Finish the Story

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Finish the Story

Finish the Story Contest

Basically, I'm going to post a story that I wrote but it is unfinished. Now, everyone can finish it in a different way. I'll choose my favorite one.

I'm not going to post my story until I make sure that people like this idea and want to join. Then, I'll post it and the competition will begin! 

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 12, 2016 - 1:56 pm)

I'd join it!

submitted by Oregano, age 18, The spice rack
(August 12, 2016 - 4:36 pm)


submitted by Leafpool
(August 13, 2016 - 2:59 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 13, 2016 - 4:27 pm)

I'll join depending on how long it is. I'm in a lot of contests right now, but if this is short enough I'll probably be able to get it in somehow.

submitted by Scylla
(August 13, 2016 - 4:37 pm)

Awsome idea jack-a-nat!!!!

Totally joiningB-)  

submitted by Windswift
(August 13, 2016 - 5:55 pm)

Yes! Joining!

Elle said 'dmei' Is she looking for the CBer, Mei-xue? 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(August 13, 2016 - 4:50 pm)

This is Jack-a-Nat. 

READ: I actually don't have anything after this, so I am unbiased.



I walk to the Monder's house. They said they would be there. The parents: Diana and Terence. The kids: Sam, age 7; May, age 10; Jimmy, age 5. I'm friends with May because I'm 10 too. The kids and the parents will be waiting for me so we can go to the movies. 

I see their big house. It is made out of orange stone with posted roofs and lots of windows. They have a big wooden door.

I walk to the door and ring the doorbell. 

"Who. Is. It?" a scratchy voice croaked and sighed.

"Leora Swaff."

I hear the door unlock.

"Come. In." 


submitted by The story is here!
(August 13, 2016 - 5:51 pm)
submitted by Maybe..., The Riddler
(August 13, 2016 - 6:02 pm)

Sounds fun! Why not?

submitted by balletandbow , age 13, Moon
(August 13, 2016 - 6:21 pm)
submitted by Kate-the-Great, Sure!
(August 13, 2016 - 9:10 pm)