I present to

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I present to

I present to you... MY FIRST CBVERSARY RP!!! That's right, I have been on the CB for a full year, and, to celebrate, I am making an RP inspired by my first ever Carrie, a dragon called Spark Skylord. 

This is a dragon RP. These charries live in a divided land. One part of it is owned by the hierarchy of the Black Dragons, the other by the clans of the White Dragons. These two forces have been warring for centuries but a peace treaty is about to be formed. Unfortunately,  the Black Dragon leader isn't too happy about this and wants all of the power for him/herself. 

The White Dragon society are made up of three clans, each with its own elected ruler. These clans form a council to rule the White Dragons. They are very peaceful and wish for this war to end as soon as possible. There are three subspecies of white dragon that make up each clan, each with different colored streaks on their white scales. Whitestorm clan dragons have streaks of yellow and can summon lightning. Whiteice clan dragons have streaks of light blue, and breath a cone of frost that is so cold it can freeze the hottest fire. And finally, Whitewind dragons that have no breath weapon, but can control the wind to some extent.

The Black Dragon kingdom is ruled by one king (or queen). These dragons are pretty much pure evil, and love fighting and war. They want to wipe out every single White dragon alive. There are only two kinds of Black Dragons. Blackdeath dragons can spit acid and have poisinous fangs and teeth.  Blackghost dragons can turn both invisible or intangible,  though not at the same time.

Black Dragons have to be evil, and White dragons have to be good. Otherwise we won't have any conflicts to build up and the thread will die out. 

There are a few limited charrie spots:

Black Dragon king/queen

Whitestorm Chief

Whiteice Chief

Whitewind Chief 

I will also allow three rogues who who are hybrids of either loyalty. 

You can also be a regular clan dragon. The Black Dragon leaders second in command, an ambassador, a warrior, a spy, anything else really.

Here is the Charrie Sheet:








Rank(queen, warrior, farmer): 




Have fun! I'll post my charrie later. 

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(June 29, 2017 - 9:36 pm)

Happy CBversary Nebula! I'll join this, it sounds cool.


Name: Caligo Furieux

Age: I'm assuming dragons live a long time so let's go with 147 years

Gender: Female

Species: Black Dragon

Clan/kingdom: Just wondering why there is this one and the one above, they seem very similar/the same. Please clarify.

Power: Blackghost

Description: Large with a wide wingspan. Dark dark black with veins of dark dark purple spiraling all over her body and out along her wings and up her horns. Deep midnight blue eyes that have silver specks like stars in them, making them look like the night sky. The underside of her wings have scattered silvar scales splattered across them. Has long twisting horns and a sort of mane of scales along the point where her neck meets her head. Has long, sharply pointed teeth and claws that she uses well in fighting. She is really slender and lithe and super stong despite the fact that she doesn't look like it. Wears a silver crown with dark, shiny stones embeded in them that is simple and elegant and seems to radiate power like it's owner. She is a very violent dragon and loves fighting, but specializes more in strategy and planning though she is still very good in one-on-one combat. Knows her way around a lost of weapons and is a very good commander of troops. She was raised to hate all White Dragons and wants to destroy them all as vengance for her mother, who was killed in a battle but we'll get into that more later. She exudes power and authority and seems very threatining to all. She hates anyone who doesn't respect her power and position and demands that all her subjects do.

Rank: Can she be either the queen or royalty of some sort?

Backstory: She was raised by her mother who was the queen and raised her to hate all White Dragons and taught her to fight, taught her everything she knows. Her mother was killed in battle and she swore to avenge her death and carry on her legacy by destroying all White Dragons. When her mother died she inherited the throne as her only child. She is unable to fly silently because she broke her wing as a young dragon and it never healed right.

Other: I can change the backstory a bit if she can't be the queen.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 30, 2017 - 12:07 am)

Wow. That was longer than I expected.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 30, 2017 - 12:27 pm)

Do you write Epic Fangirl? Are you the author of Epic Fangirl? or do you just like that book a lot?

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 12 was 11, californa
(August 25, 2017 - 10:27 pm)

@Epic Fangirl, I guess your right! No need to worry about that slot on the sheet unless you are making a charrie who is one of the rouges, then please put that in the slot. Sorry for the confusion! Also, your charrie sounds great for the Black Dragon queen! 

And another note, Whitewind dragons have grey streaks on their scales. 

Name: Ashen Wane

Age: 102

Gender: Male

Species: He is a hybrid between a Whitestorm and a Whitewind dragon.

Clan/kingdom: Rouge

Power: Due to his mixed species, he can summon lightning and control the wind.

Description: Pure white scales but his wings are tipped with yellow and he has a ridge of grey needlelike spines along his back. (I'll post a drawing later)

Rank(queen, warrior, farmer): Rouge

Backstory: His parents were in different clans, and usually this is accepted but when Ashen hatched,  his power was uncontrollable and was kicked out of the clans for killing another dragon. He has been roaming the boarder working as a spy for whichever side pays him more (usually the Black Dragons)

Other: Anyone want to ship with him?

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(June 30, 2017 - 8:19 pm)

Ooh! The drama and plot would build if my charrie and yours were shipped! One loyal leader and another a rogue spy! 

submitted by Killim@Nebula
(June 30, 2017 - 10:28 pm)
submitted by TOP!!!
(June 30, 2017 - 12:47 am)

Reserving Whiteice chief! 

submitted by Killim
(June 30, 2017 - 5:27 pm)

Name: whitestorm

Age: 168

Gender: female

Species: white

Clan/kingdom: whitestorm

Power: fire

Description: red dragon with gold eyes, a large wingspan, ruby-like scales on his head and fire-like patterned scales

Rank (queen, warrior, farmer): chief

Backstory: a white dragon who rose in the ranks until leader was killed in battle.

Other: when in battle, ruby scales become hot

submitted by Ice Skylamp, age 168, The land of dragons
(June 30, 2017 - 9:25 pm)

@Ice Skylamp

If your charrie is a Whitestorm dragon, they have to be white and have lightning powers. 

submitted by ...
(July 1, 2017 - 6:01 am)


submitted by ice skylamp, age 167, The land of dragons
(July 1, 2017 - 5:17 pm)

@Killim,  That sounds amazing! Post your charrie as soon as you can! 

@Ice Skylamp,  your charrie looks cool, but it is a Whitestorm dragon, so it won't look like or have any of those powers. Would you mind editing it a little bit? It sounds like a great idea for the chief though!

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(July 1, 2017 - 8:42 am)

Name: whitestorm

Age: 168

Gender: male

Species: white

Clan/kingdom: whitestorm

Power: lightning

Description: white dragon with gold eyes, and a large wingspan,

Rank (queen, warrior, farmer): chief

Backstory: a white dragon who rose in the ranks until leader was killed in battle.

Other: when in battle, ruby scales become hot




captcha says ukwz, the UK was what?

submitted by ice skylamp, age 167, The land of dragons
(July 1, 2017 - 5:20 pm)

Neb, Happy CBversary!!! You have been the most splendid addition to the CB, I am so glad you have joined. And please do stay for many more years to come! I might join this later!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(July 1, 2017 - 12:13 am)

Name: Lodia Glacyr

Age: 137 years

Gender: Female

Species: White Dragon

Clan/kingdom: Whiteice

Power: Ice

Description: Small, agile, and fast-looking, with pure white scales that have thin streaks of pale blue. Her eyes are deep ochre yellow.

Rank: If second in command applies to the clans, then second in command. Otherwise, Warrior. 

Backstory: Her father died before she was born fighting Black Dragons, and her mother died a few minutes after laying Lodia's egg. Unfortunately the egg was laid far outside the boundaries of the Whiteice camp. When Lodia hatched, a patrolling Whiteice dragon found her and brought her back to where she belonged. She grew up and led quite a normal life there until this story starts.

Other: Very, very far back in her bloodline (think great grandparents x50) she has a little bit of Black Dragon blood.

submitted by elementgirl18917, age 10.79, the Periodic Table
(July 1, 2017 - 6:24 am)

I reserve an ice dragon queen or warrior if leader is taken. If I don't post within a week or so, you can give my spot to someone else. 

submitted by Leeli
(July 1, 2017 - 8:25 am)