Brainwashed?? RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Brainwashed?? RP

Brainwashed?? RP

Okay, so when this RP pops up, your first thoughts may be that this RP is kind of weird. And the plot might be slightly confusing, but it'll definently develop as we go along, so please join!

So here's the plot:

One day you wake up in a white room on a white bed staring at a white ceiling. You look around and see you are in a white uniform of some sort, and you're just lying there. When you think about it, you can't remember why you're there or what's happening. You then realize that you don't even know who you are. You get up and look around for a mirror, but there isn't one. However, the walls are so clean that you can see your reflection, but you can't remember who you are.

Later on someone, in a suit, comes to fetch you. You just follow them, unknowing what is happening. You want to ask them, but you're too shocked to even talk.

You end up looking over a balcony at a huge white center where the ceiling is tall, and there are other people like you beneath. The man in the suit leaves you, and you walk down the stairs and to the area below. There you sit at a table where other people like you are trying to come to their senses. You notice that some people at another table that have arrived before you are trying to give each other names, so you start to do the same at your own table.

Basically, in this RP, you try to find out who you are, why these people took you, and you make friends along the way.

Here's the charrie sheet-

Name: ???? What do you call yourself???? (I would go with non-specific names. This is, in a way, your nickname, because you don't know your actual name)

Age: ???? How old do you look???? (You look between 14-18 years)



I'll fill mine out:

Name: I don't know, but I'll call myself Wren (like the bird)

Age: 14 

Gender: F

Appearance: Shoulder-length light and curly blonde hair, pale skin, freckles, and big blue-green eyes. Her movements are quick, and she has excellent hearing, sight, and observation skills. She wears the white uniform, she's about 5"5, she's slim, and she looks fragile and sensitive, even though she's actually stronger than she looks.

Please join! Thank you! We'll start when we have 5-10 people, and others can totally join throughout the RP! 

submitted by Killim
(February 6, 2017 - 6:13 pm)
The girl gets in trouble when the bell rings. 
"Did you see that?" Knight asks. 
"See what?"
He hesitates but shakes his head. "Nothing. I thought I saw something."
The halls are crowded with other teens, and we all head in different directions. But unfortunately, Knight and I chose the wrong one, because we head right into a fist fight. 
Two boys are arguing and fighting each other, and one of their friends glares at us. 
"Watchu looking at, red-head?" 
"Hey," Knight snaps. "Watch your mouth, coward."
The other kid takes a swing at Knight when I pull him down. 
"Where did they go?!" the kid shouts. "Let's get 'em and I'll finish what they started!" 
The kid runs off and I mutter, "Hardly started anything."
Knight looks at me but exclaims and drops to the floor. "Oh my- Queen, where are you?"
"What?" I ask. 
"Oh there you- what was that?!"
"What was what?"
"I couldn't see you for a second," he replies. 
He grabs my arm and we stand up, turning the corner where less students are. "Do it again."
"Knight, what are you taking about?" I exclaim. "What's wrong with you?"
He looks at me wide-eyed. "You just turned completely invisible."
submitted by Killim
(March 7, 2017 - 7:22 pm)

~Green Eyes

I sit in the third row from the back of the classroom, next to Wren and Rook.   Wren nudges me and hands me a note.  

You saw that, right?

I scribble under it,

When Rook was moving fast?  Yeah.  Weird right?

I pass the note back to her, and look to the front of the room, where a tough-looking guard is looking at each of us, surveying us.  He mutters, "Sorry bunch, eh?  They'll soon learn."

That makes my back shiver.


Sorry it's short but I have no THIME today.  I'm too busy these days. Also I typed in Wren and it got autocorrected to See.  WTH autocorrect?

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(March 10, 2017 - 10:04 pm)


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 23, 2017 - 6:26 pm)


They lead us into a room with walls the color of everything else in this world. White. If it weren't for the few memories I have, I'm sure I'd think this was the only world.  But I know there is one outside this. I know that there are schools where the children aren't punished for writing on the board, where there is no combat training. I know there are places where there are sisters and mothers, and the sister and you can play games with one another. You can trust each other so much that you fail purposefully just so she can beat you. I want to escape to that world. I never asked to be here. 

Or did I?

Right before my eyes, a new memory flashes back.


I have the flier in my hands again. The flier that the girl with hair more red than Cardi's gave me. I'm walking down the same hallway, except this time it's empty. I go into a room- a classroom. Inside is a man that matches the general description of the guards here, and a woman in simular dress. She smiles at me. 

"Hello honey. Are you here to participate in the expiriment?"

"Yes," I respond, "You'll be paying my family, right? Up front, in cash?"

"Forty dollars apiece. Yes, and yes."

"How long will it take, exactly? How long before I can go home? My family needs me. I'm generally back before night falls."

"The expiriment won't take to long, dear. We thank you for being here."

The man takes out a needle and injects it into my arm. The world went black.


I'm back in the real world.

This time, it seems that no one noticed me black out. Or maybe that was only in the memory, and everything here has stayed normal. I seemed to have zoned out in the middle of one of the guard's lectures.

"...we will be testing you strengths against each other. Today will be solo training. Then, we'll be putting a few of you against one another. You'll learn hand-on-hand through the next week. Then we'll move on to weapons trainging, and then manipulating environments. Now she will teach you some basic moves."

The man gestures to a young woman in dark pants and shirt. Her hair is tied in a tight bun. Nothing about her is out of place. Everything is absolutely perfect. Her hair and eyes are dark, like her outfit. She teaches us some basic icks, which we practice on trainging dummies. The room we're in is big, cavernous really, in comparison to the others we've been in before. It's floors are cushioned mats, and there are closets at one end of the room, which is where I'm guessing they store the trainging dummies when they aren't using them. 

The woman leads us through more complex actions. Jumps and spins and general flare, which I find odd, because who wants flare when you're killing someone? Then, she stops us.

"Now we will choose two of you to face off against each other. Whoever survives wins." 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 26, 2017 - 5:38 am)


The woman is scaring me. I'm not much good at the moves, anyway, but now it seems she wants two of us to fight to the death. Not cool, man.

A guard travels through the crowd, looking for the two contestants who'll face off against one another. He grabs a blonde girl with green eyes by the arm, pulling her to the area where the woman is waiting. Then he comes back, searching for someone else. His eyes dart over all of us. I guess he's considering his options. They linger over Queen for a good long time, and I become scared for her. Then they pass to me.

"You," He says, "Get over here."

Then he grabs me by the arm and puts me in front of the blonde girl. 

"You will be using the previous strategy and movement you learned. Whoever stops breathing first is declared dead. Now, fight."

We begin to circle each other. The girl raises her fists and strikes, hitting my shoulder. I shout as the pain spreads through my upper body. She can hit hard. 

She beats me up until I can barely stand anymore. That's it. I have to do something.

I hit her with the best punch I can muster from my position on the floor.

And she volts across the room. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 27, 2017 - 5:41 am)


I can't breathe. Everything is crashing in, and my head swirls. The boy with the short black hair towers over me, and looks sorry in a way.

One blow, and darkness engulfs me.


No. No. I can deal with death, but the fact that Knight just killed- Why was he forced to kill her so early on?

The guards drag her body away, and Knight is deemed as the victor. When he comes back, I have a hard time looking him in the eye, but he's already being outcasted by others, so I offer a smile.

He looks down.

I don't blame him. When I'm forced to go up there, if I am, I don't know what I'll do. I don't want to die, but I don't want to kill. But if this is a game, then I have to play along. Who knows what could happen in the end.

"Free period," the guard barks, and we all uneasily shuffle out of the arena.

We go to the Gathering Hall, where there are several guards stationed around the huge room, but people that look different are there.

I haven't seen them before, but if we're at a school of some sort, could this be another school coming to visit?

Would this mean that they are guests and- I bet we'll have to fight them tomorrow.

I walk with Knight over to a group of kids huddled around, talking.

"'Sup?" Knight says.

One of them looks at him and glares. "Get out of here, freak."

Something comes over Knight, and he swings his leg so the other kid's gives out, and he shoots down, putting the other kid in a headlock.

"Who's the freak now?" Knight mutters.

The colour drains from the guy's head, and he won't stop tapping Knight's arm.

"Want me to let go? I can let go by twisting it quickly and-"

"Knight!" I exclaim. "Knock it off!"

I shove him aside and help the other kid up. He rejects my hand and stutters up.

"You really are freaks," he says, wiping his bloody nose, and ushering his friends away who had formed a circle.

I roll my eyes and storm over to Knight, who's just getting up.

"What is wrong with you?" I exclaim.

"What's wrong with me? How about you?" he retorts.

"But you're being!"

He shrugs. "Not my fault. It's impulse."

I let out an exasperated sigh, and from there, I direct where we go and who we meet. 

submitted by Killim
(April 27, 2017 - 12:41 pm)


I can't believe what just happened. A single strike, and Wren is-gone.

I didn't know her for that long, but she was really sweet. She accepted me. For a moment, even if it was brief in the grand sceme of things, she was my friend. 

I vow then and there, I will avenge her, in any way I can.



I don't know why I'm doing these things. It's like I've just suddenly become more violent. I've never hurt anyone before- at least, not that I know of. But suddenly, it's like it's easier for people to get on my nerves, more liekly that I'll react. I think Queen's angry at me, and I understand why. I'd probably think I was a jerk too. I just wish I could explain to her what's going on, in a way she would understand. 


Author's Note: I'm so sorry about Wren! Are you sure you wanted her to die? The character Knight was pitted against wasn't specifically her. Also, anyone want to do some shipping now that things are becoming more interesting? Both Rook and Knight are open. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 27, 2017 - 3:55 pm)

~Green Eyes

Oh my --  Did that guy just kill Wren?  I can't believe it!  One punch and she's just . . . gone!

"Free Period!" a guard barks, and once we're in the big room where I met Rook and . . . Wren, I find Rook as fast as I can.

"Oh my gosh, Rook, did you see that?!" I exclaim.  "Where he just punched her and, and, and . . ." I faint into a memory.

I stand with July and about three other people, in an empty room with white walls, a white celing, and a white tiled floor.  It's so shiny, I can see my reflection.  Like the room where I woke up.

A man in a white suit opens the door and says, "If you try to disobey, I will inject you with this."  He pulls a syringe ou t of his pocket containing a translucent blue liquid.  "It is a sedative injection, so do not, under any circumstances attack me."

the person to the left of July sprints at the man.  She is short and agile, and runs circles around him, but he catches her and lifts her by the dark brown hair and the back of her v-neck red shirt.  He shoves the sedative into her neck.  He drops her and looks at us.

"Do NOT attack me," he growls.

Then July attacks.  She mives up and down, in and out, but he, again, catches her off guard.  He stabs the syringe into her neck, and drops her next to the other girl.  The boy on the right of me goes next, and uses his legs more than his arms.  This time, the white-suited man injects it into his leg.  Tears stab the back of my eyes, like the syringe into my friends.  

"I lied.  I was going to inject you anyway," the man says, walking toward me.   I back up slowly, until I reach the wall.  The needle plunges into my neck, and it goes black.

I sit up, breathing hard, my hair sticking to my forehead.

"Green Eyes, are you okay?  You just passed out!!" Rook asks.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp.  I look into her brown eyes.  Identical to July's, right before she was thrown to the ground.  "I knew you before we were taken here."


Plot Twist!! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(April 27, 2017 - 11:54 pm)

No, it's fine! I just wanted to create more action and drama. 

I actually made King to ship with Queen. (Because King and Queen? Haha idk) Is it possible that you could play him? But actually, I could, so just let me know.

I'm posting either later or tomorrow. :) 

submitted by Killim
(April 27, 2017 - 7:00 pm)

Anyone can play King, because I think there should be at least three to for people playing chess piece children. 

submitted by @Everyone
(April 28, 2017 - 7:58 am)


"Green Eyes, what do you-?" Then I gasp as memories flash before my eyes.

"Is it really you?"

I hope she knows. Not only will it be extremely awkward if she's not July, but it'll also mean I'm alone. To my relief, a knowing look shows in Green Eyes' eyes.

"Rook, I really did know you!" She exclaims. The guards give us an odd look, so I usher us inside of an empty room where we speak in hushed whispers.

"Tell me, tell me please, what was my name?" I ask

"I think I called you July."

Her eyes are flooded with the look of someone who's remembering. A look that I wish I could see more often.

"What about me?" She asks, "What was I called?"

"I'm sorry," I say, "I-I don't know. But oh, Green, I had a family! A mother who loved me and a little sister with beautiful blonde hair. We played games together, Green! And there was a world-"

I gesture to the surrounding areas.

"-There was a world other than this. And Green, it was beautiful. Why would anyone take that away from us? Are we criminals? Green, do you think we did something wrong?"

"No," she says, shaking her head, "In my memory, there was a man in a white suit. And he cornered us and injected us with a sedative. And you were a fighter,"

I take a breath of relief.

"Good. I really hoped we weren't the Bad Guys. In my memories, I was at a place filled with children. I think it was a school. A girl came up to me and told me about an expiriment. And in the next one, I entered a room. And I think that's somewhere around where our memories meet. I think that my family needs money. I think that's why I did it. I think they promised us cash in exchange for participation. If I'd known about the price I'd be paying, however, I would never have come."

"You realize what this means, though?"

"Of course. Green, we need to escape. We need to escape soon."


We're about to leave the room, and another thing hits me.

"Green Eyes," I say, tugging down the collar of my shirt, "Did I have this in any of the memories?"

She studies my tattoo for a moment.

"No," she says, finally, "That is new." 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 28, 2017 - 4:34 pm)

~Green Eyes

"That guy, in the white South, he broke my glasses, I think.  They weren't broken in ANY other memories, and they weren't when we got our dorms or whatever.  When I imagine what would have happened when he injected ME, he would have tossed me with the rest of you and cracking my glasses," I remove my glasses and run my finger along the crack going down the center of the right lens.  "But I can only wonder what happened to the other two people who attacked him."

"Do you know who they were?  What they looked like?" Rook asks.

"There was a short, skinny girl and a brown haired boy with thick-rimmed glasses.  If they're here, we need to band them together before they or we get killed."

"Right, and then get out of here," Rook agrees. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(April 28, 2017 - 5:29 pm)


I lie, staring up at ceiling. I can't go to sleep, so I can't stay still. I can tell that I annoy the girl below me. I tug at the collar of my shirt a bit and inspect my tattoo. The chess piece of the Queen.

Queen? I don't think I am a Queen, but I am something.

The darkness becomes more consuming more than the light, and I feel myself drift away.

I look around, curious and attentitive. There are three girls and two boys. The youngest girl sits, looking scared. I look around, and notice a blonde boy, someone who looks like-wait, I see Knight. Then I see a brown haired girl who's about my age.

I see someone come into the room, finishing a conversation with someone else.

"...and keep them in the special program. We have to see how the serums affect them."

My eyes widen, and I catch eye contact with the blonde boy. I look around at everyone else, and we're all either scared or wondering exactly what is going on.

Suddenly the bonds around our chairs lock, and the smallest girl screams. I pull against them but realise I can't get out.

I look around at the others and then look back at the man in the white coat. 

He goes around, telling everyone to stay still and stay calm. He reaches Knight with a syringe, and Knight fights at the grasp of his arm. I don't know how he does it, but he still manages to fight the man.

More people with weapons flood into the room, and they restrain Knight while the man injects something into him.

They go to the little girl, and she screams, crying loudly. Knight is slumped over in his chair, obviously out.

The girl is injected quickly, and she passes out.

One by one they drop like flies, and the brown haired girl looks around desperatly before kicking at the man's legs. Others have to restrain her like they did with Knight, and she fights the sleep before she can't anymore.

I look towards the other boy, and he looks back at me. We're the last ones, but that doesn't matter. I have a feeling we're all going to similar places.

The walk up to him, and he clutches the arm rests instead of fighting. It's not avoidable. But as the man moves his arm closer, the boy clutches the man's arm and jabs the needle into the man's thigh. 

The man screams, before crumpling to the ground. I have the strangest feeling he won't get it up. The serum...what if it's only for us?

As if expecting the boy to do that, another man in the same uniform comes in with a couple of guards who pin the boy down as the new man injects the serum into his vein. The boy is out.

Finally they move to me, and I let out a shaky breath.

He rolls up my sleeve, and I look up at him. "What are you going to do?"

"I suppose I can tell you," he sighs with a cruel smile. "Since you won't remember anything."

"All of you are a part of the ChessPiece Program, or the CPP, where you will be put through an experiment to see how you react to discovering your new traits. From there, you will move up through the ranks of battle, until your names start to make sense."

"Names?" I ask.

"Yes, your names," he replies. "We tattooed chesspiece symbols onto you earlier on, but you'll find that out later also. But this is a game for us, and you five will be the last survivors, with your names also signifying your rank at the end of the game. Now take a deep breath."

A tear slides down my cheek, and I embrace. Before long, I feel a pin prick, and my head swirls. I stay awake as long as possible, watching as some of the guards come in and take the others away. I shake my head, trying to clear it up, but I soon see dark splotches, and everything goes black.

I jerk up, breathing heavily. I look around, discovering I'm at the top of the bunk, and the lights are on. The girls from the floor look up and scoff, before continuing. 

I leap down, and stumble for the door, slamming it open. I look for any trace of Knight. I don't know where his sleeping quarters are, but I need to find him. 

submitted by Killim
(April 28, 2017 - 7:39 pm)

Since no one else really wants to, I'll be King as well as Knight until someone else joins and/or wants to take him as a charrie. 


For some reason, I feel like Queen needs me.

Oh Queen, I think to myself, Where are you?

I'm in the corridor by my dormitory, looking for Knight!

What the heck?

Queen, I think, This is Knight. Can you hear me?

Knigth?! Is it odd that I can hear someone else's surprise in my head? Knight, how can you do this?! What even are you doing?

I think it's called telepathy.



I am in a room with walls so white, it's blinding. I hear someone talking in the corner.

"Which one is he?"


"Hey, don't we have a Queen?"

"Yeah. Pretty 'lil readhead girl, I think."

"Wouldn't it be funny if them two got together? Ya know, king an' queen?"

"And good for the program too. They're the most powerful, but Queen especially."

"Oh, like how the Queen in the chessgame can move all the other ways?"

"You betcha."

"Was it purposeful?"

"Actually, no. Boss jus' found out, serum works better on gals. Gives em' better powers, the likes." 

"But wait. You said King was powerful too. But the King in the chessgame is the weakest."

"But if he's caught, you lose the game."

"I don' get what yous sayin'."

"King's serum ain't s'posed to affect his strength, like the other ones. It'll affect his mind."

I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

They must think I'm unconscious.

King? Is that me? I suppose it must be. But then who's Queen? Red hair... Oh, she sounds absolutely beautiful. Maybe I'll have to meet her. 


Okay guys, so here's my idea about the children and the program. The program was created by the US to make a group of super soldiers to help fight other countries. The serums they're being injected with are giving them heightened senses and better reflexes, etc, without them knowing it. But the Chesspiece Society kids are reacting differently to the serums than the other kids, and they'll be the elite army. They're getting superpowers and stuff. The tattoos on their arms determine their rank; King and Queen are the leaders, then the Knights and Bishops are straategists, the Rooks are snipers, and so on. We can determine that later. Our heroes are going to try and escape the program before they're forced to go out on the front lines.

So what do you think?

I just figured that we might need a plot for this thing.  

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 29, 2017 - 5:52 am)

Actually, that's really close to my initial plan for this RP. The only thing different is that I wasn't planning the chess piece children. 

That sounds good, though. :) 

submitted by Killim
(April 29, 2017 - 8:39 pm)