Chatterbox: Inkwell




(My CBversary RP)


In this RP, we'll be playing gods and goddesses that belong to an ancient civilization I  made up, which is called Halla. Its inhabitants are the Hallans , and the gods we create, of course. There are six open slots, after mine. There should be seven of us in total.
These gods are different than all other gods you know of. Please make them special. But still, remember that some need to represent more basic things, like life, death, light, and shadow. Try to evenly disperse gods and goddesses—for example, if there are many goddesses, create a god, and vice versa.
Because this is my CBversary celebratory RP, I want it to be the best RP ever! I hope it will finish, and that the members are dedicated. If you join, make sure you'll be able to post at least once a week and promise to keep it active and on the first page! Thank you.
Charrie Sheet
God or Goddess?: 
God(ess) of: 
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): 
Weapon of choice: 
My Character
Name: Chirrin 
God or Goddess?: God
Age: He looks to be about 16 but is immortal
God(ess) of: The wind and all things swift—foxes, birds, storms, et cetera
Appearance: Tall and long-limbed, graceful, olive-skinned, sandy hair, piercing green eyes. Walks with a loping gait, not unlike a maned wolf. Has magnificent white wings. I'll draw a picture.
Personality: Cautious, shy, quiet by nature, mysterious
Powers: Flight, command of wind and storms, can speak to some animals 
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): Jharo-Mura, the Land of Wind. The land is part moor, part forest. Harp music ripples on the breeze, soothing anyone who hears it. Its inhabitants are the animals you would normally find on moors and in forests, but there are gryphons in the skies.
Weapon of choice: Chirrin uses a birch longbow. It has a golden grip and his arrows fly with the swiftness of the wind. 
Sacred Animal: The maned wolf
Sacred Plant: The birch tree
Enjoy this RP! Thank you for reading this.
submitted by Scylla
(October 9, 2016 - 1:22 pm)

I reserve a Goddess of cold!

submitted by Brookeira
(October 9, 2016 - 5:57 pm)

Name: Eana

God or Goddess: Goddess 

Age: She is considered the youngest. She looks about seven. She is immortal though. 

God(dess) of Flowers.

Apperance: She looks African-American. She has braided black hair with a red or pink flower, dark brown eyes with long lashes, a very adorable smile, she is about normal hight.

Personality: Sweet and a little spoiled. She likes when people bring her presents and give her attention. She is fun loviing and doesn't like thinkgs that threten her perfect world. 

Powers: She can speak to plants and flowersand exelorate their growth. Seeing as she is the youngest, she can't do mutch else. 

Homerelm: Adri, a large forest. In the middle there is a clearing that is filled with sweetsmelling grass and whatever flowers Eana wants. She practices her powers there.

Weapon:She doesn't like fighting at all, but if she has to she can fight with a oak staff lined with flower petals.

Sacred animal: The butterfly

Sacred plant: A white lily 

submitted by Elvina
(October 9, 2016 - 6:53 pm)

I think I'll change her plant to a sunflower seeing that two other people have lilys 

submitted by Elvina
(October 10, 2016 - 12:55 am)
submitted by WE ARE FULL!!
(October 9, 2016 - 7:36 pm)

Ah, I want to jojn, but I fthink it's full!

Name: Charlina


Age: About 12, very young looking.

Goddess of Heat if possible?

Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles, and oliveish skin.

Personality: Kind and bubbly, caring and joyful, always happy and optimistic.

Powers: if heat is allowed, I'd like her to be able to change the temperature ANYWHERE, but only into the hotter temperatures.

Homerealm: Forbi'dn, the Land of Heat

Weapon of Choice: Either a woodland bow with stun arrows, a katana or her wits.

Sacred Animal: Ocelot

Sacred Plant: Venus Fly trap

If there isn't room, please just I gn ore this. 

submitted by Inktail
(October 9, 2016 - 8:14 pm)

I just noticed that both me and Kestrel were the goddesses of darkness?

submitted by @Scylla, September
(October 9, 2016 - 8:29 pm)

@Scylla, I know you said you are full, but can I please be Selwyn again? If not, that's ok. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(October 9, 2016 - 8:34 pm)

(I reserved a spot before.)

Name: Kleur


Age: Obviously immortal but looks about 14.

Goddess of: Color

Appearance: Kaleidoscope eyes, like a big color wheel. Her hair is naturally striped vertically in the form of a rainbow, which is waist length and slightly wavy. Her skin shifts color imperceptively from tone to tone until she's gone from purple to red.

Personality: It all depends on the color of her skin. Blue makes her slightly depressed and pessimistic, yellow optomistic and playful, red violent, et cetera. If she concentrates, she can pick a color and hold it, for important occasions.

Powers: Color, obviously. She can make anything any color, any shade, and any texture. She can also shoot beams of light that do minor damage.

Homerealm: The land of Ngjrë-Midabka is chaotic and painful to the eyes. If anyone beside Kleur looks in it, they would never be able to see anything except the ever-shifting sky. It seems to be bottomless and endless; only Kleur can navigate, somehow finding paths and buildings. 

Weapon of Choice: She's a pacifist, actually. But if absolutely-- and I mean absolutely-- neccessary, she'll use a tiny dagger.

Sacred animal: Peacock

Sacred plant: Heliconia 




submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 9, 2016 - 8:41 pm)

here is a final list of the gods/goddeses in the thread in order of when the complete character sheet was posted.

Chirrin by Scylla 

Symphaia by the artist

Akira by September 

Flor by windswift 

Archane by DRAGON 

Liberala by kestral

Eana by Elvina  


submitted by DRAGON , age 15, The library
(October 9, 2016 - 9:31 pm)

You forgot reserved spots. I was one of the first six.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 10, 2016 - 9:58 am)
submitted by Me too!, Shoshannah Lily
(October 10, 2016 - 10:49 am)
Name: Glaciara
God or Goddess?: Goddess
Age: Looks 16, is immortal
God(ess) of: Cold, snow, water, ice, etc.
Appearance: Long whi hair, icy sea green eyes, very pale. Wears a flowing white dress, a crown of snowflakes, and an eyepatch of thin ice.
Personality: Quiet, calm. VERY intelligent, thinks and observes.
Powers: Ice, snow, and water control; can turnings a snowstorm to travel quickly
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): A snow-covered forest island in a wintry sea
Weapon of choice: Trident-flail
submitted by Brookeira
(October 9, 2016 - 9:46 pm)
Name: Emotion
God or Goddess?: Goddess. 
Age: She's but a 14 year old in immortal years.
God(ess) of: Nobody is really sure. Her powers rarely appear, and she is often shunned. (HINT: she will discover her power in like my third RP post!)
Appearance: Long, blue hair done into an intricate side-braid, silver eyes, normal skin tone, tall
Personality: I develop this later...
Powers: Not discovered yet
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): A small forest. She has no name for it, and it is only about 400 feet wide and 1,000 feet across...
Weapon of choice: A bow made from crystals 
submitted by Icy, age 12!!!, The Forest
(October 9, 2016 - 9:53 pm)
Name: Emotion
God or Goddess?: Goddess. 
Age: She's but a 14 year old in immortal years.
God(ess) of: Nobody is really sure. Her powers rarely appear, and she is often shunned. (HINT: she will discover her power in like my third RP post!)
Appearance: Long, blue hair done into an intricate side-braid, silver eyes, normal skin tone, tall
Personality: I develop this later...
Powers: Not discovered yet
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): A small forest. She has no name for it, and it is only about 400 feet wide and 1,000 feet across...
Weapon of choice: A bow made from crystals 
Oops! Sacred animal is the Swan, and sacred plant is the blue orchid. 
submitted by Icy, age 12!!!, The Forest
(October 9, 2016 - 9:54 pm)

@Scylla. Could you post a list of the people who are in the RP please? I think I posted too late to get in, but a whole bunch of other people did as well, and I'd like to be sure. Thanks! 

submitted by @Scylla, Mirax T.
(October 10, 2016 - 8:41 am)