Monster RP!F
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Monster RP!F
Monster RP!
Far away, there is a civilization of monsters who were captured and taken away, far away into the wilderness to die. Only they didn't die, and the humans who took them there knew that. Now, there are many monsters there in the wilderness, their own civilization, waiting for the right time to get their revenge. Revenge against the humans. And that time is coming, soon. Soon, the monsters will meet the humans again.
And the humans know that. Children are afraid to sleep at night, afraid that the monsters will come in the night and take them away. Men are making weapons all day long to fight the monsters with. And everyone is worried and scared.
But there are some who know that both are innocent, and that both have a reason to be angry. Long ago, monsters destroyed villages, killed innocent people, before they were taken away. These people consist of both monsters and humans, and they want to stop the war that will come soon. But it will be hard, especially hard for them. Because they are all children, and no one listens to children.
You have to be one of the children. They will start in their own civilizations, then as the story goes on, run away and meet each other somewhere between their civilizations. You can have two charries, but one has to be a monster, and the other a human. Oh, and please don't let this die! There aren't many living RPs anywhere anymore! :(
Name: Mosslinga (Nickname is Moss)
Monster or Human?: Monster
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Tall, skinny. Greenish brownish skin, kind of a disgusting color, messy, short, dark green hair. Large, cattish, green eyes. Basically Joy from Inside Out with dark green hair and puke green skin, I guess.
Personality: An introvert, likes to keep to herself, a bit shy but suspicious of strangers, has no family, and as far as she knows, she's been living alone for her whole life. Usually has her arms crossed.
Other: Nothing.
My other charrie:
Name: Hannah Stone
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: Light brown hair in a two braids, blue eyes, fair skin, some freckles. Average hight, a little bit fat.
Personality: Motherly toward her younger brother Jacob, mature.
Other: Grew up in a regular family, had a happy life
(August 25, 2016 - 4:23 pm)
NAME: Cassandra Jackson (goes by cass or Cassie)
AGE:12 (one week away from therteen)
APPERENCE: long honey blonde hair stormy gray eyes and bonches of freckles, strip of hair dyid hot pink
PERSONALITY: a bit of a book worm but she is very talkative she is resposible but can be, in her twin brother's opinion (if someone wants to make her twin brother they can, i'm not going to) a bit annoying, she's funny and would give her life for her best friends
OTHER: she has been in secret contact with a monster named Vallary (if this isn't allowed forget I wrote it)
NAME: Vallory deyed (pronounced De-Yed)
MONSTER OR HUMAN: Monster (she's a vampire)
AGE:520 but doesn't look a day over fourteen
APPERENCE: pale complexion, deep dark blue eyes and dark purple and black long straite hair
PERSONALITY: she acts and looks like you regular fourteen year old she nice and believes that war would destroy the monster's lifes littaraly she wants to stop them but she cant she has a couple friends and she isn't the most open person she is quite shy but when you get he rto open up you can't get get her to stop talking.
OTHER:she has been in secret contact with a human Cassandra (again if this isn't allowed then forget I wrote this
(August 26, 2016 - 1:02 pm)
Name: Chlora Nai
Appearance: Blue skin, gills, sea green eyes. Kelp-like hair, webbed fingers, flipper-like toes.
Personality: Smart, kind, and calm. A tad passive.
Other: Grew up in her home, a stream. She is a Naiad, a water spirit.
(August 27, 2016 - 8:23 am)