Star Trek RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Star Trek RP!
Star Trek RP!
So I decided to have this take place in the 24th Century, Star Trek: TNG era. If some of you have only watched the original series, that's OK. Some things you should know:
Red uniform: Command/captain/general stuff
Yellow uniform: Engineering/mechanical stuff
Blue uniform: Science/medicine stuff
I will explain some of the alien types later.
Name: Kyria Drei
Age (anyone younger than adult is usually an Ensign, or an intern): Adult
Race: Half-betazoid (betazoid are human-like creatures with no distinction between pupils and irises. As a half-betazoid, Kyria only inherited empathy as opposed to both the telepathy and empathy that betazoids usually have. Betazoids believe in total honesty. Kyria doesn't know if she always agrees... look up betazoids on a star trek wiki)
Role on Ship: Captain
Personality: Basically Captain Picard, very businesslike but loyal to friends. Is secretly a huge nerd.
Appearance: Long dark brown hair like that of her species, deep green pupil-less eyes, somewhat pale.
I may make another charrie. GTG!
(August 11, 2016 - 8:59 pm)
Eeeeee, yes! Reserving a spot for the tomorrow because l must sleep now.
(August 12, 2016 - 12:31 am)
(August 12, 2016 - 12:35 pm)
Saving a spot! Will post the charrie later.
(August 12, 2016 - 1:14 pm)
Pokes hit your pokelelujah!
(August 12, 2016 - 3:07 pm)
Name: Sicila Athas (Dr. Athas)
Age: Adult
Race: Human
Role on Ship: Head Doctor
Personality: Quiet; reserved; not shy, but just not talkative; fiercely loyal and silently stubborn; only opens up to close friends and family. Very skilled, but can get displeased easily over annoyances and difficulties.
Appearance: Pale blue eyes, dark blonde hair that's usually put up, blue uniform with the medical badge. Slim and tall build, sometimes gives off a ghost-like feel.
(August 12, 2016 - 9:23 pm)
Save me a spot!
(August 13, 2016 - 7:36 am)
Name: Ronan Gallager
Age: Adult (22, to be precise)
Race: Human
Role on Ship: Head Technician
Personality: Quiet, but clever.
Appearance: Black hair, green eyes, olive-colored skin.
Name: Iris Callan
Age: Juvenile (13, to be precise)
Race: Human
Role on Ship: Intern
Personality: VERY outgoing, which can lead to awkward situations.
Appearance: Ginger hair, brown eyes, freckles, and very fair skin.
(August 13, 2016 - 10:38 am)
PLEASE post your charries so we can start!
(August 14, 2016 - 8:38 am)
(August 14, 2016 - 4:41 pm)
I hope you don't mind if I join, Brooke. My Star Trek knowledge is limited, as you know. I will rely on Google and two episodes a day. xD
Name: Wojtek (pronounced Voy-tek) something-you-can't-pronouce-so-logically-why-bother.
Age: Adult
Race: Fully Vulcan
Role on Ship: Chief Engineer
Personality: Obviously, completely emotionless and leans towards logic. He has what he calls a "logic-driven quest for information on starships," and has been (in more human terms) facinated by them since childhood. As an adult, he still strives to know anything that is possible to know about starships and their inner workings. He also holds life in very high status.
Appearance: With the traditional Vulcan appearance-- large pointed ears, chronically-narrowed eyebrows, etc.-- he also has a buzzcutted head, the traditional engineering Starfleet uniform (although, Brooke, if I'm not incorrect, isn't engineering a red uniform? Or do they change that in next gen? Because as far as I'm aware, yellow was the captain's and general stuff colors), and is rather tall.
(August 15, 2016 - 4:33 pm)
They changed the uniforms in Next Gen. Also, Ronan is already chief engineer/head technician, but you can be co-head technician.
(August 15, 2016 - 8:39 pm)
Okay! I did watch Beyond and they didn't seem to have changed the color scheme. But then again it wasn't exactly completely next gen.
@Remus, would you be okay with our characters being co-head technicians/engineers?
(August 15, 2016 - 9:14 pm)
(August 16, 2016 - 12:00 pm)