Story Contest!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Story Contest!!!

Story Contest!!!

Inspired by Rose Bud’s Poetry Competition
I haven’t seen a story contest in a while, so here’s one!
Rules/Things you should know~
  • Anyone can enter
  • Your story must be between 300-1,000 words. (That’s fair, right?)
  • The winner of the contest gets to choose the topic for the next contest, and judges the next contest. 
  • The winner will also need to post a due date for the entries 
  • There will be four awards given: First place, second place, third place, and runner-up
Did I miss anything? 
Alrighty, the first topic is. . .  Free Choice! You can write about anything you want!! Entries must be submitted by midnight October 14th. Got it? Okay. 

READY. . . SET. . . WRITE!!!!!!✏️ 

submitted by September
(October 9, 2016 - 6:38 pm)
submitted by One more day!!!!
(October 13, 2016 - 8:09 pm)
submitted by 6 hours and 42 min
(October 14, 2016 - 7:19 pm)

So sorry! Ack! Here's my post!


The Fire~

William ran through the fields of corn to his family's log cabin. Today was his birthday, and he was very excited. Mawma looked up from stoking the fire and smiled. Her face wrinkled kindly, and she brushed back loose hairs from her bun. 


"Hello, William. Pawpa finishing work in the fields?" William nodded and sat at the table. He inhaled deeply, smelling the familiar scents of musty wood and burning charcoal. At that moment, Pawpa ran into the cabin, a crazed look in his eyes.


"Fire! Headed towards the corn!" 


Mary screamed with shock, and Mawma dropped the earthen clay bowl she was holding. It hit the ground and shattered instantly.

Mawma stumbled down the stairs to the cellar, Pawpa following her. Swiftly, the old wooden washtub was brought out, and Mawma began filling it with water.


"You kids get into the cellar," she ordered.


"But-" William started to protest.


"Now!" Mawma growled. Fire flashed in her old green eyes. It scared William so much that he grabbed Mary's arm and yanked her after him down the cellar steps. They sat in the deepest corner of the cellar, shivering with cold.


William looked around at the barrels of cider, the whitewashed walls and drafty cracks. After a few minutes, the pair heard the unmistakeable scraping sound of wood against stone as Mawma and Pawpa entered the cellar, pushing the washtub in front of them. Pawpa's face was drenched with sweat, and Mawma's bonnet was lying, forgotten, halfway down her back.


"We did all we could," Pawpa panted.


Together, the family huddled between the casks of red apple cider. Suddenly, a roaring sound came faintly from the east. William squeezed his eyes shut. It got steadily louder as it passed over them, then......silence.


William opened his eyes. Mary looked petrified, and Mawma and Pawpa were talking in hushed tones. A few minutes passed before Mawma walked over to them. 


"Follow me, and stay close." She murmured. Her scared face betrayed her though, and William tried hard to ignore the look she shared with Pawpa. The family walked, single file, up the cold stone steps. William watched Pawpa slowly lift his head out, cough in the smoke, and then motion to Mawma. Once the whole family was out of the cellar, William surveyed his surroundings.


Three-quarters of the crops were blackened and burnt, and so was the house. Though throughly singed, the house still stood strong. 


"We were lucky," Mary whispered. William didn't consider losing almost a whole years worth of crops 'lucky,' but he knew she was right. He also knew he was a big boy and too old to cry, but Mawma hugged him tightly as he blinked back tears.


"Happy birthday to me," William whispered miserably.

submitted by Ack!-Inktail
(October 14, 2016 - 8:59 pm)

Inktail, have you posted this somewhere before? Because, for some reason, it looks very familiar...

submitted by
(October 15, 2016 - 2:00 pm)
submitted by 4 hours and 37 min
(October 14, 2016 - 9:23 pm)
submitted by The judging begins!!
(October 14, 2016 - 10:00 pm)

And the results!!! (Admins, could you keep the spaces? Thanks a ton!!!) 

The runner-up. . .  is. . .
Pepper Star!!! *hands ribbon and virtual cupcake* 
I loved the idea you chose, I thought it was an interesting, modern-day related concept, and I liked how it sounded like it actually happened to you! Congratulations!!!
In third place, we have. . . .
Inktail and her historical fiction short story! I loved the language, it seemed very authentic for that time period. The story had great action, and again, I really liked the concept. 
*hands bronze medal and virtual cupcake*
And now in second place, we have. . . 
Daisy!!!! *hands silver medal and virtual cupcake*
I loved your fractured fairytale (or was it your own invention? If so, you get a bonus cupcake!) and the fairytalesque writing style. I liked the happy ending!!
And in first place is. . . 
I loved, loved, loved how you worded the theme in (although you didn’t have to) I didn’t get the pill reference (Would ya mind explaining?) but I got the general idea and overall LOVED the story!!
*hands maple cookie and gold medal* 
Well, Cloud, you get to choose the next topic!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Congratulations to all the winners!! Keep writing!! 
submitted by RESULTS ARE IN!!!!!!
(October 14, 2016 - 10:16 pm)

Om nom nom! Thank you!

And the reference of the pills is to a movie called "The Matrix", made in 1999. I won't spoil the whole thing, but a key scene in the movie rests on Neo (the MC) choosing a red pill or a blue pill, each with very different results.

I'll post the next topic soon!

(P.S. Just curious-- any of you Admins Matrix fans?) 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(October 15, 2016 - 12:03 am)

Yay! Thanks! :) *eats cupcake* yummy! 


Congrats Clouded, Pepper and Daisy! ;) 

submitted by Inktail
(October 15, 2016 - 7:31 am)

Ooh, I'm honored and surprised! Thank you so much! No, it wasn't a fractured fairytale. My own invention. Yum, two cupcakes! YUMYUMMY *chomps down on frosting and cake* 

submitted by Daisy
(October 15, 2016 - 9:25 am)
submitted by Top!
(October 16, 2016 - 10:31 am)

New topic! Write about... birds! Flying birds, magical birds, talking birds, whatever has to do with feathered fowl.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(October 16, 2016 - 11:43 am)
submitted by @Cloud, do you have , a deadline??
(October 16, 2016 - 4:22 pm)

Oh, shoot! I forgot a word limit! Minimum is 400 words, maximum is 1500. 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(October 16, 2016 - 7:20 pm)

Wow I'm scatterbrained! The deadline will be October 26th (Wednesday).

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(October 16, 2016 - 9:28 pm)