Solo Write!T

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo Write!T

Solo Write!

The story is set in modern times in a middle school in the loud, bustling city of Cloryn. Five main charecters, and severel secondary charecters are starting an expensive private school in the same grade, and basically the story starts there. There might be a few plot twists and unexpected events, but thats all I've got for now. 

There will be five main characters, a mix of nice kids and not so nice kids, and up to seven secondary charecters. Also, they'll be a few background charecters if we have enough people joining, who would might be teachers, parents, or kids who only show up once or twice in the story.

Charrie sheet:  








Generel Grades:


I will select who is main and who is secondary and background charecters by the amount of details in the description and the first ones to reply. Please put in as much detail as possible.

Enjoy! I will be posting frequenlty! 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 17, 2017 - 11:41 pm)

Name: Charlotte Ko

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has glossy black hair that has loose curls. The curls are towards the bottom of her hair, which is about down to her shoulder blades. She has pale and clear skin, with no freckles. Her features are pretty small, and she's slim and about average height, but she has almond shaped chocolate brown eyes that are bigger than most of her family. She'll wear the school uniform, and sometimes a cardigan if she gets cold. She always holds her head high and looks sophisticated. She has mild OCD, so you won't see a speck on her shirt or a ruffle on her skirt. 

Personality: She's a bit of a neat freak, she likes perfection, and she's very detail oriented. She's one of those people that is nice, but has a select group of friends. She's known for being smart, but she doesn't like those stereotypes. Charlotte, as mentioned before, is nice, but if you mess with her, she will use her intelligence to figure out ways to get you back without getting caught. She tends to be a teacher's pet. She is imaginative, and sometimes she can be so lost in her head that it takes a few people to get her back. 

Hobbies: She's musical, and she plays the cello at basically a professional level.

Secrets: Her older sister is a psychopath that is a threat to many countries, and she's afraid that she's like her. 

Habits: Organising things and constantly tapping; she can't stay still.

General grades: All A+. Perfection or nothing.

Other: None that I can think of. If you want to add something, that's fine.  


submitted by Killim
(April 18, 2017 - 5:02 pm)

Wow, thanks Killim! Thats an awesome charrie.


This is my first ever Solo Write, so I've got my fingers crossed! 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 18, 2017 - 6:26 pm)

No problem, and thank you!

submitted by Killim
(April 18, 2017 - 8:11 pm)

Name: Miriam Chang

Gender: Female

Appearance: Black hair, pretty eyes, medium height, big leg muscles, when she smiles there is a dimple on the right side of her chin about an inch from the bottom

Personality: Loyal to her friends, can be snarky, lots of friends but only a few close friends

Hobbies: Irish dance, where she learns new steps quickly and always tries to get better. Dance is the only place where she shows her true nature of enjoying learning

Secrets: She's really smart, but she hides it behind her snarkiness and general desire to not do what teachers want

Habits: Twirling her hair when she is emotional in order to hide her feelings, but actually that shows her feelings to those who know her best; she gets fidgety quickly and starts dancing

General Grades: B, because that's the lowest she can get while still being considered not dumb

Other: Her mom is Jewish and her dad is... Japanese? She never tells anyone of her other side, because she is being raised Jewish and prefers to be known that way. 

I hope we get more people soon...

submitted by Kitten
(April 18, 2017 - 7:06 pm)

Thanks, Kitten. Looking good. If we dont get very many charecters, I will have to make some of my own. Pleass join! 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 18, 2017 - 8:57 pm)

I'll join!

I don't mind being a not-so-nice character.

Charrie Sheet:

Name: Ravenna Chihiro

Gender: Female

Appearance: Thick raven-black hair, slightly wavy, with a hint of blue in the light. Unevenly cut. Pale blue eyes. Pale skin. Black combat boots. Olive green jacket over school uniform. Kinda thin.

Personality: mean, sarcastic, kind of an outcast. Still manages to top all the other student's grades by far, but acts like she doesn't care what grades she gets. Secretive, but gets to know the other four and becomes their friend (assuming main character). Wants to become an artist in Paris (but no one knows that).

Hobbies: Drawing (though no one ever sees inside her black leather sketchbook; but <don't tell anyone!> her drawings are absolutely amazing), design, and probably more too but I can't think of it now... hehe...

Secrets: super insecure. Family life is bad; tries to get parents to notice her by getting amazing grades. 

Habits: twists hair around her right index finger when irritated, which is most of the time. Never hesitates to say what she's thinking.

General Grades: A's, always! Valedictorian. 

I hope you choose her to be a main character! I feel like there's a lot to build on with her. But you don't have to, of course!


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 18, 2017 - 8:06 pm)

Yes, I think so too. Thanks, Starseeker, I like it. I think I will choose her as main character. 

By the way, to the next person who joins, can we have some boys? Thanks.

Also, you can make more than one charrie if youde like. Up to you.  

submitted by LilyPad
(April 18, 2017 - 9:01 pm)

I'm not the one to decide about Chinese names, but Chang is generally a Chinese name, not Japanese. It can be hard to tell at times, so don't worry. :) I just wanted to let you know, because you put a question mark at the end.

submitted by Killim@Kitten
(April 18, 2017 - 8:26 pm)

Oh. Well, good to know. I think I'll leave it like that anyway, because I have a friend whose last name is Chang, and I guessed Japanese, so outsiders who don't know about names might make that assumption too.

I based Miriam off of two friends and me combined :). 

submitted by Kitten @Killim
(April 19, 2017 - 10:37 am)

Ooh, what if Charlotte was Salutatorian? So that way, she doesn't really like Ravenna, and Ravenna doesn't really like her because Charlotte is always trying to reach the top! Maybe they also don't like each other in general? Something that happened in the past, perhaps? 

submitted by @Starseeker@Lilypad
(April 18, 2017 - 9:04 pm)

Good idea...

I think Im gonna turn that into something. Hmm... 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 18, 2017 - 9:35 pm)

Oops, sorry, I forgot to add that that above post was by me.   ^

Well, it was! XD                                                                    l

There we go.                                                                        l

submitted by Killim
(April 18, 2017 - 10:28 pm)


That seems like a good idea to me! Ravenna doesn't really like anyone, but I feel like she would have a special grudge against Charlotte because of that. Great idea!


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 19, 2017 - 8:24 pm)

Great! :D

submitted by Killim
(April 19, 2017 - 8:53 pm)

Cool, Lilypad! And thanks!

I also forgot to mention that Charlotte is Korean.

submitted by Killim
(April 18, 2017 - 10:29 pm)