Magic Academy RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Magic Academy RP
Magic Academy RP
I never really can keep an RP that I made from dying, so please stay active (I'll try to too)!
Plot: You don't know it yet, but you have a magical power. Maybe little strange occurences happened that you could never explain, right? Well, now you can explain them. You are taken to a magical academy, where you will discover your power and learn how to control it. The world may seem all fine-and-dandy, but there are evil things out there, and Magic Academy will teach you how to stop them
I'm so excited for this RP! It's going to be super-awesome, I'm sure. Here's the charrie sheet:
Age (5-18):
Power (nothing OP, only one, don't use anyone else's):
Weapons (Optional):
Friends (Optional):
Enemies (Optional):
Name: Sophia Bara
Gender: Female
Age (5-18): 11
Appearance: Long, wavy golden hair; blue eyes; pale, unblemished skin. Slightly tall. Skinny.
Personality: I'll figure it out: but like me, I guess.
Power (nothing OP, only one, don't use anyone else's): Lightning
Weapons (Optional): None
Friends (Optional): I'll figure it out once people join.
Enemies (Optional): Probably none, I'll figure it out.
Backstory/Other: Has a younger sister named Tenny who doesn't have magic.
Please join! Don't join once we have already started. We'll start when either we have a lot of people or people start begging to start, whichever comes first.
(November 10, 2016 - 11:04 am)
I reserve shapeshifting.
(November 10, 2016 - 4:45 pm)
Name: Trever Watson'
Age: 12
Gender It changes
Appearance: It changes
Power: Shapeshifting
Weapon: a dagger coated in poison.
Backstory: He is a theif who likes to toy with his victims.
(November 10, 2016 - 5:49 pm)
Name: tyberious firestone (tux)
Gender: M
Age (5-18): 14
Appearance: He has snow white hair and bloodred eyes with a hood that covers his face
Personality: he is guarded, kind whonce ya get to kno him, sweet, strong, smart,( i wanna say flirty but i suck at that so ya)
Power (nothing OP, only one, don't use anyone else's): (can i be a tiefling as a race andhave a power like firepower or somefin)
Weapons (Optional): whips that he can light on fire
Friends (Optional): IDK
Enemies (Optional): Idk
Backstory/Other: i want to has it a supprise
(November 10, 2016 - 7:14 pm)
Name: Alisa (Ali) Wolling
Gender: F
Age (5-18): 16
Appearance: long curly dark hair with hot pink highlights, golden amber eyes with slight bags from lack of sleep. freckles that do onlyon her nose
Personality: has a slight ego is kind, funny sarcastic, her and her best frined/crush are very protective over each other since there all each of them have
Power (nothing OP, only one, don't use anyone else's): hmmm...maybe, teloportation/ whereever she teloports her genetics evolve to make sure she doesn't lose o2 on the moon or breathe underwater.
Weapons (Optional): light blue pearl necklace that turns into a long daggar
Friends (Optional): Jack
Enemies (Optional): Never Jackson
Backstory/Other: her parents left her one day when she was at school, she came home and everytrace of them were gone. she stayed behind with her long time crush, who's parents had strangly did the same thing to him. the developed a friendship since Alisa was never social, but Jack was, Alisa was always bullied at school by Jack's Popular friends.
Name: Jack Turnner
Gender: M
Age (5-18): 16
Appearance: short brown hair chocolate brown eyes gentle touch and always calm
Personality: sarcastic popular hates any school related thing besides his friends (who he doesn't know bulied Ali)
Power (nothing OP, only one, don't use anyone else's): able to talk to animales, same as Ali his powers mutate him to be able to withhold the amount of o2 or other stuff.
Weapons (Optional): long swift sword
Friends (Optional): Never (if it's okay Io was thinking that Never is one of the people who bullies alli but only when Jack isn't around)
Enemies (Optional): umm....later
Backstory/Other: read Ali's
(November 10, 2016 - 11:57 pm)
Name: Liese (no last name)
Gender: Female
Age: 12, but it is hard for her to remember
Appearance: Lank brown hair, tall, many freckles, rather large-ish features, full lips and nose, very weird eyes: her left eye glows orange and seem slightly dialated, and her right eye is green
Personality: Sharp and rather bossy, quick to tell what she thinks of someone. On the inside, she is troubled and lonely. Troubled by her frequent, unexplainable amnesia attacks, and lonely because she is seperate from everyone else on campus and has no friends. If she were to have a friend, it would be rather difficult for her to come out of her shell.
Power: Her left eye (the orange one) can see people's body heat and the auras of magic lingering around people and things. She also has an uncanny ability to predict where people are going to move next. Her right eye (the green one) is more mysterious; she says she can see people's heartbeats and breath, and tell when they need medical help. She isn't able to explain how she knows this. To keep her sane, Liese wears contact lenses that cancel the powers of her eyes. She is also kept seperate from the rest of campus, living in this one tower instead of the dorms. She goes to a few classes, and sometimes has one-on-one training. Other than her eyes, she has no magical powers to speak of.
Weapons: Liese is incredibly good at archery, because her left eye can see the exact angle she must shoot the bow to hit the target. She also trains with a double-bladed sword. Liese is training to overpower beings with magic, even though she has no magic herself. Whatever she lacks in power, she makes up with raw skill.
Friends and Enemies: We'll see.
Backstory/Other: Hmm...Her backstory is dark and scary and not fully determined yet.
(November 11, 2016 - 7:35 am)
A few things:
1. You don't know about your power yet: you don't learn about it until you are stolen and taken to the academy. Your parents don't know about it either. Everyone thinks that you are normal: so you can't look weird or have a backstory having to do with magic.
2. This has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
3. @Annabeth Adjusting to O2 is slightly OP, in my opinion.
4. @Tyberious Firestone I don't know what a tiefling is, but you are human so you can't be one, sorry. You can still have fire powers, though.
I hope that this clarifies everything! Please change anything that doesn't follow these guidelines. Sorry for the inconvenience!
(November 11, 2016 - 12:38 pm)
Oh ok. Ummm, I don't really know how Liese would appear normal with her eyes and all, so... what should I do?
(November 12, 2016 - 12:15 pm)
Can I still join?
(November 11, 2016 - 7:29 pm)
oh! sorry moonlight, maybe instead of adjusting to O2 the can hold there breathe longer like a dolphin?
(November 12, 2016 - 11:17 am)
Gasp! Must...join....can't...hold...back...
Name: Lobo Goosemire (His nickname is Howler)
Gender: M
Age: 14
Apperance: Eletric blue dyed hair with brown streaks (his normal hair color). Eyes the same color. In the dark his pupils turn to slits. Has a White, shy smile. Latino skin color.
Personallity: Shy, but once you get to know him loud and funny. Makes friends easily.
Power: Um... can I do werewolf? Or not I can do speed.
Wepons: well, he's not really the fighting type. But something deep inside tells him to always carry around his hunting knife. Its nothing really special, just a normal knife that carves up deer and elk and stuff like that. It has an iron blade and wooden handle with howling wolf carved into it
Other: Was a hunter. His favorit meal was elk.
(November 12, 2016 - 1:51 pm)
I want to join!
Name: Penny Peirce
Gender: Female
Apperance: small and skinny, light blond hair that falls to waist, green eyes, and freckles.
Personality: shy and secrative, no one knows her power or backstory, she has no friends and is known to sit quietly in the back of the class.
Power: It's more like a curse. She struggles constanly to keep Malus in. Malus is her split personaliy. Malus causes horror and havick. Malus can shoot dark magic out of her fingers, and strage things happen when she comes out.
Weapons: A long silver dagger, when she's in control white, black when Malus is in control.
Friends: none
Enemies: Malus
Backstory: When she was six she had her best friend over. They had so much fun, but that night Penny heard a vioce in her head.
"Let me out!" it screeched.
Poor Penny had no idea what happened but sundly she was stuck in her head. Like literally. She was waching from someone else's eyes. She wached as Malus laughed and shot something from her finger tips at her friend. She couldn't stop it, her friend tryed to screem but couldn't. And her skin became whiter and whiter, her red hair turned white. And that's when Penny sundly woke up in control and a dagger in her hand. She called for help and her friend was taken away.
She still goes to viset her friend in the hospital, but she never wakes up... and her skin and hair is forever bleached white.
Other: She now as more control of Malus, but acasonly they agree on somthing, and when they do it's a sight terrible for your eyes to see. Her dagger is half white and black. Also, Penny is great with her dagger is named maledictus.
I'm going to explain what Malus looks like.
Her hair is black, but in the right light looks purple. Her eyes are purple and look like a cat's. But other than that they look the same.
(November 12, 2016 - 2:59 pm)
If it's too late to join, don't bother reading this.
Name: Isabel Cain
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Apperance: Long, straight strawberry blond hair, big green eyes, light freckles across her nose and cheeks, pale skin, short and slightly skinny.
Personality: Very quiet and observant, listens to conversations, but rarely participates in them. Most people think she's very shy, but her family members and very close friends know that that she is actually very talkitive and entergetic if you know her well enough. The reason she doesn't say too much is because she likes to observe people instead of interact with them. She is very smart, but never brags or tries to make a big deal out of it. She's modest and she also cares about people and tries to act kindly even if she doesn't really talk to them.
Power: She can see things about people that other people can't see. For example, if someone is guilty because they cheated on a test, but he/she is hiding it from evryone, she can see that he/she is guilty and sometimes she can tell why. She can mostly see feelings.
Weapons: She really has no need for a weapon. If she needs one, she'll get it at the acadamey
Friends: Her best friends at school are Charlotte Lee, and Sadie Keller. Maybe she'll be friends with Sere and/or Heidi, but they're a lot older than her.
Enemies: Probably none because not talking much means she won't say anything that could make people mad at her.
Backstory: Isabel lives with her mom, dad and 2 year old sister Leah in a small-ish town near the ocean. She is in 4th grade and she doesn't have too many friends because she's so quiet. Luckily, her two best friends Charlotte and Sadie are in her class this year. She has always been quiet and observant, and ever since she was 4, she could always tell what people were feeling, and if someone is lying about something, she can tell. If she is in school, or around people other than her friends and family, she keeps it to herself though. When she was younger, she thought tht everyone could always tell what everyone else was feeling, but in third grade she realized she was special. She still had no idea that she had a power though.
(November 12, 2016 - 4:04 pm)
1. @Jarvis Have her start out with green, normal eyes, but once she gets to the academy her new eye colors and powers are unlocked.
(November 13, 2016 - 1:12 pm)
OK, that's OK. So just ignore my backstory. Also the dagger is IMPORTANT!!! So she'll still have it.
(November 13, 2016 - 6:53 pm)
After she gets sumitted into the school.
(November 14, 2016 - 8:19 am)