CB Training Acade

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CB Training Acade

CB Training Academy


St. Owl made one and I thought it would be fun to make one too.



-You are allowed to bring AEs, but they will be on their own, like you

-Nothing to be brought, except AEs

-You cannot write anything, except diary entries.


I copied and pasted below, St. Owl's words. I tweaked a few things though . . . 

1. Congratulations! You're about to be a graduate of the CB Training Academy! All you have to do is get through the Maze.

2. Your prowess will be determined by my mood.

3. This will update daily with each student's standing. I'll accept ten students, no more or less, who will attempt to complete the Maze. 

4. This is a game. Not everyone will complete the Maze - in fact, in the end, there will be one singular winner.

5. During your time in the Maze, you will encounter other students. If this happens, you are required to take part in a contest of some sorts. Nobody dies during this match; if you lose, you are disqualified from the Maze. The winner of these tournaments are randomized, maybe.

6. There are many ways to get OUT, including by my whim. These challenges what they have learned in the Academy. The final results of these trials will be determined, again, by my mood. A maximum of three people can be put OUT during one of my trials

7. During the Finals, you are allowed to write diary entries about what is happening in the Maze as you go along. Minor plot points can be developed in these entries, such as friendships or enemities. If I am particularly impressed by an entry, I may be strangely in your favor.

8. At the beginning of the Maze, you only have a weapon depending on the theme to help you. However, every day, two random people will recieve some sort of weapon to assist them, which will factor into anything they come across. These weapons include purple tacos, pointy things, glitter grenades, and other crazy stuff.

9. You don't need to know anything about the fandom to participate! However, if you want to join, but really are not interested in the fandom, good news - this will be a monthly thing, each time a different theme!

11. The winner of the Finals gets bragging rights of surpassing my grumpy moods! And a written picturing of anything.

Step up, step up! Time for a adventure full of fluffy dragons!


The first theme will be . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

Inheritance Cycle!

You'll each get a rider's sword.


Lucky donuts to you! You'll need them! 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 16, 2017 - 9:31 pm)

I'm writing the whole story. You can write diary entries.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 10:05 am)

The theme means which fandom it's based off on. For example, one month, it would be Inheritance Cycle, the next it could be . . . School for Good and Evil or . . . Harry Potter.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 10:12 am)

BTW, my AE Timeless likes Estella.

I DO NOT!!!!!

Of course you do! I've seen you mooning over her picturings.

Wait . . . have you been stalking her? 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 10:13 am)

May I join ?

submitted by JohnF.Q, age 14, England
(June 20, 2017 - 7:44 am)



No need to ask!



Lucy B.







Unsuspecting Storyteller








Treble Clef


General Waffleson




Spots are closed! We start tomorrow! 


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 10:10 am)
submitted by Spots Closed!
(June 20, 2017 - 10:16 am)

Day 1


Welcome CBers and CBettes to the amazing . . .

Maze (of pink fluffy dragons) !


So, here we have all the contestants being deposited! Ooooh. There's quite a pileup. Arwen came first, so she got the worst of it. Unsuspecting's foot is in her mouth. Joy’s the last one down. She seems to bounce quite comfortably on the mass of tangles arms and legs.


It seems that the CBers have figured out their differences. Lucy B. is actually using the confusion to her advantage! She’s cornering Felinda! The business end of her sword is nearing and . . . oh, and there Felinda goes, off like a rocket towards a south-southwest path!


Wait! The epicness isn’t done yet! Arwen’s angry at Unsuspecting for kicking her in the mouth . . . Wind’s trying to defend Unsuspecting . . . and Unsuspecting says she doesn’t need defending! This match is sure going to be fun! Arwen gets out right away, caught by Wind. I guess she wasn’t just saying that she was kind and sympathetic. Unuspecting is nearly on top of Wind. At the last second, Wind tickles her. Unsuspecting is out, caught unawares by tickling, and Wind’s sword.


The rest of the CBers decided to keep the peace. Lucy B. and Elementgirl went on the north-northwest path, before splitting up at a fork. Wind and Rosalyn stuck together, going due west. Gen. Waffleson purposefully took the most obvious path, north. Estella, Sketch, Shadow, and Joy, formed an alliance, going southeast. I wonder if they’ll meet with Felinda if the go south along a fork. Leafpool decided to stay and recover a bit before deciding to go in another direction. Anna pranced off west. Kitten and Moonfrost discussed a few things together, before putting their hands on the right wall, closing their eyes, and walking off. Dandelion headed northeast. Treble Clef closed their eyes, spun around, and headed off east. Finally, Jamie and JohnF.Q headed north, doubled back, and went south.


Hi! Timeless in the house! I’m handing out the dangerous (or maybe not) weapons!


Leafpool heard a low rumbling. She looked up, and saw a golden dragon standing in front of her. “Imma name you Sunny!” Leafpool yelled. “I’m male,” the dragon rumbled. “Oh,” Leafpool’s face fell, “Then Gladir!”


JohnF.Q was bonked on the head by a large dictionary. He opened it. It contained different spells, what they did, and their pronunciation. He smiled.


I’llllllll givvvvvvve out additttttional awardsssssssss. Sssssssssnicker present. It seems that Kitten has made a good point in her diary, how are you supposed to use the restroom?


Kitten found a small key on the ground in front of her. She picked it up, and turned it around, wondering what it was used for. She was immediately transported into one of those luxury restrooms in mansions. She turned the key again, and was back in the maze.


Outness Toll:

1 persons




For the Outness Toll, if you see me write “3 persons” that’s just me trying to imitate one of those signs for jacuzzis made in the ‘90s.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 3:48 pm)

Never mind. We start today.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 3:49 pm)

Do you like it?

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(June 20, 2017 - 4:52 pm)

It's great! Signs for jacuzzis, XD

submitted by elementgirl18917
(June 21, 2017 - 6:05 am)

It's great! Signs for jacuzzis, XD

submitted by elementgirl18917
(June 21, 2017 - 6:05 am)

I like it!

My Diary~

I made it through the first day in the maze! And I even got the key to luxury restrooms!

I am staying with Moonfrost and we're following the wall on the right. I hope this works! With two of us, we can be protected against others more easily, and by following the right wall, we'll be able to find our way around the maze quite easily.

Joy's Diary~

I am sticking with a group of four- Estella, Sketch, Shadow, and me. The more people, the better. Not only will we not get bored, but together we can fight off anything!

I just got a sword. I have absolutely no experience with a sword. I would much rather have a bunch of rocks to throw. 

submitted by Kitten
(June 21, 2017 - 10:05 am)

This is the first one of this type of thing I've participated in, so I'm just writing how I'm seeing other people write.

My diary:

I went with ElementGirl until we came to a fork.  Then we split there.  I hope I don't run into anything too nasty until I meet up with anyone new.  Hopefully I won't die.

Sketch's diary:

Well, I'm in a group of four, so I guess I should be greatful that someone has my back, even if that means there's more of a chance for people to turn on us.  I try not to think about that, though.   

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(June 21, 2017 - 10:23 pm)

My journal:

Whew! My first day in the maze. Today wasn't overly hard, so good that. I headed northeast. I hope that was a good path to take and that it gets me somehwere. I'm really nervous for tommorow. Who knows what could come next??

 Felida's Journal:

 This day has been crazy!! I mean first i get hassled by this Cber, and shot of into the maze! What kind of insane day is this? I suppose I'll know at the end, if I survive. 

submitted by Dandelion
(June 22, 2017 - 1:44 pm)

Cool. Gladr is awesome. 

I don't know if I'll write diary entries; I'm freaked out that if I say one little thing it'll get me kicked out.  

submitted by Leafpool
(June 22, 2017 - 11:28 am)