The Lost Tribe

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Lost Tribe

The Lost Tribe (Solo Write)

Paradise has four tribes. The Jungles, The Sands, and The Waters. The Jungles, as you may assume, lives in a large jungle with an array of different trees and grassy hills and valleys. The Sands live in one large dessert, with a few trees scattered about the watering holes. The Waters live in a large ocean next to the two other tribes, that turns to fresh water the closer to land they are.

On the other side of the ocean, conecting to the other side of the forest and deserts, are the mountains. There, the rulers are foretold to live. No one knows what these rulers look like, only that their tribe is made of dragons. The tribe in general are called The Flyters. 

Peace has rained across the tribes for as long as anyone can remember, with the Flyters always the ruling tribe. Each year a meeting is called so that the Flyters can anounce rules and make sure the tribes are in check.

But the meeting was cancled this year.

No tribe showed up. Not after the cheifs were told the prophecy. 

You see, each tribe has a relic that allows them protection and gives them special skills. Healing, fighting, super powerish stuff. Each relic comes with a pair of awsome superpowered gaurdains, too.

For the Jungles a light pink dimond elephant is hidden in an underground cave protected by the gaurdains. 

For the Waters an iridescent amathythis dolphin waits in an underwater cave gaurded by two burley gardains.

For the Sands a faded Jade cat sits in a cool, underground sandstone cave gaurded by shifting gaurdains. 

But what the tribes dont know is that the Flyters never had one.  

And that the prophocy promisses the doom of the relics and their life as they know it. 


Few that was boring. Now whos ready to make a charrie sheet! *crickets chirp* are the rules. 


1. This is a solo write. That means I write.

2. You can only have one charrie.

3. Well, I should tell you what charries ur choosing then. You can either be a cheif of one of the tribes (including the Flyters) or one of the prophotised (one from each tribe). Wow, thats only 8. Lets can be a gaurd of one of the tribes (like, big feirce creatures) or a uh no cant think of the Person-who-tells-cheif-what-the-best-options-are is that an Advisor? Or one of the prophotised family members or a moutanish creature. Like a wolf. 

4. The creatures of each tribe must resemble the creatures who live in that area modern day. Like a lion for the deserts or a tiger for the jungle.

5.  The guardians must be an ancient powerful creature. I won't give you examples cause I want you to be creative. 

6. Only one of each creature unless youre making a family member or the second guardian of a tribe.

7. The prophotised are younge, like teenagers in human years and cheifts tend to be older.  

Ah arent you so curious as to what the prophecy is? Well I guess you just have to read on then.

Feal free to ask any questions. I know this is confusing.

Now for the charrie sheet!

Name (make it something related to what tribe your in. I wont give you examples, as this can mean whatever you want it to mean):



What are you (prophotised, gaurdain...):


Appearance (can be different from your average tiger, as in different eyes, markings, etc. Just no hot pink anything):

Powers (nothing to extravagant, maybe you can heal surface wounds and can only heal a scratch before recharging): 

Background (daughter of a cheif, family died of sickness, ect): 


Have fun! 

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 9, 2017 - 4:25 pm)

Does that mean I can have more powers instead of just talking to animals?!?!? If so, I would like to have force-fields, that I can gold for a minute, and I can read minds, but still working on it.

submitted by Zen, China
(June 11, 2017 - 8:19 pm)

Oops srry, wait, so ur still in this then? As a gaurdain? If so can u make ur charrie a little more magical and fierce? And the jungle gaurdain is already taken.


submitted by SJay , age 2020, High Country
(June 11, 2017 - 10:00 pm)

Then who am I? And if I remember correctly you said protected by gardians when you introduced the rp...

submitted by Zen, China
(June 12, 2017 - 4:48 pm) can be the Sands gaurdain.....or the Waters guardian....?

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 12, 2017 - 8:54 pm)

....-_-...... really SJay, I was the first to make a Jungle guardian, and is said guardiansssssss, not guardian. So please.  -_-. 

submitted by Zen, China
(June 13, 2017 - 4:29 pm)

Um, you wanted the prophotised Jungle, remember? So I gave the guardains to someone else. And then you said you couldnt do it anymore because you wouldnt be able to keep up? 

submitted by SJay , age 2020, High Country
(June 13, 2017 - 6:16 pm)

It said--

Shot!I thought the prophocied and guardians were the same thing! Can you please make it so my charrie (Planta Flos ) is the phrophocied of the Jungle Tribe instead of the guardian???? Sorry!!!! 

submitted by Zen, China
(June 10, 2017 - 1:17 pm)


submitted by Icy, age 13inmonths, The Forest
(June 14, 2017 - 4:49 pm)

Okay, I'll make Xalnia's parents. Them and her are very similar.

Name: Zanadee

Tribe: Jungle

Species: Hippogriph

What are you?: Guardian

Personality: Carefree, doesn't think too much before doing things, gets mad at herself if she messes up

Appearance: Whitish body, large wings, wispy tail, soft and caring eyes

Powers: She is strong and fast. Her beak does a lot of damage, more than you think it would.

Background: She was trained by her parents and met her husband while guarding the relic.


Name: Querich

Tribe: Jungle

Species: Hippogriph

What are you?: Guardian

Personality: Strict, focused, can get angry quickly, high expectations 

Appearance: Whitish body, medium sized wings, thick tail, piercing eyes

Powers: He is the strongest of the guardians, and can lift others when he flies.

Background: He is of the other hippogriph family (he didn't marry his sister), and like Zanadee, he was trained by his parents.


submitted by Kitten
(June 11, 2017 - 7:43 pm)

Oh, Kitten can I change their backgrounds a bit? Since the gaurdains are unique in species, i was thinking that they were both created by the relic to gaurd it, but not related at all. Is that ok w/ u? 

submitted by SJay , age 2020, High Country
(June 11, 2017 - 10:02 pm)

please look to c if I left a comment for you and correct the thing I want u to correct. Also please make more charries! 

submitted by @EVERYONE
(June 14, 2017 - 2:33 pm)

Please post so I know ur still here.

submitted by TOP@EVERYONE
(June 17, 2017 - 10:42 am)
submitted by Here!, The Riddler
(June 25, 2017 - 12:14 pm)

Oh, yes SJay you can change their backgrounds. I wasn't quite sure how that worked.

I'm confused about what Zen's character is. Do I have the Jungle huardian, or does he have it? 

submitted by Kitten
(June 21, 2017 - 10:14 am)
submitted by Please post!!!
(June 27, 2017 - 10:16 pm)