Chatterbox: Inkwell
*cough* Yes, I am making another Warrior cats RP!
This time, we have three clans. Sunclan, Lunarclan, and Eclipseclan. Sunclan lives in thin trees and wide plains, when the trees get thicker, the boundary of Lunarclan starts. When the trees get so thick that the leaves almost block all light, the boundary of Eclipseclan starts. A river runs through all the tarritories, being the biggest in Lunarclan's tarriatory and leading into the lake. All of their tarritories circle around a lake, with an island that they gather around in the middle. Around all of their tarritories is a rocky, deep canyon, blocking them from leaving. Their tarritories end when the forest becoms rocky, so that a clan cat doesnt accedently fall off the cliff.
Alright, I think this makes sence from here? Lunarclan is sorrta like a mix of Thunderclan and Riverclan, Sunclan is a mix of Thunderclan and Windclan, and Eclipseclan is a mix of Skyclan and Shadowclan. Sounds good? Alright.
You can have an unlimited amount of charries, though I recomend bellow 5 because that can really get confusing with more then 5 charries.
All spots are open, regular warriors clans.
If you have a queen, you must RP her kits also. They don't count towards your cat limit.
The phrophocy is out there for anyone to make, so go ahaid and get creative! Just, if you're gonna kill someone's charrie off, ask them if it's alright first.
You CAN CREATE NEW CHARRIES AS WE GO INTO THE STORY. They can be someone's kits, or a rouge that crossed into the bounderys. There are roughs that live on the rocks by the cliff, but not many. Most are clan exiles and their kin.
Alright, here is the chairre sheet!
Name: Tigerfang
Clan: Lunarclan
Rank: Queen
Gender: F
Apperance: Looks like a white tiger, grey body with black stripes and gem-blue eyes. Long claws. Long fur. (I painted a pic of her, I'll post it)
Personallity: Demanding, but kind and cares for the weak. She can get mean at times, and at the things she dissaproves of (like rouges being accepted into the clans) she is really defensive and belives deeply of them. Strong fighter, dissapointed when she had kits, though she loves them and wants them to grow up to be like her.
Backgrund/other: 3 kits, mate unknown (that means anyone can be her mate!)
1st kit:
Name: Wolfkit
Rank: kit
Clan: Lunarclan
Gender: M
Apperance: Dark tabby striped, gem blue eyes that peirce from the dark, black stripes with lighter grey fur. Long fur, large ears, long black claws.
Personallity: Mean, sarcastic, but can be a softy.
Background/other: 2 siblings
Name: Fireflykit
Rank: kit
Clan: Lunarclan
Gender: F
Apperance: Lighter grey fur, like her mothers. Peircing amber eyes like that of a firefly's glow. Long black claws, smaller ears, light tabby stripes that are almost the same color of her coat, and can only be visible in the moon's light or direct sunlight.
Personallity: Fighesty, sassy, belives that she is better than her brother and will become leader before him. Showing sighns to be a great fighter like her mother.
Background/other: 2 siblings
Name: Icekit
Rank: kit
Clan: Lunarclan
Gender: M
Apperance: Light grey, almost pure white, tabby stripes are the same color so they are not visible. Has a black tip on his tail and right front paw. Pinkish claws. Gem blue eyes. Blind, can only hear from one ear.
Personallity: Kind, obidaint, scared that he will be kicked from the clan because of his weakness.
Background: 2 siblings who are very protective of him, and a mother who won't admit of his dissabilities.
(February 9, 2017 - 8:05 pm)
I'm sorry, I'm going to have to drop out of the RP. It's just not right for me. I don't have the motivation to post on it, and although interesting, it's not fun for me.
Good luck, and have fun writing!
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." --Mahatma Gandhi
(February 26, 2017 - 5:57 pm)
(February 28, 2017 - 7:22 pm)
You guys still here?
Awa, I'm sorry Mei, promise we wont kill your cats...not yet atleast...XD
I sat at the edge of the clearing, staring at the entrance tunnle as if expecting Moonripple with Icekit by her side to walk in and go back to their normal clan deutys, as if nothing had happened.
My two remaining kits were oldly silent, watching the other kits play and tossle with one another as if they had compleatly forgaten about Icekit. But poor Littlekit seemed out of place, for he would always take pleaser in beating blind Icekit. Finally he trotted over to bary his muzzle in my kit's sholders, telling them he missed his best friend.
As I sat there, with blank eyes, I heard Jadestar order a patrol. "Go patrol the EclipseClan border, make shure their in their rightful place. You will have a scout with you, Berrysnow, the fastest runner in the clan. If you meet trouble, she will run over to SunClan and get them as fast as she can." She was speaking to Goldenfang and Dustfeather, the strongest warriors in the clan, I realized. Did she really think the battle would be tonight? But then again....she did have that prophocy about the LunarEclipse.
I shudderd, realizing I may loose more then my kit tonight.
"Maybe I will." I growled back, my hankles raised and whiskers arched in a snarl. "I don't want my kits forced to fight."
Suddenly Ravenheart lept to his feet, teeth bared. "You DO NOT talk to your leader like that!" His hankles rose in responce, and I shifted back, suddenly affraid of the two cats.
Suddenley I felt the courage of StarClan seep into my pelt, ad I realized they are no match for my reason. "I didn't give the okay on Stonetail becoming a warrior. Flightclaw is a strong younge she-cat, but she is two younge and unexperiaced. Giving Batsight an apprintance like her wasn't the smartest idea."
Ravenhearts eyes flashed, and he was about to say a rude retort when Sharpstar inturupted. "You have a point. If they survive the fight tonight, we will demote them to training, and I will train Flightpaw myself, with Riverpaw. Bluepelt's kits will stay behind, and will not comtinue their warrior training until they are 6 moons. I am sorry, Amberfang, I don't know what got into me."
I nodded in gratitued and he flicked his tail, ordering me to leave. As I left, I heard Ravenheart whispering to the leader. Something about lies.
My heart ached every time I look at a mouse, for I remember my sister, Mousepaw. And everytime I look at a fern, my heart aches for Fernpaw, my loving brother who was training as a medicen cat aprintance. Frostcloud has yet to take another, still greiving over her lost one.
My heart drooped low to the ground, and I sighed in pain. Why did they have to leave me?
Suddenly there was a wild burst from the entrance to camp, and a small, slim cat burst through, with watter dripping from her slick fur and brambles stuck in her paws. It was so dark now that I could only see the stars, which aluminated my nigh vision so I could see this cat and her gleaming green eyes catching the starlight clearly. Why was I would so late? I couldn't sleep. I never can. I usually just stare at the moon and stars all night, whishing my siblings would come back from Starclan to be with me again.
"What is this!" Crowstar demanded, stepping from his den blinking sleep from his eyes. More warriors pushed from the warrior's den, Sparrowflight going to stand beside his leader. But then he reconized the sent of the strange cat, a LunarClan stench of wet and fish. "Berrypaw!" He greated her. "What is it?"
"The-they're attacking. Eclipseclan!"
"NOW?!" Sparrowflight gasped. "Well, actually, it is an Eclipse...it makes sence...."
"Sparrowflight!" Crowstar yowled. "Assemble the warriors, leave only two behind too look after the camp. Take your apprintances....except Robinpaw." He flashed a sympathetic look in my derection. I have nothing more to loose...why dont you just send my and get it over with?!
But before I knew it, warriors and apprintances were dashing from the camp, Berrypaw in the lead. I sighed, catching a look from Maplefeather with small Beamkit huddled at her paws, scared from his own little getting-lost fanascio earlyer in the evening. Good thing Dustfeather returned him safley.
I stared after them for a long while, and when the sun came up and they weren't back, I knew something was wronge. Were they all killed in this battle?
(February 28, 2017 - 8:16 pm)
Before the battle, Goldenfang became deputy, just so you all know.
Sunclan meets us at the border where Eclipseclan stands, glaring at us.
"Are your cats so weak that you have to involve Crowstar in this, Jadestar? You don't even have a deputy," Sharpstar scoffs.
"I do, Sharpstar," I reply calmly. Don't show that you are affected.
Goldenfang steps up from behind me and nods his head. Goldenfang. So loyal and brave. May he help win this battle.
Sharpstar shrugs but regains his cold gaze. "Hailfire played a wonderful role in this."
Hailfire suddenly nods and pushes through the crowd, joining Sharpstar at the front.
I gasp, along with other cats.
Goldenfang softly growls. "Traitor."
"Sharpstar, do you want this?" I ask. "More war? More death? Is this what you want to wage?"
"You leave me no other choice," he replies.
"I will not be the one to start a battle," I say. "I will be the one to finish it."
Sharpstar bears his teeth. "Suit yourself."
He leaps at me and the battle commences.
I slowly get up, after awaking from darkness. Bodies of cats litter around me, but there are many missing in count.
"Goldenfang?" I whisper.
His golden fur drifts in the wind, but to my relief, he stirs.
I look around the bodies that surrond me. Sharpstar and many of his warriors aren't to be seen. Eventually, a few others wake up, including Berrysnow, Crowstar, Dustfeather, Dustpounce, apprentices, and some other warriors from both clans. But the numbers that are lost are too much in number as wails and cries fill the air.
Beam (or Wind)kit~
I huddle closer to Maplefeather as the cool morning breeze catches on my fur. But I wake with a start as I remember last night's events.
"Maplefeather?" I squeak.
She yawns and slowly opens her eyes. "Yes, my kit?"
"What happened to them?"
Her eyes open wide. "Oh yes. We should go see."
"Am I allowed?" I ask.
"You'll be with me," she responds, getting up and walking out of the den. I follow her. "And I'll protect you no matter what."
I look around the bodies, my eyes glazed over. The air is filled with mourning cats, and then I realise- where is Goldenfang?
My head looks around desperatly, but it reaches him, and suddenly crying, I run towards him.
He rests his head on me while sit next to him and look helplessly at the other cats.
"We must check on the clan," I say.
Goldenfang nods. "Yes. But I think it was in good paws. Tigerfang will protect the clan at all costs."
(February 28, 2017 - 10:36 pm)
Sorry its so long! I decided to take the time and play out the whole battle!
My claws slashed pelts as the battle begain. I scanned the croud for tiger stripes, but saw none, to my relife. My heart was pounding with the edrenalation of battle.
"Have no mercy!" I remember my voice booming over everyone, my eyes like amber shards narrowing. My revenge for what Tigerfang did to me burning deep into my hatred for her clan. "Kill on sight! Defend your clan for the cost of your own life!" Sharpstar sat back, the old warrior glad to have a younger one take over every once and a while.
And now was like that. I saw Jadestar pin Sharpstar by his neck, eyes bright with hatred. She spat in his face, clawing deep scratches in his side before letting him go. But mistake.
He attacked, and as I ran into a warrior running to help her leader, the silvery pelt of the warrior Lillyshine. I attacked emideiatly, and dirt flew all around us as I pinned her to the ground. She lashed at my belly, blue eyes narrowed in pure furry and claws sharper then a fox's.
But she was no match for me. With a sharp movement I broke her spine like a mouse after I've pounced. She was dead instantly.
I glanced back to my leader, and saw Jadestar had him pinned again, with a long gash leeking blood on her side. The blood travled down her hind leg, clotting her blood to pool around her paw. The loss of blood was clearly affecting her, and I took this as my advantage.
I pounced, knocking my prey over with a forceful push. She gasped for air as she colapsed with surprise, but emidiatly turned and pushed me away with her stronge back paws. I flew in the air, landing with an enraged hiss by the leader's side. Before she had time to rise to her feet, hesitating with pain, I had her pinned by the neck. My stomich hurt with pain, blood dripping into the face of my victum, but I ignored it. Hissing into her face, I slashed out her throat before she could react.
Leaders have nine lives. I know she wasn't on her last one, and would probably awake at the end of the battle. There is nothing left to do with her silenced body. I can't kill her again untill she wakes.
So I turned to Sharpstar, expecting him to be trying to get up, or already up. But when I looked over, he had not moved, his eyes glazed over and his mouth slitley open. Blood stained his neck. But I did not stop to morn my leader, even if that was his last life and he is now truley dead. There was a battle happening, and I must fight it. For Sharpstar, for me, and for the clan. For all those who have already died.
And only the Eclipseclan warriors can except the truth of Lunarclan, they were lieing theves. And they needed to pay.
The battle was tense. With Stonepaw by my side, and Flightpaw on the other, we fought off as many warriors as we could. But the Sunclan and Lunarclan warriors would not back down, and I knew that we must actually have to kill to win this out-numbered fight. I caught sight of Oakdrop and Willowpaw fighting with Birchfall, Shadowpaw, and Frostpaw, sucsessfully driving back a team of two Sunclan warriors and an apprintace. Soon though, they were outnumbered also. "We must kill to win." I whispered, and without further hesitation, lept onto the back of a SunClan warrior. Her claws Glimmered in the sun, and I remebered Glimmerclaws, a warrior I used to talk to at gatherings. And it suddenly become hard for me to kill this warrior. With half-sheilded claws I raked her sides, and she bit my ears, neither doing much damage. But suddenly she remembered what she was here for, and forcefully thrust me to the side.
I hissed in pain, launching myself at this cat. I caught sight of Riverpaw tossling with a she-cat, Berrypaw, on eye dripping with blood. They were evenly matched.
And before I knew it, Glimmerclaws had me pinned, claws extended for a death blow. I winced, when suddenly Ravenheart swooped over like a large bird and knocked the warrior over. She didn't get up. "Fight, Amberclaws! For your life!" Before he bounded away to attack a silver tom that was slowly killing his apprintance with the help of a SunClan apprintace, Ivyclaws and Spikepaw, I realized.
I looked back towards Riverpaw, his eye leaking but still intact, being brutaly clawed at by the younge she-cat. I started over to help him when a yowl answered my ears. I turned to see Stonepaw and Flightpaw struggling to fight off a golden younge cat with an older brownish one. The brown colored one, Dustfeather, had Stonepaw pinned, while Flightpaw was struggling to fight off the tan one, Goldenpaw. I lept on Dustfeather, digging my claws into his shoulders, hissing with furrey. we topled over, scrabbling at eachothers fur. I forcefully knocked his head onto the side of a rock, and scraped his chest. His yowl was cut off as he faded away. Either dead or unconsious, either was fine with me.
Scrabbling over to Stonepaw, I saw that he had not moved. But instead of helping him up, I pounced on the golden warrior beating Flightpaw, and together, the two of us drove the warrior back. With one last blow to the head from Flightpaw, he crmbbled to the ground. "I'm sorry I doupted you." I told her softly. "You deserve your warrior title, Flightclaw."
She nodded, before rushing over to her brother. His neck was clotted with blood, his eyes half gone, and I watched with fear as he coughed words into her ear, before falling still. The apprintances eyes cloated with tears and she whispered back, "I love you two."
Soon the clearing was silent. I almost attacked Ravenheart when he emerged from the shadows. "All aponents are either dead or two hurt to fight." He told me. "We will attack the LunarClan camp." The sun rising in the sky, making Ravenheart's pelt shine, reflecting off of the spilt blood on his coat. Slowly warriors started gethering around them, and to Amberfang's dissmay, more then half did not get up. He could see Birchfall, Shadowpaw, Frostpaw, and Willowpaw, and to his dismay, Riverpaw remained still. I could have saved him. I thought pitfally.
"H-how did we win?" Birchfall gasped, clearly as surprised as everyone else. "We were clearly out numbered!"
Ravenheart smiled, and as I watched, more cats emerged from the shadows of the trees. "We had some help that met with us at the beginning of the battle."
The new warrior's claws were stained with blood, and I reconized a few. "Those are Lunarclan warriors!" I hissed, claws unsheilding.
"Exiled Lunarclan warriors." Ravenheart mrowed. "they wanted revenge as much as we did."
I stared at Foxears and Darkmist, and at the two warriors behind them, rouges, not warriors. One's pelt was dark, the other shinning like a star. Ravenheart dipped his head. "When we have truley won, we shall morn the dead. For now, we will attack Lunarclan!" Yowles answered his voice, and we plunged into the forest.
I pricked my ears to a rustling in the forest not to far off, and a new sent that made me gag. Few warriors had returned, a few warriors who needed treatments from Braircloud and had never retrurned back to battle. Dustfeather had arived much later then the other warrior, Hailfire, who's wounds were not that bad. I hissed at him as he walked by.
Now my fur prickled as I turned anxiously to the other queens. "Hurry." I tell them. "Hide your kits, and mine, I will meet the patrol at the entrance."
Though old, Elkscar jonined me, head nodding to me. Though he was old, he was still a strong and experianced warrior.
Ravenheart burst in first, followed by Amberfang and Birchfall and a few apprintances. They bared their teeth at me and Elkscar, and Dustfeather and Hailfire who had gathered behind me. As the queens joined us, I hissed, "you are outnumbered. Leave before more blood is spilled."
Ravenheart laughed, and I bared my teeth at him. Before I could say what I wanted to say, I attacked him, bowling him over into the other warriors. I bit him on his throat, teeth digging into soft flesh. But soon I was pushed away by his stronge hindquarters. I saw that the other warriors were attacking the oher cats, who seemed to have multiplied. Then I spotted someone with someone I though I would never see again. "Foxears!" I exclaimed, ignoring the other cat. He shot me a cold amber stare before continueing attacking Snowpelt.
I realized that he was against us, and my rage boiled.
In one movement, I had deeply wounded Amberfang and Birchfall, who collapsed to the ground, then I bowled Ravenheart over, and looked into his eyes. His beautiful...amber...eyes.... Our gazes locked and I remembered the good days. His gaze became soft and mine as well, until everything around us dissapeared except eachother's eyes.
As Hailfire yowled in my ear to wake up, Ravenheart pushed me off and yowled, "retreat!" Before they all dissapeared into the forest. Everyone bared their teeth after them, unhurt, but I looked after one cat in paticualar with a longing stare.
I shake my thoughts of Tigerfang away and tell my confused troup at we will take down SunClan first. They are more vanurable and week. Amberfang and Birchfall limped behind the group, and I told them to wait at the head of camp, for the warriors we have without them will be more them enough to take out SunClan.
(March 1, 2017 - 10:54 pm)
I shudder as I realise that I've lost a life. Eight lives left.
But when we enter the camp, suddenly all ears are alert. We can tell that Eclipseclan ravaged this camp.
While Goldenfang splits off with other warriors, I bound straight for the nursery. If anything, the kits need to be protected and alive, or so help me.
But luckily Snowfur is there, and the kits look alive. But I realise that Snowfur's snow white pelt is caked in blood.
"Go to the medicine den now," I say.
Snowfur nods and limps out of the den.
I sigh and watch the kits when I smell something that reminds me of my old den, something that is so familiar and welcoming to me.
I spin around and see Tigerfang standing there. But instead of leaping for her, I stand up straighter, and I hiss.
"Ravenheart? Tigerfang, Ravenheart?!"
"Shh," she scolds. "Don't say it so loud. We have ears that will repeat what they hear."
I look down at the kits as Grerybird trots in.
I nod at her with a smile before walking out of the den, Tigerfang following me to my den.
"Tigerfang," I say. "He took one of my lives."
She gasps. "How many do you have left?"
"Eight," I reply. "I know, I know. I got lucky. But he's technically related to me, but then he's not... I don't know. And now that I know that he's your mate...it just doesn't seem right."
"He almost killed me when they came to attack the den," she says, her blue eyes lowering towards the ground. "But he didn't. Something happened- but it made him retreat."
I hiss and my ears lower. "Why him?"
"He was different," she replies, looking up at me. "And that's not in your place to decide. How did you know, anyway?"
I bite my lip. "Elkscar. He had caught me outside of the nursery. He saw it happen."
She shakes her head and laughs softly. "So now you know. But I don't know about you."
I nod. "You know about Windkit and that's good enough."
"No it's not!" she retorts. "Jadestar, we're sisters!"
"If you knew," I begin. "I-if you knew what would happen if others found out-"
"Jadestar, you know that I won't-"
But I cut her off by running out of the den. That scent. That scent.
The battle was brutal. I watched as Jadestar lost a life and as Sharpstar might have lost his last one. Will I be deputy next once Ravenheart assumes command? Or will Sharpstar survive?
I slink back towards the Lunarclan border. I have to talk to Jadestar.
But before I can even cross it, Jadestar bounds up to me.
"Leave," she hisses, her green eyes penetrating mine.
"No," I reply. "Where is he?"
"Where is who?" she asks.
"You know who I'm talking about," I reply.
"Not near you, and for your well-being, I suggest you stay away."
"Just answer me this- is he okay? Is he safe?"
Her eyes soften. "Yes." But she regains her cold gaze. "Safe from you, Ravenheart, and Sharpstar."
I laugh and look down. "See you at the Gathering, Jadestar."
I pounce along next to a solemn Maplefeather who walks straight for Lunarclan, where Crowstar is recovering.
When we walk in, other kits come up to me and inspect me, so I bat my paw at them. They squeal and run behind their mums, complaining, "He smells weird, like Sunclan!"
I shrink back behind Maplefeather and hold back from any other friendly actions. It's obvious that I'm out of place here.
Maplefeather goes to the medicine cat's den, where Crowstar is recovering, and talks to him. But after watching them talk for a while, I walk out of the camp where Jadestar suddenly arrives, looking upset. She greets Tigerfang, and they have a slight argument before Tigerfang walks away.
I trot around the camp and then run into another kit. She looks at me curiously but instead of running away, she squeaks, "Hello!"
I nod. "Hi! I'm Beamkit. And you're...?"
"Fireflykit," she replies, her golden eyes glimmering.
"I can see why," I mutter.
Suddenly Tigerfang calls for her.
"Well bye!" she chirps, heading for Tigerfang.
I smile and walk back into the other den, where Crowstar and Maplefeather walk out together.
"Will the Gathering happen?" Maplefeather asks.
Crowstar nods. "Yes. And I think you need to bring Windkit."
(March 2, 2017 - 10:56 pm)
All is silent until sunhigh. Worried, Maplefeather leaves carrying Beamkit to go check on Lunarclan, and see if Crowstar and the others were recovering there. I stood ridged in the shadows, watching them leave.
What seems like an eternity passes before cats fill into the clearing again. But before their sent wafted over my nose, I knew they were trouble.
Eclipseclan, and a strong sent of rouges.
We wait outside of the SunClan camp, as Ravenheart has told us too. "I-I think I'm going to go pick out the dead in the battle remains while we wait..." Birchfall stummbled.
"I'll come with." I offered.
"NO." Birchfall said suddenly. "I mean- your hurt more then I am...I could do the task better alone."
"Suit yourself." I responded simply as yowls greeted my ears from the SunClan camp.
I have an apprintance and two elders pinned under my warriors. The medicen cat cowers in her den, eyes flashing with fear. "You have a day to leave this forest." I continue. "You have until the claw shines as a silver claw in the sky before we come back and kill every cat still here. This will be Eclipsclan's tarritory from now on. When Crowstar and his surviving warriors come back, tell him what I told you."
With that we left.
sorry its short, gotta go!
(March 2, 2017 - 11:57 pm)
Leader: Crowstar
Duepty: Sparrowflight
Apprintance: Mothpaw
Medicen cat: Frostcloud
Warriors: Pinefang
Apprintance: Robinpaw
Apprintances: Robinpaw, Mothpaw
Queens: Maplefeather
Kits: Beam/Windkit
Elders: Darkfur, Thistlepelt
Leader: Jadestar
Duepty: Goldenfang
Medicen cat: Braircloud
Warriors: Dustfeather, Hailfire, Berrysnow
Queens: Tigerfang, Snowfur, Onyxheart, Greybird
Kits: Wolfkit, Fireflykit, Greykit, Birdkit, Lilykit, Starrykit, Littlekit, Featherkit, Ashkit, Hawkkit
Elders: Elkscar
Leader: Ravenstar
Apprintance: Shadowpaw
Duepty: Amberfang
Apprintance: Willowpaw
Medicen cat: Brakentail
Medicen cat apprintance: Batsight
Warriors: Birchfall
Apprintace: Frostpaw
Flightclaw, Obsidian, Pearl, Night, Foxears
Apprintances: Willowpaw, Frostpaw, Shadowpaw
Queens: Bluepelt
Kits: Morningkit, Blackkit
Rouges: Survivor/Mousepaw
(March 3, 2017 - 9:58 pm)
Here I'm adding on!
I leap to the great rock, assembling what's left of the cats bellow me. "Attention! As you may have noticed, we had great losses from the battle today. The dead are in the center of the clearing, and we will barry them in the morning. Now, I have a few anouncements. Sharpstar has lost his last life today, and we will morn him, but for now I must travle to the cave by the gorge and earn my nine lives. Before I go, a duptey must be made."
I paused. I hadn't put much thought into this, but I knew my top two choises emidiatly. All I had to do was choose one. "Amberfang, you will be apointed as the new deupty."
The clan congradgulated the older cat as he ducked his head in gratitude. "I also have been reported to that Frostcloud is ready for an apprintance. Batsight, step foward."
The younge she-cat got up, the half-blind cat was lucky to even be living. If it wasn't for Jadestar meraculessly being here at the right moment, Sharpstar would have killed her as an apprintance. "Frostcloud, do you accept Batsight as your own apprintance?"
"I do." Frostcloud dipped her head.
"And Batsight, do you promiss to train well and learn all that Frostcloud has to offer?"
"You can touch noses now." They touched noses, eyes shinning, before stepping back into the crowd. "Now lastly, Willowpaw is now without a mentor. Amberfang, I am sorry for the loss of your last apprintance, and am wondering if you are able to take another?"
He paused, like he was considering it, then nodded his head. "Willowpaw." Istarted again, and she stepped foward, "Do you promiss to work hard to continue your training with Amberfang?'
"You may touch noses now." They touched noses, eyes somber of the losses that lead to this. "Meeting dissmissed." I called. "Amberfang will be incharge while I'm gone."
I jumped off the high-rock and slipped out of camp to start my journey to leadership.
"I followed you." I hissed, ears back. "An EclispeClan warrior too? You're no better then I am."
"Birchfall's different." She whispered.
"But Ravenheart's evil." I finished for her. "He's better then Hailfire, right?"
Jadestar looked at the ground. Suddenly furrey erupted from me. "So it's alright for the leader of our clan to have kits, a kit that isn't with either of his real parents, but it isn't okay for her sister to have a mate, whom she broke up with in EclipseClan?"
Her fur bristled. "You're mate is the leader of EclipseClan." I paused. Sharpstar's dead?
"Well Birchfall's mate is the leader of Lunarclan." I spat.
She was silent. And then she walked past me, shoving my shoulder as she walked into her den. I hissed, fur bristling, before heading into the nursery. "Snowfur, can you watch my kits? I'm going hunting." I whispered to the former queen, who nodded.
I set off, deciding to travle along the border of EclipseClan. I saw the remains of the battle sceen, all the bodies had been colected and set in the middle of camp for morning by now, yet red still stained the grass. This war had only just begun.
Then I sented something vaguley familular, and it wasn't mouse.
I stopped short of running into the dark tabby emerging from the bushes. "Tigerfang." He sounded startled. "What are you doing here?!"
"Hunting." I responded gruffly. "You've crossed our borders."
"I'm going to the cave by the gourge to reseve my nine lives. You're talking to a leader now." He smirked, clearly prowed of himself.
"I would be leader of my clan right now if I didn't have to bare your kits." My claws had unsheilded, and my tail was lashing.
His eyes flash, and I realized I had never told him that I had kits; his kits. "Kits?" He askes, startled. And then suddenley he wanted to know all about them. "What are their names? Do they look like me? Will they be leaders?"
"Why should I tell you this?" I challanged. "You killed half of my clan earlyer today."
His eyes flashed and he growled, whiskers quivering. My eyes narrowed, and his narrowed, then before I knew what was happpening, we were tustling in the grass, clawing at eachothers pelts.
But suddenly we broke away snarling at one another. His eyes sofened without warning, and he asked again, "It'll be moons untill the next peacefull gathering. Just-just tell me their names." He pleaded.
I sighed, knowing this cat too well to know that he wouldn't take no as an answer. "Okay. The surviving kit's names are Fireflykit and Wolfkit. Icekit died of boren sickness."
His eyes clouded. Even if he didn't know his son that well, he still felt morning for him. "I thought you said you had somewhere to be?" I challenged.
"Thanks." He whispered before turning and vanishing into the brambles.
As I watched him go, I felt as if he had taken my heart with him.
I travled down the secret tunnles leading to the pool of water in the cave by the gorge, the place we meet with StarClan. I pushed all emotions out, making sure to compleatly forget about Tigerfang.
I dipped my paws into the pool, layed down my head, and quickly was shocked into sleep by the cool water.
I woke into a grassy clearing filled with stars with a blanket of night around it. As I watched, the stars slowly formed into cats; nine cats.
"I will give you your first life. Your life of leadership." I saw the pelt of Sharpstar step fowards, his eyes glimmering with stars. I smiled at the familular sight of him. He touched his nose to my forehead, and I felt a cold, but with a flame like fire, feeling run through my veins. It burned and chilled me at the same time, and I suddenly felt out of breath. "Use this wisely, Ravenstar. You can either move your clan to greater hights, or destroy them compleatly." The former leader walked back to the line of cats, and I faced the next one with dermination.
The next cat stepped fowards, the thin, tortishell-colored shape of Oakdrop. "This is your life of loyalty." She whispered, touching his head with a cold nose. But instead of a cold feeling spreading into his veins, a firey hot feeling filtered in, burning him from the inside. He gasped eternially, but wouldn't allow himself to feel weak infront of StarClan warriors. "Use this wiseley. Never obandond those you love, and the clan whom you lead." She turned and walked back, the next cat stepping fowards with a rippling silver pelt.
He was small for a warrior, and I realized that he had died when he hadn't yet become a full warrior. I reconized him, the small shape of Sprucepaw, an apprintance whom I had trained with when he was alive. I smiled, happy to see my old friend again. "This is your life of courage." He meowed, touching my forehead with his cold nose. A stronge firey pain with the texture of shardes of rocks flowed through my blood, making my head spin and stagger for ballance. "Use it to defend your clan, even if it's to the cost of your life." He nodded his head and touched his muzzle to my fur in a friendly greeting before walking back.
The next cat who stepped fowards was also an apprintance, and I reconzied Stonepaw, to my surprise. "I give you your life of voice." I had to bend down to the cat could reach my forehead, and as I did, a cooling sensation filled my veins, and chocked my throat for fire. I gasped, painting, and he drew away. "Use this life to speek to others and tell them what is happening. It could make that much of a difference." He turned and left without another word.
The fith cat was small, another apprintance, I realized. I reconized him emidiatly, the entergetic apprintance of Sharpstar. "I give you your life of happyness." He meowed, reaching up to touch his nose to my forehead. A sharp pain jabbed through my body and faded into my heart, leaving me staggering on my feet and my heart pumbing faster. "Use this to find joy in the midist of a war, to warm others hearts before they go to a day's heard work. Use it wiseley." He trotted off, tail waving in the air.
The sixth cat was long and sleek, and I reconized Ashrain, the sweet elder-queen who had died a moon or two ago. "I give you your life of kindness." She whispered, bending down to touch her nose to my forehead. A stronge sence filled my veins, making my brain swell and heart thump with pain. It burned like fire, dizzolving into my bones. "Use this to see the reason in your dessions, and stop wars before they get a chance to blossum." She licked my sholder affectionetly before walking back towards the line of cats.
The next one was an older warrior, and I reconized the cat who was a senoir warrior when I was an apprintance. He was my mentor, Needlefang. "I give you the life of faith." He meowed, placing his nose on my forehead. It burned and cooled in my blood, making me stagger and almost fall with the effort. The pain of standing streight was clearly on my expretion, and my old mentor smiled. "Let this life fill you will trust to your clan, and maybe even allow you to form bonds with outsiders, and ally with other clans." As he turned he flicked my ear with his tail and I smiled after him.
The eight cat was smaller and sleeker, and I reconized the old medicen cat, Hollydapple. She smiled kindly at me, and reached for my forehead. "I give you the life of wisdom." It burned inside my veins, spreding to my head and making my eyes buldge. My legs almost bukled under the pain, but I managed to stand streight. "Allow this life to aid you in making the right dessions for your clan, with the help and influance of your other eight lives." She turned, her sleek tail waving in the StarClan breeze.
I realized there was only one cat left, a small white cat, one I did not reconize. He looked like an early apprintance or old kit, and I had to lower my head to paw-levle for him to touch my forehead with his nose. "I give you the life of love." The pain this one gave me was more powerful then all the others combined. I gasped in pain, my bones seemed to melt inside of my skin, forcing me to collapse. "Let this life guide all of your dessions, and help you make the best choises for the ones you care for." He stepped back and looked into my eyes, and I saw Tigerfang's soft stare looking back at me. "I am Icekit." He introduced himself, dipping his head, before trailing away. "Welcome, Ravenstar." He called before everything faded to darkness.
I woke with a start, realizing the rays of dawn were filtering into the cave. I shook my head, the pain of my lives still lingering in my body. "Icekit." I whispered, staggering to my paws.
My last life had been given my my son.
(March 3, 2017 - 11:54 pm)
Could there be a plot twist and Amberfang is her mate?
Sorry, this post is short.
After getting back from another patrol that I personally went with, Goldenfang trots up to me to tell me news.
"We just got the word that Ravenheart is now Ravenstar. Oh how much I want to rip-"
I brush my tail past Goldenfang and he is quiet.
"Respect," I mutter. Ah, Goldenfang. Vicious at times but loyal nonetheless.
He nods and I walk towards the nursery.
I peer my head inside. "Tigerfang, can we talk?"
She sighs and gets up from the kits that crowd her. We walk towards my den, and once we enter, I break the news.
"Ravenheart is now Ravenstar," I whisper.
She looks taken aback. "And who is deputy?'
"Amberfang," I reply.
She nods and sits down. "Now what was that other episode about? Jadestar, I've been observing- is Birchfall your mate?"
A pang hits me. "Tigerfang, that's where I next tell you a secret."
Her ears perk.
"There was always two of us, right? You and me. The of course there was mom, Fawndusk. But Tigerfang, um, I have another older sibling, and you have another younger one. There was a middle child― Birchfall."
I'm sick and tired of Eclipseclan. All they do is try to destroy Lunarclan, and for selfish reasons that aren't even logically explainable. I have a fire for them, but I mut remain calm.
Berrysnow walks up to me and gives me a mouse, and one mouse for herself.
"Happy birthday!" she says.
"But it's not my birthday," I reply.
"I know," she responds. "But I'm trying to get myself to eat, so let's celebrate."
That's right. She's so distraught over what happened with Hailfire that she hasn't eaten anything in the past couple of days. Now another fire has been born for the direction of Hailfire.
(March 4, 2017 - 8:23 am)
After returning to the nursery, shaken, but still picturing the tom-cat in my mind, Jadestar comes in. "Tigerfang, can we talk?"
I sigh, and get up. The kits forming a path that let me out of the den to follw Jadestar. "I'll be back soon." I promiss, catching siht of Snowfur sharing the hare I caught with Onyxheart in the back of the den. Jadestar doesn't know what happened. I promis myself. She can't.
I stand next to the leader in her den, my fur itching too much to sit down, and she whispers, "Ravenheart is Ravenstar now."
I force myself to look surprise. She can't know what just happened. She just can't. "W-who's the deputy?" I manage to say instead of challenging her. She must have just seen Sharpstar's death, that's it.
"Amberfang, I'm pretty sure." She answered. "Goldenfang met up with Ravenstar on his way to become leader, and he told them."
I nod and sit down. "Now what was that other episode about?" I suddenly blurt, taking the eye off my hidden secret. The memory of our earlyer chat that involved Birchfall spiking to mind. "Jadestar, you know I saw you meet with Birchfall, tell me the truth. Is he your mate?"
She winces visibaly. "Tigerfang, that's where I next tell you a secert." My ears prick. This is it; the reveiling. "There was always two of us, right? You and me. Then of course there was mom, Fawndusk. But Tigerfang, um, I have another litter sibling, and you have another younger one. There was a middle child― Birchfall."
I gasp. All my wrong assumtions, Birchfall was my brother?! "What?!" I exclaim, shocked. "T-then who's your mate?"
"We're not talking about that now." She growls. "Birchfall was taken by our father, Nightgaze, who was a warrior in Eclipseclan. It was a deal they made. I had not yet left the nursery, so I saw everything. All-all I remeber is Fawndusk's pleading voice for me to tell no one, not even my sister. So they left, and Birchfall and I have been close ever since, though half-clan cats are frowned apon, so we keep to ourselves in public. I keep him up on my news, and he keeps me up on his. Don't worry, he also knows all about his older sister."
"Wait," I growl. "You told him about your affair with an Eclipseclan warrior before you told me?"
"Y-yes. But that's not-"
"Do you not trust me?" I continue. "Am I too loyal to my clan, more loyal then the leader herself?" I knew that wasn't true. I had more secrets on my shoulders then I could bare with. "Why are you even our leader, youre as dissloyal as, as, Darkmist!"
Suddenly Goldenfang walks wide-eyed into the cave. We turn to him, eyes wide. "I-I'm sorry, am I inturupting?"
I opened my mouth to argue, but Jadestar mummbled, "continue," before I could say anything.
"SunClan was driven from their camp by Ravenstar." He blabbered eyes wide. "Their here now."
All three of us burst out into the open, and was met with the few remaining warriors of SunClan. "We-we couldn't fight them." Crowstar gasped, pelt shaking. "They told us to leave by sunrise the next moring, or he would slaughter us all."
We gasped. "Two clans are stronger then one." I put in, shouldering past Jadestar to stand infront of the shaken tom. "We will come together, and form a new allaince." I remebered the blood moon of the night before, foretelling to blood yet to spill on that night, and forced myself not to shudder at the foretelling the blood-mmon shown of the future to come. "We will be Solarclan."
Gasps answered my statment, and Jadestar opened her jaws to protest, but too late. "We are glad to be accepted into this new allaince. Together, hopefully we can conquor the eclipse that has settled in our land."
"Well said." I meowed, dipping my head. "WE ARE SOLARCLAN!" I yowl into the sky.
"WE ARE SOLARCLAN!" Crowstar yells back.
And soon, the whol clan had raised their heads to the sky and were yowling, "WE ARE SOLARCLAN WE ARE SOLARCLAN!"
The sun twinkled back, and I knew are warrior ansestors were watching, and the sun twinkled as if answering back, 'welcom Solarclan.'
(March 4, 2017 - 11:39 pm)
I'm about to shout in protest when Tigerfang blocks me and yowls into the air, "We are Solarclan!"
Once everyone is settled, I pull her aside.
"Tigerfang. Not Tigerstar. This is ridiculous! You ally two clans without me in the picture because you're mad at me over something I didn't tell you? I DIDN'T TELL YOU BECAUSE YOU AREN'T IN ECLIPSECLAN! BIRCHFALL WAS THE BEST TO HANDLE THE SITUATION!"
Her words hit me. Not Windkit. That's crossing the line. Now my clan is going to see me angry.
Suddenly there are gasps, and Tigerfang leaps for me.
She was always stronger than me, and the favoured apprentice and warrior. But at this point, I target every weak point I discovered about my sister in our early years. It's awful and hurtful, but right now it feels as though every claw is upon me.
I hit the area between her shoulder blade and her neck. That always hurt. She yowls in response and backs off when her hind legs kick me in the head. I shoot back and land next to a rock. She then runs straight toward me, but out of no where, I leap for her belly and pin her down. Her long claws rake down my side, but I hold my teeth to her throat.
We both glare up at the familiar voice, and Elkscar stands there, looking at us.
"You are clan mates, and more importantly, sisters. Do not break one of the only bonds you may have during this time of war!"
I hesitate but slowly get up, then so does Tigerfang.
There's still a silence when Goldenfang comes up to me.
"We know now about Tigerfang," he whispers. "But what was that about your kit?"
I brush him aside. "She's lying."
I head straight for Crowstar. "We need to speak."
Mum told me when Jadestar and Tigerfang came out that they were sisters. She said that they would work together with the clans to save us. But now it looks like they want to kill each other.
Before I can see anything, I'm whisked away to the nursery where I see my friend, Fireflykit, from the other day.
We're left alone with the other kits, but we can all still see the fighting outside.
"Mummy is really mad!" Fireflykit quietly exclaims.
"Does Jadestar have any kits?" I quietly ask, still watching the fighting.
"Nope!" she squeaks back. "She doesn't have a mate either. Or at least, that's what the other queens were saying."
I pause. "Then how come Tigerfang mentioned a kit?"
This is bad. This is very, very bad. What is happening? They are sisters, not enemies. And how are we going to combine the clans? Maybe for the time being? We can't just demote the leaders and make a new one. They don't deserve that. Crowstar and Jadestar have led us through thick and thin, but now we have to combine? I don't know what other cats are going to think about that, because not everyone will be in agreenment.
I can do nothing as the fighting continues until Elkscar, the one who saw the both of them grow up, stops the fight.
There's a brief pause when they finally do stop fighting, and I take this as an oppurtunity to go talk to Jadestar.
Once I ask her the question about her kit, she says that Tigerfang is lying. But I don't know if that's true.
She heads back to her den to talk with Crowstar, when Berrysnow walks up to me.
"That was awful."
I nod my head. "I know. But I think there is worse to come."
I head for the border, but Jadestar doesn't meet me at the normal meeting place. Where could she be?
Suddenly I can hear a faint yowl from the other clan, and I decide it's best if I come back another time.
But our whole family must be on edge today. After all, today marks the day that our father killed our mother.
Tigerfang might know about me, might not. Either way, I know she won't take it easily. From what Jadstar told me, Tigerfang is a brave, strong, and loyal cat that doesn't like disloyalty. That's why we could never say anything about Jadestar's mate.
I head back for the clan, hoping Jadestar and Tigerfang are okay.
(March 5, 2017 - 8:22 am)
Uh, oh! It's getting intence!
I returen to the camp with my warriors, Foxears and Birchfall, behind me. I quickly call a clan meeting and inform them that there we no cats left in the old Sunclan tarritory, and we marked the old sencts with EclipseClan markers. Every day a patrol is to go all the way out there and hunt as much prey as they can and sucere the borders. If LunarClan cats start evading our tarritory, we will send cats to Sunclan's old camp and have them keep gaurd, and they are to kill any tresspassers. As I finished my anouncments, I am met with cheers.
My pelt still bristled as Elkscar pushed us away from one another. Blinded and defed by hatred, I couldn't hear anything that was happening. I shoved my way through the cats gathered around me and dissapeared through the gordge tunnel.
"Stupid, good for nothing peice of mouse-dung!" I growled to myself. "She just put both me, and my kits, in danger!" Then, smirking, I thought of how the leader must have felt when an elder had to knock some sence into her, infront of our new allies and the whole clan. "Atleast they have their suspitions about her." I growled, my claws leaving holes in the ground as I walked onwards.
In the next few hourse before the sun went down, I caught a sparrow, a hare, three mice, and a vole. Hunting always cleared my mind. The queens will be happy of my catch.
When I returned, I was met with hate-filled glares and cats walking out of my way and avoiding me. Even when I slipped into the nursery, I still herd the rude whispers. What had Jadestar done to my shinning reputation? Does everyone think I'm a good-for-nothing unloyal, EclipseClan spy like Foxears?
"Is it true." I herd Snowpelt whisper, camofloged in the back of the cave. "Is Ravenstar their father?"
I dropped my catch and shoved the mice over to the queen, leaving the vole for myself and the blackbird and hare for Greybird, Maplefeather, and Onyxheart. "It was a long time ago. I was bearly a warrior. Our relationship is gone, every cat knows Hailfire is my mate." My voice was cool and monotone as I said this, and Snowpelt's ears flicked back.
"That's not what he just told Greybird. He siad that he thought you two were, but you confined to him that you didn't love him just a little before Jadestar told the clan." She shook her head. "I'm joining the warriors den."
With that she left, with me staring after one of my closest den-mates. "Mummy?" Wolfkit whispered, eyes wide. "Who's Ravenstar? Is he the mean cat who killed Lilyshine?"
"Yes." A cool voice responded as he entered the den.
I glared at Hailfire as he entered. "Your real father is a monster. Being half of him, I hope you push down your tempations." He glared at me, eyes narrowing. "We don't want more tratiors in the clan."
A moon has past since we became Solarclan. The camp is doing much better, and the apprintances and kits are almost ready for their cerimonies. I'm prowed to let my kits become apprintances, yet I still haven't forgiven Jadestar.
Speeking of which, both clans have agreed that the two leaders will lead the clan, share the same den, and their dupties will take each leader's place as he/she dies, if he/she dies before Sunclan goes back to their camp. If they ever do.
The two medicen cats also share the same den, and have been working hard to heal all injured warriors. The gathering was supost to be tomarrow, but I could tell we were all frightened to see EcipseClan again.
"Attention all cats! Gather under the high-rock for a clan meeting!" It was Jadestar calling the meeting. I knew what this was for, Crowstar had told me Jadestar's whishes because she couldnt get the guts to tell me herself.
I ushered my two kits out of the den, grooming their pelts. The first two apprintances in a long time for LunarClan, and they werent too admired among the croud. Glaring at me, with a glare that read, 'you dont deserve this, but your kits cant stay kits forever', she started the cerimonial speech.
"These two kits have reached 6 moons, and are old enough to become apprintances. Wolfkit, step fowards."
Eyes sparkling, the dark tabby bounded up to stand infront of Jadestar. Gasps sourounded the clearing as they remarked on how much he looked like his father. A hiss escaped my mouth, and all became silent, only to rest all their hatefull gazes on me.
"Do you promis to train hard in becoming a warrior, and show all those around you the most respect?" She asked my younge kit.
"Yes." He answered proudly back.
In that heartbeat, Jadestar's gaze seemed to smile threateningly at me, and I knew what she was about to do. "Hailfire, step foward."
The stronge tom glance back at me before walking to join the other cat that I hated more then him at the moment. "Do you promiss to train this apprintance and show him all the wonders of being a warrior, and keep his loyalty in line?"
"Wolfkit, you wll now be nown as Wolfpaw." The mentor and apprintance touched noses, Wolfkit's eyes shinning without a thought of what Hailfire might do to him.
The stepped aside as Jadestar called Fireflykit up. "Fireflykit, come fowards."
The bouncy she-cat bounded up to her aunt, eyes filled with more sparkle then he brother's. "Do you promis to train hard in becoming a warrior, and show all those around you the most respect?" She asked my younge kit.
"Yes." She answered proudly back, reflecting her brother's voice.
"I will be your mentor. Fireflykit, you will now be known as Fireflypaw." She reached down and touched noses with the apprintance.
My pelt bristled with anger. Why did she do this?! Did she think that these kits would be dissloyal to their clan? Should I point out Windkit, so he can be treated the same? "Wolfpaw! Fireflypaw!" Only a few voices spoke their new names, including mine and the other kits, the rest exchanged glances and looked away.
But the two apprintances didnt let that wear down their spirits. They jumped and tossled with eachothers fur, excitment gleaming in their eyes. "If only Icekit was here." I whispered, before getting up to congradulate them.
I watched the warrior cerimony with pure jellosy. I should be down there, with my siblings to receve my warrior name.
"Icekit." Silverstar whispered into my ear. "We have a surprise for you."
I followed the older she-cat willingly, glancing back to the pool where I was watching my siblings. "Icekit." She lept onto a rock that jutted above all the others, and I realized that almost all of StarClan was gathered around it. "We've noticed that since you've come here, you haven't stopped growing. Your spirit is growing. So we thought we should train you to become an exprianced prophocy-giver of StarClan. I will be your mentor. What do you say, Icepaw?"
My eyes sparkled and I bounded fowards. "Wow, really? Thankyou! I would love to!"
As I touched noses with my StarClan memtor, voices started to ring out around me. "Icepaw! Icepaw! Icepaw!" If only my siblings were up here with me.
So, I just jumped fowards a bit, if that's alright. You can post some stuff that was before this, and then continue if you want.
(March 6, 2017 - 12:13 am)
I sit in my den, thinking.
During the ceremony, I could feel Tigerfang glaring back at me, but she'll never understand how much she hurt me. So right now, I couldn't give less of a hairball. But even though we are fighting and haven't resolved, I still love her and did what I did to protect her.
Before I had done Wolfpaw and Fireflypaw's ceremony, I had spoken with Hailfire. He wanted to be Wolfpaw's mentor more than anything. I knew I couldn't let that happen, but he begged and eventually told me that he would fix all of his damage and submit himself to Eclipseclan at some point. When I questioned his deal, he replied by telling me that he wanted to prove to Tigerfang that he could be the father Ravenstar never was. At first I hadn't believed him, but Starclan nudged me, and the look in Hailfire's eyes was not one of deceit. Instead it was one of desperation and the look of a loving mate. Although we've had our grievances, I can tell that Hailfire wants to make it up to Tigerfang, because he still does love her. But I'm worried Tigerfang won't realise that soon enough. I didn't want her to be mad that Hailfire told me all of this, so I made it seem like I did this out of bitterness.
As for Fireflykit becoming my apprentice, well, I haven't had an apprentice since Shadowpaw before he left the clan. I guess I wasn't a good mentor then but I understand my mistakes now. I still love Shadowpaw, but I also love my niece. I want her to be around family now, and especially around me because of my fear that Tigerfang is painting a bad picture of me to her kits. While that is okay because she is their wonderful mother, I still want to be in Fireflypaw's life. I don't want this family to be broken like mine and Tigerfang's was.
Tigerfang is my older sister, but right now there is a thin sheet over her eyes made of anger and rage. It was my own mistake to mention anything about Ravenstar, but she must know to keep Windkit a secret, because that is the biggest crime right now amongst all of the clans.
I wish for Windkit to be Windfoot someday, but I'm not sure if his ceremony will come.
Birchfall had been telling me of what is happening in Eclipseclan, and Ravenstar has made it clear that Sunclan is his. One day, when we are strengthened in number, we will take it back and order will be restored again.
Birchfall's mate is Snowfur, but everyone in both clans knows this now that Snowfur has said something, and they aren't secretive about it. It is the one thing that no clan cat seems to care about, and we find that okay. I guess they both are friendly, so cats from both clans like them. Snowfur's kits are going to be apprentices next moon, so she's excited about that.
I love to see Birchfall, and I'll take Tigerfang, no matter what may be between us, to our next meeting. My heart still aches, but I know by now that I truly am sorry and I truly do forgive her. Like Elkscar, the elder that saw us from the day we were born to the day we were warriors said, our bond is one of the strongest in the clan. We can't let it tear apart, but we are distant lately.
But there's someone I miss, someone that I can never mention to anyone except for Birchfall, who figured out long ago. I even fear to tell Tigerfang, but I will tell her soon when I can. Either that or she'll catch me first.
My heart longs to see my passed kits, killed at the claws of Sharpstar, that were Hawkkit, Ashkit, and Featherkit. I wonder two things: one, if they have met Icekit yet, and two, if Windkit ever wonders if he has siblings. It's rare for only one kit to be born, but in this case, it must be perceived as that.
Windkit looks like Amberfang, but with a lighter pelt. However, sometimes I see him as a complete copy of him.
Amberfang and I met at a Gathering when we were apprentices, and we instantly fell for each other. Tigerpaw has gone off to see possibly Ravenpaw at the time, so she had never suspected anything. But from that point, I would use hunting and "taking a walk" as an excuse to see Amberpaw. We only got closer and closer. Finally we both became warriors, and at that point the law was so extreme, prohibiting any inter-clan relationships or cats that we restricted our time together. But we still saw each other.
Eventually I discovered that I was carrying a litter of kits, so I did my best to conceal it in the moons following my deputyship. At the time it was Dapplestar, and he knew of my secret but was very sympathetic. Unfortunately, Sharpstar figured out that Dapplestar knew something, so he took his last life, causing Dapplestar to die and for the secret to be passed to Sharpstar.
Now, I had been making excuses to go the medicine den, and Briarcloud had taken walks with me when one day she helped me deliver my kits. I was happy, but I knew I had to protect them. At first, we had hid them with this old queen that we used to know. Sharpstar found out and killed her and three of my kits. But Windkit, the runt of the litter, had hidden under a leaf, and was never found. Eventually, when I went to find him, he could smell me and mewed loud enough for me to hear. I took him back and to Sunclan, where Crowstar and Maplefeather took him in as their own. They then renamed him Beamkit to destroy any traces that might be connected to me. From there, I've had to keep it a secret.
Suddenly Goldenfang walks into my den.
"We've made a den separately for Crowstar. You still are two separate clans- er, to me we are."
I nod my head. "Thank you. I understand."
He nods briskly and walks out of the den, and I get up to talk with Tigerfang.
Apologies will be made, and other things will be exchanged, but I will not tell her of Amberfang.
(March 6, 2017 - 5:01 pm)
Are we the only two still posting? Also, is it alright it Jadestar's name before she became leader was Jadestorm or Jadehail? And the last leader of LunarClan was SIlverStar.
I sat in the nersury, slowly licking my paw and bringing it over my face. Suddenly Snowfur comes up to me and growls under her breath so the kits couldn't hear; "get out. You no longer have an escuse to live here with the inosent kits of the next generation. Go."
I hissed, challange flashing in my eyes. "It's alright for you and Birchfall, I supose, to have a relationship, but I can't have one that no longer exists?"
Her eyes flashes. The news that Birchfall and SNowfur were mates had gotten out left then a half-a-moon ago, and no cat seemed to care. They didn't even agknowlage the fact that Jadestar has a kit, with an Eclipseclan warrior. Cats ignore my hints to it, and they all clearly think I'm lying. "That is different. Birchfall is no savage killer."
"Yet he is EclipseClan." My hackles rose, and her spine bristled.
"Get out!" She hissed, slashing at me with her claws withdrawn. The claws caught my fur, but did no damage. "Get out!"
Ears back and tail down, I lept from the den, glanced back once, and slowly made my way to the warriors den across the way. "Tigerfang." I turned, ears pricked, but they slowly drew back and my lips curled into a snarle.
"Jadestar. What do you want now?!" My back fur rose, and my claws half released.
"They seporated the two leaders into seporate dens, finally." Her ears flicked as she tried to recover our old bond. But it didn't work, and I just stared at her with narrowed eyes. "I need to talk with you. Outside. Now."
She whisked away, and I slowly followed her, tail brushing low to the ground and head lowered, challanging anyone to speek to me. No one did, and I left camp without another sound but rustling of leaves and undergrowth.
When we were far enough from camp, Jadestar turned on me. "Look, I'm sorry about Hailfire and Wolfpaw. He wanted to mentor an apprintance, and since he was close with Wolfpaw, he requested him." Her left ear turned to the side, and I knew she wasn't telling the whole truth, but I didn't pester it. "I promiss your kits won't be treated any different from the other apprintances. There's something else I need to ask you, though. Did you really end your relationship with Ravenstar?"
My ears flicked and I looked away, not answering the last part. "Remember the prophocy, Jadestar? Hailfire is not to be trusted. The LunarEclipse has begun, every cat must say their wishes, when the first moon falls and the ripples turn red, expect the lies to glow and hail then bite and fly, untill nothing is left but shattered darkness. Remember, Jadestar? Remember this one? Something is coming, darkness will rule, and the Sun will be blotted from the sky, on the night of the full moon Eclipse. Two paths lead from this fate, one of war, and one of peace. Blood with flow of that of war, when Sun and Moon, and Darkness come together, the only escape is ice over the river. Peace will come to those who wait and wouldn't tell a lie. Remember these? They're about Hailfire. He cause our war with Eclipsecaln, all with a petty lie that you belived."
"Look, Tigerfang, I know you're still upset with me." She fluffed out her pelt as a breeze that smelt of ice blew over the forest. Leaf-fall was coming. "I know you're upset with what I said to the clan. But you have to forgive me, forgive Hailfire, and forgive your clan. They will soon accept your mistakes."
My pelt bristled. "Mistakes?!" I growled, taking a step foward. "I love my kits, and I thought you did too."
She took a step back. "That's not what I-"
"You don't regret having your kit, or being mates with an EclipseClan warrior! Am I the only one to be belamed for peoplemis-mistakes that multiple toms and she-cats have made?!"
Suddenly a light-colored tom burst from the undergrowth, pelt bristling at me. "Step away from our leader, tratior!" Goldenfang yowled at me.
Teeth bared, I wirled around and vanished into the forest, yelling behind me, "LONG LIVE SOLARCLAN!" With a menicencing tone in my voice.
I wasn't coming back any time soon.
"I can't belive we're warriors!" I exclaimed happily, tusstling my sisters fur.
"Finally!" She exclaimed, looking up at the sky. "I wonder how Icekit's doing."
Suddenly we went silent. "Common, you two! Make your nests in your new den!" It was Hailfire, a gleam in his eyes.
Emidaitly brightening, we followed the older warrior. The apprintance den was deserted all except two older SunClan apprintances. Mothpaw smiled brightly at me and welcomed us with a warm purr, while Robinpaw stayed in his nest, curled up as tight as if he was triing to sheild himself of the bad cats. "You can build your nests next to mine." She offered. "There's some extra moss over here." She picked up the soft green stuff in the corner and dropped it at our feet. "We've been keeping it soft for you next apprintances."
I smiled and thanked her, and Fireflypaw and I built our nests quickly. "Can we go hunting?" She exclaimed. "I've never set foot from camp! Can we explore the tarritories?"
Mothpaw smiled. "You'll have to ask your mentor."
We did, and he nodded. "I don't know where Jadestar went, so I'll just bring you both. Berrysnow! Pinefang!" He called the younge warrior and the older Sunclan tom over. "Come with us."
Berrysnow nodded, beaming. Pinefang came out of the apprintance den with his apprintance, Robinpaw, trailing after him. I remeberd his foul mood and shied away from him.
Soon we left camp, and ecitment filled my paws.
Breathing in the fresh air, a smile spread across my face. "Fireflypaw! Smell all these scents! I can smell...mouse!"
"Good." Hailfire congradulated. "That's a familular sent, so I supose it wouldn't be hard to reconize it."
He brung us around to the back of the camp, telling us he would show us the outskirts of the bounderys. The forest slowly became rocky, and he stopped us at the last tree. "These are our sent markers." He whispered.
"Why must we have sent markers here?" Fireflypaw challanged. "It's just bare rock to a gourge, nothing can get in."
"Or out." I whispered, eyes wide as I heard the rushing water in the gourge.
"There are rouges and foxes and badgers and cougars who live in those rocks." Hailfire growled. "We must protect our taritory from them. Be careful of snakes! The nest in the rocks."
I stepped away from a large brown rock, eyes widening. I've never seen a snake, but cats have died from snake bites before. I've heard the stories from the elders to prove it.
Suddenly a foul stench crossed my nose and the warriors around me stiffened. I caught sight of a tawny colored something rippling on the rocks that blended with its fur. "Is that a cougar?" I asked excitedly, a little too loudly.
"Shut up!" Hailfire hissed, but it was too late. The tawny colored cat looked in our direction, green eyes flashing.
"Mousepaw." I whispered, though no one heard me.
SHe was staring right at me, though her expretion was blank. "No, it's just a rouge Wolfpa-" Hailfire started to say, but I interupted.
"MOUSEPAW!" I yowled exitedly, bounding right over the sent line.
I herd Pinefang gasp behind me and Hailfire's claws retract. My sister's ears flipped back, and her eyes went wide. "Robinpaw?" She asked hesitantly.
"Yes! I thought you were dead!" We met and I burried my muzzle in her fur, eyes tearing up.
"I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed back, brightining. Suddenly she drew away. "What are you doing on LunarClan tarritory?"
Suddenly there was a clicking of a rock and a fox emerged a few feet away, far enough as so it didn't see us. We crouched down, and slunked towards the border and into the trees before it could see us. "Rouge, get off our tarritory!" Hailfire growled, blocking her way farther into the saftey of the forest.
"She's no rouge." Pinefang responded, shoving Hailfire out of the way. "She's a SunClan apprintance. Welcom back, Mousepaw."
"Just call me Survivor." She whispered, avioding his gaze. "I should get back to my den..."
"NO!" I exclaimed, but not that loud in awareness of the fox. "Come with us! We're living with LunarClan now, as Solarclan. You will be protected, safe from Ravenstar and his rouge army."
Her eyes flashed. "So that's were all the roughs went. Alright, I'll come with. But I might leave if things get too out of paw again."
(March 6, 2017 - 10:16 pm)