@Every Dot&n

Chatterbox: Inkwell

@Every Dot&n

@Every Dot


Hello everyone! It is I, The Four Dots. I know my depression RP is not as popular anymore. I believe it's because we need some new material. 


I know that my old RP has helped many of you. Some other people were not as open about it. They saw depression as weak, and just a way to get attention. Trust me, it's not. I want anything but attention, yet here I am... With depression. Sure it may come from lack of attention, but that's not always the case. Depression is serious. It is a disorder after all! It also has killed people before, so don't think of it as a tool. 


So please, if you have anything to say about this, let me know. But do it in a KIND WAY.  


Now, this is going to be similar to my other Depression RP, but this time, every sad thing you write, you must write something happy as well. There are always two sides to a coin, so let's show both of them here. (Plus we don't want to scare people off with mad amounts of gloominess.) Go ahead and get writing.  

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 24, 2017 - 10:28 am)

Thanks for making another one of these. It's been a tough week so far. My parents got in a shouting match, I got in a fight at school (that's not that unfrequent...), and my dad threw out the drawings that I made for him. They took forever to do! But anyway, at least there's the CB. You guys are like my family. My second world. The world id rather be in. Anyway again, I hope everyone has a good day. 

Tip: When your homework gets stolen, don't try to get it back if the people who took it are the "toughest" guys at school. You either end up with detention or a black eye. Or both.


submitted by don't guess
(January 25, 2017 - 10:43 am)

It's no problem. I'm sorry you have to go through all of that. It's not easy having parents, or just people in general, who don't appreciate your hard work.



My captcha says dotn. 


Wow even my captcha is behind making a new thread. I would name you Dot, but you're a boy.... Uh.... How about I name you Sir Dot?


*No. Just no.*



submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 26, 2017 - 8:54 am)

Yea, I'm pretty used to it. I've had to fend for myself a lot in my life. I usually hide my art and stuff under my bed so no one finds it. Oh well. It's what I have to do to be able to write and draw. It's worth it. Drawing's my escape. Sorta like another world I can go to. I know, I'm weird, but I like being weird.

Wonk says Vvom. Ok... Not sure what that means. Oh do you mean vomit? If so, we need to have a little talk about your language. (And yes, I was the one posting so much trying to top the thread. Sorry!) 

submitted by don't guess
(January 26, 2017 - 4:03 pm)

Tip: If you draw a really creepy "demon creature," hide it or your mom will find it and yell it at you and throw it away even though you spent like three days on it. 

submitted by don't guess
(January 26, 2017 - 8:16 pm)

Captcha says Wonk. Ok... You're even weirder than I am, Wonk. Yes, that's what I'm naming it. 

submitted by top
(January 25, 2017 - 10:44 am)
submitted by ughhhh top thread!
(January 25, 2017 - 10:46 am)

Sorry for the random top posts. Just trying to get it back to the front pages

submitted by plzzzz top!!!
(January 25, 2017 - 10:58 am)
submitted by top.again.
(January 25, 2017 - 4:56 pm)

Greetings everyone. I believe it's time for you all to start posting any thoughts. It could be in the form of poetry, stories or just the thoughts themselves. Please go ahead! 


I'll start.


I wish my parents would stop acting like generals. I wish they would see me as their daughter, instead of their soldier. 

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 29, 2017 - 7:18 pm)

That must feel horrible. I can't imagine how that would be. I guess I'll go next in "thought sharing." Sorry I'm not really good at this. I've always rathered to suppress the emotions to the point of not having any then share them. Anyway, I wish my parents would look at me and say, "Wow, you're not a failure after all." Is that too much to ask?! If they're ever home, they just shake their heads at me and dismiss me. Especially with my art or writing. They didn't even remember my birthday... Oh well. Have a good day everyone! 


Tip: If you're having to be partners with someone for a project, probably not a good idea to do a lot of the work. They'll just take the credit. 

submitted by don't guess
(January 30, 2017 - 4:37 pm)

Yeah it's not fun.


Your parents don't seem to be very nice. Just be patient, and they'll eventually see your talent. If you try to change them that won't end well. The only way to change others is to change yourself. I know that sounds strange but it works. If you stay patient and loving towards your parents, they will mirror those emotions. If they don't, then it may be time to tell them how you feel. If they don't listen, get some other parent on your side to make them listen. These emotions are not healthy, and there are ways to make that stop.


I'm sorry if I seem a little pushy, but I feel like there is more going on than you are letting us know. I know I am giving you advice without you asking for some, and that can be offensive, but I want to help you. No one deserves to feel those things you are feeling.  

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(February 6, 2017 - 10:14 am)

Yea, they're not the best parents, but they're ok. Yea, I've tried, but I'll try to tell someone. Someone not on my laptop haha. 


Nah it didn't seem pushy. Thanks for the advice. I don't think it was offensive to give advice without being asked for it. You have good ideas and I'm going to try it. Sorry if I seem overly down or pessimistic. I'm not trying to be. Well, thanks again. Have a good day! 

submitted by don't guess
(February 11, 2017 - 9:48 am)

You're not being to pessimistic. This thread was made for depression, so if people it's expected. And thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I hope it all works out.

submitted by The Four Dots, age Immortal!, MY IMAGINATION
(February 11, 2017 - 4:13 pm)

Thanks and yea, no prob. I meant it. 

submitted by don't guess
(February 11, 2017 - 5:52 pm)
submitted by Top
(February 6, 2017 - 10:06 am)