This is an

Chatterbox: Inkwell

This is an

This is an Intriguing RP Title!

When I say what it's about, keep reading. Don't click away. I promise it'll be brilliant.

This is a Middle Colonies-- specifically Pennsylvania-- RP!


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll tell you everything!

And for the people who do know, I'll tell you anyway, just because.

Pennsylvania was one of the four Middle Colonies when England was still in charge. It was a proprietary colony-- owned by a certain person, who, in this case, was called William Penn. He grew up in England as a noble, but then found out about the Quakers.

Quakers are a group of Christians who believed that everyone was equal. This is one of the most important things you need to know. They were ahead of their time in that they believed that women and men were of the same status; they didn't discriminate by race, ethnicity, or religion. In Pennsylvania, all were welcome.

Pennsylvania's main city was called Philadelphia. Its streets were all at right angles, arranged in a grid-like pattern; the verticle ones named by number, the ones horizontally by trees. The buildings were rather spread out in case of fire. 

Both girls and boys could go to school in Pennsylvania. However, they didn't learn much grammar, and did not study "dead languages" such as Latin or Greek. William Penn believed being out in nature was much more important.

The Pennsylvanians had one of the best relationships with the Native Americans than any other colony. They were the only people to never break the treaty they signed. They were peaceful trade partners; if there was a dispute, six people from each side would come to a conclusion peacefully, and then it would be forgotten.

There! You just had an entire social studies unit explained to you. You're welcome.

On to the RP!
Because the Quakers were so accepting, you can literally be anything you want. Your character could be Christian, Jewish, Islamic (although this is highly unlikely, I don't recommend it), or Athiest. They could be from anywhere in Europe, Africa (again not likely), or America (more on that later). I know! Super helpful!

You can have a maximum of two charries.

Remember, this is historical fiction. If I see any inaccuracies, I'll point them out; definitely no magical powers or attributes (except for one exception-- again, more on that later). 

Yes, you can be a Native American! In fact, I'm hoping for it, so we have two scenes set and running at once. If you would like to be a soothsayer/medicine man/whatever, yes, you can be; that's the exception I mentioned.

If you have any questions or I missed something brutally obvious, poke me!

On to the charrie sheet! 










I'll post my charrie later.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 13, 2017 - 4:51 pm)

Name: Emily Porter

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearence: She's tall and little gangly. She has blue green eyes, carrot red hair, and is covered in freckles from head to toe. She has a big nose, laughing eyes, and small sweet lips. She's quite pale. 

Personality: She's exhuberant, and loves making friends. She's very optimistic, and often bursts into song for no apparent reason. She's loves reading, and can get a little lost in her imagination. She's very sweet, but stubborn, and will never back down from an opinion. If she sees something she's sure isn't right she will let you know. 

Ethnicity: Dutch American

Religion: Dutch Calvinist

Background: Her Grandparents migrated from the Netherlands. She has two older brothers, one in his late teens, the other married and living in another town. She also has one younger sister, Maria, who's 8. 

Other: N/A 



submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, The Errant Venture
(January 14, 2017 - 8:08 pm)

I'm joining!!!

submitted by Starbringer
(January 15, 2017 - 7:42 pm)

Id love to join this, but I've lived in Hawaii for most of my life and I don't think my writing would be historically accurate.

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(January 16, 2017 - 4:21 pm)

Forgive me for any mistakes :) Here's my charrie. I'm not sure- could a Spanish boy live in Pennsylvania?

Name: Sebastían Velazquez

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, dark hair, coppery brown eyes, dark lashes. Has a missing front tooth and has a mediterranean complexion, is about average height and still has baby fat.

Personality: Loud, unfocused, a bit stubborn. Takes a while to process things, sometimes called 'stupid'.

Ethnicity: Spanish (specifically southern Spain)

Religion: Roman Catholic

Background: I'm not sure. Could his parents have moved from the Spanish Colonies to Pennsylvania?

Other: He has three older sisters- Manuela, Juana, and Francisca. His dad works at a printing press, if that's okay. Sebastían delivers papers.

submitted by Bluebird
(January 16, 2017 - 6:43 pm)

Huh, that's interesting. I don't think it would be very likely for a Roman Catholic Spanish colonist to move to Pennsylvania, but if they were some other religion it would make sense.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 16, 2017 - 8:45 pm)

Yeah, you're right. Do you know what the main religion of Spain at that time was? Maybe Sebastian could be Quaker? I have no idea.

submitted by Bluebird
(January 16, 2017 - 10:23 pm)

The main religion was Roman Catholicism, which is why a Roman Catholic Spainard wouldn't be in Pennsylvania. Being a Quaker would work.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 17, 2017 - 7:51 am)

l don't know if l'll be able to actually post,  seeing that my laptop isn't really working, but l'll see what l can do. 

Name: Ivy Grey Quick River (and yes, many Native American last names were like that. l think l should know.)

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Appearance: For the most part she looks like a full-blooded Native American, she has braided thick, black hair, dark coppery skin, and brown eyes. She's a bit small, but strong. Tends to dress like a Native American. Her speech, however, mirrors that of her father's British household. 

Personality: Somewhat sheltered, reckless, but remarkably mature beyond her age, takes things a little too seriously.

Ethnicity: Half Native American, half white.

Religion: Atheist-turned-Roman-Catholic

Background: Her father (Edward Grey) was a wealthy "explorer" (for whatever amount of exploring he did) from Britan who fell in love with a Native American woman and carried her off to Pennsylvania from the Great Plains. She died shortly after Ivy was born. Her father claims to be Quaker, isn't in reality, only is in some attempt to be a role model for Ivy. He didn't really raise her, instead, one of his brothers, Marcus Grey who came with Edward to America, took it upon himself to see that Ivy was raised properly.  He was Catholic and in turn helped convert Ivy. 

Other: N/A

submitted by Shadow Dragon , The Twilight Zone
(January 17, 2017 - 11:06 pm)

Name: Charlotte 

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearence: Blondish hair, but a kind of darker blond.  Unnaturally curly, long hair that annoyingly always flys in her eyes.  Piercing blue eyes and medium height.

Personality: Brave and bold.  Risk-taker and not afraid of change.   She is kind, and willing to do anything for whats right.  She likes to get things done, and patience is sometimes a difficult concept for her to understand.    

Ethnicity: British

Religion: Christian 

Background: She is one of the middle children in a family of four siblings (five children in all).  Her father is constantly working to support the family.  Her mother is constantly cleaning the house.  When she isn't cleaning, Charlotte's mother complains about Charlotte's "unproper behavior". Charlotte feels that she shouldn't have to "act like a lady".  Her differences with her family and the lack of proper pariental guidance cause her to get into mischief with her younger siblings.  Her older siblings are too "old" to do such things, and even her younger siblings can be tattletales when she is doing something too "unproper for a lady".  

Other: This is my first RP!!  I'm not very experienced, but I like social studies.  If there is anything that doesn't make sense, I hope you will point it out so I can fix it.  I'm really excited! 

submitted by Trebel Clef
(January 22, 2017 - 6:36 pm)