Alien RP&nbs
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Alien RP&nbs
Alien RP
I had an idea that I should make a RP where we can all be aliens, each a different type. We work on a starship called the Evernaut.
Make up your alien species.
DO NOT include aliens from fandoms or base these on aliens from fandoms.
No OPness. Don't give them superpowers; if they have gills or tough skin, that's OK, but please no stuff like telepathy (unless they don't have mouths and that's their only means of communication or whatever).
Name: Ahqha Hellore
Age: 15
Species (PROVIDE A DETAILED DESCRIPTION): A species called the Naman Oro, called Angler People by humans and other English-speaking alien species. The Naman Oro look like humans but for their big completely blue-green eyes (no Iris, pupil, just blue-green), their green, blue, or white hair, and their hinge-mouth. Their hinge-mouth is hidden underneath their chin, and can only open if they tilt their head back. Their hinge-mouth stretches across their entire neck and has a long, prehensile tongue. The Naman Oro also have a lure on their head and webbed fingers and feet. They have gills and live underwater on their home planet Zaqhqaz. Their language, Vokov, is completely palindromic (the words are spelled the same forwards and backwards). They have bioluminescent (naturally glowing) swirls on their arms and back that look like teal tattoos in normal air but glow in darkness.
Personality: Like many in her species, Ahqha is extremely bright. She is wise but adventurous, and generally in tune with her emotions.
Appearance: Pure white skin, bioluminescent markings, pale blue hair. Wears the traditional blue unitard of her species.
Position on ship: Head of sciences. (Positions are scientist, head engineer, engineer, captain, and strategist).
(August 21, 2016 - 4:16 pm)
Reserve me a spot!!! I'll work on a picture while I'm away....
(August 22, 2016 - 12:06 pm)
Fun! I like the idea of a hinge-mouth, Brooke.
Name: Polo Quarren
Age: 29
Species: Dualmembra (I'm so awesome, I used Latin). Dualmembrae come from a planet called Xerox and are very much like what their name would be translated to. Firstly, they have four arms-- two on either side of the body. Secondly, their bodies are very skinny but tall. They usually have a grey skin tone and very little hair (which refers to eyebrows as well), if any at all. They have two long, thin necks that lead to heads. Their limbs (they only have two legs) are the strongest parts of their bodies, the legs being very thick but not very long. The necks are thin but very strong and incredibly flexible. Here's the catch, though: Dualmembrae are practically deaf. They have an inner ear-- as in, basically just a hole in the head-- which has difficulty understanding most languages, as Dualmembrae themselves speak a language that is very loud, echo-y, and stressed. Therefore, they have to wear inner earpieces if they want to understand what others are saying.
Personality: A bit of a genius. Very smart and incredibly talkative, Polo enjoys showing off and is a bit of a flirt. He does have mood swings, but this often only happens to one head, and sometimes it seems like you're talking to two people. He's very eager to assist and prove himself. He's kind of playful and enjoys having his heads finish each other's-- "Sentences!"
Appearance: Like most Dualmembrae, Polo has an ashy-grey skin tone, two heads, and four arms. He has no hair on his heads, and so his earpieces are obvious-- large golden things that wrap around the back of his heads and into his ears (the two earpieces aren't connected, though-- one for each head). He usually wears a darker grey shirt with holes for the arms which is sleeveless and has high collars (which kind of droop around his thin necks). He also wears the same color jeans, usually covered with oil. He's taller that most of the people on board.
Position on Ship: Head engineer.
(August 22, 2016 - 8:51 pm)
Here's a picture of Ahqha!:
(you may need to right click and say "Open in New Tab")
(August 23, 2016 - 9:18 am)
(August 24, 2016 - 7:40 am)
TOPTOPTOP! I'm really looking forward to this!
(September 1, 2016 - 6:37 pm)
The thread will move! To the front page!
Brooke, if people don't join in a few more days, could we start this with only us three? I really want to do this RP, 'cause I'm really excited about using Polo.
*shoves thread a little further*
(September 7, 2016 - 1:44 pm)
Top! This must be seen! Heard! Written on! Whatever!
(September 12, 2016 - 4:28 pm)
(September 12, 2016 - 4:29 pm)