Warriors RPt
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Warriors RPt
Warriors RP
this is an RP based off the warriors series if you do not know what it is please look it up/read it.
the prophecy is: Darkness falls once more
cats from evermore
the leaf with spots
with the star of fire at her side
the broken star will come,
claw of the tiger at his side.
Death will rain again.
this is the charrie sheet:
mate/crush (optional, if had, TRY, PLEASE TRY NOT TO MAKE IT TOO WEIRD):
rules: no op charries, up to fifteen charries (one exception, kits.)
no power-playing, no taking the spotlight, and have fun,
name: Blazestar
age: 32 moons
clan: thunder
rank: leader
appearance: blazing orangey-red (like firestar's) blazing gold eyes
personality: kind, very fierce in battle, and just generally, a very strong leader,
family: kit (see; kits)
mate/crush (optional, if had, TRY, PLEASE TRY NOT TO MAKE IT TO WEIRD): dead, flameheart
kits: 1, firekit (whitekit & brightkit died from greencough along with mother.)
bio: clan expects great things, best leader since bramblestars time (its only 3 generations off.) was born on a eclipse.
extras: direct decendent of firestar
(June 29, 2017 - 9:27 am)
ok....maybe you could move all of them? Please? With sprinkles on top? Im sure someone else would mentor Mudpaw...
(July 6, 2017 - 10:10 pm)
Sure Mudpaw can be your apprentice, but please note that she is a girl.
(July 6, 2017 - 7:32 am)
Ok, you have a point there. How about the Shadowclan medicine cat is still alive at the very beginning, and she's killed by a fox or something before she can name an apprentice. How about her name was Littleleaf.
Oh, also, sorry for making another clan sheet. I didn't see that you had made one until after mine posted. (lol, mine got messed up when I pasted it anyways.)
(July 6, 2017 - 8:42 am)
shall we start?
captcha says hbmc
hive biome minecraft? what? theres no hive biome
(July 6, 2017 - 11:05 am)
age:32 moons
rank:med. cat
appearance:bramble/tigerstars patterning gold eyes
(July 6, 2017 - 11:10 am)
Name: Echoclaw
Age: 16
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearence: White with light hazel paws, tail tip, and around her eyes.
Personality: Fierce, yet kind, outgoing, determend, slightly quirky
Family: Blossom(frost) ( Mother), Mudtail (Father), Maplepaw( Younger sister)
(July 6, 2017 - 4:00 pm)
Echo is already taken as a prefix... sorry...
(July 6, 2017 - 7:25 pm)
(July 6, 2017 - 10:08 pm)
Prefix Bramble is already taken.
(July 6, 2017 - 5:09 pm)
Fine... thornfeather then
(July 6, 2017 - 9:15 pm)
Today's soundtrack: Imagine Dragon's new album Evolve. Adrenaline, check. Awesome all powerful writer-y feeling: Check. Random pre-posting rambling: Check.
Let's do this thing.
(Oh, one more thing. Claaws, I know Lostfur's charrie sheet said that she was looking for an apprentice, but for convenience's sake, can we pretend that Brightpaw is the medicine cat apprentice at first? After she transfers, there won't be an apprentice anymore, and you can go back to her looking for an apprentice if you want. Hope that's ok!)
"Brightpaw, wake up you minnowbrain. It's morning already." Lostfur poked a paw into Brightpaw's side, and the apprentice stirred in her nest. After a moment's hesitation, she uncurled herself, yawned, and blinked her wide green eyes at her mentor. "Sorry Lostfur. I..... I had another bad dream last night." Lostfur gazed at Brightpaw for a moment, then meowed "Do you want to talk about it?" Brightpaw curled her tail around her paws and matched Lostfur's piercing gaze. "I saw darkness. So much darkness. The air smelled like fear, and when I looked up, I saw....." Her usually calm meow quavered, and her ears flattened back against her head. "I saw the darkness cover the stars one by one, until the stars were just...... gone." The thought of losing Starclan kindled a deep, tangible panic inside her. Without our ancestors, we would be nothing. Without the stars in the sky to guide us, we would be lost.
Lostfur considered her for a moment, then tilted her head towards the stacks of herbs that sat waiting to be sorted and replenished. "The life of a medicine cat is never an easy path to follow, but it is the path the you and I have decided to live by, and it is a path laid out for us by Starclan. If they are sending you these dreams, then there is a reason. They may be simply warning us of a greencough outbreak, or it may be something darker, but until it happens, all we can do is prepare and stay alert. I have already informed Ripplestar of your dreams, and there is nothing more to be done. Thinking about it is only going to drive you mad, so I suggest you help your clan by focusing on sorting out these herbs instead of dwelling on something you cannot change. Now, I'm going to go collect some horsetail. Sort through the dock leaves and throw out anything that we can't use anymore." With that, Lostfur turned and stalked out of the thorny-medicine cat den, leaving Brightpaw to think over her words.
She felt certain that Starclan was trying to tell her something. Something was coming, something big, and she wanted to be ready for it when it did. Then, her stomach gurgled loudly and she was reminded that, prophecy or not, she needed to eat something, and she had to get through a pile of dock leaves first. Twitching her tail in annoyance, she bent over the pile and began to discard the dried and withered leaves. She threw herself into the work, trying to focus on the fact that the fresh kill was probably disappearing off the pile instead of the darkening sky and the feeling of fear.
Sorry that was kinda short. I'll write more later.
(July 7, 2017 - 10:40 am)
@Atumnleaves, sounds good! And Rain is taken as a prefex...sorry! And Little is already taken as a prefex, so how about..Yarrowleaf?
Okay, here are the people who still need to change their charrie's names.
@Pinkpanther, the prefex Birch and Light are already taken. Can you change Birchfall and Lightfoot's names? And Cherrysky has a mate already, Lakeclaw.
@Echoclaw, Echo and Mud are already taken as prefexs. Can you switch Echoclaw and Mudtail's names?
@Elementgirl, so, I gotta an idea for the leader and kits. Maybe you could make another queen, one who's kits maybe died of sickness, and that queen maybe volenteered to raise Ripplestar's kits, so she could still lead the clan and train her apprintance? How does that sound?
@Ashfang Storm and Night are already taken as prefexes. Can you change Nighttail's name and Stormkits name? And a cat cannot have a prefex of Star, because if they became leader they would be named Starstar. So can you also change Startail's name? Oh, and one last thing, can Foxshadow be siblings with Eaglepelt?
@Moonfrost can you switch all of your cats to Thunderclan? I mean, it would even out the numbers a lot. And, I mean, they just had an awfull dictatorship, so wouldn't you think Windclan would have the least amount of warriors? Also, I understand Dovepools the med. cat. Maybe if you switch them all to Thunderclan, she can be Thunderclan's med. cat? Cause, I bet Blazestar just made Thornfeather to fill in the gaps.
@Someone, Feather is already taken as a prefex. And can you also switch your charries to Thunderclan? Windclan's...overpopulated.... like seriously...26 cats in Windclan....compaired to 14 in Thunderclan....
Also, @EVERYONE, OUR APPRINTANCES NEED MENTORS. So can either Rainwing, Mudtail, Blazestar, or Redheart mentor Rosepaw and Maplepaw? And can Raincloud mentor Lilypaw? We'll figure out WIndclan after there's less cats. I can take away Downyfeather, too.
and updated list!!!!!!!!!
Thunderclan (14)
Leader: Blazestar
Duepty: Redheart
Med. Cat: Thornfeather
Warriors: Cherrysky, Rainwing, Jayclaw, Applestreak, Echoclaw (name's taken), Mudtail (name's taken), Blossomfrost
Apprintances: Rosepaw, Maplepaw
Queens: Sunberry
Kits: Firekit
Windclan (26!?)
Leader: Silverstar
Apprintance: Bramblepaw
Duepty: Downyfeather
Apprintance: Mudpaw
Med. Cat: Dovepool
Warriors: Hawkfang, Berryheart, Leafjump, Dapplefang, Goldenstripe, Mosswing, Birchfall, (name is already taken...) Graybelly, Vipernose
Apprentice: Icepaw
Apprentices: Icepaw, Mudpaw, Littlepaw, Frostpaw, Bramblepaw, Featherpaw (name's taken)
Queens: Fernnose
Kits: Robinkit, Fawnkit, Breezekit, Tallkit
Elders: Brindlepelt, Lightfoot (name is already taken....) Moonfrost
Riverclan (16)
Leader: Ripplestar
Apprintance: Wolfpaw
Duepty: Raincloud (name's taken...)
Med. Cat: Lostfur
Apprintance: Brightpaw
Warriors: Lakeclaw, Falconclaw,
Apprintance: Fireflypaw
Apprintance: Echopaw
Apprintances: Echopaw, Fireflypaw, Wolfpaw, Lilypaw, Brightpaw
Queens: Ripplestar?
Kits: Birdkit, Stonekit, Petalkit
Elders: Darkfang
Shadowclan (19)
Leader: Nightstar
Duepty: Foxshadow
Med. Cat: Littleleaf
Warriors: Duskheart, Amberpelt, Lightwhisker, Startail (cant have that name), Blackclaw, Crowpelt, Nighttail (name's taken....)
Queens: Tigerfang, Ashfang
Kits: (Batkit, Ravenkit, Sprucekit, Beatlekit ~Tigerfang's) Featherkit, Muskkit, Stormkit (name's taken...) ~Ashfang's
(July 7, 2017 - 4:07 pm)
OK! I am going to make one more cat for Riverclan! I mean come on Riverclan only has SIXTEEN CATS!! SIXTEEN!!! And poor Thunderclan's population dwindled to half its normal size! UGH!
Name: Crispfoot
Age: 31
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Short yellowish fur, his front paw is light grey, tail tip and his face is a darker grey. Tallish muscular build, coarse bushy tail, firm paws.
Personality: Smart, quick on his feet. Although he is fierce in battle, he is kind. Might be a bit rough at times.
Family: His mother,Shrewspot and father, Soarspirit (both dead). His brother, Brewwheat, his sister Hollyflight(died).
Mate/Crush: Has a slight crush on Silverheart.
Kits: None
Bio: His father was named after his character. Not loyal and not very smart (wise). He met Shrewspot from Windclan and became in love. They died when Crispfoot was 24 moons. Basically Brewwheat is stayed from Windclan and is currently there, and Their sister, Hollyflight died from a broken spine.
I might not write with Rosepaw verymuch...
(July 7, 2017 - 7:09 pm)
Lol, ok, so I'll rename him Greycloud. Admins, I'm really really sorry for asking this again, but would you mind changing his name once more? Thanks so much!
Oh, one other thing, Claaws, could we not have Greycloud mentor Lilypaw? For one, she's going to have her warrior ceremony at the very beginning, and also we were planning on shipping them and having her as an apprentice would make it kinda weird. (We made Lilypaw an apprentice so she and brightpaw could be sisters, but we made Greycloud a really young deputy so the age difference wouldn't be too weird.)
Who do you want renamed Greycloud? Brightpaw? Please send another comment with both old and new names, and send it on the thread with the name you want changed. Thanks.
(July 7, 2017 - 7:30 pm)
oh! sorry!
I couldn't find the thread!
(July 7, 2017 - 11:59 pm)