Chatterbox: Inkwell
All of our charies live in a town called Cadbury (until I come up with a better name for it- feel free to suggest) and one day wake up to find that a large number of the residents have come under the influence of a disease that renders them immortal~ but with a warped mind and zombie-like features. They become monsters with one common goal- add more to their numbers. Our charries can be infected or uninfected, and you can have up to three. Zombies cannot die, but they can be knocked out for a certain amount of time depending on their strength. We will come up with the plot as we go along. Here's the sheet~
Fighting Skills:
Where they live (or lived):
I have no idea where this is going to go! This is my first RP in a long time, and I've decided to make it have minimal starting plot as opposed to creating an entire story right off the bat. I'll post my charries below hopefully this afternoon.
(February 21, 2017 - 11:31 am)
Spot reserved! I won't be able to post my charrie until the weekend, though. And I won't be able to RP very often, I warn you.
(February 21, 2017 - 12:42 pm)
That's ok! Join in anytime you like.
(February 21, 2017 - 8:45 pm)
TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Maybe if I put a bunch of exclamation points this thread will top!!) TOPPITY TOP TOP!!!!!!!!!!!
(February 21, 2017 - 7:32 pm)
Oh I forgot to mention- No Mary or Gary Sues!!! Keep your charies full and fleshed out, please.
(February 21, 2017 - 7:35 pm)
Here is one of my characters:
Name: Eileen Thomas
Appearance: High dark brown bun, intimidating eyes with dark makeup, is petite and a head shorter than most people her age, thin nose and mouth, wears a faded red sweatshirt with the logo of some university on it, navy leggings, and a pair of enourmously large tennis shoes stuffed with socks.
Personality: Sharp and manipulative, guarded. Doesn't like people catching her in embarassing moments. Is a bit of a hoarder; she has been keeping stashes of supplies all over a certain corn field. While she likes her luxury and comfort, she is actually somewhat self-sufficient and used to spend time out in the woods. She is also quite good at climbing trees. Currently, she is searching for a different pair of shoes and clean socks, because one of her feet got all cut up when she stepped in something prickly.
Age: 13
Family/Friends: She was an only child. At the time the apocalypse struck, her mother had been away on a buisness trip. Her father had gone out on an errand when the wave hit (SIDE NOTE: The apocalypse struck literally all of a sudden. Some sort of shockwave went through the entire town causing some people to become infected and the rest to fall asleep. For the span of four days, the first zombies made short work of some of the defenseless sleeping people, causing the monster population to grow exponentially. After the four days, the remaining sleepers woke up to find themselves amidst a whole lot of destruction and chaos. The smarter ones (our charries) quickly set to scavenging any materials they could find. Oh, and by the way, the shockwave also took down all of the cell phone reception and wi-fi.) Anyways, Eileen doesn't know where her father is, and is forced to believe he has become infected as well.
Fighting Skills: None to speak of. She is quick-witted and fast, but wouldn't do well in an actual fight.
Where they live (or lived): Right now, she is moving about the entire town, staying away from the center and looting all the buildings she can find. She normally sleeps in abandoned sheds on the edge of town.
Other: She trusts no one.
Since my charries normally take up a LOT of space, I think I'll post them one at a time. Eileen is the first.
(February 21, 2017 - 8:44 pm)
(February 22, 2017 - 7:12 am)
(February 24, 2017 - 11:46 am)
Name: Sparrow Fenway
Appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair that never lies flat, even if she brushes it for hours. Greyish green eyes with flecks of hazel. She is four foot seven, very small for her age. Kind of thin. She always has a sorrowful look in her eyes, even when she's smiling.
Personality: Kind of shy and quiet, but inside she has an awful temper and it's a daily struggle for her not to get angry at people she knows and say hurtful things to them.
Age: 14
Family/Friends: She has an older sister and a mother, and no friends. She doesn't really have any friends; her personality isn't right for it.
Fighting Skills: She an use a bow well, and carries a knife in her belt. And her small size is useful for evading blows.
Where they live (or lived): In a small, weatherbeaten house on one of the back streets of the town.
Backstory: Sparrow grew up never knowing her father. Her mother told her that he had fallen off a bridge and drowned, but Sparrow never quite believed her.
Their family is quite poor; Sparrow had to wear worn-out hand-me-downs from her sister. And some days they'll have no dinner, simply because there is no food.
Other: N/A
(February 26, 2017 - 3:21 pm)
This thread shall TOP!
(February 27, 2017 - 11:09 am)
Toppity top top.
(February 27, 2017 - 11:09 am)
I shall keep topping this thread until it does >:D
(February 27, 2017 - 11:10 am)
And top again!
(February 27, 2017 - 11:11 am)