Round robin!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Round robin!
Round robin!
Sam's feet felt heavier and heavier as they pounded against the ground. She wished she could just stop and take a rest, but that wasn't going to happen, she might lose her life if she did. A little voice in her head was calling, stop, stop, you have to stop. Atleast climb a tree or something, goblins hate tree's. but there were no tree's around.
It was holloween night and she was running away from a goblin. Her sister had dared her to knock on the door of the haunted house on their street, and look were it got her, running down an alley with a goblin at her heels. STOP. And thats what she did, she stopped, she had almost run into a dead end in the alley.
"Got ya, you little brat." the goblin grabbed the back of her neck and positioned her head so she could see his cold, black beady eyes. The goblin's breath smelled like rotten fish. It burned up her nose and into her lungs, then everything went black.
(May 4, 2009 - 9:28 am)
((Ha, maybe you even live on the same street as me or something... /tangents/
Anyway, I'm in Bordentown... which isn't a county, it's a town, but unfortunately I don't remember which county I live in... *facepalm* (Facepalm and headdesk are my new vocabulary words). Genius... *shakes head sadly*))
"Those are Kilhelm and Bestella," said Mureta, still shaken by this newfound revelation. "My two best friends."
Kilhelm gave his jaunty, relaxed smile and offered a careworn yet young hand, while Bestella beamed in a motherly way and bustled into another room with a call of, "I'll make some honeyed tea..."
Ama stared at Kilhelm and his retreating wife. There was something a bit... odd about them. Their skin, for instance... it was pale as snow- no, even whiter. Their hair was finer than any Ama had ever seen, and so silky and gold that it was nearly white. Their eyes were a violet-gold that Ama had never seen on a human face.
Kilhelm noticed her lingering stare. His face adopted a sheepish sort of smile. "We live almost completely underround, in this subterranean domain. When I do go on secret Wave missions, I'm so heavily disguised that the elements of Htinez Emca, as we call upper Earth, really can't affect us."
"The rest of the people here are interbred and spend varying degrees of time in Htinez Emca," Bestella added reentering the room with a tea tray. "So we all vaguely resemble each other, but have uniqe aspects."
"Other people?" Ama asked, a bit dazed.
"Of course," Mureta laughed lightly, and Kilhelm smiled at Ama's childlike ignorance. "There's a whole town under that lake."
Ama could only gape.
(May 20, 2009 - 4:46 pm)
WOWOWOWOWOW!! This thread is really coming along! Good job, all you newbies! I loved the "shining city", the "heart of The Wave"! Does everbody have the characters straight? Meadow? Adina? Mary? Anyone-Else-I-Missed?
(May 20, 2009 - 9:55 pm)
((I want to try the round robin. It seems so fun to create these stories.))
"They're other members of the Wave," said Muretta.
"Other members of the Wave," Ama repeated, "Can they do magic too? Just like me?"
"Rest, Ama," Kilhem commanded, "You will learn everything in time." Kilhem snapped, and Ama instantly fell asleep.
"Your magic has grown tremendously," Muretta commented, "Before, you could only lift a grain of rice. Now, you can make people fall asleep with just a snap."
"The Wave needs more magic users, and the masters finally had to teach us their most powerful techinques."
"Why do we need more magicians?" questioned Muretta, "We already have over 300."
"Because," Bestella, "A war is imminent."
(May 20, 2009 - 7:32 pm)
"And the wave has to be more powerful then the wraith, Muretta." added Kilhelm. "We must get power as fast as we can. Do you understand?" He talked to her like she was a child.
"Do not tak to me so. I am not a chlid. I can understand with only Bestella's response."
"Sorry, Muretta, The last time I saw you in person was ten years ago. And the you were a child. I now know that you are nota child anymore and that you can understand big words now."
Mureta blushed for a moment then told him, "There, you did it again. Now, I think that you will have to explain to Ama what is happening, every little detail. I can't because I have not gotten much sleep."
"Okay." Kilhelm said as Muretta walked out of the room. Snapping his fingers, Ama woke up from her short nap. "Ama, I a-"
"Where's Mom?"
"She's gonig to go get some sleep, Ama." said Bestella.
"Oh. How did you make me sleep, what's your name?"
"My name is Kilhelm. And I am going to explain everything to you..."
(May 23, 2009 - 8:55 pm)
Thanks, Admin!! Hey, Mary, I live in Bergan County. Do you live near that?
(May 20, 2009 - 10:38 pm)
((I hope my previous post was what you expected in the story. If adjustments are necessary, such as only 300 magicians, go ahead and change.))
(May 21, 2009 - 2:02 pm)
((Don't worry, Mke. You are really good at writing and I think 300 is good. Does everyone else think 300 sounds good? i love this round robin!!!!!))
(May 21, 2009 - 3:25 pm)
((No, it's good, Mke! Perfect!
@ Adina: I think I live in Burlington County... sorry... we were supposed to learn all the counties last year, but the teacher never got around to it... :/ So yes, Burlington, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure how close that is to Bergan... do I sound stupid?))
(May 21, 2009 - 4:24 pm)
"Muretta! Muretta!" shouted Ama. Muretta woke with a start to see a completely transformed Ama leaning over her. Instead of the ragged Snoopy PJ's she had been wearing, she now wore a beautiful but simple gown. It was a soft shade of forest green. It seemed to have glints of silver in it was it swayed around Ama's graceful waist. It had a single gold band around the middle. Her river-green eyes, flecked with gold, danced. Her shimmering gold hair was pulled back into a long french-braid. Her light cherry lips smiled and her teeth sparkled.
"Wow!" Muretta stutered "You look great, Ama!"
"I know!" Ama said "Bestella can work wonders! But that isn't what I want to tell you about! Killhelm said that I will be put in training by A great soceress of the Wave! Her name is Laurel." Just then, a girl with the same gold hiar and green eyes as Ama walked in.
"Oh," said Muretta "Who is this?"
"This is Alyssa!" said Ama happily. "Guess who she is?"
"Oh I don't know!" siad Muretta
"Alyssa is my sister!!" cried Ama, running over to Alyssa and grabbing her hand. "Laurel is our great aunt! Isn't that great!!!" said Ama breathlessly. Muretta looked amazed.
"Hi" siad Alyssa shyly.
(Is that how you spell shyly????)
This is getting exciting!
I know!
(May 26, 2009 - 5:24 pm)
"A-A-A-Alyssa," stuttered Muretta "Your s-s-s-s-s-sister?" she said
incredulously. "I saw you when you were just 1 year old. Right before
mother was captured! I thought you were killed by the Wraith!"
"I wasn't, as you can see." said Alyssa
"Do you know that happened to your mother?" questioned Muretta
"Yes." said Alyssa "She is in the prisoner's tower in Aryxon, you know, the city of the Wraith."
"Yes," promoted Muretta.
"I am able to secretly receive training for her by scrying. I use a wash-basin and she uses a puddle that drips into her prison. I am also trained by my Aunt Laurel. With your permission, Bastella, Killhelm, Aunt Laurel, and I would like Ama to be trained with me. Would that be okay?"
"Most certainly!" cried Muretta "You should start at once! Ama needs to learn the ancient art of sorcery like her many ancestors did. It is a timeless tradition."
(May 30, 2009 - 10:29 am)
((Oh, I thought Mureta knew that. Guess not.))
Ama soon found that sorcery was not merely waving a wand and saying, "Abracadabra!" It was far more difficult, but by the end of her first day she felt happy and exhilarated. Great-Aunt Laurel was the perfect combination of a loving grandmother and a strict tutor, and Alyssa was sweet as candy.
That evening she was eating dinner with her newfound sister, and they were getting to know each other. When Bestella brought out the food, though, Ama suddenly fell silent. "What exactly is... this?" she queried hesitantly.
"Flowton in honeymilk," Bestella replied, setting down a plate of fluffy white something drowning in a golden liquid in front of each of the girls. It vaguely resembled mashed potatoes in butter, but there was something surreal about it, almost magical, as though it were glowing.
"It's really quite good," Alyssa added, picking up a fork.
"I'm... not awfully hungry," said Ama, who hadn't eaten anything for almost twenty-four hours.
"Well, at least have a sip of minteaffe," Bestella suggested, holding out a cup full to the brim with an emerald-coloured substance that smelled like a pine tree.
Staring at this woman with such an odd skin tone and hair holding out a cup of some strange drink, while fingering her new silky garments after a day of discovering long-lost relatives and learning steps of basic sorcery, Sam- now Ama- realized that her life would never be the same.
((And... the corny music, please!))
(May 30, 2009 - 1:05 pm)
((Hahaha! Corny music! Funny!))
Ama looked warily at the emerald liquid in the cup Bastella was holding out. She reached out and took it out of her hands, bringing it to her lips slowly. She hesitantly took a small sip. she gasped! It was incredible! Electricity seemed to shoot through her body as she took that sip. She felt energized, peacefull, extemely hyper,calm, and high, all at the same time.
"It-it-it-it-it's amazing!!!!!" gasped Ama. "It-it-it's just"
"Minteaffe?? askedd Alyssa
"Exactly!" said Ama as she dug into her flowton and honeymilk. "Mmmmm" she sighed, eyes closed, as the buttery warm flowton sliped down her throat. She sipped the honeymilk and shivered as the icey-cold substance was swallowed. "Ahhh. This is goooooood." she seemed to be in a peaceful bliss. Sudddenly, her eyes sprung open! She tried to scream but all that came out was a tiny gasp. She felt as though a dagger was ripping through her soft body. The pain rose to an unbearable level....and kept going. "Make it stop!" her body screamed. It felt like her body was being ripped apart. She was being shredded. Through a haze of pain she heard screams "I'm afraid that won't be possible" a cruel voice laughed to her mind. "Enjoy, little girl" Her pain was incredible. Her body was on fire, a raging fire no one could quench. Her body spasmed. She felt pain fill her body. It filled everything. It was so big, it overwhelemd her heart. It stopped. She couldn't breathe! She let loose a tortured wail. And with that, she fainted.
(June 1, 2009 - 7:02 pm)
((I read that, and you're being all awesomely descriptive without venturing into purple prose, and I'm thinking, When was the last time I ate...? and then you start torturing her, and suddenly eating doesn't seem quite so smart.
Now, was that seriously Bestella's fault? *is shocked* Really?! She's evil? Yay! Now we have a concrete villain! :D))
(June 2, 2009 - 4:39 pm)
Bastella looked down at the prostrate form lying on the floor, trying to conceal her triumph with a rubber mask of grief and incomprehension. Alyssa saw right through it. "What have you done?" she cried. "Is she dead? What did you put in her drink?"
Muretta, however, did not see. "Calm down, Alyssa!" she said, gripping the girl's shoulder. "She didn't do it, I'm sure. I've known her for years. She'd never do anything to kill someone on her own side."
"You're wrong, all of you," said Bastella. "I work for the Wraith. I have poisoned you all. I have also poisoned her. The flowton you ate is not flowton, but poison. It will kill you in one hour. I have the only antidote here." She pulled out a vial. "And I will give it to you on one condition." She paused dramatically. "You must join the Wraith."
"Suppose we do it," said Alyssa skeptically. "What about Ama? What did you feed her?"
"I merely gave her something to - shall we say - put her to sleep awhile," said Bastella calmly. "She will wake up. But she has eaten the poison too and will die at the same time as you will."
"When will she wake up?" asked Muretta.
A slow, wide, and evil grin crossed Bastella's face. "Five seconds before she dies."
(June 3, 2009 - 1:46 pm)
((*stares* Bestella is either really, really stupid, or really, really evil, I can't quite tell.))
Kilhelm walked into the room, grinning widely. Then he looked down. "Um... the upper-world term is 'slumber party,' am I right, Mureta?"
Mureta stared at him with none of her usual cheer. "Bestella- she- she- flowton- and minteoffe-"
"I know, delicious, isn't it?" Kilhelm asked pleasantly. Mureta could tell he wasn't faking; her longtime friend truly was oblivious to his wife's escapades. Yet she somehow couldn't bring her mouth to form the proper words.
Alyssa jumped in. "Bestella poiso---" And yet the usually headstrong girl was unable to continue.
((Why? I dunno... I'm multitasking right now... trying converse over both the telephone and the computer... it's more difficult than one might think.))
(June 3, 2009 - 4:11 pm)