Chatterbox: Inkwell




So, I was just thinking about this while watching a bit of SAO II, what if the CB turned into an anime? So along these lines I began to think about what the plot would be and the intro and stuff, and I got this amazing idea!! 


You are an average (or not so average) person living in whatever dimension your CBer is in (Eg: I wold be the dimenion-jumping leader of the Waffleson army in the Breakfast Dimension), living your life as one of the legendary Cbers. In this 'Multiverse', there are guilds of CBers, Aes, and CAPTCHAS who help people by doing missions and jobs (Eg: Me, Jamie, Very, and Rosemary could all be in a guild called the Mythical Toasters and help to fend off goblins.) You can also pick CBers to be in your guild, but only if you know them in real life (Eg: Me and Autumn Leaves could be in a guild without much trouble, but Lilypad would be in a different one). If you don't know any other CBers, you can request permission to join someone else's guild (Eg: Lilypad could ask to join our guild and we would say yes, because we are nice people around the CB). 

ANYWAYS, these guilds help to fend off evil, and help the good. CBers have the power to create beings, known only as 'Charries'. The good Charries live peacfully among the CBers. However, CBers create evil charries as well. Every time an evil Charrie is made, after their story is over, they are locked in the CB prison. There they stay, plotting their escape, but being held back by the CBers every time. 

Darkness cannot be held back forever though. Two days ago, there was a mass breakout and not one, not six, but all of the villains escaped. They fled to their very own dimension, only known as the Dimension of Evil and Stuff. You have just received this news, and are ready to hop into battle, when you reallize that you cannot do this alone. You and your guild will have to travel to the ends of the Multiverse, find the rest of the CBers, and conquer the evil once again.


I know that this sounds pretty stereotypical, but there's going to be more plot as we move on.

Also, if two AE's are shipped, they will be shipped in the story as well. That does not mean that the CBers know each other though. CAPTCHAs can be pets or guides in your journey.


Time for the Charries! They will be you, and your AEs/CAPTCHAs will not need one.

Name (CB Name):




Favourite Charrie That You've Made(they will be in your guild too):



Home Dimension:




We will decide guilds after Charries are posted! Sorry 'bout the long post by the way.This will be told in an anime kind of style. AND yes, I may or may not have based this off Fairy Tail a bit kind of sort of.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(March 20, 2017 - 4:16 pm)
Ya know, i never finished SAO
MAybe I'll get back to it sometime 
submitted by Herr Chair, age Amnesia, The Dark Decent
(March 20, 2017 - 5:35 pm)
submitted by TOP TOP
(March 20, 2017 - 10:42 pm)

Name: Embers in the Ashes ('Embers' for short)

Age: 16

Appearance: I will post a picture. 

Personality: Friendly, bouncy, enjoys telling random facts to people. Suspicous of most boys and certain patarlos. 

Favourite Charrie that You've Made: Is this only on the CB? If it is, then Red, from Joss' Fairytale RP. If not, then either Jon, Amber, Pearl, or Rory. 

AE(s): Jammira (F) and Basil (M)

Home Dimension: Her home dimension is Frelind, a place of sprawling forests and one small town in a large glade. This town is called Masterpiece, and currently consists of exactly eleven buildings. The largest is a library, then an artist's retreat, then the town motel. Oh, and that two-car garage where we keep the town's time-traveling delorian and flying broomsticks. All the rest are the homes of charries, other CBers who wish to join the Embers clan, and me with my AEs and my Captcha. All of the houses are pretty small cottages, and they are each unique.    

Origin/Backstory: Well, Frelind was created by me much like the way Asland created Narnia. At first, there was nothing but darkness. Then I walked through the darkness with a pen and paper, and wnat I wrote the world to be, it became. Set in stone, because, y'know, it's a pen. 

Other: Um, can all of my charries live in Frelind with me? All of the ones that are main charries can live/work in town, except for those who want to live in the woods. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(March 21, 2017 - 6:52 am)

I don't watch anime, but this sounds fun!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(March 21, 2017 - 6:52 am)

CB appearance!

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(March 21, 2017 - 8:10 am)

Only watched like 5 episodes of SAO, but I guess I'll do this! Reserve a spot!

submitted by Danie
(March 21, 2017 - 9:57 am)

Name (CB Name): Impunity Jane

Age: 13

Appearance:  Brown hair that really needs a trim and goes to about the bottom of my should-blades. Once her mother cuts it it will probably be a lot shorter. Hazel eyes.

Personality: Quiet until you know her. Once you do know her though, she'll be totally crazy. Hates bad logic.

Favourite Charrie That You've Made: Rose Black from Exploration Adventure RP.

AE(s): None. The one AE I've considered making would be more of a bad guy anyway.

CAPTCHA: Genn. She's a puppet pony. And something else, but I'm forgetting what.

Home Dimension: The Southern Mists. (TSM) It's covered in mists, but sometimes they part and you can explore it. This is actually the land my friend created for a D&D campaign, so once we explore it I'll tell you more.

Origin/Backstory: Her mother was sent to the Southern Mists from Rosehaven (anothern country) because the people of Rosehaven thought thier ancestors came from TSM. Her mother ended up staying there with her husband and brougt her up. This is really more of her mother's origin.

Other: I know Ms.Banana and KittyLover in real life. I'll try to get them to join, but if they don't can I fill out charrie sheets for them and have them in my guild.

submitted by Impunity Jane
(March 21, 2017 - 12:49 pm)

Ughhhhh!! Why does this have to be sooo awesome?!!! I super wish I could join, but alas, don't have the time. Great idea though, General! *salutes*

submitted by Nighthawk
(March 21, 2017 - 1:41 pm)

Oops, I forgot to do my Captcha! His name is Fwum, and he's a bronze hummingbird with Ruby eyes. He has a twin sister named Urhu, and they're almost identical except for their eyes. Urhu's are emeralds. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(March 21, 2017 - 1:59 pm)

Name: Scylla 

Age: Around 13

Appearance: Picture

Personality: Picture

Favourite Charrie That You've Made (they will be in your guild too): I have no idea. Let me think. It's a character I've made in my head but have not yet publicised. I'll post a ref here as soon as I draw one.

AE(s): Charybdis

CAPTCHA: Hallia (Eo-Lahallia)

Home Dimension: The Mountain Dimension

Origin/Backstory: I originated from the Greater Metropolitan Dimension. Solitary by nature, I sought the Mountain Dimension for its promise of isolation and peace. Once there, I somehow fabricated a cabin from my imagination. I spend most of my time there, animating and drawing on the cabin's computer.  

Other: None at the moment

Scylla Reference 2017_0.png
submitted by Scylla
(March 21, 2017 - 2:26 pm)

This doesn't really have anything to do with SAO at all, so you're good! In fact it probably has more to do  with the idea of Fairy Tail. Also, I stated that we will decide guilds afterc harries are filled. If you know someone, but they don't join, they can be in your guild, but they just might not be in this adventure. Also @Ember, t's the origin of your charie, not the dimension.

Here's mine charrie:

Name: General Waffleson

Age: In this I think I will be...14-ish?

Appearance: See picture. Coming soon. 

Bright, most of the time, likes to take walks, often
rambles. Funny, but in a random way, that doesn't really make sense.
Likes to be around people, but only small groups, above that he get's stressed out. Says a
lot of made up words. Likes to keep everyone's
spirits up. Very curious. Unpredicti-BOOMASALSAWALRUSESAMANAGUCHI!-ble.

Favourite Charrie That You've Made: Probably Gary Katamino from my Digital RP. Or maybe...  


Nah, it's Gary.

AE(s): Jamie (M), Very Bad (M), Rosemary (F)

CAPTCHA: Kilp! (he's a toucan with rainbow powers)

Home Dimension: Alternates between the Breakfast Dimesion and the Nexus.

Origin/Backstory: Was born a citizen of the Breakfast Dimension to a father who was the General of the Waffleson Army, and a mother who was a dimension-hopping time lord that settled down in the Breakfast Dimension. Trained in both the art of battle and dimesion-hopping, he soon became old enough to leave his household and set out to strike up a life of his own. After may adventures (including the story of how I became a General, which involved the Great Dinner War), he settled in the Nexus where he met other dimenson-hoppers, and leaned how to use the power that he possesed: Waffle Magic. He soon became skilled in the art of summoning toasters, and Waffleflame and crafted his coat of Wafflesteel. He formed his guild, and now lives in the Guild HQ (which is in the Nexus), and the Waffleson Bunker in the Breakfast Dimension, helping people with problems and stuff.

Other: Sorry for (yet another) long post. Also, my Waffle Magic depletes my energy the more powerful it is.

Kilp says erpx.

Gesundheit, I guess.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(March 21, 2017 - 5:11 pm)

Joinig this!!

Name - Dandelion

Age - 13

Appearance - posting picturing

Personality - on the quiet side, but is also very social with with friends she knows well. Daring, sense of adventure.

Favorite Charrie - i don't really know...

AEs - Felinda


Home dimension - Lives high up in the mountains in a small settlement with a few families. (maybe with Syclla). Lots of exploration hikes there and its beautiful.

Backstory - I was chased away a few years agofrom my seaside cottage by the evil king Feur, and retreated into hiding in the mountain. Feur has since been killed, so we have a very pleasant life in the mountains with out the fear of being caught. 

submitted by Dandelion
(March 21, 2017 - 4:14 pm)

Name: Danie

Age: 13

Appearance: See picture( I was too lazy to describe it in words) I was too lazy to color the entire thing, so my hair is dirty blond, my ripped cape is dark gray, the jacket tied around my waist is dark gray as well, and my shorts are dark blue. I'm barefoot. Also, the long sleeved shirt is ripped on the left side because I ran into some acid-spitting monsters and had to rip it off. 

Personality: Bold, creative, friendly, 

Favorite Charrie: It's gotta be Thero Backens from my shadow rp. However, he ran off and isn't in my guild anymore.

AE: Squeak

Home dimension: The real world dimension? It's that what I should call it? The dimension we are in right now, with no magic and stuff like that. 

Backstory: I was gifted with dimension jumping skills at a young age of 5 and accidentally jumped into the Pokemon dimension. I stayed there for 4 years with my team of Pokemon, then figured out how to jump to other dimensions.

Other: While I have had random buddies once in a while, at the moment I'm just with my pokemon.

My Pokemon team at the moment consists of Rockruff, Combusken, Greninja, Kadabra, Breloom, and Raichu.     



submitted by Danie
(March 21, 2017 - 6:32 pm)

Name: elementgirl (You can call me Element or EG if you want)

Age: 12 (in this)

Appearance: Picture


Favourite Charrie That You've Made(they will be in your guild too): Anelia, from Rose Bud's Theater RPG.

AE: Anna(F)

CAPTCHA: Connie(F)

Home Dimension: The Ocean Dimension. There, you live on a beach, near the never-ending ocean, and can go sailing/swimming/surfing whenever you want. 

Origin/Backstory: She has lived in this dimension her whole life, and can´t remember anything else. 

Other: Nothing, really.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(March 22, 2017 - 6:37 pm)

And the picture:

submitted by elementgirl18917
(March 22, 2017 - 6:39 pm)