A New Solo

Chatterbox: Inkwell

A New Solo

A New Solo Write

So far I've made three solo writes. Two died. I finished one. And now I'm starting another.

The world of Pokemon is a fantastic, wonderful place. The creatures, who are able to-- imagine!-- use attacks similar to powers to battle others of their kind, perform, or simply help out, are every young child's dream. Santa must get many letters asking for a real, live Pikachu; and who can forget the Mudkip frenzy here on our very own CB?

But what if that actually came true?
What if, in our world today, these fantastical creatures were the norm?

And what if a group of children living in New York City happened to all have one?

NYC is the center of Pokemon life. You find a wild creature around every corner. Pokecenters, charging little to nothing, are stationed every two blocks. Gyms are popular tourist sites: people come from all over to battle, or just to marvel at the construction. Pokemon performances and contests are also common attractions. And it's quite ordinary to see two children resolving a skirmish with a battle of their own.

And in this supposed utopia, there are seven children.

These children are innocent, for the moment. Tourists and New Yorkers alike, they meet accidentally, and are forced to go through the journey of a lifetime.

What will that journey be?


1. In past solo writes of mine I've allowed you to, basically, create fictional characters. However, in this case I need you. Not your CB self either-- no, no wings or glittering skin or whatever. These have to be perfectly realistic humans. Of course, for privacy reasons, you don't need to post your real appearance either; you can combine elements from both or do something else entirely. I don't mind.

2. Three Pokemon each for starters. In the Pokemon section you can also mention Pokemon you'd like to catch in the future, or evolve, but maximum of three for now. 

3. On the topic of Pokemon, include some variety, please. During the actual solo write, due to evolving, two people can have the same Pokemon as long as they're different evolutions (so really, they're not the same), but to start, mix it up a bit.

4. Battling! Yes, there will be battles. Here's the idea. I'll start writing the battle-- most likely I'll get far into it. At the end of the post I'll write, "I'm thinking of a number between ___ and ___." I will draw a number from little pieces of paper torn from my Computerside Pad of Evil (mwahahaha) and whoever gets the closer number wins the battle. I'll give people three days to respond. If only one person responds within that time, they win by default. If neither posts, I'll choose one randomly.

5. I've got a specific plot in mind. Please no diary entries or anything of the sort; this is not an RP.

6. Please only join if you can read this constantly! Obviously, because of #4, this is a slightly interactive solo write, so I need to know that everyone who joins is still with me so that I don't have to choose a random winner a lot. I'd much rather have you guys decide.

7. Charrie sheet again-- oops-- no, you don't have to include your real name. I need a realistic appearance because powers of any sort would defeat the point of the Pokemon, but realistic names definitely aren't a neccessity!

8. Let's just cover the rest of the charrie sheet. I'd prefer your real age unless you've got a rule against that. There are three types of trainers: Battler (pretty obvious, Ash Ketchum-eque), Contest (basically for beauty, you show off your Pokemon and they do moves and such), and Performer (a two-stage contest in which trainer and Pokemon do an act, usually involving dancing). And "family" is mostly there for reference; I don't need any names, nothing personal like that, it's just for small things like "St.'s parents came running up to her" or "I hope my little brother doesn't catch wind of this."

9. Read all the rules! xD

Charrie Sheet:






New Yorker or Tourist?:

Type of Trainer:



submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(December 15, 2016 - 5:10 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 31, 2016 - 9:12 am)


submitted by The Topper, Topping
(January 2, 2017 - 7:41 am)


submitted by Top
(January 2, 2017 - 4:21 pm)


submitted by Top
(January 2, 2017 - 4:21 pm)
submitted by Top!
(January 2, 2017 - 7:37 pm)
submitted by Top, age Top Years, Topping
(January 4, 2017 - 7:36 am)


I totally should have posted sooner and I had no reason not to. I hope y'all didn't give up on me, besides you, Anonymous and A-maz-ing Topper. Thank you!


St.Owl, Danie, and Abigail stood by the water, feeling the spray on their faces and thinking hard. They were all complete strangers. Meeting new people wasn't unheard of, of course; but five people in the same place at the same time twice, in the same week? It was strange.

Danie was thinking about the girls she had met. Of course, they seemed perfectly friendly, but St.Owl was so awkward she was almost suspicious . . . and Mouse, that Hazel, never spoke. Was one of the two conspiring against them?

Abigail thought of an outisde force that could perhaps be luring the five girls together. To do them ill? Or to bring them great success?
St.Owl thought of a monster in the water, a huge Pokemon who could dart up at any moment and put them all down its huge neck. Perhaps it was a water-psychic mix, and was hypnotizing the quintet into meeting up again so it would have a nice dinner.

"Hey, there's that Vaporeon again!"
St.Owl couldn't resist saying it aloud. Eeveelutions were one of her favorite things; she hoped to catch all eight someday. A Vaporeon in the wild was incredibly rare, as Eevee could only evolve into Vaporeon through a Water Stone, which were incredibly expensive. Was it possible that Vaporeon used to belong to a trainer, but was released?

Abigail and Danie looked politely, but it seemed evident that they were not nearly as intregued as St.Owl. Right then and there, the latter girl decided:
"You know what? I'm going to catch it!"
She looked for a way to get down to the shore. There was a path nearby that seemed to wind through the docks and down to the rocks, and St.Owl ran to it. Halfway through, she paused, out of breath, and began walking.

She released her Glaceon once the Vaporeon was in sight. "Catch it off guard," she whispered-- "Use Ice Shard!"

A barricade of pointy ice rained on the Vaporeon, and it twirled, snarling. A jet of water came swirling back at Glaceon, and it slipped out of the way daintily.

"All that performance training paid off," St.Owl muttered to herself. "Get behind it and use Icy Wind!"

Glaceon leaped into the air and used her attack from right behind Vaporeon. But the latter Pokemon quickly put an end to that attack with a lazy Tail Whip that sent Glaceon sprawling. 

"Don't give up! Ice fang!"

Vaporeon wasn't expecting it, and struggled under Glaceon's attack. The former's usually rather melodic voice was more violent, and it snapped viciously at St.'s Pokemon. 

Seizing her chance, St.Owl threw a Pokeball, and Vaporeon was sent inside with a red glow. The button glowed red for at least a full minute, shaking, as if the water type was putting up a real fight. But finally it stopped and the button turned back to white. St. scooped it up and showed it to Danie and Abigail, who had been watching from above and cheered her like a good friend would.


Claire walked along the sidewalk, arms crossed, staring at the ground. She radiated a natural sort of heat that did not as much intimidate people as to inform them, in a cordial way, well dressed and kindly, that she did not exactly want to be in contact with humans. However, an achingly familiar sound made her head shoot up and find the source.

It was a Vaporeon-- the fishy tail, four legs, and neck frill gave it away. Except it wasn't any Vaporeon. The friendly way it was speaking was an obvious mask of its inner malice; you could see its tail twitching ever so slightly in frustration. From the way three girls clustered around it, it had most likely been recently caught-- and not very happy about it either.

But that wasn't a problem. Trainers could catch whatever they wanted, Claire didn't care. The problem was that this was obviously the very same Vaporeon that attacked her and her Omanyte when they were training. It had been nowhere in sight when they started, and all Omanyte's attacks were on target, so they weren't invading its territory and they hadn't accidentally hit it; no, this was a Pokemon that attacked for fun. What kind of sick trainer would catch a Vaporeon like that?

She certainly could have been unaware of Vaporeon's nature, but surely during her battle-- which was inevitable, as this Pokemon would never have been caught without a fight-- she must have noticed some sort of ferocity, some viciousness. 

Claire decided to stay away from her and her Vaporeon.
It wasn't going to frighten Omanyte again . . . 


"Okay, here's the deal, Ponyta," said Elena Tierise, looking her Pokemon up and down. "If we want to get really strong, the first thing we have to do is prep you against your weaknesses. If you can win a battle against a water type Pokemon, then you'll be able to beat anything!"
Ponyta whinnied in agreement.

"We're right at the river, so there's bound to be a bunch of water-type Pokemon around here. I bet we could even talk to that girl with the Omanyte and see if she could battle us. It's great practice!"

Ponyta's flames were bright and attracted a few eyes as it walked next to Elena on the pier. She searched for wild Pokemon left and right, or a path that would lead down to the rocks, but found none. She supposed it just wasn't her lucky day.

But then, finally--

"Ponyta, look at that Vaporeon!"

It was beautiful. Sleek and strong, it was obviously built for battle. Elena wasted no time in running up to its trainer and requesting one.

"Well, I don't know," replied the trainer. "I just caught it, and I don't really battle, so--"

But the Vaporeon cut her off at the same time Elena did. "What better way to break it in than a battle?"

"Well, okay, if both of you want to do it. But I'll probably be no good."

They set up. The girl (who had been introduced as St.Owl) stood on one side with her two friends behind her. Vaporeon sat at her feet, tail curled around its paws, poised like a king. Ponyta stayed by Elena's side.

"I guess I'll be the referee," said the friend with the beanie. "Battle begin!"

"You can have the first move," said St., but her Vaporeon was already leaping into battle. It let out a full-fledged Water Gun without orders and followed up with a Tail Slap. St.Owl was shouting after it, telling it to stop, but seemed to have no power; and she couldn't grab it, for Ponyta was running around the field dodging the attacks so quickly that she would certainly get trampled.

Elena felt hopelessness sink in-- she was prepared for an organized battle! She'd be in a completely different mood if she'd known she was going to be facing a wild Pokemon.

She had just decided to stand and fight when St.Owl unearthed a bellow quite surprising for such an awkward, skinny girl. It echoed over the water in an octave close to what only dogs would be able to hear.



Quite a few heads had turned, and soon the battle had spectators. Vaporeon had the decency to look a bit ashamed, but shouted back with a chorus of its own name, its voice getting more and more gruff with each syllable.

"I am a perfectly competent trainer and I will not be spoken to that way!" St.Owl snapped. "I was able to beat you, remember?"

That seemed to strike a sore spot with Vaporeon, but it didn't have a comeback. Smug, St. called it to her feet. "Why don't we try this again? Elena, you can have the first move."

"All right," said Elena. "Ponyta, Flame Wheel!"

St.Owl was impressed by Ponyta's speed: it came hard and fast. But she had a solution. "Vaporeon, Muddy Water!"
Vaporeon shot her a cross look. "Oh, come on, just trust me! Muddy Water!"

It obeyed its master.

St.Owl had drawn a few conclusions and had come up with an on-the-spot strategy. Muddy Water was an attack that affected the stadium, generally making the ground muddy. Ponyta would either slip or get stuck in the mud: its own speed, backfired.

Vaporeon realized this too as Ponyta lost its footing in the middle of the attack and faceplanted into the mud.

"All right, Vaporeon! Tail Slap!"

It complied, lashing its beautiful fin over Ponyta's back, where the fire type lay splayed out. Vaporeon was perfectly ready to use another attack and finish it off, but St.Owl called it back. Something was happening.

Ponyta began to glow and change as it staggered upright. It got taller; a glowing horn sprouted from its forehead. The flames that made up its mane and tail and ran down its back and thighs burned brighter.

"It's a Rapidash!" Danie exclaimed.


Rapidash versus Vaporeon: who will win? It's up to you, Riddler! Choose your number-- between ten and twenty! I choose sixteen.

By the way, I'm so sorry I never mentioned what would happen if I was one of the battlers. I hope that your trust is great enough that you believe I really am randomizing these numbers. I'm not a cheater.

That took me over an hour to write! Whew. I hope you enjoy, everyone, and as always, please nitpick! Especially you, IJ, I'm really worried I didn't write Claire right.

The weekend is in sight! Au revoir


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 4, 2017 - 9:13 pm)

Oh don't worry. She's so close to me it's scary. I loved this chunk of the story, please keep writing!

submitted by Impunity Jane
(January 5, 2017 - 12:35 pm)

*Gasps* She mentioned me! *Faints* (There might be more than one of us by the way.)

submitted by Top
(January 5, 2017 - 12:37 pm)

Anonymous and A-maz-ing Toppers. :)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 5, 2017 - 6:21 pm)

Wow, this is going great! I love it St!

submitted by I choose 15!, The Riddler
(January 5, 2017 - 5:03 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top , Topping
(January 6, 2017 - 7:41 am)
submitted by Toptoptop!!!
(January 6, 2017 - 10:46 pm)
submitted by Toooop
(January 8, 2017 - 5:44 pm)

No, no new updates.

I owe you guys an apology for not posting, but I have a little story to tell you about why . . . :

Once upon a time, I turned on Supernatural.

The end!

Well, that's not all; there's procrastination and homework and Sherlock Season Four involved too, but Supernatural is the main cause. 

I'm posting this because pressure.


If I do not, pester, poke, and write my name in the name box in all caps with a lot of exclamation points until I post something. I genuinly want to finish this just as much as you.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 9, 2017 - 2:11 pm)