Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Cursed Solo Write

Hiya everyone. I am back with a new passion for writing stuff, and I would like to remind everyone not to eat the cookies or the cake. They are poison. No, really, they are POISON!

You wake up from a coma with no memories, except how to use various tools, weapons, skills, and language. The room is a small concrete cell. And everybody is wearing a suit/dress suitable for a fancy, 1920’s party.

Suddenly, a door opened. Everyone saw a different colour of light, and suddenly, they felt… different. They each had a magical power. Nay, TWO magical powers. What was the light? WHY WERE THEY 1920’S PEOPLE???

They then saw the cookies and cake. One reached forward to eat it, and shriveled into dust as they ate it. So, yeah, poison. But who are these people?


The character sheet:






Weapon of choice

Power #1*

Power #2*



Ok, are you ready? This will be awesome. This will be… groovy!

*Make them reasonable powerfull


submitted by Gared
(May 17, 2017 - 3:16 pm)

Ok, so since I have a cup full of dice on my desk, and I wanna use them for this, so I am am instituting a reader rewards program. 

Step 1: Have a character in this solo write

2: Reply to one of the story segments with either a complement or critque

3: When your character finds a treasure chest, or soething like that, I will roll a die, and use that number to determine what kind of thing they find. So, if I roll a four sided dice (d4) there will be four different things they could find. I will also try to use some dice in other things, like combat, so it is a little more interesting

And that brings us to our second subject: If your character dies, you can make another one, using the same character sheet, except I will let you have three powers, becuase its a little bit mean to kill off somebody's OC.

Thats all.

*Dissapears into a could of blue smoke.*

And, please let me know if you would like your character to be the main character for one of the segments. So, that was not all.

That is all.

Oh, and you can eat the cookies and cake now. They are not really poison. Just wanted your attention. 

submitted by Gared
(May 20, 2017 - 10:51 am)

Sounds Neat! I don't really care if you kill of me, feel free to do so!

submitted by Danie
(May 20, 2017 - 2:52 pm)

If it's okay, I'd like to have July be a MC for a segment.


submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 20, 2017 - 5:54 pm)


submitted by Gared
(May 20, 2017 - 9:00 pm)

You reserved a spot, and I still haven't got your character. Can you please tell me if you don't want to do this or send in a character sheet?

submitted by @Mei
(May 20, 2017 - 1:37 pm)

I'm a bit confused, but I'll try to follow along. Maybe it would help if the line breaks were those about signs.

submitted by unsuspectingstrytllr
(May 20, 2017 - 9:17 pm)

Name: Sophia D'Angelo

Age: Whatever is best for shipping. XD

Gender: Female, but she's attracted to both male and female.

Appearance: She's half-Italian, half-Indian. Light brown skin and hair. She's short, and usually wears blue.

Personality: She's the modern Pandora, insanely curious about everything. This gets her in trouble sometimes, though! She's nice to those who are nice to her. She's also very artistic, and loves to draw.

Weapon of choice: Anything she can find, but usually a spear.

Power #1: Reading minds

Power #2: She has a pencil that whatever she draws comes to life, within reason. She can't become a millionaire by drawing a million dollars.

Skills: Drawing, asking questions

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(May 20, 2017 - 10:18 pm)

Ok, great! Thanks for the unique character.

submitted by Gared
(May 21, 2017 - 12:14 am)

Time was once a mortal like you, for Time was once named Thyme, after the herb, and lived a short, yet not unfruitful, life. She was killed by the War. And as Time looked down at the party, she new they were the next gods. She just new.

“Welcome.” She said. “You have completed the first of the tests. You now are ascending to the rank of Gods. Now, crawl up here, and follow me to my temple. Something is rotten in Troy.”

The party crawled up with Abigayle in the lead. And, sure enough, they found themselves in a strange new place. It was a green meadow, with normal animals, but high above the trees floated a temple that seemed to change from new to ancient constantly, the grey stone becoming eaten by moss and the towers imploding, and then back to new again, almost glowing in the sun.

Time’s physical form was soon forgotten as they walked toward the temple. It was an ancient dea that none but the highest level of gods could remember what the other Gods looked like.

A staircase descended towards them from the temple, and the part eagerly walked up, with July in the lead. The stairway was wide, and not too steep. Small vines grew and shrank as they walked up. July was most fearful about the whole thing crumbling apart, but her fears were, for the moment, groundless. As they reached the top, they were greeted by a large doorway framed with pillars.

Inside, the ground was littered with bones of long-dead animals. They cast strange shadows around the room, causing everyone who had they to raise their weapons. Alysa looked around, and saw somebody standing in the corner. She ran forward to investigate. The shadowy figure took something from her pocket, and drew a katana into the air. It spun towards her feet, glittering like the eyes of a beast. Alysa picked it up.

Time appeared in front of them, causing everybody to look up at the gold encrusted ceiling.

“I have a new member for your mission.” She said, and disappeared.

Everyone looked straight at Sophia, who was in the corner, and at the second spinning katana she had created.

Suddenly, the air began to feel like a thunderstorm. Energy was shooting around the room, and the bones could feel it. They began to float and assemble. Suddenly, the place where Time had been was replaced by a dark, storm-like form.

“My name is Ares.” The dark, storm-like form said. “And you have not yet received the ability to use the fourth dimension. In the words of your world: fight me.”

Suddenly, a burst of blue light from the other side caught everyone’s attention.

“My name is Athena. I have come to your aid.” The blue light said, before morphing into a human wearing a cloak over her face, and carrying a staff.

While the two gods had appeared, the skeletons had reappeared, and looked like the dark, swirling energy that made up Ares. They were all manner of beast, mostly strange, dragon-like beasts, or that thing they had seen in the tunnel.

They all charged, and Abigayle stood in the back, making a large force field, while Keira teleported around the room, blasting cold. Athena smashed any beast that came near her with her staff, running forward into the fray. Danie ran forward, and unleashed a spray of bullets, but her gun jammed, giving the beasts opportunity to drag her off.

Everyone was shocked, but Keira was more shocked than everyone else put together,

submitted by Gared
(May 21, 2017 - 10:00 am)

Oooooh Interesting! Continue, Continue!

submitted by Danie
(May 21, 2017 - 2:17 pm)
submitted by Next Part is Out!!!
(May 21, 2017 - 10:01 am)


submitted by Brookeira
(May 21, 2017 - 1:54 pm)

Thats what I was thinking about doing. 

submitted by Gared
(May 21, 2017 - 4:06 pm)
submitted by Top!
(May 21, 2017 - 3:23 pm)

I have a survey: What do you want to happen sometime in this story?

Just reply with your answer. 

submitted by Gared
(May 21, 2017 - 4:13 pm)