Yet Another Picturing

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Yet Another Picturing

Yet Another Picturing Thread

I am aware of the overwhelming amount of these threads prowling the Inkwell just now-- but I am open to requests if anyone is interested :) 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 17, 2016 - 12:10 pm)

Me me me thanks so much

submitted by Annabeth c, age 14, Boarding school
(September 17, 2016 - 6:39 pm)

I offer my sincerest apologies to all the requestors I've failed so far. I will work on your picturings over the week, and publish them next Saturday when I get on again. Thank you! :)

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 17, 2016 - 8:13 pm)


submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(September 17, 2016 - 8:05 pm)

Woah. Esthelle, I would love one.

submitted by BumbleBuddy, Deep in a book
(September 17, 2016 - 9:01 pm)

I so want one!!!!!!! Please?

submitted by Starbringer
(September 18, 2016 - 9:18 am)

Me, please! 

submitted by Alexandra
(September 18, 2016 - 5:36 pm)
submitted by top
(September 22, 2016 - 3:23 pm)
submitted by topper
(September 22, 2016 - 3:23 pm)
submitted by topperton
(September 22, 2016 - 3:23 pm)


submitted by T-O-P
(September 23, 2016 - 6:02 pm)

And for the sake of ages past: poke

submitted by and top
(September 23, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

I'm so, so glad you liked yours, Daisy! :) :) :)

Bumblebuddy, Starbringer and Alexandra, I'll add your names to the list.

It's going to take me a while to fulfill all these requests (I'm not the most efficient of writers), so no more, please, for a while.



submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 24, 2016 - 9:40 am)


A wind swept in from the East.

Moss-clad elms bowed their silver boughs; a sigh murmured through all the verdant glade and was gone.

And a single leaf fell turning and whirling in the dappled light of a summer sun.

Ever so softly, so surely-- subtle as the turning of a season, yet with all the weightless tangibility of a frozen moonshaft, it struck the sky-smooth surface of the forest-pool.

A single ring, silver-white in the tranquil infinity of glade-green water, swelled and vanished.

The leaf trembled as a silent shiver spread over all the pool. It spun a little, faltered, and was still.

That was all.

The sky above was brilliant-- brilliant as a diamond held to the light.

It blazed like blue fire, breathing white-hot sparks over a world blind in sun.

Everything beneath this all-encompassing authority was moved to its will-- in every ocean, basin, and sparrow-pool within reach of the sky, scorching blue glowered up in direct reflection of that above it.

Yet here, somehow, summer’s celestial tastes were hard-pressed to find a pedestal.

Here the sun pried with grasping fingers through everlasting awnings of close-burst green, only to come, quite suddenly, upon more green-- lying cool and shimmering in its earthen basin.

And the new-scorched amber light burned down in slender beams of sylvan shape, illumining green tranquility without resistance-- it could not help but do so.

A silent, viridescent world thrived cold beneath the spreading leaves.

That was all.

The surface shone smooth, spanning shore to shore in even hue unbroken.

Something--nay, everything about it made well manifest that it had always been this way-- always would be this way. One could hardly stir ones fancy to begin to conceptualize breaking such steadfast uniformity.

But if one were to do such a thing, the eternal green would shatter in so many shards of cascading droplets-- and a strange world, a dark world, would close around you as swiftly as you were received.


Voices preserved unfaltered from time before time, their ancient meaning throbbing full alive in the breathless shadow.

Voices new as all things forgotten before their time, here blooming, bursting in absent sunshine.

Murmured voices rising and falling, washing in and out as one discrete tide; roaring voices rearing and crashing upon the ear as powerfully, as wildly, as the wailing waves of any sea at bay.

All the silent mirror of green above had ever heard, and seen, and known.

The surface shimmered as the storm below howled and writhed in darkness unfathomed.

That was all.

The shores shook.

The water quivered as a strange footfall echoed clear over the forest-pool, among the spreading trees, rustling in the jade-strewn carpet of the soft-sloping banks..

A hand ran along the jagged bark of the largest elm, felt the quiet warmth imprisoned there.

The cool, still air drew deep within thirsty lungs; a breath of contentment rose and fell like an ocean repleted.

A smile shone forth in the marbled light sifting through the foliage.

Such peace, such heart-healing serenity. What a beautiful place!

The emerald mirror did not reflect the smile any more than it did the vibrant sky so far above.

A wind came from the east.

The trees bowed, a voice whispered through all the sylvan world and was gone.

And a thousand, thousand leaves fell turning and whirling in the new-cooled and ever-changing light of a summer sun.

Ever so softly, so surely-- subtle as the first veil of morning, potent as a secret sorrow long concealed.

The surface shivered.

The darkness surged and keened.

And a single ring-- white as light, white as truth, white as hidden shadow-- swelled and vanished.

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 24, 2016 - 9:45 am)

Tuxedo Kitten & Little Reader.

I merged your requests because what I had conceptualized for your entries were so similar, and so that I could fulfill both requests today. Tuxedo, I think of you as the book in the story, and Little Reader as-- the reader. 

Black and white, black and white. Moon and shadow, joy and sorrow.

“Where have you been today, little reader? The parlor chair-- curled like a kitten in sunshine; the back-porch steps, perched like a robin at roost?”

“Nay! I have been to the land beyond the farthest shore, above the highest star, below the deepest sea. I have seen wonders great to shake the earth, terrors great to break the world like bread. I shook, but I didn’t break.”

Black and white, black and white. Growth and fallow, hawk and sparrow.

“Where have you been today, little reader? The vastest swath, the tallest tree, the dawn-light smoking on the sea?”

“Nay! I have been to the finch-nest ‘neath the house-eaves, and the violet-wilds across the lane. I held the swallow-feather-down, so soft to make the earth to weep. I touched the crocus-cups of blue, so sweet to send the world asleep. I wept, but I never slept.”

Black and white, Black and white. Porch and pillow, cross-stitch willow.

“Where have you been today, little reader? The garden under shrubbery, to hear the work-song of the bees? The hollow in the alder-wood, to watch the shadows play between?”

“Nay! I have been to the fire-side, where kettle boils and smoke-towers blow. I smelt the leather-cushion on the wicker swing when rain came down. I heard the cat purr in the sun-- she knows what all the earth would know. I watched a leaf light on the walk-- it’s gone where all the world would go. I knew-- I know, but I’ll never go.”

And you never will-- for you’ve been curled cat-like on the parlor-chair for the whole of this rain-shine afternoon.

Black and white, black and white. Ink and parchment, pen and spine. All the whirling worlds are thine. Pages rustle, paper-frail-- the power of a well-spun tale!

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 24, 2016 - 9:50 am)
That's amazing, Esthelle!  Thanks!
submitted by Little Reader
(September 24, 2016 - 10:32 am)