BeastTamer Adventure

Chatterbox: Inkwell

BeastTamer Adventure

BeastTamer Adventure

Welcome to the most complex story I have made so far. I can only give a breif outline:

You are a villager in a small village. You live by the woods. One day, you are attacked by a StoneBeast. It looks like a boulder, but it has legs and a head and a tail. Monsters like that were sopposed to by exiled by the Bann, a spell that exiled all elementals. Then you learn you have elemental magic, and you have to stop the Bann.

Ok, here is the sheet if you have elemental powers and hate the Bann. Please don't be OP.



Streangth: x/100

Intillect: x/100

What is your job in the village: (Blacksmith, Knight, Farmer, Mercinary, Preist, ECT)

What is your elemental power: (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, ECT)



Also, if you want to help protect the ban, you can't have any elemental power, because the Bann has put a death sentence on the heads of those with elemental power. Fill this out:


Age: (20+)

Weapon of Choice

Position: (Guard, exacutionor, warrior, King, princess, ECT

Intillect: x/100

Strength: x/100



Ok, the story is going to be a lot more cpomplex than it seems. This will be a single writer, and people can join for the whole story, unless to many people  have joined.


submitted by Gared, Vampire
(August 12, 2016 - 11:27 am)

The king sat in his throne of gold, a bloodstained helmet lay at his feet.

“So.” He growled. “Inquisitor Dhampir is dead. How, may I ask?”

The High Priest sat in a corner. “Ah,” The priest began. “It was a… elemental savage. Her name was Klia. She has the curse of water that runs through her veins.”

“Send me to the HuntMen. We march on the city. We burn the city.” The kind yelled.


When the priest left, the king grabbed the dented helmet. He threw it across the room, where it hit a wall.

“Yes, my liege?” I hissing voice echoed from a shadowy corner.

“Qienun, oh demon lord, tell me were these elementals are.” The king whispered.

Out of the corner the body of a humanoid slithered. A human head and chest was attached to a serpent’s body. It’s eyes were white, and they flashed open to reveal eyes completely black.

“Yessssss,” Qienun hissed. “They are in the woods. They are with a prince of mortals: a vampyre. He has the will of an ox, and the sly wit of the assassin that seeks the head of a traitor. We demons know him well. He is a pupil of Avin-Avina, daughter of Rogerouse the Vile One. He is Alexander.”

“Good,” The kind murmured. “Kill them all.”


Alexander lead the small party through the woods. He lead them to a ruined castle. The battlements had long fallen prey to the elements, and a great part had collapsed. A solitary figure stood at the gate.

Elysia held a small flame in each hand. Even without the aura of cold around Selena, the place was cold.

THe figure at the gate swung a longsword from hand to hand. She had dark skin, and her eyes burned a vengeful red. She hefted the sword, then jumped into the air, landing before Alexander.

“You have come back: Master Klyn-Ezra.” The woman said. She wore a blood red toga, with long sleeves, and a black jacket. Her hair was long, and fell unbraided on her back.

“Indeed, Master Avin-Avina. The Bann is growing in popularity. I have brought more elementals. This is no longer a fight for our kind alone.” Alexander replied.

“Great. But why are you called Klyn-Ezra?” Florle cut in.

“That is my true name. Alexander is a nickname.” Alexander replied.

“It is the truth. Now please enter the stronghold of the the Night.” Avin-Avina requested.

submitted by Gared, Vampyre
(August 13, 2016 - 4:28 pm)

Ha ha this probably wasn't on purpose, but you missplelled king as "kind" right after he told the priest to burn the city.

submitted by The Riddler
(August 13, 2016 - 5:08 pm)

I should have paid attention more to that spellcheck...

I run my bigger posts throu a spellcheck, and something like that happens every so often. 

submitted by Gared
(August 13, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Please join soon, as a bad guy, or make a bad charrie.

submitted by Spots Open
(August 13, 2016 - 4:31 pm)

Name: Wynnesaill, Captain Wynnesaill.

Age: for this 20 

Weapon of choice:   a double sword, you know the staff that has two swords on the end. I totally forgot what its called

Position:  If its OK can she be like the main guard (hunts down elemtals and stuff)?  And if so maybe the king sent her too spy on the elementals before ordering her to exterminate them.  And this may be going a little too far but maybe, just maybe she could join them and start reporting the king's plans and stuff too them while still under the title of head guard.  Pweeeeeeaaase?????? :3 

Strength:  75/100

Intellect:  92/100

Appearence:  Waist length curly crimson hair (sort of like that girl in brave XD) green eyes, pale skin, wears the kings colors in stable men's clothes.  Small feet. 

Personality:  serious and smart, (duh) murders elementals because they murdered her family many years ago.  So um serious, has the courage to talk back at the king.  


submitted by Windswift
(August 13, 2016 - 5:50 pm)

Ok, Klyn-Ezra will kill anyone without elemental powers, so that can't work. But she can be the leader of the HuntMen, and a High Inquisator. Feel free to make more charries.

submitted by Gared
(August 13, 2016 - 6:40 pm)

Awsome, that works wonderfully!! :-) 

submitted by Windswift
(August 13, 2016 - 9:30 pm)

P.S.  she hates the priest, a lot.  

submitted by Windswift
(August 13, 2016 - 9:45 pm)

Word Cloud made from major names in this story!

submitted by Gared
(August 13, 2016 - 8:31 pm)

Can someone make a shapeshifter charrie?


Klyn-Ezra stood in the woods. He sensed the horses and riders coming closer. He ran back to the ruined castle.


“You need control, Ely-Sia,” Avin-Avina murmured. She had just watched the girl destroy a scarecrow with a flick of her arm.

“Yea right.” Elysia was unconvinced.

The door exploded open. Klyn-Ezra stood in the crater where a wall had stood. He motioned, and a vine slid back to the ground. He stood in a dark cloak, his full-plate armor gleamed.

“The HuntMen are coming. Ready your blade.

Klyn-Ezra pulled a silver WarBlade from the tomb it rested in. He swung it, and ghosts, shimmery and translucent, appeared around him. He slid the blade into his belt, and walked into the sunlight. And there were the HuntMen. In silver armor, with their battle axes. This would be a fight.

submitted by Gared
(August 13, 2016 - 10:15 pm)

This is really great so far!

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(August 14, 2016 - 6:44 am)

Klia can be a shapeshifter, secretly...

submitted by Brookeira
(August 14, 2016 - 8:33 am)

Captain Wynnesaill, High Inquisitor, Leader of the HuntMen, looked just a little smug. Not too smug, just the faintest trace. Her troops spread out, running or riding towards the ruined castle.

Then… noise. Survivors swore that the blast of flame came slightly before the wurm smashed the ground around them. Some would say a jet of ice blocked the castle from an ExplosionMage’s blast. Most of the HuntMen survived, but it was clear the forest was no place for a few hunters.


The elemental mages returned to find a demon. A spider demon was in the courtyard, and it did not look happy. All around, spiders were crawling. Klyn-Ezra grabbed his sword. Everyone else prepared to shoot their elemental powers. Avin-Avina was the first to move. She tossed a jet of what looked like tar. But it didn’t stick to the exoskeleton of the spider demon: it went straight through. And when Avin-Avina pulled her hand back, the spider demon scuttled away.


Klyn-Ezra sat across from Florle. More accurately, they both levitated across from each other.

“Florle,” Klyn-Ezra began. “You lack the true capability of power. You could be very powerful, but you send drafts and warm breezes. You must learn true emotion as you cast your power.”

“Hmmm. I see. But how are you levitating?” Florle asked.

“The elves of this land are gifted in many respects. We train in the ways of multiple powers. I am trained in Aeromancy, and Pyromancy as well as Life and death Magic. I am, in short, an elf.” Klyn-Ezra looked dark and gloomy as he spoke those words.


“Solos, my friend. How have you fared?” Avin-Avina spoke.

The boy, apparently Solos, had appeared at the gates earlier that day. Klyn-Ezra had let him in.

“Yes, I did. I have found something that will interest you. Few enforcers came our way last night, but they were carrying these.” Solos gare something to Avin-Avina that Klia couldn’t see. Klia had been standing by the door, when she heard the conversation.


Avin-Avina stood at the crossroads. She held a long, gilded, iron rod, with a curving spike at one end. She pointed the curved horn at the Inquisitor, who was backing away.

“Why are you in the elvish sector, Inquisitor? You know the treaty. Elves have the forest. You broke the treaty. I will let you go, but you will not return.” Avin-Avina pointed at the end of the forest, then she strolled rapidly away.


The king slammed his gauntleted hand in the table. All around him, his generals stood. Enough Bann Enforcers and Inquisitors had been sent to a lonely castle in Elf Territory, and they had been defeated.

“You don’t understand.” Wynnesaill yelled. “We shouldn’t send priests. There are vampyres there. The blessed magic does nothing. The only way we can win is by sending steel, steel and iron and blood and sweat. That is the only way.”

That is why the next morning a party of High Knights, High Inquisitors, and a mob of armed civilians made their way towards the castle were Avin-Avina and the elementals dwelt.

submitted by Gared
(August 14, 2016 - 11:04 am)


submitted by Windswift
(August 14, 2016 - 2:02 pm)

Gared, Alexander is obviously a self-insert of you. You've kinda made him OP. I mean, how does it sound if I say, "OOOH I have a charrie who is the most powerful because he controls life and death! Not only that, but he can literally learn every power and is a vampire and an elf!"

See what I mean? Alex is super OP. 

submitted by @Gared
(August 14, 2016 - 2:12 pm)