Fandom Hunger Games
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Fandom Hunger Games
Fandom Hunger Games
Okay, so I know nothing about the Hunger Games. BUT. I know a bunch of stuff about Fandom Games.
I'm only allowing about ten people in. Two for each fandom. Here are your Fandom choices. I may or may not join. Try to guess me. This is a SINGLE WRITE. Please, not even diary entries or anything. Completely a single write.
Harry Potter
Wings of Fire
Star Wars
The Giver
Charrie Sheet:
Name(to go with fandom):
APpearance(fandom related):
Personality (relitivley detailed):
Thank you!
submitted by Hung3rGam3s
(November 6, 2016 - 8:07 pm)
(November 6, 2016 - 8:07 pm)
Hummmm..... are you Icy? Tyberiuos Firestone (did not spell that right sry) or Keledoscope Gryphon?
Charrie sheet:
Name: Whiteout
Age: Ummmmmm...... younge adult?
Apperance: A black NighWing. Here's the catch though, has white wings and spikes and claws and blue eyes. Has black spots like black stars on her wings. Prettiest dragon in WoF. Very sensitive.
Personallity: oh this is going to be hard. Ummmmm.... she speaks in tounges. Her words come out in riddles. Except when she's in love she talks normal. Cool, distant, rarley listens or acts likes she's listening.
Wepon: Knowlage, fire, claws and teeth. Stealthy.
Rank: First Circle if she was to go to the ice palce (If they didn't kill her first) otherwise a normal phesent Nightwing, father perades her around town to show off her beauty.
Other: Father is Prince Artic and brother is the feared Darkstalker
(November 6, 2016 - 11:32 pm)
can I please do Percy Jackson (PJ)
Charrie Sheet:
Name(to go with fandom): (HP) Lilly (PJ) Annabelle
Age:16 (both)
APpearance(fandom related): (HP) short ginger red hair brown glasessed and green eyes (PJ) long blonde hair, grey eyes and pretty much like annabeth
Personality (relitivley detailed): snarky nice but sarcastic funny witty smart very smart likes to be the best loyal
Weapon: (HP) 13 in. ivory wand with a dragon heart sting core (PJ) long dagger
Rank: 1 (both if this is okay)
Other: nope
(November 6, 2016 - 11:37 pm)
I would say yes you could be, but I actually know nothing about PJ...I can try though.
Claaws, nope, nope, and double nope-guess again!
(November 7, 2016 - 1:23 pm)
(November 7, 2016 - 11:41 am)
Hoorah! I joined the last one, so I'll join this one again.
Name: Char (Skywing)
Age: 24 Moons
Appearance: Red streaks running along her sides, bleeding into a dark-orange on her back. A dark golden underbelly and neck. Dark red claws and tail-tip. Amber eyes.
Personality: Bold, imprudent, forceful and aggressive, relies more on power and speed than stealth or planning, knows fighting strategies and fighting moves.
Weapon: Firebreath, very powerful wings, claws, teeth.
Rank: 2
Other: Will protect any friends she makes literally with her life. Won't hesitate to rush into a death-battle defending them.
If I can't do Wings of Fire, I'll make another.
(November 7, 2016 - 12:01 pm)
Name(to go with fandom): Starfruit, but call her Star.
APpearance(fandom related): Like a NightWing, but with dark purple instead of black. Has prehensile tail.
Personality (relitivley detailed): Very snarky, not afraid to kill someone unless she actually knows them. Been training for the games her whole life.
Weapon: Fire breathing and prophecy.
Rank: Princess of the Rain/NightWing tribe
Other: Is Glory and Deathbringer's daughter??
(November 7, 2016 - 2:23 pm)
Oh wait, I can't do WoF, CL got the last spot. Well, that's fine.
Name(to go with fandom): Neri Skywalker
Age: 16
Appearance(fandom related): Long blond hair, flashing brown eyes, pale skin, wears clothes meant for a mechanic, and usually has a calculating look on her face.
Personality (relitivley detailed): Very snappish, won't listen to anyone, as she grew up on the streets of Couruscant, is very mechanical minded, and is sly.
Weapon: Her nimble thieving fingers and an elegant lavender lightsaber.
Rank: ??? A Jedi, I guess.
Other: N/A
(November 7, 2016 - 2:46 pm)
oh well.
I'll do a warriors....
Name: Owlwings
Age: 26 moons (a warrior)
Appearance: I'll post pic.
Personality: Quiet and serene, though can surprise cats with her rebellious personality. Have fun.
Weapon: Her witty thought and nimble claws.
Rank: warrior
Other: idk.
(November 7, 2016 - 3:47 pm)
Places Taken:
WARRIORS: Soulkeeper, Kestrel
HARRY POTTER: Lilly, Annabeth C.
WINGS OF FIRE: Whiteout, Claaws; Char, Clouded Leopard
STAR WARS: Neri Skywalker, Cho
(November 7, 2016 - 4:00 pm)
Ooh! Me! Are you...Abigail? Or St.?
Name: I'm ctually gonna use mine, cuz it's pretty warriors: Inktail :P
Age: 16 Moons
Appearance: Silver tabby with a black tail, muzzle and paws.
Personality: Quiet, kind, brave, fierce (bUT not bloodthirsty) and strong.
Weapon: Strongest claws around!
Rank: Warrior
Other: None
(November 7, 2016 - 4:02 pm)
Oopsies! Sorry, KG!
Name: Kira
Age: 16
Appearance: If seen in color (which she can), shoulder length chocolate brown hair that's always in a braid, bright green eyes, pale skin, tall and thin.
Personality: Quiet, kind, brave, fierce (but not bloodthirsty), and strong.
Weapon: Wits and a homemade super strong steel sword.
Rank: Receiver
Other: Fandom; The Giver
(November 7, 2016 - 5:44 pm)
Guess I'll do Harry Potter if no one else's claimed it
Name: Abigail (Abbie) Hughes
Age: 13
Appearance: wavy dirty blonde hair past her shoulders, light brown eyes, a few freckles
Personality: cheerful, friendly, never takes insult at anything. An avid reader.
Weapon: wand: maple wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 inches, relatively swishy
Rank: I don't know how this works, but pretty high for her age
Other: I've never been in a fandom, if anyone could please instruct me on how it works, that would be amazing.
Lydia says newi. Yes, I'm new to this Lydia, no need to rub it in,
(November 7, 2016 - 5:49 pm)
If there's still room, I'm in! (It's annoying when there are more replies than are showing up, and you don't no if you can get in or not)
Name: Carrenia Gartien
Age: 14
Appearence: Wavy rust red hair, big green eyes, and a very large nose. She's quite tall, and wears large hoop earings. She wears a green jumpsuit, and tall brown boots covered in buckles.
Personality: She is a bit of a fire brand, but her anger is quick to fade, and she'll laugh about it afterward. She loves to tinker and is a brilliant pilot. She laughs a lot and while she follows a personal code, but thinks that uber idealists haven't seen a lot of the real world.
Weapon: Two BlastTech blasters, one small one in a arm holster, one powerful one in an ankle holster.
Rank: She's a bounty hunter, but she'll only choose jobs that she deems ethical.
Other: If SW is already taken, I'll do HP. If that's taken I'll do The Giver, and if there's not room for me, that's fine.
(November 7, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
Guess me!!!!!
So far:
Places Taken:
WARRIORS: Soulkeeper, Kestrel; Owlwings, Kalidoscope Gryphon [FULL]
HARRY POTTER: Lilly, Annabeth C.; Abbie, Starbringer [FULL]
WINGS OF FIRE: Whiteout, Claaws; Char, Clouded Leopard [FULL]
STAR WARS: Neri Skywalker, Cho; Carriena Garten, Mirax T. [FULL]
THE GIVER: Kira, Inktail
(November 7, 2016 - 9:19 pm)
Where did everyone gooo?????????
(November 9, 2016 - 2:55 pm)