Solo write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo write

Solo write

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, MA
(March 13, 2017 - 5:28 pm)

sorry it did not post. 






backstory: thanks 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, MA
(March 13, 2017 - 6:50 pm)

Character: Calista Carpenter

Gender: Female


Zombie/Human: Human

Appearance: Short blonde hair that is cut at the chin. Deep blue eyes like the ocean. 

Personality: Shy. She likes horses a lot and is very friendly toward them.

Backstory: Calista is a runaway from the nearby orphanage. She works out on the streets by playing the guitar. Whenever she can, she rides horses. 

submitted by Child_of_light
(March 14, 2017 - 9:10 am)
submitted by Top
(March 14, 2017 - 8:41 am)


huhh? did not pop up 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 4:33 pm)

The zombies of zone street.


Noo'noo'noo' sirens whalled one morning. A boy named Jim went to his window and looked outside. He saw a whole bunch of fire fighters out there squirting water at- wait was that his dining room window? Yep that was his dining room window. There was blue tongues of fire spitting out of it. A fireman was climbing a wooden ladder to Jim's room. But when all looked well a tongue of fire hit the ladder burning it almost ammediatly. He fell to the ground but bounced back up because of a trampoline. Jim could here fire crackling up the stairs. Yipee he was going to die waking up. The firefighters were putting on gear getting ready to come in the house. Jim could see his parents and sister far below.

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9 , Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 3:18 pm)

please post. I promise we will not fail.

(Prologue continued)

His parents had worried looks on their faces. Just then lightning struck a tree making it tumble and fall. it crashed on Jim's parents. He could hear the fire creaping forward. He was starting to run to the window but the fire spead up. It burst through the door in an instant making a feeling like in global warmings. Pure heat. Before he could scream the fire wrapped around him like he was a birthday present. He tried to scream but the words clung to his throught holding on for dear life but even though his words hung on Jim saddly did not. 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 4:19 pm)

Chapter 1

2 years later

Calista Carpenter was feeling lonely again. Every night she went to her brother's grave begging God to give him new life but ended up with a big nap at the graveyard. She wish she could forget all about her family and get adopted. She was a run away orphan who lived in a foster home near her house. She knows that in most the books she read it was usually a mansion that burned down but in this story Calista used to live in a normal plump house. In fact she and her family lived so normally that they were least expected for that to happen to them.


submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 5:36 pm)

character: Jenelle Whitney

gender: Female

zombie/human: Half of each

appearance: slightly pale green skin, emerald green eyes, long dark hair usually covering her face, wears blue hoodie, a long purple skirt, and black leggings to cover her skin

personality: very intelligent and loves school

backstory: her dad is a zombie and tries to get her to adopt the zombie ways but her mom is a human and accepts her dauter's opinions. She has a small fluffy little dog named Year. 

(March 14, 2017 - 7:27 pm)


Is it okay if I put you with zombies? You could be with the humans later. Or the other way around. Or if you would feel better to be just on humans thats fine. To respond click the reply button! 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 15, 2017 - 7:34 pm)


(March 15, 2017 - 9:02 pm)

character: Maddaline Charton

gender: F

zombie/human: human

appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, tanned skin

personality: bubbly, cheerful, happy, positive, pretty much everything good in the world

backstory: Born in California and then moved nextdoor to Calista's house. They are best friends

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachusetts
(March 16, 2017 - 11:25 am)
submitted by Top
(March 18, 2017 - 6:25 pm)

when are you coming out with the next part?

(March 18, 2017 - 6:25 pm)

Right now:) 

She was walking to the graveyard when she heard a rustle in the leaves. It's nothing she thought to herself just the wind. But then "just the wind" sprang out of nowhere. At first Calista was shocked but then she saw the atttackers friend. "You she said aloud.

Thats all for now. More tommorow hopefully. 

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 22, 2017 - 6:48 pm)

chapter 1 continued

Her old friend Maddaline Charton was standing there. She lived across the street from the Carpenters when they were younger but now that Calista was on the run she was a distant memory. She wasn't even Calista's friend anymore not after the prank she made at Calista before she went to the orphanage. But there was still a distant friendship somewhere. "Hi" said Maddaline "Long time no see eh." "Last time I saw you you almost killed me in a prank," Calista said as casually as possible.

That's it for now. 

submitted by pizzaboy , age 9, Massachusetts
(March 23, 2017 - 6:29 pm)