Hi, does anyone

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hi, does anyone

Hi, does anyone remember me?  I haven't been on in a while...  This is a R.R.  

Darcy and Julie trudged through the snow.  The streetlamps cast a dim yellow light on the snow at their bases, but other than that only the moon and stars penetrated the darkness.  Julie panted; it was hard work breaking a path.  Then she glanced at Darcy.  Snowflakes pelted down onto her red knit cap, and dark strands of hair sprang out from under the cap, framing her ruddy cheeks.

"I'm cold," Julie whined "Let's stop somewhere."

Darcy's eyebrows furrowed determinedly.  

"No.  We need to get home."

"I need a rest.  We can just stop until the storm lets up a little."

"Mother and Father will be worried."

Julie squinted against the hard snow pelting her face.  "It won't help if we get lost and NEVER come home!  She exclaimed dramatically.

Darcy rolled her eyes.  "We're not going to get lost."

"How do you know?"  Julie questioned her sister darkly. 

Knowing that her Julie wouldn't stop until she got her way, Darcy gave in.  "Fine."

Julie shot Darcy a small smile.  A bright, warm light came from directly ahead, far too strong to be a streetlamp.  She pointed at it.  "We can stop there."

Darcy rolled her eyes once again.  Lately, it had become her signature move.  "Julie.  We don't even know what that is, let alone whos there."

"Well we have to stop somewhere."  As they tramped through the fast-falling snow, they got closer and closer to the light until they were directly in front of a door with a dark wood frame and clear glass taking up the rest of the door.  The twin sisters pressed their faces to the glass, peering in.  Julie raised her hand to knock... 

submitted by Echo, age 12, New York
(December 1, 2016 - 6:44 pm)

Just trying to make sure that this doesn't go to the back as soon as someone posts the first comment.  Edemame says cikk.  What do you want me to kick Edemame?  And you spelled kick wrong.

submitted by Echo, age 12, NY
(December 1, 2016 - 10:16 pm)

Edemame says rafn.  Yeah, I have no idea.

submitted by Echo, age 12, NY
(December 1, 2016 - 10:18 pm)


submitted by Echo, age 12, NY
(December 1, 2016 - 10:21 pm)

ECHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ECHOECHOECHOECHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I remember you!!!!! YOU ARE BACKKKKKKKKK! YAAAAAAAAY! Remember that crazy Anything RR we made? With the girl who had mind control powers? I MISSED YOU! 

Sorry 'bout this. I'm kinda freaking out right now :). You're back. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 2, 2016 - 10:46 am)

Hi Cockleburr!  I missed you too.  Yes, that RR was awesome.  Then we kind of ran out of ideas for it...  Please join this RR!

submitted by Echo, age 12, NY
(December 2, 2016 - 5:08 pm)

ECHO! It'syouIt'syouIt'syou!

Not many people know, but I was Kathleen M! I joined your Faerage Delert RP on Kyngdom! It was my first RP ever! OHMYCOWSPOTATOES, GIRL, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I missed you!

Way too many excalmation points there. Oh well. >shrugs< ECHO'S BACK!

>runs around room screaming, then runs and gives Echo a big hug.


I'll post on your RR later.

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(December 2, 2016 - 6:05 pm)

Hi I'm SUPER excited to be back too!!!!  That RP was really fun.  The reason I kind of got mad and ended it was really because I wrote a SUPER long thing for it and then it got deleted *screeches in frustration*  

submitted by Echo
(December 2, 2016 - 7:19 pm)

ECCCCHOOOO!!!!! You're back!!!! You might not remember me, but remember that Arwen RP??? It was the first I ever joined! Missed ya!!

submitted by September
(December 2, 2016 - 9:23 pm)

Hi!  I do remember you!  I missed everyone too!

submitted by Echo
(December 2, 2016 - 11:30 pm)