Monster RP&n

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Monster RP&n

Monster RP


Inspired by an RP I was once apart of years ago.

Monsters, a race hunted by the humans, have been in hiding for many decades. Some are peaceful, others aren't. In this RP, you can pick to be a human, or a monster.

Human sheet


Age: (adults are likely to be more hostile, teens would be much more wary, and children would be more scared, but probably easier to befriend kind monsters)





Monster sheet







Hostile or peaceful towards humans?: 

submitted by Lindsey R
(May 3, 2017 - 7:05 pm)

Could I reserve a spot?

submitted by Cecilia S.
(May 5, 2017 - 6:05 pm)

Yes, you may reserve a spot

submitted by Lindsey R
(May 5, 2017 - 9:47 pm)

I forgot who asked, but yes, this is set on Earth. And here are my characters (finally)

Name: Evelyn Greene

Age: 14

Personality: Isn't very trusting towards monsters, witty, brave, rather hard headed.

Appearance: A lighter tan-ish skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Always wearing a silver locket.

Abilities: She's rather handy with a dagger, and is good at sewing.


I'm having difficulty choosing a monster. Either a Gorgon or a witch.

submitted by Lindsey R
(May 5, 2017 - 7:51 pm)

Name: Lady Lillian King

Age: 19

Personality: She is very witty and brave, and is very good with children. She is officially a governess in England but also has a fascination with monsters and has spent some time gathering information on them along with her best friend William Edwards (whom I will not be writing as). She is resourceful and good in a tight situation.

Apperance: She has long dark brown hair that is normally up in a fancy bun/braid thing. She is around 5'4" and has a slim build. She has chocolate brown eyes and fair skin. She has a heart shaped face and high cheekbones that are accentuated by her makeup. She wears long normally blue or green dresses that hide her low heeled boots.

Abilities: She is very fast, can play the piano and sing, and has a photographic memory.


There's my charrie! I can't wait to start. 

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 6, 2017 - 12:29 pm)

Name: Shadow Darter (I'm bad at names :) I'll take suggestions for any monsterish ones

Species: Amphiptere (a kind of dragon)

Age: 116 (24 for humans)

Personality: usually gets along great with other monsters, likes long conversations, has a calm almost lazy attitude at first, but gets annoyed easily. A perfectionist.

Appearance: dark green scales, about the size of a large dog, no legs but has huge wings that she keeps folded up. DARK purple eyes

Abilities: can breathe toxic gas that is also very flammable. So her scales are mildy fireproof.  Has her sharp claws for close up, and can dissapear where this is even a light bit of shadow. She tries to avoid fighting though

Toward humans. HOSTILE. Has a disgust, bitterness, and secret fear towards humans. Her family was attacked by monster hunters when she was little.  






submitted by Cecilia S.
(May 6, 2017 - 1:28 pm)

I want to do a monster as well. Here goes.


Name: Shadowfire

Species: Dragon

Age: 839

Personality: He is calm and collected, very logical, rather forgetful but never oblivious, very wise from seeing the world and living through history. He is fascinated by human culture and why they do things. Lonely.

Appearance: Dragon:Black and dark purple scales with gold flame-like patterns an his sides. Has large feathered wings and a ruff of golden feathers around his neck. Wise bronze eyes with a jagged scar across the left one. Human: Tall with dark hair and tan skin. The same eyes and scar. Wears darkly colored fancy clothes. His hair looks a bit like feathers and he has scaled wings  that he keeps folded at his back.

Abilities: Breathing/controlling fire, mind reading, traveling through shadows though it takes a lot of energy, can switch between a human and dragon form.

Peaceful towards humans due to existing for so long. 

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 6, 2017 - 8:13 pm)

Just a little design for Evelyn, so you guys have a better idea about her appearance. The first is her regular outfit, and the second is her in her nightgown.

submitted by Lindsey R
(May 7, 2017 - 12:49 am)

Name: Abbie Quiland

Age: 13, still with a bit of 12 yr old left in her

Personality: Inquisitive, a bit eccentric, dreamy, crazy over discovering monsters (but not hunting them), good with social situations and has a nice temper but prefers to keep to herself, but once befriending someone she feels that it's her duty to follow them

Appearance: red, curly hair and a strange wolfish black eye color, tinted with a hoop of gold. Wears clashing yet pale and faded color outfits most of the time.

Abilities: As a young child, she was attacked by a werewolf, but no full wolf abilities have appeared. However, at night, she is prone to developing wolf ears on the side of her head, and has trouble sleeping.

Her parents are monster hunters.

I hope this is okay!

Also, what time period is this? 

submitted by Icy
(May 7, 2017 - 8:23 pm)

As mentioned a bit earlier, it's sometime in the Victorian era.

submitted by Lindsey R
(May 8, 2017 - 12:30 am)