Whisper Stone RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Whisper Stone RP

Whisper Stone RP

Since my last one went down in purple flames....

Here is my new one! I know, I know, so many RPs going on right now, you just can't fit one more in! But trust me, this will be fun! We can figure out each CBers Whisper stone!

Now what is a whisper stone? A whisper stone is what discribes your personallity. It guides your future, wheather you should be trusting or wise, strong or quiet. The Whisper stones are also shaped like animals. Each animal represents something different. And in this RP they are chosen by the ancesters, spirits of the people in this RP. But really, we will decide eachother's Whisper stone and when we start RPing we will say the spirits chose it. Kapeshe? Kapeshe. The different Whisper stones are;

Falcon of wits

Beaver of determination

Bear of love

Owl of wisdom

Wolf of loyalty

Elk of pacience

Deer of kindness

Moose of bravery

Fox of trickery

Cougar of unyeilding

Squirel of faith

Song bird of truth

Goose of defence

Ant of teamwork

Butterfly of change

Woodpecker of justice

Mamoth of sympathy

Saber-toothed tiger of feirceness

Dodo of openmind

Fish of obay (following others)

Stark of observeing

Egal of leading 

Mustang of hope 

If I'm forgeting a trate, please add it in! And no, don't decide eachother's Whisperstones on the animals. Pick what trate you think is best for them!

Plot: You got your Whisperstone chosen. You either love it, or hate it. But then you do something tarrible on perpouse or not, and the spirits change something. They either change your stone, change your personallity, or change your apperance. Whatever they do is to teach you a lesson. But the lesson doesn't always work.

You were fine for the changes untill they started back fireing (lossing friends, they don't reconize you, wont accept you, caused you brother's death, etc.) You must reach the top of Eletric peak to change back. On the way you meet the others like you, all from different tribes. Together you jorney to the Eletric peak, where the ancestors will touch down and change you back. But that is extreamly far away, weeks, if not monthes of walking. Will you change your ways on the long jorney? Or will the spirits not accept you?

Charrie sheet:

Name (CB or if you don't think its apropraint for this something related to your CB name):

Age (16-17):

What they changed (personallity, Whisperstone, apperance (not big changes but for apperance you can be changed fully into your Whispersong animal):

Before they changed (what the thing they changed was before Whisperstong, personallity, apperance):

Whisperstone (We can start naming eachother's whisperstones right away and will end up voting on eachother's whisperstones a little ways in) PEOPLE CAN HAVE THE SAME WHISPER STONE:



Tribe (mamoth tribe, fishing tribe, etc. This factor doesn't really matter) you can be from the same tribe, but only 2 or 3 people per tribe:

Background (what did you do that changed what ever the spirits changed? What drove you from your tribe?) 



I'll post my charrie later! Please have fun with this and no cat fights! Also some of that might be confusing, I'll try to answer questions as fast as I can.


submitted by Claaws
(November 27, 2016 - 12:07 am)

*shrugs* Sure, why not.

Name: Danie

Age: 16

What they changed: My appearance. I like the idea of changing into the animal.

Before they changed: I had messy brown hair, brown eyes, and was shortish in height. I usually didn't take care of myself and looked messy overal.

Whisperstone: we'll see, I guess? Everyone else decides it, right? 

Personality: Childish, Idealistic, Honest and Creative. I like to help people and hate arguments. I'm also rather impratical and can sometimes ignore my daily needs such as food, because I'm too concentrated on other things. I'm also SENSITIVE and hard to get to know, and I can sometimes be rude if you interupt my thinking. I can get upset if I can't help everyone and can sometimes pull myself into this little hermit hole where I pretty much ignore all social interaction and just think. 

Appearance: Before or After the change?  

Tribe: Mammoth Tribe, I guess?

Background: I was having a fight with my family, and didn't realize that my reason was selfish. I'll come up with the reason later.

Other: Everyone decides the whisperstone for each other, right?




submitted by Danie
(November 27, 2016 - 8:08 pm)
submitted by TOP
(November 27, 2016 - 8:08 pm)


I can't belive I'm the first person to comment on this! 

Name: Lucy (Fine! I really like making up charrie that don't have my actual name, but whatever!  Also, if it's okay, a made-up name would be Skyy, Said like the actual word)

Age: 16

What they Changed: Appearance; hair longer and curly, taller, eyes more amber than brown and with a witty glint in her eye

Before They Changed: Short brown hair in a pixie cut, short for her age, chocolate brown eyes

Whisperstone: I'm confused on how this works so I'll just say what I want; Falcon of Wits

Personality: smart, caring, silly, likes playing practical jokes, often overconfident, impatient, distracted easily, creative, very opinionated

Appearance: Brown hair, bright eyes, permanent smirk, blue converse brand glasses, almost always wearing blue jeans, light skin, but has a tan from year-round swimming

Tribe: SoulTruth (I was also confused by this so I made one upTongue out)

Background: She fled from her tribe after they refused to belive was misunderstood by her tribemates.  Soon after this, she left notes to a certain person in her tribe (you can make this person up) telling them to join her in her exile.

Other: She truly WAS misunderstood!  They didn't understand why the person with the Falcon of Wits spent so much time doodling and talking to her friends!

Oh!  I have one more thing to say!  Join my RP thing on one of the Inkwell  threads called Who Likes Making and You, Yes You.  I haven't checked yet, but as far as I know, only one person aaplied!  If you wish, please enter!

cll=====> Lucy B., Signing OUT! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(November 27, 2016 - 8:34 pm)

Name: Nebula

Age (16-17): 16

What they changed: Her eyes became slitted and she was insulted easily. Started getting into fights

Before they changed: was popular and fun before she got her stone.

Whisperstone: I think the Saber Toothed Tiger would be best for this charrie but I don't know...

Personality: see previous three 

Apperance: Tall and thin with long brown hair and slotted pupils

Tribe: Hunting tribe

Background: She got into a fight and killed someone else who had a whisperstone

Other?: N/A    (No awnser)


hope this is ok...  :) 


submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(November 27, 2016 - 8:39 pm)

why won't this top!?!?!?!

submitted by Space age top
(November 27, 2016 - 8:40 pm)
submitted by TOP TOP
(November 28, 2016 - 10:17 am)

I reserve a spot. Will post sheet later. May I suggest adding the Hawk of Tolerance as another Whisper Stone?

submitted by Kestrel
(November 28, 2016 - 4:16 pm)

Alrighty! I'm sorry I didn't answer the questions sooner...also thanks for topping this, I couldn't find it for THE LIFE OF MY CAT! JK, don't have a cat. But it was still imposible to find. 

oh, and big anouncement ADDING FOUR MORE TRAITS



Racoon of HUMOR 

Skunk of HUMILITY (humble) 

Anywho, answers to questions!

Also, keep in mind this is anceint times. They hunt with spears and have houses made of straw and bones. Clothes are made of hides of animals. All people hav dark hair and dark skin. Eye colors are allowed to vary.  

1. No, you do not get to choose your whisper stone! And I would like the charries to be a little like your CB self (like you in real life or maybe not).

2. Yes, you can make the tribes up. You can all be from different tribes or the same tribe, it doesn't really matter.

3. So we can start sugesting Whisperstones to people. Its really just simple, you say the person's name and what you think their Whisperstone to be. And in the end we'll all decide on one each. 

Nebula- I would say maybe the Beaver of Determination, or the Elk of Pacience, or Badger of creativity or Skunk of Humility

Lucy: Well I haven't been in that many Rps with you so I don't really kow you that well. Maybe the Racoon of Humor or Badger of creativity.

Daine: I don't know you that well either, I haven't been around Inkwell for long enough. I would say maybe the Faclon of wits or Song bird of truth or maybe Ant of teamwork (The ant just because I'm in that RP you and your friends started)  

Does is make more sence now? Hopefully more people will join now. ;)

Here is my charrie finally:

Name: Claaws

Age: 16 

What they changed: apperance into an animal 

Before: Was a short tan girl, with grey-green eyes and dark brown silky hair to her midback

WHisperstone: Not Decided

Personallity (this is after the changes): Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, thats called cliff diving. 

Apperance (after the changes): decided once whisperstone is decided (we'll make changes to the charrie sheet after the whisperstones are decided)

Tribe: Wolfpack tribe

Background: Determained once whisperstone is derermained 

Other?: Umunumunumunum not right now. Maybe once the whsiper stone is decided I'll find something. ;) 

submitted by Claaws
(November 28, 2016 - 7:09 pm)

I'd actually be a lot happier with the creativity trait!!  It's an actual trait of mine!!  Also, join my RP-type thing!!  The thread is called Who Likes Making. . . and I have around 10 people so far.  Looking for 19, though!!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 2, 2016 - 10:12 pm)

NEBULA, I feel like you should have the Deer of Kindness stone..maybe it's just me? Lucy, Falcon of Wits, all the way. Danie..maybe the Squirrel of Truth? Claaws, if I mess ed this up, so sorry!!

Name: Well...Inktail doesn't fit this, so ima use Willow McAfee.

Age: 16

Before They Changed: She had shoulder length light brown hair the color of Willow bark, lips the color of blood, eyes the color of a frozen waterfall and skin the color of dirt. (and no horns!)

What They Changed: They gave her horns like a bull, the color of ivory. 

Whisperstone: Well, I'd like the Mustang of Hope, but y'all choose-don't take my word into consideration at all! (No sarcasm intended-seriously.)

Personality: Kind, quiet, shy, forgiving, rational, loving, caring, friendly, loyal, cheerful, optimistic. Also, sometimes sarcastic, can have a temper if provoked, and can have a hard time trusting people that were formerly bad for her.

Appearance: Long willowbark-colored hair, Ivory colored horn-nubs, blood-colored lips, dark skin and frost blue eyes. Wears a bright purple bandana and a dark green tunic.

Tribe: Er.....River Tribe work? :P

Background: Well, Willow lived in the River Tribe with her mother, father and little sister (Ovealua). When she turned 16, she got her Whisperstone (to be determined) and loved it at first sight. The next morning, her mom and dad left for work, and she began babysitting her younger sister. Around 8, she started the water for Ovealua's bath. Her mom called, and Willow got caught talking on the phone. By the time she hung up, the bathroom door was closed with the bath and Ovealua, so, naturally, Willow went in. There was about a foot of water in the bathtub AND room, which all sprayed into the hall immediately. Ovealua was very happy, pretending she was swimming, but Willow was mad and upset. She screamed at Ovealua and told her to "shut up, change clothes and get into bed. now." She mopped up the water, but the hallway, staircase and bathroom would forever have an ugly water mark in them. Her parents came home and yelled at her. Of course, try as she might, Willow couldn't get a word in edgewise to explain what and why this had happened-so she was sent to her room without dinner or breakfast the next morning. When she woke up, she had two bright white horns spouting out of her head! Sure they were only nubs, but they were gonna grow! Willow spent an hour trying to fix them, but eventually gave up. She walked downstairs. When her parents saw her, they screamed that Willow had been "cursed by the gods", gave her a half loaf of bread, a canteen half filled with water, a woven backpack and a knife and literally threw her out into the jungle. Since then, the horns have grown, but only slightly. She wears a purple bandana to cover the nubs. Kinda stupid, but ima stick with it! :P

Other: Wears an emerald vial necklace on a red cord. 

submitted by Inktail
(November 28, 2016 - 11:25 pm)
Name: Rowan Ashryver (I couldn't think of a name that I liked that was also similar to my CB name, so I'll just go with something from nature)
Age (16-17): 16
What they changed: Appearance. Her hair became snowy white, shoulder length, and had jagged ends, as if it were chooped off with a knife. Her eyes became deep, pine green eyes with flecks of silver around the pupils, and her features looked slightly elven. Her skin became significantly paler.
Before they changed: Mid-back length, golden blonde hair that shone silver in the moonlight. Turquois eyes with rings of gold around the pupil, which are a big giveaway about who Rowan is because the eyes run in the family, and are unique to the Ashryver line. lean, firm, finely honed, somewhat slender figure with three deep scars running across her back. She greatly resembles her mother, but her features are more severe, and she has her father's eyes. 
Whisperstone: I would like to request one of the following-- Falcon of wits, Beaver of determination, Bear of love, Wolf of loyalty, Deer of kindness, Cougar of unyeilding, Squirrel of faith, Songbird of truth, Woodpecker of justice, Saber-toothed tiger of feirceness, Eagle of leading, Stag of hope.
Personallity: Observant, very aware of her surroundings, resourceful, fierce, quietly defiant, loyal, slow to trust, very passionate about many things, and especially so with the people whom she loves. While she is often teasing, witty, and carefree when she is happy, her most immediate reaction when angry or sad is to channel her darker emotions into energy. She becomes stonger, faster, and more agile when experiencing these feelings. Strong moral compass, does not tolerate injustices, loathes unecessary cruelty.
Appearance: See Before They Changed section.
Tribe (mamoth tribe, fishing tribe, etc. This factor doesn't really matter) you can be from the same tribe, but only 2 or 3 people per tribe: Currently, Tribe of the North Wind. Born into the small, yet powerful Tribe of Fire and Ash. When her parents, the chiefs of the tribe, were killed in their sleep by another tribe when she was 8, she fled the village and was taken in by the Tribe of the North Wind.
Background (what did you do that changed what ever the spirits changed? What drove you from your tribe?): The thing that triggered the change was that I kept a secret about my true heritage from the tribe leader. I left my tribe to find answers about who I am and where I truly came from.
Other: Developed in story, I guess.
submitted by Kestrel
(November 29, 2016 - 12:19 pm)



Kestrel- maybe the skunk of humillity or wolf of loyalty

Ill do you later Inktail 

submitted by Claaws@PEOPLEPLZJOIN
(November 29, 2016 - 11:30 pm)

Inktail- Deer of kindness, or Cogaur of unyeilding 

Hey guys, keep this thread ALIVE! 

submitted by Claaws
(November 30, 2016 - 10:05 pm)

PLEASE PLEASE JOIN! I thought maybe we could get more people on here to figure out eachother's Whisperstones! It'll be fun! The RP won't start for awhile, so many of the current RPs your in now would probably be dead by then. 

(November 30, 2016 - 11:13 pm)

I like the songbird of truth!

submitted by Danie
(December 1, 2016 - 12:03 am)