Thellany Gryphons RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Thellany Gryphons RP
Thellany Gryphons RP
So...uh..I'm kind of new here? But I think I've figured out how it works. I've been working on this idea for a bit, and you can tell me if you don't like it (Maybe I'm just saying this because I've been on sites a lot harsher than this.) ANYWAY here's my idea.
Thellany is a large island hidden from the world. Little is known about anything surrounding it, as in what it looks like, or if anything may live there. But whatever might be out there, is millions of miles away, with nothing in between but open sea. Many, many wingbeats away, too far for even a gryphon of Wind Grasses. But here, we have Thellany. The "paradise" of gryphons, untouched by anything else. They've formed their own society. They've reproduced. And they're split into sevev regions. Yencira, Plains of Mist, Prism Gardens, Fawn Forest, Dampure, Wind Grasses, and Clifitt.
Yencira is the center of Thellany, home to the most majestic, bright creatures you'll ever see. Gryphons from this region tend to think of themselves as superior to others. With their huge golden feathers, razor-sharp claws, and ear-piercing voice, how could they not be? Their eyes bring a new meaning to the phrase, "if looks could kill". Some have glares, so intense, it could kill a gryphon.They take the place of "leader" in Thellany, though some do not like that, such as the gryphons of Plains of Mist. Long ago, this silvery species confronted the "capital", but the Yencira gryphons had to do no more that slash their talos a few times to defeat them. The Plains of Mist gryphons retreated back into the fog, cutting themselves off from the rest of the world. The gryphons of Yencira used this as an example to why nobody should ever try to betray them.
This brings me to the Plains of Mist gryphons. Their eyes are large and a blue so pale, it's almost pure white. Their fur is in colors ranging from deep gray to snow white, and their feathers are bright silver. Of course, not all maintain this silvery sheen. If a gryphon from the Plains of Mist accidently shares a piece of information with somebody else, it's all over for them. They may get by with only their claws blunted and tail cut off, but even that's a fate nobody wants to suffer, so nobody crosses into the neighboring regions. Like, ever.
The Prism Gardens. Home to the most vast abundance of plants anybody has ever seen. Poison, healing, dyes, strength (that one is off-limits since the battle of Yencira and Plains of Mist). And of course, somebody reliable needs to be there to manage the place. the Prism Gardens gryphons. With their long, silky fur and brightly colored feathers, they're hard to miss. Their thin, rainbow-tufted tails, their soft, light paws, these are by far the most pleasing to the eye. They are yet to engage in any sort of combat, as the rest of the regions know, should they anger a Prism Gardens gryphon, that one will have an entire supply of deadly plants at their disposal.
Fawn Forest could be seen as what storybooks call a "dark forest". As the name suggests, gryphons from this area bear a striking similarity to deer. Tan feathers, pale brown fur with black spots, white-tipped could even call them harmless. But beware - their wings make no noise, and their eyes, their wide, round golden eyes will hypnotize. They'll be on you before you can blink - but when they have you in their gaze, trust me, you won't blink. Gryphons of this type don't speak much, they're probably the closest to nature out of all, bypassing even the gryphons of Wind Grasses. They border the Bay of Abundance, so why would they ever need to leave?
Now, Wind Grasses. Hidden by their tall grass, taller than a full-grown gryphon standing on its hind legs, these gryphons are suprisingly bubbly. They are the primary fliers of Thellany, nobody else even comes close. They learn to fly at a young age, and will be zipping through the grass before they're two months old. Their chestnut feathers are highlighted with asparagus green, and their fur is the color of the darkest wood in Fawn Forest. Their paws make no sound in grass, which makes up most of Thellany, save for Clifitt (rock) and Dampure (sand). Because of these advantages, they can travel around the country pretty much undetected, but are still unable to leave the island.
Dampure gryphons could be thought of as "the water gryphons" solely because of their environment. That would not be incorrect. Their region is entirely covered with sand, but not that of a desert. It's the sand of a beach, a beach that lets out into the Ocean of Shame. It was named this way by the "govenment" in Yencira, as gryphons of Dampure are seen as "lowborns". Their bird part bears unfortunate similarities to seagulls, at least, aside from the color, which is blue or seafoam green. Their wings are weak and bent, and their talons are small and naturally blunt. Their robins-egg-blue eyes are swamped with sadness, and their sleek black-and-teal fur droops with wetness. They are regarded as the lowest of the gryphons.
Clifitt is, as the name implies, a rocky region made up of cliffs and vallies. Gryphons from this area make some of the best fighters in all of Thellany, second only to some Yencira gryphons. They've been roughing it their entire lives, so they're generally pretty rough themselves. Their talons are like chisels, their wings are jagged, and their tails are a common means of attack. Their personalities are generally fiery and many times harsh, as this is all they've ever been taught. They're usually the color of rust, speckled with orange or burnt brown.
These are the gryphons of Thellany. But recently, certain gryphons are learning things they shouln't know. Secrets are being revealed that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Yencira gains a tighter hold on the world, meaning they can close in on the Plain of Mist and figure out exactly what they've been hiding. Society is crumbling, and there's nowhere anybody can go. Somebody has to find a way to both uncover the truth, and protect the secrets. Who will it be?
Age/Age Group: (preferably not adult)
Extra:(abilities, disabilities)
Here's mine!
Name: Blyrr
Gender: Female
Age/Age Group: Adolescent
Region: Fawn Forest
Appearance: Snow-white feathers, tan fur with small black speckles, yellow-green eyes, upturned black beak
Personality: All her life she's been taught to be quiet, but she has so many ideas bubbling in her head that she just wants to yell about. For gryphons of Fawn Forest, the designated times to speak are few and rare. Sometimes, the silence of it all is enough to drive her insane. That isn't to say she'd be a total chatterbox talking to a gryphon of another region. She'd hardly have any idea what to say.
Extra: Her wings are surprisingly loud, which she's been reprimanded for all her life, because how are you going to sneak up on someone when you can't fly silently? On the bright side, she is one of the most important hunters in her small village, so she's not entirely worthless.
So...I guess...begin?
(September 17, 2016 - 6:43 pm)
Ooooooo I like this idea. Im in so many RPs already but oh well. Also can there be hybreeds? Or like, a secret species of gryphon that all has forgaten because of something in the past? Maybe thats the Mist tribes secret........
Anywho I'm going to make my charrie and if we van have hybreeds then Im gonna change it to a hybreed. :D
Name: Insolence
Gender: F
Age: mid teens
Region: Plains of Mist
Appearance: a midnight black pelt with misty teal blue tips. Feathers have misty blue and pure white tips. Dark violet twilight colored dagger thin claws. Deep black wings with pure white tips and silvery tendrals starting at the base of her wing and fainting out at about the middle of her wing. A dark blue beek and skin on herr bird talons. Golden tail feathers that fan out to a dark blue at the tip. Light gray eyes with bloodbred puiples.
Personallity: always shunned because of her golden tail feathers. Acused for being a Yencira by some of the meaner brutes. Never been told the secret because they dont trust her and her golden feathers. She has few friends, but treaser and protect them like gold. Defensive, not afraid to speek up. Has sympathy but is careful to hid it from all but her loyal friends.
Extra: her parents were killed for having a golden feathered baby. Was raised by the leader of the mist tribe, as a symble to the others that the Yencira can't poison them out of hiding. The leader never cared for her though and she spent most nights trying to hunt a frog or two for her daily meal.
She may go across boarders to vist someone she may have a crush on if anyone wants to be that gryphon....
(September 18, 2016 - 3:58 pm)
oooooh I love this charrie! And yes, I completely approve of the idea of hybreeds...
(September 18, 2016 - 6:58 pm)
AARGH!!!!!!! I WANT TO JOIN SO BAD!!!!! unfortunatley i am already on approximatley 6 RPs and that is not even counting KYNGDOM. im sorry but im afraid i will have to pass up this amazing thread
well, you could do it anyway and just dump one of the old ones...
no Grey, i am not dumping one of the old RPs.
but you could.
but i'm not
its a possibility though.
oh fine.
sorry guys, and by the way, that was Grey, my first ever AE.
(September 18, 2016 - 4:22 pm)
Hmm, I never expected so many people to take interest in Wind Grasses...I personally didn't give it much thought myself.
(September 18, 2016 - 4:46 pm)
Yeah I know!! Wierd, maybe the being able to fly really well drew them in??? I personally though tmist plains would get the most. Since its-well-mysterious!!!!!
(September 18, 2016 - 8:36 pm)
Okay so Insolence is all the same but her father was a Yencira and killed for his forbidden love by his tribe. The mother asked one of her close friends to act like her mate, but the Mist leaders killed her and her friend anyway for having a gold feathered child. Insolence also has a loud and percing voice, another reason she never speeks. Her gaze is strong but doesnt kill.
(September 18, 2016 - 10:48 pm)
(September 22, 2016 - 6:02 am)
Okay. This is a bad idea, considering how many Rps I'm already in. BUT I CAN"T RESIST THIS SPECTACULARLY MYSTIcAL THREAD!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright. Calm. I am calm. My charrie sheet:
Name: Luxcaeli
Gender: Female
Age/Age Group: (preferably not adult) Teen
Region: Wind Grasses
Appearance: Reddish- chestnut feathers with dashes of storm-sea green mixed in. Fur the colour cinnamon, sprinkled in with specks of cranberry red. Eyes shift colours to match the sky. Normal size for a gryphon.
Personality: Loves to fly, curious, fairly playful for a gryphon, intelligent, loves to learn, adventurous, wants to befriend eery gryphon she meets, constantly gets reprimanded for being "overly friedndly", defiant, dreams of a different world, empathetic, doesn't think before she acts, emotions can easily be seen on her face. PRactices flying/ skills at every opportunity.
Extra:(abilities, disabilities) I don't know. Exeptional flier, even for her own kind? Sure. Also, parents are unkown. She believes them to be dead, although it does hurt her to think that they may have left her. Fantasizes about what they may have been like, etc. Oh! And, just because, let's make her enjoy singing and be decent at it. Singing is her secret solace.
(September 19, 2016 - 11:09 am)
I actually made a wind grass gryphon bc I though nobody else would and it seems a shame to completely forget a region. But I'm probably going to change it now, bc we have 3 gryphons that have exactly the same personality.
(September 19, 2016 - 3:57 pm)
I'll change her to a Yencila. I think we need some kind of a bossy boots in here. And do we have a villian yet?
Name: Pridula (I'm not going to change it for the sake of easiness)
Gender: F? We seriously do need more guys in here
Age/Age Group: Older adolescent.
Region: Yencira
Appearance: Bright gold feathers with sapphire wingtips (she's still pure Yencira), small but sharp claws. She has a very distinctive echoing cry that is much more musical than the rest of her tribe, but that softness does not extend to her eyes. They're burning blue, and I'm not talking about x-ray, see-right-through-you kind of eyes. I mean like a stormy blue fire.
Personality: excessively proud and rash, way too headstrong. So I really need something in this story to curb her temper. Yenciras (I'm going on guesses here) don't make a lot of friends, but they are incredibly loyal to the few that they also get along with. So get on her good side, and she'll trust you forever. Annoy her, and she'll bear a grudge against you forever. (This is technically what all these gryphons do.) She's considered a leader among her age group, but she desperately wants to be on the council and is annoyed that she isn't yet. More pride.
Note: She's going to be really obnoxious at first. She needs to be humbled drastically.
P.S. Lydia says umyg. Lydia, you know why. Pridula is going to make this rp a nightmare with her bossy little princess ways unless someone talks to her!
(September 19, 2016 - 4:22 pm)
Oooh gosh I REALLY want to join this!
Name: Clawface
Gender: Male
Age/Group: Older Adolescent
Region: Cliffit
Appearance: Harsh and fiery red feathers, streaked with dark brown and speckles of burnt sienna. Dark tan fur that's criscrossed with scars, brown paws. A gold beak and raw orange eyes.
Personality: He was born to a fighter and a hunter, but something about him turned out wrong. He is even more rough than any griffin in Cliffit, and he had to be locked away when he was young because he was so bloodthirsty and violent. He's never grown up having any friends, and as a result craves affection, attention, and has extreme anger issues. The griffins of Cliffit never let him out for fear of him going on a rampage. However, there may some griffin across the border able to reach his heart... (hint hint)
Extra: He has extra-good night vision, because he's spent so much of his life locked in the dark. He'll also be caught talking to himself sometimes.
(September 20, 2016 - 3:44 pm)
I think we should start.
(September 20, 2016 - 6:14 pm)
(September 21, 2016 - 7:17 am)
YES! I would love to start! I just haven't had access to a computer for a while...
(September 22, 2016 - 6:01 am)
(September 21, 2016 - 5:24 pm)