Good afternoon. I'm

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Good afternoon. I'm

Good afternoon. I'm Nianad.
I don't know if I can be counted as new, but as I suppose I have only been on for about a week more than a month, then I suppose I am still technically new... geez, it feels like so much longer.
I'm thirteen, and I have a sister on the CB (Fireburst). I'm homeschooled (and I love it). I've been getting Cricket since January 2013 but have never written a letter to the magazine or gone onto the Chatterbox (until about a month ago, and then I've been on here as much as possible). I'm currently working on the second book in what I mean to be a series. I'm not certain if I should post it on here or not, because it wouldn't make much sense without putting the first book on here, and the first book is LONG...
I currently have no AEs. (But I do enjoy reading some AE threads.) Also, in case I DO decide to put my story on here, Nianad is actually the name of one of my OCs.
I love reading (especially fantasy, and realistic fiction, if it has a bit of magic, or is not tragic and is written really well), and writing (again, fantasy. I've tried to write realistic fiction and it just doesn't seem to work out), and I finally finished a book this past NaNoWriMo. Well, okay, I didn't actually finish it last NaNoWriMo. I STARTED it last NaNoWriMo. I finished it in January. (It still isn't edited.) 
I love parentheses (as you can probably tell).
I greatly enjoy being on the CB and think it is an awesome place filled with diverse people, amazing threads, and (for the most part), respective harmony. It is an amazing place, and I can honestly say that Cricket has changed my life. Perhaps not dramatically, but it has. 
On that note, I take my leave.
submitted by Nianad
(March 1, 2017 - 6:14 pm)

Hi Nianad! I've seen you around the CB quite a lot and I kept wondering if you were new or if I just hadn't seen you yet. I still think if you as "new," but I think it's only because I haven't gotten to know you very well yet. You seem like a very nice person and I hope you're enjoying the CB.

submitted by Dragonrider
(March 2, 2017 - 6:20 am)

Hello Dragonrider! :) Thank you! I look forward to getting to know you as well. Yes, I am enjoying the CB... how could I fail to? This is an utterly awesome place!


submitted by Nianad
(March 2, 2017 - 6:09 pm)

tip top

submitted by ToppyDragon
(March 2, 2017 - 6:24 am)

Greetings. I am UNSUSPCTINGSTRYTLLR. I have noticed you around the CB and you seem like a creative wonderful person who is full of ideas. Your contributions cheer us all. (Parentheses are amazing)

(March 2, 2017 - 6:45 pm)

I don't think I've any right to say welcome since you've been writing on here longer than me, but oh-well. Welcome Nianad. And I am so jealous of you for being able to write a book at all. Though I've only tried fantasy. Perhaps I have the very opposite problem as you and I can only make realistic fiction work, I'll have to try. And I've noticed that whenever someone posts a thread with some variation of "I'm", it always turns out to be I&#39. Why is that, does anybody know? Nianad, you should definetly post your story(including the first book), I would love to read it. 

submitted by GreenMango, age 13
(March 2, 2017 - 7:50 pm)

Thank you! It might have something to do with the apostrophe in 'I'm'. I don't know why this is, it might just be the way the site interprets the apostrophe, or it might be something else... you might try realistic fiction. After all, people always say, 'write what you know!' (And I personally think that what I "know" is fantasy, since I read and love so much of it, but I know that's not what they mean.) 

Thank you again! I will think about it. I will need to post it in half-chapters, possibly... *wanders off deep in thought* (yes, they're that long)

*comes back and sips tea meditatively*

It took a long time... unlike most of my stories, it did not spring out fully formed out of the ether last NaNoWriMo, this version (which, when it is edited, will, I think, be the final version), is Draft 8. Until I actually read through all of my drafts, I thought there were 9 (I miscounted. And the only reason there are 8 and not 7 is because I name-changed the document about half-way through and made the mistake of saving that, and I made the decision to go through with that one... I was using Microsoft Word). 

The name of the book is Enyonmerlity.

And again, thank you!  





submitted by Nianad
(March 3, 2017 - 1:10 am)

Hey, Nianad! I've actually seen you on quite a bit lately! I write fantasy stories too, but while i have no problem starting them, I have trouble getting past the third R fourth chapter before I have a new "amazing" idea. XD I'm homeschooled (and love it!) too! Go homeschoolers! I live with my mom, dad, brother, two dogs, a hamster, a beta fish, six chickens, a lamb that lives in a farm next door to my house, a parakeet, and some baby River snails. As you can probably tell, I am an animal lover to the extreme. Dogs, particularly. My pets are quite possibly the most lived in the world. I love writing and reading, drawing and painting, and I take piano, ballet, and Jazz lessons. I live in the country (and I LOVE it.) I sew, knit (a little), and sculpt as well, and I sometimes sing at my church. I LOVE exploring the woods and the farm I live next door to. I would LOVE to read both your books! Welcome to the CB!

submitted by Leeli
(March 3, 2017 - 9:04 am)

Hello, Leeli! I've seen you around the CB as well... homeschooling forever! I have three cats, but no dogs as of yet. Most of the stories in my notebooks have turned out that way. However, when I have the time... I noticed a few that probably would have been good if they had been written better and made into a book. 

A complication has turned up in the way of me putting my book on here.

So I'm planning to publish it at some point, and, as my mother pointed out, once you put a thing up on the World Wide Web, it is forever...

If I manage to write a synopsis/summary, I may put it on here... sorry, guys! I hope that even without putting my story on here you'll see it in ebook form in a few years (or less)... and I also hope that I can be an active part of the CB even without putting Enyonmerlity up here...



submitted by Nianad
(March 3, 2017 - 11:42 am)

Uh, hi. I am Fireburst. I, too, am new. I have been around long enough to join a RP and things, so some of you may know me. I, however, love commas!

submitted by Fireburst
(March 3, 2017 - 9:54 pm)