Five kingdoms RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Five kingdoms RP
Five kingdoms RP
Alright, so there are five kingdoms of horses. There is the Lightning hourses, the Gargoyal horses, the War horses, the Dragon horses, and the Desert horses. But, you see the Desert horses were thought to be extinct. After the War of All Tribes, or the Tribe War, the four other kingdoms allied together and killed all of the desert horses. Why? Because they turned greedy and evil.
Oh, and one more thing. There are humans, and they will be a main part to the story. The horses are like their gods. They give sacrafice, and there are hybreads of horse humans. If a human refused to give sirafices, lightning strikes him in his sleep, or his house lights on fire, or his is impeled with his own wepons, or crushed by stone, or he dissinagrates, depending on which horses he dosen't sacrafice to or belive in. The horses are imortal, think greek gods. When humans give sacrafces, they give it to the king of ech tribe. The kings have been around since the begining of time, the rest of their tribes slowly evolving to look like them and follow them to do what they were created for. Each has a purpose. Something that has to do with the world. Like creating storms, moving earth, creating war, making fire, escorting the dead. Each species has multiple perposes.
The lightning horses.
Appearances: They have yellow wings more then 3 times their lenght. Their hooves are made of white eletric enegry, leaving scorch marks in the earth were they walk. Their eyes are a glowing, eletric blue that are made of eletric energy. The electricity escapes a little when they fly, leaving sparks coming from they eyes and fading behind them. Their main can range from yellow with streaks of eletric blue, to pure blue to pure white. Their coat is of a normal horse, ranging from compleatly black, the brown, to white, to reddish brown, the white, to grey, to tan, to faded yellow. They are normal sized horses, but many are a head smaller and sleeker. Thick wing muscles and leg muscles. Thick neck. Short spine.
Powers: They, well make storms. When they neigh it sounds like thunder. Well, it is thunder. They can paralize apponits with electricity and with a stomp of their hoves, can electrotrice everything on the ground. They can fly and run as fast as lightning itself. They can stay flying for as long as 15 hours. Lightning can kill anything, even other lightning horses inbetween.
Purpose: They make storms. They make storms by rarley ever come to earth, instead they land and rest on clouds, making thunderstorms. They thunderstorms last for as long as the horse is on the cloud. The thunderstorm is stronger for how many lightning horses there are on the cloud, for they travle in herds. Lightning happens when a storm is raging and a horse on the ground passes under it. The eletricity from the herd, rain from the thunderstorm, and the horse meet in mid-air, creating lightning. When angry they can make tornados by flying in circles. If they're really mad they can breath lightning, but it isn't as powerful as the other type. Except for the king's, which is twice as powerful as the storm lightning. They make happyness, excitment, nerviousness, speed, give life forms energy, and makes summer.
Leader king/queen: King Lightning. He is compleatly white, hooves, main, pelt, and his eyes are a white electicity. He is large for a Lightning horse, and has a habit of creating lighting every time he touches the earth. Extreamly powerful. His neigh would make you jump even if you knew he was going to. Travles with the Thunder herd, the royalty herd.
Sacred animal: Cheeta. If anything kills a cheeta they and all of their tribe or family will be killed by lightning.
The herds, royalty to phesents: Thunder herd, Strike herd, Elecric herd, Speed herd, Storm herd, Peregrein herd.
Sacrafices: falcons, wheat, spark stones, yellow grass and blueberrys
The Gargoyal tribe.
Apparances: no wings. Larger then normal horses. Very muscular with a short spine and legs. Eyes the color of cole. They actually look like peices of shinny cole. You can never tell if their looking at you or something else. Their mains very from light light grey, almost white, to dark grey to black to light brown to brown. Instead of hooves they have dragon-like three toes and a dew claw. Extreamly sharp claws with almost velcrow-like matirial so they can grip onto the hardest surfaces and clime virtical mountains and cliffs with ease. Feet the color of grayish white stone. Pelts are the color of rock, from black to grey to brown to rusty iron. Flank is as tough as the matiral it looks like. Main is stiff and hard to move, and when it does it sounds like the clanking of chains.
Powers: Can walk vertically or even upside down. When it stomps its hooves the ground explodes in spikes of sharp rocks that can kill. If that doesn't kill the victum, they will fall into the crack in the earth and the horse will close it by walking over it and pushing the two sides togeaher with its super strenght. When agitated, its tail can form razor-sharp spikes that are poisonus to the touch, that can kill anything in seconds, and can shoot at will. The poison glands are covered by the other hairs on the tail when relaxed. Its claws are deadly and has two canines that stick from its mouth. These also carry poison that can be released onto them during battle. The horse itself is amune to the poison. Can become a statue of anything to camoflage, and stop it's heart-rate and breathing for more then an hour.
Purpose: makes earthquakes when they run in herds. Will create landslides when they run downsides of mountains. They creat mountains when two large bulls get into a fight and crash the earth togeather in their fury. They can also crush mountains by stampeading over them and crushing them. They make camoflage, poison, boulders, rocks, stoic, sleep, and dread.
Leader king/queen: Queen Promontory. Poison is a deep blue color. Tail is always spiked and ready for battle, the tips a dark blue. Her eyes are large and black like cole. Her main is a rusty gray and her pelt is the color of a speckaled limestone. She is very large and muscular, and with every step cracks apear in the earth. Her canines are unusually long, sticking from her upper lip and curving down to end just after her chin. Her claws are long and razor-sharp. Extreamly silent when she walks. No one ever knows she's there until she wants to be found. Part of the Jade herd.
Sacred animal: Chameleon. If anything kills a chameleon their tribe or family will all fall into a crack in the earth.
The herds, royalty to phesents: Jade herd, Quake herd, Bolder herd, Bat herd, Rock herd, Pebble herd.
Sacrafices: Gold, silver and cole, Oats, mice, snakes, and dead grass.
War horses
Apperances: Always wearing armor. Armor is made of sliver and iron. Their tails are short and mains are kept nicley trimmed. Eyes are black with red puiples, burning with a fire withen. Has short wings, mainly used for combat instead of flying. Hooves are sharp grey to blue and pointed. Their pelts very from dark blue to grayish blue to whiteish purple. Their mains are mostly grey or white. Their wings are grey and extreamly sharp. They are small then normal horses, but ten times as feirce as lightning horses.
Powers: Can slice a victum cleanly in half with their wings. Hooves can stab and impell. They have percice aim, and never miss. Their armor is lined with pointed ridges, that when they slam into anything, will impell and kill. they can breath boiling hot water that melts victums. Amune to poison, lightning and fire. When a war starts, they will not surrender untill everything against them is killed. Can kill a mortal by simply looking them in the eye.
Perpouse: They control the tides. The tides grow bigger at night when all the tribes go under to sleep, and the tide goes out as they leave to duel and fight. They can start wars withen mortal villages by galloping across their boundery line. Creates floods and tsunamis when they stampead under the water. Can breath under water. They make determination, courage, bravery, anger, rage, and peace when a war has ended.
Leader king/queen: Queen Enmity. Has armore made of pure iron. The spears are long and neadle-thin at the tip and sharp. The armor is studded with rubies, emeralds, saphires, and topaz. The armore round her eyes are studded with dimonds. Her pelt is a light seafome color under her silvery-white armor. Her short tail and main is dark grey. Her hooves are very sharp and a silver-white like her armore. Her eyes are a deep red, burning with undieing determination and courage. WHen she flys over the water a tsunami is created. The water she breaths is more scorching then the Dragon horse's fire. Her eyes can even kill the phesent horses. Part of the Tsunami herd.
Sacred animal: Lion. When something kills a lion a spear impells his tribe or family.
The herds, royalty to phesents: Tsunami herd, Topaz herd, Shark herd, Spear herd, Armor herd, Coral herd.
Sacrafices: Emeralds, rubies, saphires, topaz, iron, silver, spears and armor. Wepons. Fresh chopped grass and seagulls.
The dragon Tribe.
Apperances: The head of a dragon and the body of a horse. Extreamly large. The rulers of the tribes. Has large dragon wings with spikes at the joint that can impell even past a War horse's armor. Has no main, and has a dragon tail. Scales spread down to the sholder blades, continuing down the spine, and spreading out again at the hip joints. Pelt is usually a light aburn to compleatly white. Dragon part can be matching or a compleatly different color, like deep red to bright orange. Hooves are the color of the scales. Tail is long and whip thin at the end. Eyes are either green or aburn or red, with slitted puiples. Roar is louder then thunder. Teeth can be longer then the chin or shorter then normal horse's teeth. Has hooded ears with spines across them. Ca fan the ears out around the head to seem bigger and more menicencing.
Powers: Can breath fire, catch itself on fire, and when touches something living can burn it emmideatly at will. Claws and teeth can cut through War horse's armor, and tail can dent it. The fire can melt any mortal emidiatly. Eyes can kill. When stampeading, can make lava erupt from the earth and flow with them. They are umune to fire and can live under lava.
Perpouse: the king tribe of the horses. Can make volcanose when getting into a duel and clawing a hole to the lava n the earth. Can make a wild fire by skimming very fast across an area that can catch fire. The king forged life and the earth and everything in it. He gave the powers to the other tribes. His siblings are the other kings and queens, but he alone had the magic to grant them who they are.
Leader king/queen: King Scorching. He is a large horse with a white pelt and red dragon-part and hooves. Emerald green eyes. Yellow wing skin. Long teeth that stick from his lips. His fire can melt everything mortal. His magic can create new species and types of life. Is in the Magic herd.
Sacred animal: Horse. If anything kills a horse their tribe or family is killed by a fire.
The herds royalty to phesents: Magic herd, Lava herd, Ember herd, Molting herd, Crystal herd, Coal herd.
Sacrafices: Wheat, hay, fresh grass, burnt chicken or fish, a torch, gold, and crowns.
And lastly, the Desert tribe.
Apperences: It verys. Some have sleek, dusty yellow pelts with spines comeing from their spine and joints. These Desert dragons have long, most of the time shreaded sand-colored wings. They have white eyes and most are blind. They have long white mains that protect them from the sun. They also have large padded hooves to keep them to sinking into the sand, if they want to stay on the surface, which this type usually does. These types are mostly in the phesent tribes. Now the other type lives underground. They have no pelt, instead they are made of bones. They have fire for eyes that glows in the dim light. They have wings made of hissing snakes that they can control like two other heads. Their bones are shinny and polished from always being rubbed by sand. Since these types are just skelotens, they don't have any mains. The bones colors very from white to grey to obsidian black. These types are as large as the Dragon horse's, while the others are smaller then the war horses.
Powers: The skeloten type of Desert dragon can kill anything they want at will. They just have to think of it and it dies. Well, only mortal things. The horses are immortal, and can't die. Their cry kills anything that hears it. The snake's bites are poisonus and will kill. The other type of Desert horses has a weak fire that can wound. Their wings are sharp and their hooves can knock something out. These are the weakest of all the horses.
Perpouse: The skelotal horses are the horses of the underworld. They bring down creaters to their king, the overlord of the underworld. He watches over them for all of eternity. The other type of Desert horses create sandstorms by stampeading. They create sinkholes by stomping their hooves. The tribe is of death, distruction, guilt, greed, suffering, greif, revenge, and hatred.
Leader king/queen: King Scorpion. He is a shinny white with a red fire for eyes. Has one blue snake and one red snake for wings. Has a pet scorpion that is extreamly poisonus and gaurds him. He is as large as his Dragon horse brother, and is seeping with hatred. The herd of Underworld, which gaurds the underworld.
Sacred animal: Scorpion. If a animal kils a scorpion they will either be tourchered or not allowed in the underworld or emidiatly killed along with every one the care for.
The herds royalty to phesents: Underworld herd, Death herd, Snake herd, Sand herd, Dirt herd, Camle herd.
The hybreeds. The hybreeds are boren of a horse and human. They have the power to kill immortals and reincarnate them or imprizon them as spirits forever. Rumer has it there are only 10 remaining after the Desert tribe killed every one they knew of. You are one of the hybreeds. You are the child of a queen or king. You can deside which one.
Your characture must be older then 12 but younger then 17. You are allowed to be siblings or twins with someone else. Only 2 hybreeds pur tribe, and if there are more then 10 who wish to join I can open up more.
If you don't want to be a hybreed, you can be a king or queen. You can also be a councle of the place that the hybreeds were sent to after the Desert tribe was defeted. Yes if you are a hybreed you must go there. No like imprisoments or you got captured or anything. Everyone is at this acadamy where they are trained to use their powers. Yes, the concilers are all horses. And there can be no Desert dragon horses. There can be 1 hybreed.
Charrie sheet:
Species (hybreed, horse type):
If hybrid who is your horse parent? (King Lightning, Queen Promontory, Queen Enmity, King Scorching, King Scorpion):
If horse what do you teach? (Battle skills, logic/smarts, history, ect.):
If hybrid, human parent's name, and were you abandoned and taken here from off the streets or had a home that you were taken from:
If horse, are you planing to be good or bad:
Other or background:
Name: Outcast
Age: 14
Species (hybreed, horse type): hybreed
If hybrid who is your horse paraent? (King Lightning, Queen Promontory, Queen Enmity, King Scorching, King Scorpion): King Scorpion
If horse what do you teach? (Battle skills, logic/smarts, history, ect.): N/A
Personality: He grew up on the streets. Tough, tricky, always has a sence of dry humor and can make a joke from anything. Very sarcastic. His favorit hobby is stealing money from the concelers and giving it back in exchange for a free homework pass. Can be mean, or, is mean to everyone, untill you get to know him.
Appearance: Has eyes with a blazing fire always smothering from them. If you come too close the embers will catch your skin and leave burn marks. His hair is made from constant burning fire that can't be put out and burns if you come to close but it can't burn hybreeds. His face is pail and looks like a human's, other then the two long canines sticking from his upper lip. His back legs are made of skeloten bones and are in the shape of horse hooves. He doesn't wear shoes. His shirt usually burns off, so he ties a sweatshirt around his waist and wears baggy swet pants to hide his skinless legs. He has large snake wings, one is red and one is blue like his father's.
If hybrid, human parent's name, and were you abandoned and taken here from off the streats or had a home that you were taken from: Abandonded by his mother in the streets. His father killed his mother, and has been surching for him for 14 years.
If horse, are you planing to be good or bad: N/A
Other or background: N/A
(November 13, 2016 - 8:36 pm)
Is it all right if I make a mutated desert horse? She would be the same as a skeleton horse exept have actual flesh and fur. She was discovered by the lightning horses and taken in as one of their own, not knowing that she was a Skeleton horse.
(November 13, 2016 - 9:55 pm)
(November 13, 2016 - 11:01 pm)
Name: MayBloom *name lightning crossed out, inserted the word* Fireheart
Age: Hmm. I'm not sure how it works with horses. She's a very young teenager, about 13?
Species (hybreed, horse type): Lightning Hybreed (do you mean Hybrid?)
If hybrid who is your horse parent? (King Lightning, Queen Promontory, Queen Enmity, King Scorching, King Scorpion): King Lightning
If horse what do you teach? (Battle skills, logic/smarts, history, ect.): N/A
Personallity: She's foolish and risky, funny, and a bit naive. She stays far away from horses, preferring instead to consort with Humans.
Appearance: She looks, from the outside, like a regular human, quick-witted look about her, but if you start looking very closely, the skin around her mouth is pale, her hair is strangely thick and yellowish, and there's something hiding behind her cloak--two wings. Her feet are also hooves.
If hybrid, human parent's name, and were you abandoned and taken here from off the streets or had a home that you were taken from: Her name was Adalia. She was really pretty, and lovely to be with. Then...I don't know what happened. A desert horse killed her. Now I'm left home alone, in a house that commonly has street children outside of it.
If horse, are you planing to be good or bad: N/A
Other or background: N/A
(November 14, 2016 - 8:20 am)
Name: Ignacio
Age: How old do you need ot be to be an adult
Species (hybreed, horse type): War horse.
If hybrid who is your horse parent? (King Lightning, Queen Promontory, Queen Enmity, King Scorching, King Scorpion): Me? Hybrid? Let me tell you...
If horse what do you teach? (Battle skills, logic/smarts, history, ect.): Logic.
Personallity: Very warlike, mean to other horses, only has loyalty to his Queen. Hates hybrids.
Appearance: Whitish purple skin and a white mane. W hat else can I say?
If hybrid, human parent's name, and were you abandoned and taken here from off the streets or had a home that you were taken from: If you suggest that I am a hybrid again, I will rip you limb from limb!
If horse, are you planing to be good or bad: Bad. Very bad.
Other or background: HATES HYBRIDS. A LOT.
(November 14, 2016 - 1:36 pm)
Cool. I reserve a spot!
(November 14, 2016 - 6:47 pm)
I've got a gargoyle tribe!! Posting charrie sheet tomorrow!!!
(November 14, 2016 - 9:27 pm)
@DRAGON ya sure! She must be a school teacher though, or else idk how to include her in the plot. Are you planing to have her evil or naw? And how about the Lightning dragons didn't know he/she was a Desert dragon, and then something happened and she was kicked out? Where she then ran to the school to be a conciler.
Anyway, something a forgat to add. The kings and queens can shapeshift into any animal. SO there can be hybrids of like, jaguars and horses and other things like that. You can make more then one charrie, but only one can be hybrid.
(November 14, 2016 - 9:51 pm)
Okay I'm game!
Name: Forgotten(lit. her name)
Age: 14
Species: Hybrid
Horse Parent: Is King Lightning ok?
Personality: Forgotten grew up on the dirtiest streets in the Lightning tribe, Peregrine Herd level, and has learned to be tough. But she's also scary smart, quiet, shy and very caring. She loves to absorb information, and reads whenever she can.
Appaerance: So are they humans, horses or centaurs in their appearance? I'll update this soon.
Human Parent: Briar Grove, mother.
Background: Forgotten was born to Briar Grove, who immediently despised the sight of her. She was cast out into the streets of the horses, and a Peregrine Herd family took her in. She was forced to live outside though, as there wasn't enough room in the house. Often, Forgotten went hungry, begging for food and giving it to her foster family. They have been nothing but kind to her though.
Other: Her true place is the Electric Herd, if not Thunder, but she lives in the Peregrine Herd areas with her foster family.
The blanks in here will be filled in a sec! ;) (a.k.a. appearance and horse parent)
(November 14, 2016 - 11:04 pm)
Name: Forgotten (lit. her name)
Age: 14
Species: Hybrid
Horse Parent: Is King Lightning ok?
Personality: Forgotten grew up on the dirtiest streets in the Lightning tribe, Peregrine Herd level, and has learned to be tough. But she's also scary smart, quiet, shy and very caring. She loves to absorb information, and reads whenever she can.
Appearance: So are they humans, horses or centaurs in their appearance? I'll update this soon. UPDATED: Forgotten has long black hair (which is extremely thick as a side effect of a mane) and very pale skin, with bright, bright blue eyes. Her hair will occasionally crackle with bursts of yellow, blue and white. She hides one single wing under her shirt-it is small and deformed, the other broke off during birth. Only a nub remains. She dreams of being able to heal it one day. Her feet are clunky and hoof-shaped. Forgotten also has a tiny nose and thin, pink lips and is tall and very strong.
Human Parent: Briar Grove, mother.
Background: Forgotten was born to Briar Grove, who immediently despised the sight of her. She was cast out into the streets of the horses, and a Peregrine Herd family took her in. She was forced to live outside though, as there wasn't enough room in the house. Often, Forgotten went hungry, begging for food and giving it to her foster family. They have been nothing but kind to her though.
Other: Her true place is the Electric Herd, if not Thunder, but she lives in the Peregrine Herd areas with her foster family. The only powers she has are the paralization one (only up to 3 feet around her) and the super fast running one. Her legs are incredibly strong, since she can't fly, and she can run without breaking a sweat for up to 3 hours. Around 3 1/2 hours, she'll slow down, and her stamina will be completely diminished at 4 hours. She won't be able to run again for 2 hours while she replenishes her stamina.
The blanks in here will be filled in a sec! ;) (a.k.a. appearance and horse parent)
(November 14, 2016 - 11:14 pm)
If your Charrie's dad is King Lightning, that means your my Charrie's step sister! :)
Chilly says Navy. No, my pants are black. Not navy.
Do you even watch what you wear?
(November 15, 2016 - 12:57 pm)
Ooh YAY! :D
(November 15, 2016 - 8:15 pm)
Ok, here is my charrie.
Name: Coaleyes
Age: 14
Species (hybreed, horse type): Mutated death horse
If hybrid who is your horse parent? (King Lightning, Queen Promontory, Queen Enmity, King Scorching, King Scorpion):
If horse what do you teach? (Battle skills, logic/smarts, history, ect.): I teach espionage
Personallity: Quiet and sly, very smart
Appearance: looks like an average lightning horse but is red and orange colored. Has glowing orange eyes, that s how she got her name.
If hybrid, human parent's name, and were you abandoned and taken here from off the streets or had a home that you were taken from: n/a
If horse, are you planing to be good or bad: good
Other or background: was a mutated skeleton horse. Tribe abandoned her because she looked different. Lightning wings found her and assumed that she was just a strangely colored lightning horse. Does not realize that the reason she can't use lightning powers is that she can use desert horse powers.
(November 15, 2016 - 1:28 pm)
May I reserve hybrid War Horse? I will be able to post my charrie sheet over the weekend.
(November 15, 2016 - 7:24 pm)
(November 16, 2016 - 12:11 pm)
Ok, there is just one thing that bothers me: Can the horses have any weakness? They are really, really, really OP. I'm pretty sure that was intentional, but if we are going to have a war between the clans or something like that, it won't work super well if no one has any weaknesses.
(November 17, 2016 - 6:47 am)