Chatterbox: Inkwell
This is my first RP so let's make it about superpowers! Karen Quincy (my character) is the founder of The Quad a superhero organization of teens. Only two powers per cherries please don't make a character too 'photoshopped ' unless it's their power. I guess you can date. Here's the layout for the cherrie profile :
Age (10-21):
Backstory (why'd you join The Quad? How'd you get your powers):
Here's mine,
Name: Karen Quincy
Age: 21
Gender: F
Appearance:short black hair, tan skin, overall Asian look except for bright green eyes, muscly.
Personality: curt, doesn't really like taking, likes audiobooks and coloringbooks, doesn't mind fighting as long as she doesn't have to kill anybody.
Powers: elemental & flight
Crushes: haven't found anybody yet
(August 20, 2016 - 1:21 am)
This thread will go to the back of the Inkwell after my post, so I will top it for you. Is this your first thread?
Name: Alexander Zerek
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall for an elleven year old. Has black hair, blue eyes, and never smiles.
Personlity: An oversharpened wit, extreme intelligince, zero social skills. Very arrogent.
Powers: Telepathy and most forms of mind magic.
Crushes: No. No no no no no
No No No no nononononononononononoonononono
Backstory: Was born with power. Joined the squad because he was bored. He has a tendency to be evil, because he is so arrogent and smart, but can be mean, so he makes a lot of enimies, baisicly.
(August 20, 2016 - 8:51 am)
(August 20, 2016 - 9:08 am)
Name: Cleo Hartsworth
Age (10-21): 17
Gender: F
Appearance: long, dark brown hair braided. Has a bronze circlet in her hair, too. Wears bronze dresses with leggings. Brown eyes, and tall and slender. Wears bronze jewelry.
Personality: Refined, dignified, Royal, graceful. She is fairly quiet, is smart, and doesn't laugh very much although she does smile fairly often. She is good natured and kind. Very loyal although no one influences her. Seems to have a sad air about her.
Powers: Can see things in the future if she tries hard enough, and can fly. She only uses her seeing ability if she deems it good. She has very good judgement and will not use it very often!
Backstory (why'd you join The Quad? How'd you get your powers): She wants her powers to be used for good. She only obeys her bosses if she respects them and even then may take matters in her own hands. Doesn't like to be responsible for leading, although if she has too, she will.
Crushes: Maybe... Hopefully... I don't know whose personality would fit with hers, though.
(August 20, 2016 - 9:54 am)
Name: Medusa
Age: Don't ask, but looks around 16-18
Gender: F
Appearance: Things have changed since thousands of years ago. Medusa's skin is a light copper color, with dark green eyes. She's about average height and skinny. Her hair is long, and made up of docile dark green snakes. She wears a one-piece dark blue suit.
Personality: Again, things have changed. Medusa is generally very kind and puts everyone before herself. She feels guilty about her power and strives to remember her own past. She has dedicated her life to defending the people and will not do anything else about it. She doesn't like being controlled. (I'm sorry, I know this sounds shallow, she's much more round once I start using her.)
Powers: Turning people to stone, but only if she wants to. Her suit also contains bolts of energy that can be used for attack, but are powerful, hard to control, and can only be used twice in a row before recharging.
Backstory: If you don't know the story of Medusa, look it up. Anyway, archaeologists in the late 1900s were digging up artifacts in Greece when they came across Medusa's head. The govornment, being the govornment, said, "Hey! Great idea! Let's make this head a body so we can have an epic killing machine!" While doing this, they also altered her power slightly to turn people to stone at will instead of automatically. The suit is also from them. She's a new addition to the Quad, having recently been deployed by her boss to join them.
Crushes: Not all things have changed!
(August 20, 2016 - 12:03 pm)
Did the whole medusa head body thing really happen? Or is it fake? Did you make it up??
(August 20, 2016 - 2:53 pm)
No, it didn't really happen! Don't worry, there is no such thin as Medusa.
(August 21, 2016 - 6:35 am)
It definitely isn't true, don't worry! Medusa's just a myth; I like the idea of a superhero-memory-loss Medusa, so I made a fictional backstory.
Speaking of which, I wanted to add something I forgot to mention: Medusa can only remember her normal life, and then snippets after. She isn't even quite sure if she remembers Perseus.
Also, to add on to the personality (which really is very shallow,) Medusa can be a bit of a smart alec and is generally sarcastic, but only with people she's familiar with.
(August 21, 2016 - 11:26 am)
Name: Isa Quill
Age: Idk
Gender: F
Appearance/ White-blonde hair, freckles, sea greeen eyes. Wears turquoise leather unitard and dyes hair with streaks of turquoise.
Personality: A cross between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers: A genius and flirts (but doesn't mean it) but has a strong moral compass.
Powers: Telekinesis and implosion. Implosion means that she can touch an object and charge it with energy that turns it into a temporary vacuum-thing... it implodes in on itseld, making objects nearby get sucked into the hole-in-reality it makes.
Crushes: Maybe?
(August 20, 2016 - 6:44 pm)
Please tell me I'm not too late!
Matchmaker (Answers to Match, too)
Real name Amora Soren
Dark chocolate hair and eyes, wears black leggings and a chocolate brown floaty skirt and a floatyish red top over it. Medium tall. Hair in a ponytail, with red ribbons woven through it. Eyes underlined with gold curlicues. Carries a dull red pistol and a box of chocolates.
Personality: Playful, confusing, likes being confused. Loves romantic stories, when they involve others. Takes everything in stride, difficult to offend, optomistic, but at the same time can use her childishness tactfully to annoy and confuse others. She lives life, and loves living, though she thinks her presence isn't a great thing on this earth. "I need to be destroyed but I don't want to be! :D" However, she's also incredibly scatterbrained and she talks. A lot. And in a way that you can't tell why she's doing anything or what she's doing. Her train of thought runs too fast and through too strange lands to follow. She sees her "love stories" as a lovely IRL shipfic, and she's not the kindest author...
Powers: The power of looooooooooooooovvvvvvveeee~ no, really. She can use her pistol and/or chocolates to cause two people to fall in love with one another. She can also cause people to act irrationally, as such is the nature of love. However, she can't control what people do under her spell, only influence it. (Gared, is this okay with you? So you have control and I have just this?) She calls anyone under her spell "Matching" and anyone she's already dealt with "Matched."
Backstory: Matchmaker's motives for joining the Quad are unknown, but it's probably because she wanted an excuse to use her powers. And where did they come from? Desire. Desire to control others' love lives... (will expand on later!)
Crushes: Here is the interesting part. Herself, Matchmaker doesn't have a crush, or even an interest in starting a love life. She answers to advances with "Thanks, but I'm too busy worrying about other's love lives to bother about my own~!"
Other: Matchmaker loves candy. And cooking. And making candy. However, the only enchanted candy she has is the candy in her box, so as long as it didn't come out of there you don't have to worry about being Matched.
I am the Matchmaker
And I'm having so much fun~
But my workday's never over, job is never done~!
I promise not to put too much emphasis on Matchmaker's love stories, don't worry!
(August 21, 2016 - 12:54 pm)
She's awesome! You are not too late to join; welcome! I don't think Saila is going to ever appear again later so I'm sorta taking the lead on this. I love romance!!!!!!
(August 22, 2016 - 11:27 am)
Yea, that is fine. Alexander is doing something completely different. Cool character.
(August 22, 2016 - 1:59 pm)
name: brielle forelli
age: 19
apperenace : green eyes long sandy hair freckles fit
personality: stubborn loyal has a bad temper introverted careing to thoses she loves dont want to get on her bad side great at hand to hand combat feels free when she runs athetlic she can be sweet and out going sometimes
powers: fire and can run fast
crushes: no one yet
(August 21, 2016 - 5:46 pm)
Hey guys, this is Daisy. I don't think Saila is going to write on this RP, so I am starting this.
I stride in the room, 15 minutes early. I am here to join the Quad. I have always helped humans with their problems, and finally decided to join an organization. I am seventeen; i started using my powers for good when i was 14.
Why did it take me so long to join an organization, you ask? Because i like to be my own boss. I don't always agree with what other people say for me to think or do. But now is the time to join. I am ready.
In the room there are only two people. One looks older than me, but not by too much. She looks Asian, but her penetrating green eyes gazed at mine, and i felt a cool thrill. Breaking my gaze from her, I notice a very young boy who looks to be around 8. He is short with black hair, and a very grim face.
I walk up to them and hold out my hand. "I'm Cleo." I say. The girl nods and shakes my hand. "Great to have you, Cleo. I am Karen, the founder of the Quad."
The boy ignores my hand. "Alexander." He says shortly, then turns away. It doesn't bother me. I shrug. Karen looks at him and sighs. She pulls me over to the couch, away from him. "That's Alex." she says. "He's 11 and very smart."
I understand. "Arrogant as well?" I laugh. Alexander sends me a surly glance from accross the room. Karen glares at me. She goes back over to Alex.
I suppose i said the wrong thing to her. I should apologize, but just then, another girl enters the room.
(August 22, 2016 - 6:47 am)
I pick theough their minds. They seem surprisingly arrogent themselfes. I guess I should wait before doing anything crazy.
(August 22, 2016 - 10:24 am)
lol, side note: (me! 'Arrogant'? Never!)
have you read the Inheritene series, Gared?
(August 22, 2016 - 2:29 pm)