Hamilton RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hamilton RP
Hamilton RP
Name: Angelica Schuyler
Appearance: Wavy blonde hair, pinned up in a loose bun, pale skin, cat-green eyes, a pink frock with white, lace ruffles on the sleeves, corset, and ends. A shallow neckline. Another one for formal-wear, violet with white lace on the ends, a few ruffles on the skirt, a pearl necklace, made of velvet. Pink heels, silk lining.
Personality: Never satisfied. She'll hold on to what she loves, but if her sisters love it more, she'll give it to them. Doesn't obey her father often, she'll marry a rich man if it means her becoming rich.
Romance: Likes Hamilton.
You can now do either:
Burr, Hamilton, Laurens, Mulligan, Lafayette, Eliza, Peggy, Phillip Hamilton, Theodosia, Theodosia Jr, Phillip Schuyler, Samuel Seabury, Thomas Jefferson, Madison, King George, the dude who insulted Phillip H.'s dad, George Washington, Charles Lee, or some other people that I forgot. Not Angelica, she's already my charrie.
We can start whenever we have a charrie that RPs the next part.
Ex: if we have a Hamilton and an Aaron Burr, but nobody else, we can still start on Aaron Burr, Sir.
We're starting on Aaron Burr, Sir.
(June 18, 2017 - 11:31 am)
Thank you.
(June 26, 2017 - 7:01 pm)
Starting at Aaron Burr, Sir. Or Maria Ann Reynolds.
(June 28, 2017 - 9:19 pm)
Name: Margarita Schuyler Van Rensselaer AKA Peggy
Appearance: I thought of basing her off her real appearance, or of the Chicago or new New York or Tour cast...but I just had to go with Jasmine Cephas Jones because she rocks.
Light brown skin. Large innocent dark brown eyes lined delicately with mascara. Long curly brown hair the same color of her eyes. She wears her hair down, tied up slightly but looks down, or completely up held together by a band (in real life). Wears bright red lipstick. Yellow is her favorite color so she usually reads wears that color. Her favorite dress has buttons going all the way down, and long sleeves with lacy frills at the end...the are not straight cut; the back is longer. The skirt extends from that top part.
Personality: Bubbly, in a good mood usually. She's always skeptical about breaking the rules, and slightly nervous about the war, but with a little convincing from her sisters, she'll go anywhere as long as she can have fun. Innocent, happy. She's sassy, but not in the way Angelica is (Angelica is witty and intellectual). Sometimes she feels a little out of the loop...well, very "And Peggy!" style.
Romance: I feel like she has a low-key crush on John Laurens. But he's pretty gay so hopefully she'll get over that.
So how exactly does this RP work? Do we go by song, or just generally go by the story?
(June 25, 2017 - 9:27 pm)
I looked it up and apparently Peggy eloped with her husband (not in the musical), which strongly suggests she loved him, so it seems she does indeed get over any previous crushes. Also, I second your question.
(June 25, 2017 - 10:04 pm)
My opinion is that we go by story. We can start a little bit before the musical, when maybe everyone not met her, even before Aaron Burr Sir happens. Kind of have some character intro before we get into things. And I guess we can go by the actual Hamilton plotline, but really get into our characters. Also, add things. Maybe ships and relationships not mentioned in the musical, or basically anything we want to add. We can even do extra research of stuff that once again wasn't included in the musical. Like....John Lauren's obsession with turtles. Or his relationship with Hamilton. Or...really go full out on the winters ball, not just Angelica, Eliza, and Hamilton's perspective. I think this can be a really cool RP if we get creative enough. Only thing we'd have to skip over or not go into detail with would be I guess Say No To This type thing since that's not suitable for many CBers. I don't think we'd do that anyway, but I wanted to mention it.
(June 26, 2017 - 11:09 pm)
I'm afraid something like that sounds beyond my abilities, although interesting. I didn't know Laurens had a thing for turtles... That's actually kind of cute. Maybe we could replace any strong language, etc. with turtles, whether the word or the emoji.
(June 27, 2017 - 10:30 am)
Yes, PLEASE skip Say No To This. That is one of my least favorite songs and I do agree that it might be inappropriate. However, the whole second act kind of depends on that for plot, so I don't know how that would work.
(June 27, 2017 - 10:43 am)
Honestly I think "Hamilton was secretly dating someone else" is enough....that part would be tricky. We could at least get the first act done.
(June 27, 2017 - 4:18 pm)
I guess? But I was under the impression that we would just be doing the musical here.
(June 28, 2017 - 12:54 pm)
Name: Marquis de Lafayette(its much longer but I shortened it)
Appearance: google it
Personality: loyal, smart, and will stick to what he believes is right. Was against slavery
Romance: Not mentioned in musical, but already had an arranged marriage. She's back at France
he's kinda like Hamilton, having a great life in the beginning fighting and winning wars, but then getting into jail during the French Revolution and stuff.
(June 27, 2017 - 7:51 pm)
Adrienne is his wife's name. I found a really cute fan art of her and him once. Google "Adrienne and Lafayette art" and you should find it....it's by one of my favorite online artists for some reason, macaroon22. At least that's the username but she has a real name. Here's something I copied and pasted from that post and added to it a bit.
They were in an arranged marriage, had six children and named their son Georges Washington, after the war Lafayette was tried with treason and arrested (poor guy, I don't know if it was the rebels accusing him of being loyal to the royals or the royals saying he sided with the treasonous rebels). Adrienne was arrested as well. She's tough. Before that, she survived the reign of terror, which was basically when during the French Revolution the rebels went kind of crazy and executed anyone vaguely Royal, even families. The French Revolution....it was pretty chaotic/crazy. Yeah the royal family was pretty bad with ruling the country and the peasants were suffering, though the rebels weren't saints either. Anywho, that broke the country free of the monarchy. Then the unrest and lack of government (they had like no government after they overthrew the royals) made way for leaders to have extreme power like Napolean. He called himself an emperor.
Back to the couple.... Adrienne's last words to Lafayette were, “I am all yours.”
(June 27, 2017 - 10:56 pm)
When I first found out it was an arranged marriage I was skeptical, thinking along the lines of "arranged marriages are usually terrible, I bet she didn't deserve him", but then I kept reading and it turns out the arrangement was proposed by the parents and then the two were introduced without being told about that and fell in love on their own. And now I very much ship it.
(June 28, 2017 - 1:06 pm)
It was beautiful! The art! RIP Lafayette even though you died 183 years ago. *salutes* You were a hero of two worlds. May America and France remember you as long as humanity exists
(June 28, 2017 - 3:02 pm)
Lol Storm Whisperer! That is exactly how I would do it: look him up online lol.
(June 29, 2017 - 5:46 am)
For Say No to This, we could just skip the whole song and have Reynolds (both of them) and Hamilton say, Hamilton was with James Reynold's wife.
(June 28, 2017 - 10:08 pm)