Charrie Creation!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Charrie Creation!

Charrie Creation!

So, I have this kinda complex project I'm working on that requires a whole lot of characters. It's set in a sort of modern-day fantasy world, so the inhabitants are a mix of animals, humans, and fantasy creatures, but they are ruled (well, sometimes) by democracies, there are cities with hovering skyscrapers, quick transportation, something like the internet, etc. That sounds like sci fi but everything is powered with magic... it's hard to explain in summary.

Well, the sheet: 


Age (5-17) 


Species (anything from a human to a fox to a unicorn to a bean with human characteristics-- you can make one up if you'd like): 


Hobbies and interests*: 

Thanks in advance! Again, I need a lot of these!

*These can really be anything. It's a diverse, crazy world, so you could choose something from our world, you can make something up, I don't care.  

submitted by Shoshannah
(April 4, 2017 - 8:58 am)

Name: Coco

Gender: female

Age: 2 in rabbit years

Species: Rabbit

Apperance: dark brown bunny, black tear drop surrounding her nose, big green eyes, black boots on feet, black tipped ears, and a black tail 

Backstory: born in a thorn patch in Cedar Park, lived with her mother, father, cousins, siblings, uncles, aunts, you get the picture. Big family. Her home was up-rooted, adn the family scattered. Her home, was destoyed to make a huge skyscraper. She's been scearching for her VERY large family ever since.

Hobbies and Interests: Finding her family, making friends, and surviving the big city.

Other: She has a emerald on a cloth necklace. The emerald glows green at night, and she can change into other animals using the necklace- even a human though she doesn't like doing it. Much easier to be a rabbit.  

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(April 4, 2017 - 1:34 pm)

Name: Lunalyn 

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Lunar Fox. It's a mythical creature I created. They look like slightly less fuzzy versions of foxes that glow a hazy blue under a full moon. They also have small wings that hang by their sides, nearly hidden. They aren't good for much, but are sometimes used for flight. They're very secretive and mysterious; no one knows much about the species. They are often born with a small amount of magical power.

Backstory: Her family was killed in an assault by dark forest creatures. Lunalyn has been searching for the creatures and trying to avenge her family ever since.

Hobbies and interests: She likes to create strange but beautiful necklaces by stringing dried berries, stones, feathers, and other such things onto a vine or reed and then carving on them. She discovered that the pool she was born beside glows a hazy blue on full moon nights, and if she dips her creations into it's clear depths, she can cause them to glow. She suspects they hold some other power as well, but has yet to discover it. 

I live this idea! I hope you post your story! 

submitted by Leeli
(April 4, 2017 - 5:31 pm)

Name: Juniper Stardust

Age (5-17): Well, let's say 15 or 16. (Even though she's like, 400, XD)

Gender: F

Species: Timelady. (A timelord, but she's a girl)

Backstory: She's reincarnated a few time,s and she loves to go to different places each time. She currently lives in London, England.

Hobbies and interests: Traveling and fighting evil (lol) She has her own K-9 unit, but it's a bit different and looks a bit more like an actual dog.

I might make another charrie later! :) 

submitted by Killim
(April 4, 2017 - 6:22 pm)

Cool!  How many charries will you be needing?

Name: Kristen Killster

Age (5-17): 14

Gender: F

Species (anything from a human to a fox to a unicorn to a bean with human characteristics-- you can make one up if you'd like): Half Elf, half Fairy

Backstory: A native of the dimension of Emmilvien, her village was raided by a band of werewolves lead by an Elf named Darren (FYI he MIGHT be my best friend. . .  I DID try to stop him, though).  She escaped, mostly unharmed but with a chunk bitten off of her left wing and four identical scars side-by-side, running down her face starting at her right temple and ending at her left cheekbone.  She made her living as a bounty hunter and a explorer, using her money from capturing criminals for scrap metal to "repair" her wing, screwing aluminum plates onto it until she could fly again.  She found a way to travel by using her mind.  This way, she could travel interuniversally and still be a bounty hunter.

Hobbies and interests*: Criminal hunting, interuniversally traveling, causing minor chaos, wreaking havoc in criminal "hiding places" in Emmilvien, playing pranks, making weaponry and armor for herself.

Can I add an "other" coulumn?: Seems really sweet at first and then it becomes clear that she really isn't that charming. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(April 4, 2017 - 8:29 pm)

Name: Lula

Age: 9 

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Appearance: A beautiful Calico cat with pale green eyes and long fur. Very small, delicate paws. 

Backstory: I'll work on it.

Hobbies and interests*: I'll work on it.

submitted by Scylla
(April 4, 2017 - 11:08 pm)

Gasps!!!!! Making something!

Name: FullMoon

Age: 17

Gender: MALE

Species: WERE WOLF! But unlike other were wolves, he was boren with it, can turn into a wolf any time he wants, can control himself as a wolf, and actually turns into a large wolf instead of a mix.

Appearance/Personality:  As a human, lightish brown skin, dark brown hair, ice blue almond-shaped eyes. Really handsom guy. Undderneath his shirt and sleeves though, is an array of white spirals that look like tatoos. As a wolf, dark brown fur, ice blue eyes, white patterns along his back and upper legs. Hes kind, but really kinda a showoff. Will do anything to keep his secret, and very loyal to his friends and family. 

Backstory: Well, he grew up, and lives, in a fully human village. No one knows who he really is. Except maybe his twin sister.  

Hobbies: Well, he plays football with the local highschool, is a junior so he'll be a senior next year.


Name: Eclipse

Age: 17

Gender: F

Species: Were wolf! Same as her brother's species. 

Appearance/personality: As a human, lightish brown skin, dark brown hair, glowing greenish blue emerald eyes. Has an array of black spirals on her back and arms, much like her brothers. They look like tatoos. Very pretty. As a wolf she has dark brown fur with black spirals down her forelegs and back. Emerald green eyes. Shes kind and sweet, and you could say shes one of the queen bees of the highschool. Dramatic about everything, but loyal to her friends and family. Would never tell her secret. 

Backstory: See FullMoon's

Hobbies: She plays vollyball, and is quiet good at it. 


submitted by Claaws
(April 5, 2017 - 11:58 am)


Name: Coyota

Age: 14 ish

Gender: F

Species: Lunar Wolf (Cousins to the Lunar Fox ;))

Adding...Appearance: Dark gray pelt....look up Wolf Link from Legend of Zelda. You'll see what I mean. Just add Midna's (the creature you see on top of his back most of the time) headdress and the ears poking through. 

Backstory: Normal, mostly. Always been a Lunar Wolf, but was gifted with magic at age 4. Think Anna's thing in the beginning of Frozen, but reversed, so it was ADDING magic, not removing it.

Hobbies and Intrests: Bubblebroking (using her magic, with is swirly gold dust that you choose what it does.). 

submitted by Inktail
(April 5, 2017 - 6:39 pm)

Thank you so much guys!! Such creative charries. Any more I need would just be the ordinary inhabitants of the world, ie no magic powers/exciting backstory, which isn't so interesting but as many as you guys make would probably be used-- this is kinda an anthology of stories.

submitted by Shoshannah
(April 6, 2017 - 10:33 am)

I'm making this really crazy.

Name: Purpura Tacos

Age (5-17): 6 in dragon years (really young since dragons live up to 1,000 years)

Gender:  female. 

Species: Draco Autem Purpura Tacos (Dragon of Purple Tacos)

Backstory: Born on Feburary 29, born to Rosea and Hyacinthum Tacos. Two younger sisters, Caseus and Laeta, three older brothers, Piperis, Dulcis, and Viridi, born purple.

Hobbies and interests: The science of colored tacos, non-flavored donuts, creating songs about weird food.

I hope you like mine! 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 6, 2017 - 11:00 am)

Hilarious! Thank you!

submitted by Shoshannah
(April 6, 2017 - 5:13 pm)

Name: Tommy the Violin. 

Age: 15, he can never die, unless he is destroyed by a flying pig, then he will die. 

Gender: Syial (Male, if you are a violin)

Species: Frenzy Violin, they wear oversized human bows, or crazy hats, Tommy wears a crazy hat.

Backstory: Made in China.

Hobbies: Likes to knit, eat rainbow pizza, and likes to fly airplanes.


Name: Nina

Age: 12 in flying-monkey years.

Gender: Female.

Spieces: Flying-monkey.

Backstory: Was a model for some time, then a cook, then a actress, then a Chelly player. Then an actrobat, then a proffeser at Harvard, last she became partners with Tommy. 

Hobbies: Likes to teach law, has a talent for striking a pose, then finally she likes to ride pigs.


Name: Yippee Dippy

Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Species: An immortal rabbit with a unicorn horn, very endangered species called Uni-bit.

Backstory: started out as a seed (Uni-bit seed to be exact) then grew into a  male Uni-bit.

Hobbies: Likes to eat magical beanstalk carrots. His talent is to eat rapiddly without getting fat.


Made them very mad.

"Have I gone mad?"

"I'm afraid so, but let me tell you a secret all the best people are."


Hatter is out to go to un-birthday party, for the White Queen


I wonder if there is tea.... 

Well, I ot to be going. 






submitted by Hatter , Wonderland
(April 6, 2017 - 4:18 pm)

Name: Emmy

Age (5-17) 13

Gender: female

Species (anything from a human to a fox to a unicorn to a bean with human characteristics-- you can make one up if you'd like): human(and the tiniest part of fairy)

Backstory: great great uncle was a fairy. she doesn't know it yet. I'll develop more later

Hobbies and interests*: drawing

(April 7, 2017 - 11:49 am)

Name: Cinderora Deldim

Gender: Female

Species: 100% muggl-I mean Human

Appearence: Extremely blonde hair in a tall pyramid on her head, pale skin, bright red lipstick, turquoise eye shadow, small and petite, usually wears VERY poofy dresses in sickeningly bright colors that clash horribly with her lipstick and eye shadow. 

Personality: Is a bit dippy. She will often talk loudly and extensively on a subject that has little to no importance, and then forget what she had been talking about and wander off in a daze.

Interests/hobbies: making animal clothes(ie. For dogs, cats, llamas, lemmings, flying pigs, etc.) (they almost NEVER fit), eating pickles, giving "advice", "cleaning"


Are you going to publish this anywhere? Cuz I might want to use this character too. 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(April 8, 2017 - 6:49 pm)

forgot to post appearance and personality.

Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, wears green and blue a lot. Sometimes yellow 

Personality: timid, but very strong in hr opinions.

when are we starting? 

(April 8, 2017 - 9:45 pm)

So, is this kinda like Elder Scrolls?

Name: Goes by the Orphan.

Age: 16 

Gender: M

Species : Shapeshifter!

Appearance: Varies

Personality: Sly, sneaky, but lighthearted. Untrustworthy, don't give him your valuables. A theif, so he knows the city. He's a bad guy, but he could turn good.

Backstory: A child prodigy, he invented his own tech started to use his "gift" for shapeshifting at a very young age. Ran away when he was 9, and started crime at 13. Does mainly theivery, but once or twice will do a different job. Has abit of a Napoleon Complex, because nobody takes a sixtee-year old theif very seriously.

Hobbies and interests: Stealing, sneaking, being sneaky, and speed eating.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(April 9, 2017 - 7:08 am)