Lots of Writing

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Lots of Writing

Lots of Writing

Here are parts from my files. There are bits of my RPs, the entire Mystery Thread, and more.

Part One:

Satellite of Love


Fighting zombies was almost too easy. Sure, there was risk, but as Novelist shot her bow at the zombie mob, she was almost laughing. She was running to the Elliot Corp. helicopter, were Cleo and Scylla were fighting against Gared’s superzombies.

The sun disappeared behind a huge, fleshy bulk. It was made from what looked like about 50 individual zombies, and swung swords in about 25 hands, while the remaining appendages clawed at the ground. It looked like some evil sort of bear, with a face that seemed gelatinous. Gared, the scum-eater, rode on it’s back. He was part zombie already, and he seemed to have gone insane while slowly mutating. Scylla was firing her rifle, while a new fighter ran in. Together, Scylla, Novelist, Cleo, and Brooklyn, who had just arrived, fought against the beast. Then Brooklyn fired a piece of explosive from her slingshot, and it hit the superzombie in the face. It reeled back and fell, while Scylla and Cleo pulled out short swords to face Gared with, while Brooklyn and Novelist hauled the wounded helicopter pilot to Portland.

“So” Gared said, twirling two longswords. “We have at last met with fresh eyes.”

“Yea?” Scylla said as she slashed at Gared’s infected arm. “Well all I see is an idiot.” She slammed the sword into his side. Gared crumpled to the floor. But as he fell, the flesh wound closed, and the flesh turned green.

“I would look forward to the dance you promised me.” Gared had already climbed back up.

“Well, I only dance with men. You are not a man.” She said.

Cleo then jumped from atop the helicopter. She landed on GAred, who collapsed.

“Come on. Get in.” A new voice said. A Jeep was standing right next to them. A woman stuck her head out. She looked them over, then the back doors flew open. A boy stepped out from behind a tree. He carried a box of explosives.
“I,” He said. “Call shotgun.” He stepped into the front seat.

submitted by Gared
(August 15, 2016 - 6:59 pm)

Oh, I remember that! When will you psot next?

Regarding the Mystery Thread, will you make Part II a separate thread? 

submitted by Scylla
(August 16, 2016 - 12:10 pm)

Yes. I will make it in a little while.

submitted by Gared
(August 16, 2016 - 5:37 pm)
submitted by *Post, The Top That Spins
(August 16, 2016 - 3:31 pm)
submitted by The Top that Spins
(August 21, 2016 - 11:13 am)

Excerpt from my Ski Lodge


“Halloo!” A coach driver yelled as his carriage whizzed past Brookeria.

“Good morning, sir.” She yelled back at the carriage wheels.

Brookeria looked around, but didn’t see any street signs, or for that matter, clues that could lead her to 221 Baker Street and Sherlock Holmes. She stumbled around in the thick London for, until she ran into a man. He had a thin face, serious eyes, and the unmistakeable double-billed hat of Mr. Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes looked very impressive as he silently stood in a corner, looking like he was waiting for someone. Then the door to 221 Baker Street flew open, and a shorter, blonde man walked into the entrance.

“You have been out almost all day.” Sherlock yelled at the intruder.

“Ah, yes. I was delivering those papers to Scotland Yard. Like. You. Told. Me. To.” The blonde man glared at Sherlock.

“Yes, now I remember.” Sherlock’s face lightened.

“And who is that?”

“A person.”

“Does she have a name?”


“What about you introduce me.” The blonde man was starting to glare again.

“Miss Brookeria, meet Dr. John Watson.” Sherlock said, pointing a hand at the blonde man. “Dr. Watson, meet Miss Brookeria.” He pointed the hand at Brookeria.

“Great, then what about you meet the menagerie, Miss. Brookeria?” Sherlock extended his hand to the sitting room.

“Sherlock, we had the talk about calling people animals.” Watson pointed at the sitting room. “They are humans, not monkeys.”

“Dr. Watson, we had the talk were I told you humans were apes. What about you go make supper.”

“Dinner. Dinner! DINNER!!!!!!!” Watson yelled. “I am your servant now? Go make Ms. Hudson do it.”

“I told you, she is not a servant.”

“But I am?”

“Well, you can not place meat in a stove?”

Ok, I will go cook, because I am your servant.”


When Watson left to the kitchen, grumbling, Sherlock confided to Brookeria: “He is ornery sometimes.”


Exerpt from the Mystery Thread


“Ah, there you are.” Gared’s voice was harsher. He looked pale. His matted hair was almost white, and green algae was growing on his otherwise white skin. His eyes were no longer brown, they were green. It made September feel sick. Gared was in his lab, bending over the unconscious body of September. She had fallen, and was attacked by zombies. Gared was pulling a bottle from his pocket. The liquid inside was clear, with a sort of scum on the top.

“Ahhh” GAred said as he poured the contents of the bottle onto a sponge. “This will turn you into the second zombie made from the spores. These spores will spread, and after growing into a lovely green mushroom, will spread more spores. But the spores also turn any living human into a zombie. The new apocalypse is here.”

Ideas from a fantasy short story "and an RPG" and an idea for a new RPG
I am an elf. I am an elf. I am a monster… I am an elf. I keep moving. The villages always anger me. I can’t fight. But I must. I must fight. This is my curse. War is in the air. I feel the stench of humans everywhere. I must protect nature.

Ultimant RPG

I am back with a new RPG. I have taken a little hiatus, and I am glad to be back.

This is an action RPG, and I need everyone to post quickly and as soon as possible.

Plot: There is a magical boarding school in the woods. Everything is fine and good until a demon lord attacks the school. Students must master their inner powers to fight the evil power.

Character Sheet:



Inner Power;

Favorite Song; (Make this similar to charcater’s personality)





My Character:

Name: James Timathy

Age: 14

Inner Power: Can controll wind and air.

Favorite Song: Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

Personality: Very in controll, dark and brooding. Hates being out in blue skies. Loves the rain. Has a rough temper.

Appearance: Tall, heavily built, with blue hair and angry grey eyes.


submitted by Gared
(September 7, 2016 - 9:06 pm)