Character help?
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Character help?
Character help?
Hey guys! I'm writing a D&D-based story set in that world and need a party of adventurers! Or, rather, ideas for certain people. Here are the characters I already have:
The Wizard:
Name: Illaeara
Gender: Female
Personality: Reserved. Very secretive. Intelligent, and loves her friends, despite not showing it. Seems unemotional and competitive to any outsider's point of view. Is desensitized to all violence. Very self-deprecating and insecure, despite being the most powerful member of the party besides maybe Westward (see Westward's bio). Has a highly androgynous voice, but appears somewhat more female than male due to the almost dress-like robes.
Appearance: Wears a white dress/robe with a jagged hem and a hood. Wears white gloves and grey boots. No one can see beyond her hood. She has a collar that casts an impenetrable darkness inside of her cloak, preventing people from seeing within. She casts Dancing Lights to make two spheres of light inside her cloak that look like eyes. In reality, she is a reformed Dark Elf (aka Drow) with dark grey skin, white hair and silver eyes. 5' tall. Thin.
Species: Elf, drow/dark elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Stats: INT=18, WIS=16, STR=9, CHA=10, DEX=14, CON=10
The Bard:
Name: Eris Summerland
Gender: Female
Personality: Very aggressive. Overcompensates for being very short. (3' 10") Very hostile to the spellcasters of the party (Illaeara and Westward). Very hotheaded, yells a lot. Is simulatenously secretly very sensitive. Not your typical "cute" bard. Often crying and shouting at the same time. Wants to be a Barbarian but is physically weak. Frustrated with herself. Can be surprisingly charming if she tries.
Appearance: Wears a midriff top and capri pants in bright red. Carries a lute around over her shoulders. Has spiky, messy black hair and bright blue eyes. Very pale. Has a small dagger and is saving up to buy a battle-axe. VERY short due to her species, frustrated. Looks constantly irked.
Species: Half human, half halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Stats: INT=15, WIS=11, STR=5, CHA=18, DEX=16, CON=10
The Cleric:
Name: West Warding (goes by Westward)
Gender: Male
Personality: Very strict and detached, lawful good to the max. Takes his job very seriously as a Cleric of Tyr. Dislikes Eris strongly, keeps her around because of her bardic skills. Very strict about never stealing or cheating (blah,blah,blah) and such, to the annoyance of his fellow party members. Worried about breaking any laws, even keeping off the grass. A stick in the mud. Secretly loves his fellow party members. Is fascinated by Illaeara, wonders what she is. VERY blunt.
Appearance: Heavy armor with Tyr's emblem on it. Missing a hand. Has blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Scowls almost constantly. Has very pink pale skin. Dark circles under his eyes. Wears an amulet shaped like a sword. Uses a long sword with a leather-wrapped hilt. Has a red shirt on under his armor, plus leather slacks. Has a fur neckline.
Species: human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Stats: Int=15, WIS=18, STR=15, CHA=8, DEX=10, CON=15
So I need a Chaotic Good Rogue, a Lawful Neutral Fighter, and one other character (any class/alignment, but DO NOT USE A CLASS ALREADY USED BY ANOTHER CHARACTER.)
I also need a GREAT villain, and maybe some side characters if you have a really great idea for a NPC.
Multiple people can make a character for the same thing. I will choose winners for each category at the end of May or so.
(May 3, 2017 - 4:39 pm)
Hey Brooke!!! This looks really cool! I love D & D!! Mind if I use my own character?
(May 3, 2017 - 7:04 pm)
Go ahead! :)
(May 3, 2017 - 10:05 pm)
TOP! Also, Westward's Wisdom is 16, not 18. Sorry for the typo!
(May 3, 2017 - 7:12 pm)
(May 3, 2017 - 7:14 pm)
(May 4, 2017 - 10:15 pm)
This looks really cool! I reserve a spot and will make my charrie maybe later today.
(May 5, 2017 - 10:48 am)
And yes I realize this is not an RP. Sorry if it sounded like that.
(May 5, 2017 - 1:37 pm)
It's cool! And no need to reserve spots, ANYONE CAN MAKE A CHARACTER!
(May 5, 2017 - 3:23 pm)
Alright, here we go.
Name: Cosimia Black
Gender: Female
Personality: She doesn't think before she acts. Feisty and usually works best alone. Her weakness is communication and basically anything having to do with people. She is a scavenger and incredibly strong. Her heart will open up if shown kindness and words can hurt her very much. She never really has anything nice to say.
Appearance: Her curly red hair is cut in a short bob, she has grey-blue eyes, wears black pants, a black shirt and a teal barrette. Carries around a short dagger that she will randomly slash into whatever she is passing.
Species: Human
Stats: INT=13, WIS=9, DEX=17. Ok, here is where I am going to sound dumb. Could you tell me what CHA and CON mean? Also, STR is strength right?
(May 5, 2017 - 9:02 pm)
Name: Osteria Moth
Gender: Female
Personality: Osteria believes in good, but has different methods of helping it. She's sort of like a Robin Hood, stealing to give to others and sometimes she'll kill an evil ruler. She's wanted in some places, but overall, people are grateful for her. She's very smart and cunning, and is an amazing lier. She's also good with disguises and likes to play tricks on people she doesn't like. She can always get out of a bad situation, but she can wreck havoc on a lot of situations she has to get out of. She's also quite funny.
Appearance: Black hair that is loosely curly at the bottom, pale skin, bigger brown almond eyes, a smaller mouth and nose. She's slim and very quick with her movements and is fit. She usually wears a tunic with leggings and boots, and always has a cloak with a hood on. Her weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, and she always has a sly smile on her face (but she can be serious). She's younger but not super young.
Species: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good Rogue
Stats: Int: 16, WIS: 15, STR: 14, CHA: 15, DEX: 14, CON: 14
(May 6, 2017 - 1:39 pm)