Ilvermoiny RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ilvermoiny RP

Ilvermoiny RP

You are a normal No-Maj in Manhattan. But then, you aren't. You recieve a letter from Ilvermorny, an acceptance letter. You demand your parents tell you what's going on. They confess that they are wizards and they wanted to keep you a no-maj until you could get into Ilvermorny to protect you from scourers, wizards who turn upon their own kind. You now get to go to Ilvermorny!

Okay, so, you're going to be a first year in Ilvermorny when you join. We start RPing on April 25 so that gives you plenty of time to join. I'll do some research on Ilvermorny classes from Pottermore so I'll post that later. Also, you can't join when we start RPing unless there's less than ten people. You'll get your wand once we start to RP. I'll sort you using Pottermore. Just give me the answers to the questions I give you. Here's the charrie sheet:


Age: 11 or 12



Parents' Name: 

Preferred Wand:  



Here's the Sorting quiz:

1. What is your age?
 Under 18 Years Old
 18 to 24 Years Old
 25 to 30 Years Old
 31 to 40 Years Old
 41 to 50 Years Old
 51 to 60 Years Old
 Over 60 Years Old
2. What is your gender?
3. Would you rather?
4. What's your preference?
5. Do you prefer to…
6. Think of the question you would most like answered, by a person or an all-knowing being or device. Which of the following most closely resembles the answer you'd like to hear?
 Without a shadow of a doubt
 Very soon
 It is impossible
 None of above
7. (continuation for previous question)
 I will show you everything
 Only if you agree
 If you come with me
 No, I didn't
 You are
 None of above
8. (continuation from previous question)
 Yes, you may
 Only once
 If you want to
 Not for many years
 None of above
9. I most value…
10. My beliefs are…
 hard won
 who I am
 constantly evolving
 few but strong
11. What would you exchange for your heart's desire?
 That which I can afford to lose
 Blood, sweat and tears
 What it is worth
12. My best ideas…
 get me in trouble
 aren't appreciated enough
 have changed my life
 have gone to waste
13. I wish I knew how to…
 get through
14. I would most like to discover…
 a powerful magical creature loyal only to me
 an all magical city hidden from the No-Maj world
 a spell more powerful than any other
 a magical plant that will cure any illness
15. I challenge…
 other people's patience
16. My greatest weakness is…
 nobody's business but mine
 what makes me, me
 the source of my greatest strength
 something I must change
17. Why?
 Why not?
 Because I want to
 Stupid question
 We may never know
18. All I need is…
 an opportunity
 a little more time
 some help
 already inside me
19. My magic is…
 in need of work
20. I often think…
 why did I do that?
 why can't I do that?
 I wish I had done that
 I wonder whether I should do that
21. When will I learn…
 to keep my mouth shut
 to say no
 to do things on time
 the secret
22. If I could I would never feel…
23. I am strongest when…
 I know I'm right
 with my comrades
24. What jinx would you least like to experience?
 A jinx that meant nothing was funny
 A jinx that made all food taste like straw
 A jinx that kept you constantly awake
 A jinx that played music constantly in your head
 A jinx that struck you dumb
 A jinx that forced you to tell the truth
25. What would you least like to lose?
26. Whose judgment do you most fear?
 My own
 My friends'
 My family's
 The world's
27. Which would you choose if you could only have one?
 The power to change one day in your future
 The power to change one day in your past
 The power to make one person impervious to harm
 The power to bring one person back from the dead
 The power to cure one illness worldwide
 None of above
28. (Continuation from previous question)
 The power to eradicate one quality from all humans
 The power to know the answer to any single question
 None of above
29. Where would you least like to find yourself?
 Imprisoned alone in a silent dungeon
 Locked in a crowded cage, standing room only
 In the dock in court, accused of a crime you did not commit
 On the deck of a ship as the tidal wave comes over the horizon
 Trapped in the attic as the house burns below you
 None of above
30. (continuation from previous question)
 On the rope bridge fraying over the canyon
 Lost in the forest at night, eyes staring at you through the dark
 None of above
31. You can rescue a baby or the only bottle of a potion that could save 1000 lives. Which do you save?
 The baby. The bottle only MIGHT save 1000 lives.
 The bottle. The chance of saving 1000 lives is too important to miss.
32. Which is the better motto?
 It is nobler to be deceived than to be mistrustful
 Friends should not demand blind faith
33. No curse can work without the victim's secret consent.

I'll get back to you with the results!

My charrie:

Name: Serephina Picquery

Age: 11

Appearance: Tanned skin, light blonde hair, calculating, bue eyes, slim figure, Ilvermorny blue and cranberry robes, an opal clip keeping her hair up.

Personality: Very smart, sometimes scatterbrained, good at weighing the options, plenty of wisdom, sassy and sarcastic sometimes, can get caught up in experiments, pretty loyal, madfor what's right and justice.

Parents' Name: Drina and Dean Picquery

Preferred wand: Sequoia, Thunderbird feathers, opal

Backstory: Grew up with her parents in downtown Manhattan, showed magical progress at the age of six.

Other: Horned Serpent, I've already been sorted.

Let's go! 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 15, 2017 - 5:03 pm)


ka kaw kaw! purrr purrr... tap tap tap 

*begins singing*

We stand as one, united, against the Puritan

we draw our inspiration, from good witch Morigan

for she was persecuted, by common wandless men

so she fled from distand Ireland, and so our school began

Oh, Ilvermorny Massachussets,

we choo choose it! we choo choose it!

the wizard school supreme,

your castle walls, they kept us safe 

the days with you a dream

you taught us all your maagic, and now one thing's quite clear

Where'er we roam, where'er we roam,

our one true home, our one and own

is Ilivermorny Dear!

Will join, and happy Easter 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(April 16, 2017 - 10:48 am)


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 17, 2017 - 8:42 am)


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 18, 2017 - 9:14 pm)

Name: Rhea Clench

Age: 11 

Appearance: Indian from the Cherokee tribe

Personality: very friendly, but can get serious when it comes to assignments

Parents' Name: IDK

Preferred Wand: Aspen 12in wampus hair

Backstory: She was a native indian 

Other: If the sorting is pottermore questions (kinda sound like them, i taken the tests), i have already been sorted into Puckwudgie. ;)

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(April 18, 2017 - 9:20 pm)


Name: Talia Stickley

Age: 11

Appeaeance: Shoulder length, wazy brown hair and hazel eyes. Is sort of a tom-boy who wears plain colours. Is average height with darkish skin.

Personality: Giggly, funny and always looks on the bright side. Is kind, a little shy and happy. 

Parents name: Alice and Robin Stickley

Prefered wand: holly, twelve inches with unicorn  hair insides. Slightly bendy, gokd for charms. Very powerful

Background: Has a pretty average,  normal life bur has never been able to explain strange things that occor when she is angry or upset. Her parents always just ignore it and tell her it is completely normal. She knows orherwise. Can she maybe be a parcel tongue? 

Other: n/a

submitted by LilyPad
(April 18, 2017 - 10:57 pm)

The parseltounge line didn't continue in America so no. Also, could you answer the questions LilyPad?

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 19, 2017 - 8:46 am)

I forgot to mention, you cann take over an already created charrie like Newt Scamander.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 19, 2017 - 8:48 am)

Ilvermorny is a long distance from New York, so there might be news of Newt Scamander in New York. Though, there might be times Newt visits Ilvermorny in future films, though we can't be sure of that yet.

Will this take place in modern Ilvermorny? 

submitted by Storm WIndwhisperer
(April 19, 2017 - 5:54 pm)

Spot reserved. 

submitted by Noel Roseblood
(April 19, 2017 - 5:45 pm)

Also, I know my house, it Pudwidgie! 

submitted by Noel Roseblood
(April 19, 2017 - 5:46 pm)

Alright! By the way, if we've already been sorted on Pottermore, does that work? Thanks. ;)


Name: Winnie Inquery (in-query)

Age: 11

Appearance:  Dirty blonde medium length hair pulled onto pigtails, green eyes, Ilvermorny red and gold robes.

Personality: Quiet, bookish, loyal to the end, loving. Sometimes overthinks, can panic in dire situations.

Parents: Moeina (Mo-e-na) and Eire (air) Inquery

Preferred Wand: Ebony, unicorn hair.

Backstory: Grew up in Manhattan. Showed magical prowess by the age of 4.

Other: Thunderbird, I've been sorted too.?.

submitted by Inktail
(April 19, 2017 - 6:32 pm)

Ok, that's fine. I don't know much aboit Ilvermoiny, sorry...


Under 18









Very soon


I will show you everything


If you want to




Who am I


That which I can afford to loose 


Have changed my life


Get through


A powerful magical creature loyal only to me




Something that I cannot change


Why not?


An oppertunity




Why cant I do that 


To say no 




With my comrades 


A jinx that played music constantly in your head 




My family 


The power to cure one illness world wide 


None of the above 


Trapped in the attick as the house burns below 


Lost in the forest at night, eyes staring at you from the dark 


The baby 


Friends shoukd not demand blind faith 




Thanks so much! This is a great idea.  



submitted by LilyPad
(April 19, 2017 - 9:17 pm)

Storm Windwhisperer, this will take place in modern times. Lilypad, I'll get your results today.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 20, 2017 - 8:54 am)

Lilypad, you are a Horned Serpent!

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 20, 2017 - 6:56 pm)

Thanks so much!

submitted by LilyPad
(April 20, 2017 - 7:50 pm)