All of the four have to come from different continents. 

You CAN have depressing backstories.

For your spirit animal, it is not guaranteed that the one you want will come. For the main charries, I've already decided your spirit animals.

Please, no "perfect" charries or OPness.


Have fun! 

submitted by
(July 1, 2017 - 9:28 am)

Name: cori

Appearance: dark-skinned green-eyed male

Preferred Weapon: sword

Preferred Spirit Animal: (i HATE dogs so not one of those,) anything else is fine, but large black jaguar would be preferred.

Strengths: good with sword, intelligent, and moderately strong,

Faults: afraid of heights,

Greatest Fear: heights,

Personality: kind, feirce in battle, and smart

Main Charrie:/


Lesser Charrie:

Background Charrie:

Where You Are From: amaya

Background: nothing interesting

submitted by solomon m., age 11, erdas
(July 1, 2017 - 1:44 pm)

Nice charrie, but may I offer some tips?

submitted by ...
(July 2, 2017 - 11:22 am)


submitted by solomon m., age 11, oregon
(July 2, 2017 - 4:09 pm)
(July 1, 2017 - 5:28 pm)

Name: Emilia "Emi" Karlssen

Appearance: Tall and thin, with pale white-blond hair that reaches the middle of her back and piercing light blue eyes. Has very pale skin. 

Preferred Weapon: Bow and arrow

Preferred Spirit Animal: Whichever you pick is fine.

Strengths: Intelligent, good tactician, fairly good fighter, very loyal

Faults: She was never loved by anyone, so it's hard for her to show friendliness/love. She is very afraid of being abandoned again, so she is kind of quiet and secludes herself from the group. 

Greatest Fear: Being abandoned yet again

Personality: Quiet, introverted, intelligent. Shields herself and her secrets from the outside world. Loyal, but not the friendliest person.

Main Charrie: /


Lesser Charrie:

Background Charrie:

Where You Are From: Eura

Background: Born in a small village in what is modern-day Sweden. Her parents abandoned her not long after she was born. She went to live with an aunt who didn't love her, and made her work like a servant from the time she was three. When she was eight her aunt died, and she had to live on the streets, selling whatever she could find to make a living. A couple adopted her when she was 9, but they, too abandoned her. She was back on the streets when this story starts.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(July 2, 2017 - 6:17 am)

Erdas is a different world.

submitted by
(July 2, 2017 - 8:59 am)

I claim a main charrie. I'll fill out the sheet when I have a chance.

submitted by Kitten
(July 2, 2017 - 8:24 am)

I'm starting the first two nectar ceremony stories of the first 2 main charries. Kitten, you charrie will be from Zhong or Nilo.

submitted by
(July 2, 2017 - 9:01 am)

Cori ~

A shadow darted around a corner, waited, and scampered inside a building. He ran to the kitchen. "Cori, did you have to steal again?" a figure sighed.

"Ma!" Cori exclaimed, "We're close to losing our property and you scold me for stealing?"

"Well, I'll work with what I got," Ma said.

Cori muttered something unaudible as he turns away. "Don't give me any of that nonsense, young lad," his mother called out from the kitchen.

In truth, Cori had been dying to get his nectar ceremony, to get out of this trash heap. He pushed open the door to his own room and sighed. It was the equivalent of a closet. Another deep sigh came out, and he opened his window and climbed onto the roof. It was sunset already. The vibrant colors faded away until nothing but darkness loomed ahead.


"Cori! Get up!" a voice yelled from the kitchen.

"Fine!" Cori yelled back, grinning. Today was his nectar ceremony.

He grabbed some indistincable slush that was supposed to be porride and ran out the door. He headed toward the bakery, hoping to nick something. 


Just as he was about to get a delicious pastry, a man spotted him. "Hey, thief!" he yelled. 

Cori looked up, alarmed, and started to run. The man, who was quite burly, ran after him and dragged him down. "You're going to the militia, young man," he said.


Cori sat in a moldy cell in the militia holdings. He wished he was back home, listening to tales of the great beasts and their talismans. Tellun, the elk, and the greatest one of them all with his talisman, the Platinum Elk. Ninani the swan, and her Marble Swan. Briggan, the wolf, and the Silver Wolf. Uraza, lepoard, with the Amber Lepoard. Jhi, the healing panda, and the Bamboo Panda. Oh, and Essix, guardian of Amaya, falcon, and owner of the Copper Falcon. The four fallen, Uraza, Briggan, Jhi, and Essix, were his favorite.

He spent hours, thinking about the other beasts, Arax, Rumfuss, Dinesh, Suka, Mulop, and Carabro. Suddenly, a gruff voice jolted him back to reality. "Hey, you ain't 'leven, are you?" the jailkeeper asked.

"I was supposed to have my nectar today," Cori said. 

"Well, ye still gotta have yer necter," the jailkeeper replied, and brought out a bottle of the stuff.

Cori took a sip, and a wonderfull feeling spread over him. The nectar tasted of home, and his mother's apple cider. Mulled, of course. A blinding flash of light appeared in the middle of the room. A falcon was gliding through the jail. A falcon with amber eyes.

"Essix," Cori breathed.

"I-I doesn't believe it!" the jailkeeper exclaimed.

Cori took a step nearer to the falcon, and she swooped trough the bars of his cell, onto his arm.

A voice called out from the stairs at that moment. "I've payed your fee," a large man with a moose said. 

"Olvan? The Olvan? Leader of the Greencloaks?" Cori gasped in disbelief.

"Well, we might need you to do a few things, like saving the world," Olvan answered, and winked.



submitted by
(July 2, 2017 - 10:03 am)

Emilia ~

"Button up my cloak faster!" Duke Devin of Trunswick snidely complained.

"Fine," Emilia muttered.

She would much rather be out in her meadow, instead of being in this suffocating place. She'd had a debt to pay with the royal family, so she came here to work. This work included buttoning up the cloak of Devin at his nectar ceremony. She would be there too, and Abbey, the carpenter's daughter. 


The procession paraded out of the castle, Devind first, then Abbey, and finally Emilia. They took a seat on a bench. Devin was to go first.

"My name is Lenori," said the Greencloak giving out the nectar, "Today, you shall witness three summonings, or not."

She gave Devin a sip, with him kneeling. Emilia could clearly see him despising every moment of it. Devin waited, and waited. "Well, it looks like Devin of Trunswick has not summoned a spirit animal," Lenori announced calmly.

Devin's face grew red as he walked stiffly back to the bench. "Abbey next!" Lenori called.

Abbey didn't summon anything either. Emilia began to wonder how the nectar tasted like.

"Finally, Emilia," said Lenori, her eyes resting kindly on her. 

Emilia took a sip of the nectar and was surprised. It was the best thing she had ever tasted. It tasted like the pie her real mom used to make on her birthdays. 

Lenori yanked the bottle back and capped it. One heavenly taste was all Emilia got. a blinding light started to grow, and an animal amble out of it. A wolf with icy blue eyes. Somehow, Emilia knew who this was. "Briggan," she whispered.

Briggan padded over to Emilia and nudged her hand on top of his head. Emilia felt a great sense of togetherness. She sighed, happily. She grew even more happy when she saw Devin's look of outrage.


Emilia crouched in her meadow, enjoying her time with Briggan. A woman stepped out of the brush. "I'm Drina," she said, "I've come to take you to the Conquerors, the actual heroes of this war." Emilia thought that this girl was pretty stupid to think that she didn't know about the conquerors. They were the people who killed her parents in the first place!

She answered by turning her back and running. She crashed into a person with a green cloak, Lenori. "Whoa, girl," Lenori said, "Whatcha running from?"

"Drina, conquerors," Emilia panted.

"Oh, you better come to Greenhaven," Lenori answered.

A rainbow ibis flashed into existence, Lenori's spirit animal.

"Come on girl," she said.



submitted by
(July 2, 2017 - 11:15 am)


Can we guess who you are? 

submitted by elementgirl18917
(July 2, 2017 - 11:21 am)


submitted by
(July 2, 2017 - 4:07 pm)

Are you Random Person?

submitted by elementgirl18917
(July 4, 2017 - 6:15 am)

Yes! Sorry for not posting for so long. Vacation!

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(July 9, 2017 - 4:46 am)

Reserving a Main!!

submitted by Brookeira
(July 2, 2017 - 6:58 pm)