32 days RPIt

Chatterbox: Inkwell

32 days RPIt

32 days RP

Its 2220. The world is in a technology crises, they've been using flying cars, jetpacks, phones chips, computers, for 200 years. Now they have gotten word that they have ran out of gassoleen, gold, and all the needed meatles to make our technology age. 

But now we are out. No one remembers how to write, math, read, or anything they needed to survive.

Then word got out that every million years there is an extra day in July, sort of like how there is one more day in February every leap year. 

And on this day, some belive that the children boren will have Powers beyond belief, with ability to save the human race.....

Or destroy it.


13 years have past. There are no documented children boren on 2220, July 32. No documented childern. 

Your class mates think your strange. Usless. Boren a day before special. Atleast, thats what your mothers tells you. 31st. No sooner and defenatly no later. 

But is what she says true?

You've been experienceing strange things. Maybe your friend walked right past you while calling your name. Maybe you floughted a few feet off the ground once. Maybe you made a chemical reaction in chemistry once that made a meatle needed for flying cars. Or maybe you looked in the merior one day and had ears growing from your head. 

The technology crisest is getting worse. and your mother finally decides to tell you who you are.


Charrie sheet:

Name: should be a little extra normal or extrodanaryly different

Age: you should all be 13

Apperance: you should all have a strange facture ex: golden hair, cat like eyes, frosty skin, sharp nails, bright green eyes....


What you think your power is: (it can change)

Where you live: (it all hast to be in basically the same area like in the mountain or on a beach) or you can move to where everyone else is when you hear about the others. 



My charrie:

Name: Blizzard

Age:  13

Apperance: Long feathery blond hair with tips of bright gold. Large ice blue eyes. Tan skin. Long eyelashes. Red lips and always wearing makeup.

Personallity: popular, extravigant but not a dramma queen. Thinks dramm queens are just big brats. Shy when she meets new people but very talkative when she warms up to them.

What you think your power is: she has run very fast before, thought that a certain jump was very long, to long. Made a type of weird sand in chemestry before, and thought that she had ears on her hair one morning. (But it could be a bad hair day). So she really doesn't know.

Lives: In the mountains of Colorado 

Other: plays on a rugby team in her high school (SHS, Scorching High school. Mascot is a white dragon. Collers are gold, teal, and white)  


We can start when we have five or more people. You can still join after. But you have to make it that your moms decided to just tell you. Also if you know you can't participate for long DONT JOIN. 

Have fun guys!!!! 

submitted by Claaws
(September 5, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Yes u can still join. :)

Oh and Colorado is mostly plains with small trees here and there, and the rocky mountains which are half of it. The rocky mountains are well mountains. Rocky lots of pine trees snows a lot. (dream place if you love to skii)

Anyway who's watching the superbowl rematch? Wohoo!!!! Go Broncos!!!!!!!!! 


"Whats all this for?" ask, astonished. 

"For you. The specials." He opens his hand and reveals a name written on his hand. It said Blizzard Lopaz. Me. 

"Wha-," I start but he guesters for my silents and a younge read-headed girl steps from the shadows. Actually, she looked about my age. 

"I was lucky enough to have a daughter on the 32. You see, I'm part of a conspiracy thearoy group. We are luckey enough to have a spy on the inside of the government, and know that they are planing to wipe out all of America and anyone else they can and scavenge the supplies from the ruens to make more goods. Its pretty messed up, but all they care about is money these days."

I look at her in aw. Then at him. I suddenly became suspicious. "How do I know I can trust you? That my mother didn't hire you to keep on eye on me?"

The man smiled. "We are here to defeat the goverment and save the world of its crises. Me and Golddust are collecting an army of specials before the goverment finds you

 Of course they will get a few but we can defeat them. If it comes to that."

"How do you know my name?" I snarle.

Suddenly the girl bent over, clutching her head. I saw her pail yellow eyes swirl with gold light and her vines start widening and turning deep gold. 

"Golddust what do you see?" The man whispered, bending low.

"A-another special. In the plains of Colorado. Her name......" 

submitted by Claaws
(September 8, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

Name: Marríca

Age: 13

Appearance: Long black hair in a braid that turns red at the ends. Short, with olive skin. You could say she looks latino. Dark brown eyes that look like they have flames in them.

Personality: Short tempered, reckless, ready to challenge anyone, impulsive and brash, but smart and quick. Not terribly strong.

What you think your power is: Well, once when she was sitting in science class wating for the teacher to discover her unfinished homework, it suddenly burst into flames, and then reached over and gave the teacher a small burn on her hand. She was suspended for three days.

Where you live: Same as everyone else, I guess.

Other: Hope I'm not too late!

submitted by The Riddler, age 843.946, Here
(September 10, 2016 - 11:10 am)

NOOOO!!! I was just about to finish my post and then my computer shut down and it got deleted! :(

:(:(:(:(:(:( Iḿ going to take a break and regather my creativity, and then try to mmake another post. 

submitted by Kestrel
(September 10, 2016 - 3:10 pm)

Hey guys! Hope it's not too late to join! This looks awesome, Windswift! Here's my charrie.

Name: Telsa Raybon

Age: 13

Appearance: Light blue eyes rimmed with silver, light caramel hair that is slowly turning a shiny platinum, from the roots down. She's very pale.

Personality: Very shy and secretive. Is a kind, brave person, although she can act a bit cold to those who don't really know her. Loves metal, and is fascinated with anything to do with the old, electrical world.

What you think her power is: She's been homeschooled for her entire life. Once, she was home alone working, and she got a strange tingling sensation along her spine. Then, everything metal in the room rushed towards her. She screamed and put her hands up, and everything stopped midair and dropped to the floor. She put everything back, and didn't tell her mother. Another time, she was caught in a lightning storm. She stood under a tall tree that was struck by lighting. Instead of being killed, she felt a strange energy rushing through her. When she went home and touched a power outlet, the entire neighborhood lost power. (I'm not sure which of these powers she will have; I'll decide later.)

Where you live: She lives with her mother, and she just left her old home in Washington becuase the neighbors were getting suspicious. 

Other: She has suspicions that she was born on the 32nd, but she's not quite sure.... Yet. 

submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Flying up a mountain
(September 10, 2016 - 7:56 pm)

Sorry for not posting my Charrie sheet! I could've sworn I did. 

Charrie sheet:

Name: should be a little extra normal or extrodanaryly different

Uh, Daisy.  

Age: you should all be 13 

ok, then.  

Appearance: you should all have a strange facture ex: golden hair, cat like eyes, frosty skin, sharp nails, bright green eyes....

almond shaped, gold eyes (NOT YELLOW, PEOPLE. GOLD.) really, really dark red lips. Brown hair that waves and curls into loose ringlets, highlighted with gold streaks. She never wears makeup, because she looks like she had it on anyways 


mysterious, thoughtful, smarter than people think, quiet but can become a raging storm when angry. Generally nice but standoffish. Distrusts everyone and doesn't believe in friends. Very unconnected to her family. 

What you think your power is: (it can change) 

Can change the substance of things; for example, she has accidentally changed a pen into pure gold. Usually she changes things into some kind of metal, but she can't control the power and is frightened of it. Her personality, though, lets her lock it up inside of herself and try to forget it. 

Where you live: (it all hast to be in basically the same area like in the mountain or on a beach) or you can move to where everyone else is when you hear about the others. 

Where Everyone Else is. 

Other: no crushes for her, this time. 


submitted by Daisy
(September 10, 2016 - 11:07 pm)

It might be too late to join, if so, this post didn't happen.


Name: Rose Black

Age: you should all be 13

Apperance: Long curly red hair. By red I mean RED. A bit of an orangy red, but still way brighter then normal. Tall. Her eyes, which are hazel, have a bit of iris in the pupil.

Personality: Introverted with people she doesn't know, not with people she does. She's not a "popular" kid But she does have friends. Will be sarcastic and things like that with her friends. Not good with dealing with other people's feelings.

What you think your power is: Has tarnished silverware and other metal. A bottle of bleach she was holding once burst all over her brother when she was angry at him. 

Where you live:Colorado

Other: If I can join, should she have just moved here from somewhere else, hence her showing up in the middle?

submitted by Rose B., age 13, Home
(September 12, 2016 - 2:52 pm)

We didnt' realy start yet, so she doesn't have to move from somewhere else, though she can. Everyone, please post!

submitted by Alexandra
(September 13, 2016 - 3:09 pm)

Cool, thanks! I think I'll have moved because I''ve thught of a way I'll get told for that.



I stare after Mom as she leaves the room, my mouth hanging open. Then I realize I'm about to drool. I quickly shut my mouth. Dad starts to walk into the room, sees my face, and leaves. My parents start to talk as I walk to my bedroom-to-be.  I sit down on the floor. Now Mom? I think. You had to tell me now, right after we moved?  Now, when we just left all our friends? Now, when I don't even have a place to go to be by myself? This was quite possablely the worst time she could have picked to tell me the truth. That I was not born on the 31st, but the 32nd. That I was a special. At least it would explain the silverware. And the bleach bottle. I smile slightly at the memory. It took forever to clean up, but the look on Nick's face was priceless. Though my face probably was also. I wonder what my... There's no point in doing it this way. You always think better when you're working. I sigh, grt up and go off to get paiting stuff. 

submitted by Rose B.
(September 14, 2016 - 10:19 am)
Ok, here's my first post for Tesla. Also...... Has anyone noticed that after writing for a while, everything starts glitching and being slow? Or is that just me?
The night air is freezing against my bare skin, and I pull my scratchy woolen sweater down even further over my arms. The stars shine, frosty pinpoints of light that have nothing to do with us insignificant humans, and I walk even faster home, because somewhere in my brain I'm worried that the stars are watching me with wary eyes, testing to see if I'm doing something...... extraordinary. I shiver, stumble on a rock, and curse this place they call Colorado. I miss Seattle, with the beautiful weather and colors...... But alas, that is no more. I finally spot my home, the old roof appearing to say inward, the old timbers flaking paint, and the windows streaming light. I hastily push open the door, and see my mother sitting there, nursing a cup of tea in mug that says "Im confused, but oh wait, maybe I'm not". I grin. "The old confusion mug, eh mom?" She looks up at me, and forces a watery smile. "Suppose so. It's the only thing I could find in all of this." She sweeps an arm around the room, indicating the rows of unpacked boxes that line the walls. I give a sigh. We've only been here for two weeks, and haven't even begun to unpack. I'm about to go upstairs, when my mom calls me. "Tess! Wait a sec, honey, I need to talk to you." I turn around, my stomach filled with a sudden dread, and sit down next to her on the couch that sits like an island in a sea of boxes, a ship of familiarity in a sea of uncertainty. My mom breaks the news to me gently. "Tess, I'm not going to be able to homeschool you this year. This new job...... It's so busy, that I can't away for even an entire day. I'm so sorry, honey, but it's the only way we can stay on our feet." I stare into my mom's tired eyes, bloodshot and surrounded by dark circles, and force a smile. "It's ok, mom. I'm sure I'll like school." My mom's eyes get misty, and she dabs them away. "You're so brave, Tess. I'm so sorry that life has to go like this. You're too young." I shrug. "It's really fine, mom, I'll be all-". Just then, a familiar tingling sensation goes through me. I take a sharp breath and, heart beating, run outside. This can't be happening...... Not again. "Mom! Get out! It's an earthquake!" My mom's eyes light up with terror, and she runs out behind me. Yet still, disaster follows. Metal objects start to fly towards us, breaking out of their cardboard boxes and flying at me. I scream, my body alive with a pulse that won't stop...... until my mother says "Tess! Calm down! Take a few deep breaths." I trust my mother with all my mind, and although I think she must be stark raving mad to tell me to calm down when there are frying pans are flying at my head, I force myself to take a few deep, calming breaths. Instantly, the rain of metal objects flying towards us stops. I open my eyes, and turn to my mother. "Tess, inside. We need to talk about some....... things." Over the next half hour, my mother tells me that I was born on the 32nd. She said that for my whole life, I've been having spells where I would become a living magnet, and she thinks that someone saw something when we were in Washington. She took the first job she could find, and we were off to Colorado. She says that that must have been the worst incident that's happened to me ever, and that she found out that she could stop it by forcing me to calm down. "At least, when you were a baby. I didn't know about now, because I thought the incidents had stopped." I look down, ashamed. "I didn't want to worry you any more." She sighs, and embraces me in a hug. "Oh, Tess. You're so grown up for a thirteen year old. Just, try to control yourself at school, ok?" I nod, and go up to bed. When I am brushing my hair out in the old, cracked mirror, I notice that a small section of my hair has turned platinum silver all the way down to the end, instead of just staying at the roots of my hair like usual. I sigh. Every time I get attacked by cutlery, my reward is to have my hair turn more silver, which draws more attention to my silvery hair. I sigh again, and flop into bed. I love my life. 
submitted by Autumn Leaves , age Shadowmoon, Changing my name
(September 14, 2016 - 7:06 am)



I turned a page of the book, even though my eyelids were dragging with exhaustion. "C'mon, Myrrh," I murmured, yawning. "You can do it. Only seven more pages to go..." Six... now five... four... three... two... as I finished the last assigned page, I tossed the science book aside with a groan of triumph and allowed my eyes to close, after glancing quickly at my clock. 11:30 p.m., ugh. I can't believe I had this much homework. At least now I can go to sleep--

Suddenly, light flooded the room as my mother threw open the door. "MOM." I said, rolling over onto my stomach. "IT IS NIGHT. I AM TIRED. LET ME SLEEP." My mom didn't say anything in response, just sat down on my bed.

"Myrrh..." she started. I was still lying facedown, but I shifted into a sitting position when I heard how quiet she sounded.

"Yeah, mom?" I said. She bit her lip, her hands fidgeting.

"I have something to tell you... oh Myrrh, this isn't easy, but you need to know. You weren't born on the 31st of July. You were born on..."

"The 32nd," I whisper in shock.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(September 15, 2016 - 12:44 pm)

This took me forever to write, so I hope it's good. It also got deleted multiple times. So If it's not good, I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself.


I’m running. Sprinting through the forest. My kingdom. My safe place. I know every inch of this mountainside. I’ve lived here all my life, free to roam to my heart’s content. I’m a Special. All my life, I’ve been That Girl That Was Only A Minute Away From Special. Now I know. I’m Special. I reach the destination that I subconsciously chose, throwing off my sweater and shoes. Then, more carefully, I take my silver dagger, the only thing my father left for me, out of it's hiding place in a secret compartment near my heart. Setting it down gently, I then take three running steps and throw myself over the edge. I spread my arms. I’m flying. I watch the waterfall rush past me, willing gravity to help me race it. Or maybe not gravity. Maybe, for once in my life I can stand with pride and try defying gravity. I focus on the perpetual itch between my shoulder blades, now knowing what it may be. The water rises in my sight, closer and closer. The fall is only 15 feet. I begin to raise my arms, so as to hit the water in a dive. I begin to take in a breath, only for it to become a gasp as large, feathered wings burst from my back. The feeling of freedom that came with my wings was incredible, and moving them came naturally, like breathing. I soared up to the tree tops, then allowed myself to plummet close to the water. My movements felt quick and I moved through the air as quickly as a falcon. And, I noticed, the wings were warm. I hadn’t realized how cold I had been until I felt heat. After I’d finished experimenting with my wings, I landed back at the top of the waterfall. After a few minutes of examining these new extensions of myself, I learn that they are shaped similarly to an owl’s wings, but large enough that they seem to trail behind me and nearly touch the ground. They are coloured similarly to a kestrel’s wings- browns, whites, black speckles sprinkled throughout the white patches, and shades of red and blue woven into the feathers. They’re beautiful, Lyria! I jump and look around, momentarily startled by the sound of my twin sister’s voice in my head. This has always been something my sister and I could do- communicating and finding each other through an odd mental connection. No one else knows, and we’ve always believed it had something to do with the fact that we came into the world at the exact same time. Falia! You scared me! And… Thanks. How do you see me? Where are you? I close my eyes as I’m saying this, and see myself, from above. Confused, I look up and study the trees carefully. I’m the falcon. Falia tells me, just as I spot her. In seconds, I am hovering in front of her. Transform. I tell her. She does, this time into a monkey. She begins making silly faces and I laugh. Humanize! I command, through my giggles. Suddenly, my sweet, sassy, lovable twin sister is sitting in front of me on the tree branch, laughing. “What else can you do?” I ask her, once we’ve calmed down. 

Falia hesitates. “ I’m not sure, yet. So far, I can only transform into things. If I visualized myself as a bright pink monkey, that’s what I would have looked like. But I’d rather keep myself looking like a natural animal,” she adds as an afterthought. 

“Well, then we can discover our powers together, then,” I smile.

Falia grins.

“Like always.” we say at the exact same time, which causes us to burst into a fit of giggles again. My twin and I, we’re children at heart. We will never grow up, no matter how much trouble we get into for our mischief.

Suddenly, we hear rustling in the bracken. I reach for my dagger, panic when it’s not there. Then I remember- I left it on the ground with my other possessions. 


DUN DUN DUUUNNNN! Who is causing this rustling of the bracken? I don't know. We may find out. 

submitted by Kestrel
(September 16, 2016 - 12:22 pm)


It is dark where I live.

The Man, the person who keeps me locked in this place, comes once an hour. Ever since I started exhibiting my abilities, I've lived here: a dim room, in a dim institution.

My powers are growing stronger by the day.

Perhaps someday I will escape this place. 

submitted by Brookeira
(September 16, 2016 - 3:52 pm)

I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out because of school stuff. . .  anyone can have my charrie though. . . 

submitted by September
(September 16, 2016 - 4:53 pm)

Hey does anyone want to b the next one that Golddust finds? Also please post and top this.....

submitted by Tttttttooooooooopppp, Claaws
(September 17, 2016 - 10:19 pm)

TOP! Also, I could be, if you want. 

submitted by Kestrel
(September 18, 2016 - 6:08 am)