We go to

Chatterbox: Inkwell

We go to

We go to a School for Good and Evil. We come from a long line of heros villians. We need ten characters to start the adventure. Here's mine,

Name: Mabel Frost

Age: 13

Gender: Female

School: The School for Good.

Parents: Goldilocks and Jack Frost 

Apperance: Long bluish-white hair in a bob, crystal blue eyes, no freckles, pixie-like ears, ghost pale skin.

Personality: Will do whatever it takes to protect her friends, tomboy, outgoing.

Fingerglow: Blue

Clothes: When not in uniform, she wears blue shirt with a fur vest or a blue sweater.

Talents: Inherited her dad's power of ice. She has the power to turn invisible.   


submitted by Inkheart, age 11, The Middle Earth
(September 2, 2016 - 2:26 pm)

My hair, pinned back in a simple fish tail braide, my clothes, as always (for school at least,) a pitch black top, dark blue shorts, plum high heeled boots, and a snowflake necklace that never melted. my typical schoold day outfit, enough to satisfy my "Mother" the snow queen, without actually giving any actual thought as to what I'm doing. And finally, as a sign of difference, I clip on my golden owl earings, I may not have known who my mother was, but I know enough to make up an appereance. in my mind she had short, sandy blonde hair, pale skin and deep gray eyes maybe like me, but, I have absulatly no clue what my father was like, or what he looked like. "Come on Ashlee! your going to be late, and not in the good way!" TSQ (the snow queen) yelled. I throw in anything I think i might need, into my bag, then run downstairs.

TSQ's car pulls up into the parking lot of the school for Evil, "DO your worst," she said with a laugh. I smile then hop out of the car to meet up with the fist reader to come to the school, who just so happens to be my BFF Skyler, she's sly smart and Evil. I see her runnning over in a dark blood red top pale blue jeens and black flats.

"Ash! there you are!" she said out of breathe. Oh, if anything, I start to think to myself, I would have just teloparted to my class, no harm done, giving my teacher a neer heart attack from shock right?

"Uhg, Skyler, honestly? who said your welcome here?" Marya scoffed. Marya, was one of the best students, whitchs also makes her the evilest, whitch you might know as the wicked witch of the west.

"WOW, Marya, trying to hide something you stole?" I start and she scowls at me confsed. I point to her face, "you know, with all that makeup you could hide an elaphant," I say simply. she growls then says something I miss, becuase I see someon way more interesting than Marya. A tall, tan, jet black haired boy, walkes up to me.

"This is the school for evil, right?" he says. I heared Skyler mumble something like what was your first clue? the big EVIL IS WHAT WE DO sign on the billboard?  under her breathe, I smile, mentally rolling on the floor laughing, I open my mouth to answer, but Marya jumps infront of me cutting me off before I start.

"it sure is, Cutie! who might you be?" she asked in such a fake sweet tone I think I got a cavaty.

"Oh me?" he says like hes flattered, typical, Marya gets all the boys worshipping at her feet, why would this one be any different? even if he was kinda cute, not that I look for those things when i see someone, I just I guess I just notticed thats all. "I'm, not interested," he said. Marya's shocked look made it to hard to ignore. I burst into a fit of laughter, witch made Skyler laugh, witch made Marya mad, the last thing before I see a violet shade of a scally tale,  was Skyler running off, how dare she. I end up in a fountain, and I see Marya and her crew sashay off leaving me soaked and the new guy surprised.

"Y-You R-really are n-new," I say shivering as the freezing water nips at my bonesm the place where he grabbed my hand to help stayed hot like fire, strange for a daughter of the snow queen.

"What do you mean?" He says, I bring my arms up and try to hug myself back to warmth, he seemes to notice, and takes his jacket of and offers it to me, I take it without thinking twice.

"That," I say. I feel a sudden heat sweep across me as I pull my arms threw the jacket. it was big but warm as a toaster. "Normally, Evils don't try to be nice," I explain.

"well then exuse my cluelesness, I'm the transfer student from Good school, Percy, son of Hercules," my smile falters, If an Evil loves a Good, it doesn't normaly end well.

"Ashlee, daughter of-of un known," I say. he stared at me wide eyed.

"Ashlee?" he said, I nod. "I know your parents. 

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, boarding school
(September 12, 2016 - 10:39 pm)

Top top top

submitted by Jane, age 11, Boarding school
(September 13, 2016 - 5:37 pm)


submitted by Abby, age 11, (AKA Annabeth C)
(September 15, 2016 - 8:48 am)

Sorry, everyone, I'm gonna drop out. I'm really busy with school stuff. :(

submitted by KtG
(September 15, 2016 - 11:36 am)

DANG. I wish I joined this RP when I could! This seems AMAZING.

Oh, woe is me. Oh well, this looks really cool. I hope everyone enjoys playing this, because the idea is really good. =)

"zero." Oh gosh!!!!!! Frederic!!!!!!1 YOU JUST SPOKE A REAL WORD!!!!! I'm so proud.

Peace, Love, and Pie


submitted by Chinchilla, age Who Knows?, The Library
(September 15, 2016 - 2:28 pm)

oh great, he was one of those people, "Ashlee, *HEAVE HEAVE* I am your father," that gets very annoying very quikly. "Percy, if your mocking me I swear," I trail off and a flurry starts above him, he smiles.

"Of course, what's scarier then snow, am I right Elsa?" that was also a thing that gets annoying fast, Elsa. I scowl, which just makes him laugh. I look into his deep sky blue eyes, the way his hair flitters in the wind is almost mezmarizing... NO, I am NOT falling for this, this...Good! no way no how. I stare down at my shoes, soaked, and nothing I could do. I look back at Percy,who had collapsed on the ground, seeming to be asleep.

"Well, severs him right, for being a Good," Marya said smiling, a light pink glow still visable on her fingers. "Now that's for coming here, hmmm, for insulting me, I'll be sure to tell the whole shcool who our new student really is, our arch enemy Hercules's son, yes that will be good." I stared at he a bit scared, I have to admitt. she stares at me most likely reading my mind whitch annoyed me evin more than Elsa. "Honsetly, hon, I promise I'll wake him up if he means so much to you, I'll just let the entire school know that Ashlee so called dauter of our queen, is in love with a Good, your mother would just be ever so happy to hear that right," silance. "Really, you think that i'm not his true love? what? you think someone like you could be able to wake him up go hahead make a fool of yourself trying, it would make a great video, daughter of queen tries to save Good, but fails, since even her mother's hench snowmen, don't like her," I honestly wanted to slap her. she walked of cakaling like her evil mother. and I looked down at Percy, I knelt beside him my fingers gently brushing his arm, then jetting away, not only was his skin freezing cold, I was making a huge mistake, I shouldn't care what happens to him, he's a Good and I'm an Evil, we littaraly come from two different worlds, but then again, I think I actually liked him, and as insane as it sounds, I wanted to stare into his blue eyes, wanted him to call me Elsa, i wanted anything but this errie silance. the bell rung signaling classes starting, i didn't care I just stared down at Percy son of Hercules, laying asleep, for who knows how long, in front of my Evil school.

"Well at least try!" I jumped up afraid it was Marya, it was the compleate opposite, Skyler stood a few feet away staring at me, "Go on, I know you like him," that was true, I had always liked him from the first time I saw him in fifth grade. I leaned over, almost in a trance, and my lips breefly touched his, i jumped up, relizing what I just did, but also, kinda wanting to do it again, I look back, but Skyler's gone, which is impossible, unless, unless I made it up, a halusnation, was Percy one too, I spun around, and saw Percy, but also Marya, with her phone out grinning like a mad woman. but he expression changed when Percy started to stir Marya ran.

Percy looked up at me smiling like he knew exactly what happened. "you drool when you sleep," manage, he grins, and opens his mouth, but both our phones buzz at the same time, a text from the one and only Mayra. It shows me and Percy, no Skyler, in video.

"Oh my gods," he whispers.

"I, I'm sorry," i sqeak, I'd like to beleive that it only went to me and Percy, but I know better it at least made it to our parents.

"My sister's going to kill me," he said, of course, Violet the one girl who does everything right and thinks that all the Evils where the couse of global disaters.

I teleport home after waiting an hour for a mom that never came. scared of what will happen when I get in, I try to sneack past her, but the odds have never been in my favour. "Ashlee...what, do you have to say for yourself?" she said. I try to run to my room and close the door, but a gust of wind blows the door open. and TSQ walks in, red with anger. "Aren't ou even going to try to explain?!" she screeches. I'm backed up against the wall no esacape and I was scared, TSQ had never gotten mad at ME before. I try to dodge her but she grabs my arm, I wince as her sharp nails dig deep down into my arm drawing blood. "Well?" she says through gritted teeth. I shake my head, terrafied. she racks her fingers down my arm, from the arm of my tee-shirt  to my wrist. I wince at the pain stronger then i thought possible, I stare down at the 5 deep red open gashes on my arm. "If  I ever see you with that, that, that BOY again-"

"i won't, I wont!" I cut her off, she seemed satified that she had hurt me physicly and mentaly.


submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(September 15, 2016 - 6:33 pm)

Top top top top top top

submitted by Annabeth c, age 11, Boarding school
(September 17, 2016 - 11:24 am)

top top top top

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, (AKA Annabeth C)
(September 19, 2016 - 9:12 am)

she stood there clearly steaming mad, but only I would know, she hides her emotion pretty well, but not to me, I know her well enough.

"How could you?" her voice soft like a bird, but screaming with rage. I give her a sad smile. "honestly, tell me why would you do this?" she stares at me, "Percy!" her voice cracks, there first time in history Violet yelled, somebody get the presadent this internation news. 

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(September 20, 2016 - 7:33 pm)

Come on guys this is a really good thread, and I'm the only one posting please join!!!!!

submitted by please post!!!, age 11, (AKA Annabeth C)
(September 21, 2016 - 7:31 pm)


Tiger and I stand at the edge of the moat, watching people trickle in. Most are smart enough not to make eye contact with me, but obviously, Ashlee and Skyler are lacking in some brains. They’d make excellent mogrifs. Tiger snorts, and I look at Ashlee more closely. She’s not even wearing her uniform, and is instead wearing what she must think is a “fashionable outfit.” As for Skyler—I can’t stand her. They both walk in, strutting like models, and I can’t resist the urge to say something. 

“Um, Skyler? Who said you were welcome here?” 

"WOW, Marya, trying to hide something you stole?” Aw, she’’s trying to defend her friend. I point to her face, "you know, with all that makeup you could hide an elephant," I snarl, ready with my comeback, when Ashlee’s attention turns to a boy who she apparently thinks is cute. Perfect. I put on my sweetest voice. 

“Is this the School for Evil?I’m a transfer student.” he asks. 

"it sure is, cutie! who might you be?" I almost gag at the sound of my voice, and resist the urge to burst out laughing when he responds,” It is? I’m not interested.” 

Ashlee bursts out laughing, and I whip around to glare at here. I transform into a dragon in quicker than the blink of an eye, and use my tail to whack her into one of the fountains. 

“Serves her right.” whispers Tiger. 

But when she finally gets out of the fountain, I’m there waiting. She talks to him, and I do think she’s falling head over heels in love. Typical Good behavior, but perfect Evil ammunition. 

In the middle of her sweet conversation, I shoot a sleeping spell at him. He collapses immediately, and I sashay over to Ashlee, making sure she can see the indigo glow on my fingertips. “Well, serves him right for being a Good.” Ashlee looks indignant. I cackle. 

"Now that's for coming here, and for insulting me, I'll be sure to tell the whole school who our new student really is. Our Nemesis Hercules's son." Ashlee looks a tiny bit scared. One point for me, zero for Ashlee. “Honestly, hon, I promise I'll wake him up if he means so much to you. I’ll just let the entire school know that Ashlee, the so-called daughter of one of the most successful villains  is in love with a Good. Your mother would just be ever so happy to hear that, right?“ I glare at her, silently defying her.  "Really, you think that Evil can fall in love? What? You think someone like you, with a so-called heart of darkness could be able to wake him up? Go ahead, make a fool of yourself trying, it would make a great video. Daughter of the Snow Queen tries to save Good, but fails, since she’s pure evil.” I make a mock surprised face at her. “Or maybe you’ll succeed. And show the world who you actually are, Good-lover. “ And with that, I turn on my heel and pretend to walk off. Instead, I hide behind a bush that mysteriously appeared within the last minute, and watch Ashlee. 

She leans over to kiss him. The nerve of that girl! Luckily, I catch all the footage on camera, and within minutes, it’s sent to every Evil resident within a million kilometers. Revenge is the best success. 


submitted by September
(September 22, 2016 - 10:28 pm)

I telaport to school. Skyler stands there waiting for me. clearly unnerved. "hey, she says. I wave, and walk over to her.

"On a scale of one to ten ten-"

"Ten being the highest? eleven."

great Sky only breaks the scale when something is really bad.


I walk over to my locker, right across from Drew, daughter of the evil queen. "Hi, good lover,"  she spat. I grabed my books and walked away, dreading my first class, that was with Mayra. I walk the halls knowing I still had fourteen minutes till class.

"Ashlee!" I heard someone call my name, and i turned. Percy was walking towered me, and people where staring I sped up my pace and walked faster. "Stop," he grabbed my arm, and i winced, "What? what's wrong?" he said seeing my pain.

"Nothing, just leave me alone." I say pulling free and walking away, a tear glinding down my cheek 

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(September 23, 2016 - 5:16 pm)
submitted by TOPPY!!!!
(September 26, 2016 - 7:43 pm)