Hey all!My C
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hey all!My C
Hey all!
My CAPTCHA, Milli, My AE's, Trill and River, my AETCHA Chrissie and I wanted to share the wonderful news.
Wonderful my-
River! Anywhoodles, I'm starting a ski lodge. It won't be the best-
Considering you don't even know what you are doing. Or what a ski lodge is.
But I'm trying! (If someone could explain to me, that'd be great, thanks.)
So sign up now! All forms allowed-CAPTCHA, CBER, AETCHA and AE.
Chrissie's right!!!! Here's the short form.
Form (AETCHA, CAPTCHA, CBer, AE, etc.):
Age (if desired):
My characters are as follows. They are not taking up space as one of the precious ten CBers, AEs, etc. You may have up to Two AEs, Two Captchas, One AETCHA and one CBer written on yoyr form. Thank you.
Name: Inktail, River, Chrissie, Trill, annd Mili. (Wrote Millie, normally shortened to Milli.)
Age: N/A
Form: Cber, AE, AETCHA, AE, and CAPTCHA.
Apperances: N\A
Personalities: INKTAIL: Kind, calm, cool, collected, sometimes sarcastic and sharp. RIVER: Quick to anger, huge temper, often sarcastic and rude. CHRISSIE: Nice, back of the crowd kind of person, kind, loving, caring and loyal. TRILL: Kind, sometimes sarcastic, sympathic and loyal. MILLIE: Quick to panic, screamy, nervous, jittery, kind, upset and loyal.
Other: Inktail talks normal type, River in bold, Trill in italic, Chrissie in Bold and Italic and Milli in bold but captcha speak if you know what inmean.
You are standing in your house, looking out the window at the snow. You sigh. You'll never be able to go out in this weather! Suddenly, something lands on the floor next to you. Curious, you pick it up. It's a letter.
It reads, Dearest AE, AETCHA, CAPTCHA or CBer,
I welcome you to the Sunny Leaf Lodge! Located in Montana, USA, the SLL is awintertime skiing resort. This invitation invites you to come to our cozy home. You and your fellow pals will be accepted-but only the first ten. So signup fast! The application form is explained below.
Your eyes dart down to the form eagerly, completely missing the rest of the letter. You grab an ink pen and fill out the form. Immediently after signing, the paper floats into the air and away. You gleefully dart off to begin packing.
The application form is explained below. Warning, the Sunny Leaf Lodge is notresponsible for ANY deaths, no matter by poision, stabbing, or any horrid manner in which you could think of. The author reserves the right to kill you if they must, with little to no complaining on your part. By signing the form, you are signing your life, but no one ever reads this part. Nananananana!
Sunny Leaf, author of Sunny Leaf Lodge and owner of all Sunny Leaf Lodges.
(September 25, 2016 - 8:24 pm)
Name: September
Form :CBer
Personality: Friendly, calm, resourceful. . .
Name: Cortana
Form : AE
Personality: Talkative, easily annoyed, overly perky
Name: Chester
Apperance: Tiny yellow and orange cat. Loves to sit on my head.
(September 25, 2016 - 9:01 pm)
Name: Daisy
Form (AETCHA, CAPTCHA, CBer, AE, etc.): CBer
Age (if desired): 14
Appearance(optional): honey blond hair almost to my shoulders, Hazel eyes
Personality: sweet, outgoing, protective of her AE's, states her opinion, a bit crazy.
Name: Bombett
Form (AETCHA, CAPTCHA, CBer, AE, etc.): AE
Age (if desired): 16
Apperance(optional): brown hair and brown eyes
Personality: protective of Beth, smart and confident, shows leadership although rather a quiet guy. He has a crush on Beth.
Name: Beth
Form (AETCHA, CAPTCHA, CBer, AE, etc.): AE
Age (if desired): 15
Apperance(optional): long blond hair, blue eyes
Personality: sweet, shy, gentle, caring.
(September 25, 2016 - 9:34 pm)
Haha! So joining!
Name: Sterling Eclipse
Form (AETCHA, CAPTCHA, CBer, AE, etc.): CBer
Age (if desired): 13
Apperance(optional): Tall and slender with brown hair and grey eyes. Usually wears brown bowler hats and old-fashioned dresses of a robin's-egg-blue.
Personality: Very cheerful and overly optomistic. Bursts into song or dance spontaniously. Bright and encouraging. But if something goes really wrong (ie, murder) she will grow very shocked and become withdrawn and silent. And paranoid.
Name: Ferdinando ("Ferdy")
Age (if desired): n/a
Apperance(optional): A giraffe five inches tall.
Personality: Very lovable, likes to cuddle and follow random people around, especially Sterling. Despite his small size, in times of need he can run faster than most humans for several minutes.
(September 26, 2016 - 1:27 pm)
Sterling Eclipse
2 more and/or 7 more!! (Depends on how impatient I get :P) Milli says ahew. Bless you, Milli!
(September 26, 2016 - 5:24 pm)
(September 27, 2016 - 10:44 am)
(September 27, 2016 - 10:45 am)
(September 27, 2016 - 10:46 am)
(September 27, 2016 - 10:47 am)
Let's try this again, shall we?
(September 27, 2016 - 2:04 pm)
(September 27, 2016 - 2:04 pm)
(September 27, 2016 - 2:04 pm)
(September 27, 2016 - 6:06 pm)
No problem! This is a worthy thread.
(September 28, 2016 - 11:13 am)
(September 28, 2016 - 11:14 am)
(September 28, 2016 - 5:37 pm)