Superschool RPG!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Superschool RPG!
Superschool RPG!
Dear Future Students,
You have been selected to attend the Griffinfeather School for Determined Children. Here you will learn about being extraordinary in an ordinary world, as well as other useful talents that are worth more than you think.
You may be wondering why we chose you out of all the people in this world. The answer is that you are extraordinary just by being yourself, full of talent because you believe in dreams, and brimming with determination simply because you believe in yourself. These qualities are what make a true superhero.
Orientation will be held on October 3rd. The attached forms will need to be filled out and sent to us by October 1st. At orientation, please bring with you along with typical boarding school neccissities:
1. A song heard by nobody's ear.
2. A word held by nobody's tongue.
3. A cloak of hiding that covers nobody's heart.
Warning: these items will not be the same for everyone.
Nobody will be admitted into Griffinfeather's School for Determined Children without these items. If you can pass this simple test, it will show that you are exactly the person we are looking for. Further instructions will follow at orientation.
Sasha Night (school prinipal and Head of Training) and Winston Lendrift (teacher, Head Talent-Searcher, and head of the Pinecone League one-on-one training center)
Please fill in all blanks on the following form.
Age (11-13 year old will be working with Winston, 14-17 year olds will training with Miss Night):
Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant):
Past experiance with unicorns*:
Would you like a free fried gull?**:
*Yes, we are aware of the popular belief that unicorns do not exsist. Miss Night requires your first and most honest response to this question so that she can best plan out your training schedule.
**Yes, we know that fried seagulls do not sound in the least appetizing, but Winston requires your first and most honest responce in order to correctly place you in the Pinecone League training center.
(September 27, 2016 - 10:27 am)
I'm not a fan of spirits personally...
(October 7, 2016 - 7:29 am)
Okay, I'm not quite sure what to post. So tell me if this is wrong. P.S. The guy in it is Adrain Kay
After the whole orientation, during which I fidgeted and picked at my nail polish, we were allowed to go. I gratefully stood up and practically ran out of the room. And promptly bumped into someone.
He was a dirty-blond haired boy, not very tall. I muttered, "Sorry." Then I looked at him.
He merely looked back. "Okay, then? Uh, bye?" I started hesitantly, after a brief pause of silence. I gave a halfhearted wave. He just shrugged and walked away.
I walked away, dissatisfied. I should've tried a bit harder to be friends. Pretty soon, everyone will have their little circle of friends, and I'll be alone and on the outside.
That reminded me. I pulled my IPod out of my pocket and selected Taylor Swift's "The Outside."
As I hummed and walked up some stairs, my earbuds caught on the railing and were jerked out of my ears. I reached for them before they could fall down the flights of stairs, and to my astonishment, seemed to fly into my outstretched hand.
What just happened?
(October 7, 2016 - 6:58 am)
"IF you did not bring an umbrella, this is a lesson for you to be more prepared in the future. Please settle into your dormitory rooms. Room numbers are on your folders. Girls to the left, boys to the right. Please look at your schedules to determine whether you will be in my class building to the right of the fountain, or Winston's directly across from it at 10:00 sharp!" I instruct. The students disperse in all directions, running into the rain. I follow behind, avoiding the puddles, my umbrella precisley above my head. Suddenly, I feel a silent whoosh of air right next to my ear as the last student leaves. Quick as a flash, Winston grabs it out of the air at just the right second.
"It's for you," he announces, then stares at the paper for a few seconds longer than he's supposed to.
"Well don't read it for heaven's sakes."
Sasha unfolds the paper. Her face changes as she reads it. She becomes completely absorved; thinking, thinking. On the run from the wild wind, a raindrop falls across the page, and another, and another. They make streaming lines across the edges before falling to the muddy ground below.
"Well, Flake Dream, we're more well prepared than you think you are," she whispers.
Winston, who (annoyingly), had already skimmed the letter, answered:
"Yeah, but are we prepared enough? Remember what I told you, Sasha about—"
"I know!" I interupt. He stares at me, surprised.
"Go on, get prepared for class. Good heavens you're soaked!" I say, trying not to sound at all nervous.
(October 7, 2016 - 7:42 am)
A pic of Kyr:
(you may have to open it in a new tab. Also, sorry it doens't look great, I was drawing with a mouse.)
(October 7, 2016 - 7:45 am)
Top! Just keep posting, posting, posting, just keep posting, posting, posting... Great drawing Brookeira! Here is a very quick sketch that I did of Sasha. Just ignore the doodle of my AE Sam in the corner.
(October 7, 2016 - 2:10 pm)
DARNIT! I'll try again.
(October 7, 2016 - 4:58 pm)
I said I would join then I forgot to add the charrie sheet! I'm sorry. I guess it's too late now.
(October 7, 2016 - 4:26 pm)
It's okay, I'm lenient.
(October 7, 2016 - 4:56 pm)
Why don't you want Kyr to be able to control spirits?
It's OK, she'll have telekinesis instead.
(October 7, 2016 - 4:30 pm)
(October 7, 2016 - 4:42 pm)
Um, I'm Christian too...
sorry. She'll just have telekinesis.
Please don't assume people's religions. You can write a story with magic and spirits and still be Christian.
(October 7, 2016 - 10:05 pm)
I didn't assume your religion at all, and I am very sorry if I sounded like it. Please forgive me. I just said that I am one, and because of certain things, I am of the belief that dealings with spirits etc. are in abomination to the Lord.
I am sorry and do not mean to sound rude at all. Magic? Fantasy? I separate the "Expelliarmus!" Magic from the "Spirits rise!" Magic, and I try to avoid the latter as much as possible. Please respect this even if you don't agree with me.
(October 8, 2016 - 11:22 am)
Eh, that's fine.
BTW, have you ever read The Heroes of Olympus? I meant for her powers to be like Nico DiAngelo's, like a Child of Hades power. Not demonic or seance-based.
(October 8, 2016 - 3:58 pm)
Oh, yeah, that's cool with me. I'm just not s'posed to mix in the fortune telling, talk to spirits type of thing. Bt-dubs I love Percy Jackson!!!!
(October 8, 2016 - 5:35 pm)
Proclomation Regarding Magical Properties in Humans
Section 1, The FYI
1. This RP began in my head.
2. At first I thought it would be a real superhero school.
3. Then I decided against it.
4. Then I wanted the school to bring these powers out of the students sometime in the middle of the RP.
5. Then Inktail accidentally started this plot line a bit early.
6. We now have superpowers. Cheer ye, cheer ye.
Section 2, The Discovery
1. Suspicions are rising. That is fine.
2. Cupcakes are being eaten. That is also fine.
Section 3, The conclusion.
Therefore we have superpowers. That is suposed to happen. Why is everyone looking at me, I'm not in charge of the RP!!!!!
Sam: You are.
Good point.
(October 7, 2016 - 5:09 pm)